I'll Make You Famous…




Noah Cyrus Nipples on Stage of the Day

Noah Cyrus is apparently engaged, that’s some exciting Noah Cyrus news that I am amazed that I even know, since like the rest of the world, her family included, I ignore Noah Cyrus and when I see her, I say “oh hey, where’s Miley”….which I assume her future husband also does, but in a more subtle way, because when you’re a Cyrus in the shadow of Miley, anyone giving you attention, no matter how talented, interesting, cool, amazing, good at sucking dick or taking it up the ass as you re, is there to get closer to the top dog in the family, FACTS.

To try to draw attention to herself, because Miley wasn’t available to give her sister a handout thanks to feeling sorry for her because she gets all the attention in the family, Noah took a different approach, and that was to wear a sheer top to show off her torpedo looking tit, NIP included, to off-set that really weird looking face….

I support all tit in marketing, especially of celebrity siblings who are broken on the inside because they are celebrity siblings…


Posted in:noah cyrus




Imogen Thomas Bikini Ass of the Day

Imogen Thomas is some Miss Wales, who I feel was also a Glamour Model, before landing a role on Big Brother, where she turned into a Reality Show Glamour Model personality who didn’t have to work as a bottle service girl at the nightclubs anymore, but still had to do thirsty whore shit to keep the fans jerking off to her, because that’s where the money came from….

She’s 40 years old now, and I guess still bringing the smut, probably because she’s found herself some OZEMPIC or whatever the celebrity weight loss drug is, because she’s looking less fat than she has in the past, but her ass is still big and broad but in a good way, considering she’s 40 years old…

All this to say, mom’s being slutty on social media with bikini pics, works for me, as it represents pretty much the slutty society we live in thanks to social media…and I mean she was probably always into using them broad hips and tits to get seen, so it’s just the middle aged version of that. Fun.


Posted in:Imogen Thomas




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

For some of you losers, myself included, the only pussy that you get to see that you want to see is on the women walking around in tight ass pants showing off the pussy through those pants…

Sure, some of you may be married, you may fuck hookers, you may count pussy you watch in porn as pussy you want to see, but the reality is, when it comes to hot, young, random, babes you see on the streets, who don’t look you in the eye or even your way, because your overall look, smell and vibe creeps them out….is likely wearing a pair of pants or shorts that showcase their cunts….because it seems to be every bitch walking the streets wants us to know they have cunts….a self preservation attempt now that dudes are pretending to be hot chicks on the streets….and we get to be the recipients of those pussy wedgie gifts…..

So yeah, if you’re not into going outside and seeing a consistent flow of pussy through pants on the streets, in the gym, at the coffee shop, WORKING the grocery store cash, because for whatever reason, the tight pants are seen as formalwear, well, here’s a bunch of PUSSY wedgies for you.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Haley Lu Richardson Ass of the Day

Haley Lu Richardson is some straight from the mean streets of suburban Arizona, born to a dude who worked as a golf course architect, so high profile in his work that he has a wikipedia page of his own, which means that she was clearly a fucking rich kid, which is why she ran around for a decade working in theater and touring with a dance troupe like some kind of faggot….before deciding to give it a shot in LA back in 2011….

She has since done a few movies, her biggest performance probably in White Lotus season 2, where she played Stifler’s mom’s assistant who in the event you didn’t see the show, was a dumpy pile of shit that I had a hard time believing even the lamest rich kid from LA would ever fall for….

Well, she apparently does desperate social media content to get noticed, featuring an ass I am sure dudes praise and celebrate when they see it, because it’s so big and round, despite it just being a product of the rest of her lacking fitness….

So here she is drinking by the pool, reading books, like the theatre nerd she clearly is, being horny like theater nerds tend to be…


Posted in:Haley Lu Richardson




Zoey Deutch Bra Top of the Day

Zoey Deutch is the nepotism baby that doesn’t fully offend me, because I am pro nepotism and feel like if you live in a certain world, if your parents are big in said world, whether it’s acting in Hollywood, or working the damn farm in Wyoming…

It’s all the fucking same, the kids should reap the rewards of the parents’ hard work and positioning in their community, by either inheriting the damn farm, or being hired by the neighboring farm for some high paid work that some other migrants may be better suited for, willing to do it cheaper, more skilled passionate or talented…..but don’t get the job because they aren’t in the community….

She’s 28 years old, she’s been in some shit, her career is actually pretty lucrative compared to other neoptism babies that are obviously far lazier because of the whole being raised rich in Hollywood….

She’s in a bar top, or a bikini top, or shirt that looks like a bra and it’s not sheer, no visible nipple, barely any cleavage, so it’s hardly that exciting, but I figure since most of you probably jacked off to her mom in Back to the Future, Howard the Duck, Caroline in the CIty and whatever else Lea Thompson’s been in….nepotism or generational wealth applies to masturbation, so you can jerk off to the daughter, with the passion and vigor thanks to the love you had for the cunt she came out of, the MOTHER….


Posted in:Zoey Deutch




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I always had an issue with weed, as a drinker, I just found it to be some lame hippie free love bullshit that got in the way of my anger and rage, but over the years I’d smoke some fucking weed to see what the hype was, sometimes while wasted and trying to sedate a woman into making sweet love to me, only to realize that the weed killed their sex drive harder than them realizing they were about to have sex with me, so I learned early on that black-out drunk was my friend, back when it was socially acceptable to have bad drunk sex, making bad drunk decisions, before it turned into the modern definition of rape…even when both parties were down for the fucking…

Anyway, weed is now legal in Canada and has been for a while, which I find very suspicious, especially now that I walk down the streets and see all kinds of people sucking their weed in like it’s their medicine, even those in masks who still fear the air, are pulling down those masks to get their weed up in their weak scared lungs…

From old ladies, to rich dudes, to middle agers, then there’s immigrants like Indians and Arabs all loving the weed like it’s the best shit ever, waiting in lines to get it at government facilities, and it’s all WAY too fucking suspicious to me….

I’m as paranoid as a traditional weed smoker is supposed to be, what’s in the weed, is it angel dust, why does the MAN want me high, it seems like there would be a reason for that, does it make us lazy, complicit, to stoned to fight or contest their LOCKDOWN actions, SEDATE the population and things will be smoother than when the population are a bunch of angry drunks…

But I don’t mind when girls use weed in their slutty content, it’s a little weird, lame, showing off that they smoke weed, like who fucking cares, you good complicit government supported consumer…..but the slutty content overrides all that noise….so here’s a round up…


Posted in:Weed




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Here’s a post of fat chicks being slutty, a glitch in the matrix, because that’s supposed to be reserved for behind closed doors while drunk at 3 am, but has somehow migrated into being a fetish thanks to all the perverts out here making fat chicks think they are hot cuz of the whole vagina thing, something they’ll always be able to find someone to stick their dick in, it’s not a fucking accomplishment….

I do this post for exclusivity and to remind you why I have a no fat chicks allowed policy, unless it’s to mock the fat chicks, every other day of the week, because that’s just how I feel…unrealistic body images and the girls who strive for that, rather than OVERLY realistic, but should be unrealistic, because no one should be a fat chick, except for it being so easy to be a fat chick….at least physically, just eat and sit….it’s likely hard mentally, if they weren’t all so brainwashed into thinking it is hot cuz dudes will stick their dick in anything…


Posted in:Fatty




Brie Larson Creeper Shot of the Day

If you’ve been marketed to aggressively and you’re a full retard who believes what you are told, than you’ll believe that Brie Larson is some hot Hollywood chick, even though she’s clearly not….

Thanks to the sorcery of marketing and PR and lies of Hollywood Brie Larson probably also believes the lies that she’s some hot Hollywood chick, even though she’s clearly not.

Just looking at her mangled old lady legs, with what look like weird cysts and the skin of her knees rotting off, I’m almost glad that the pussy is not visible from this short short upskirt ankle, because based on the condition of that calf, I feel like we’re dealing in geriatric medicine over here…

If you’re a normal person, with your own brain, you will agree that Brie Larson is an overrated pile of dog shit, NOT HOT, just LIES….which doesn’t mean we wouldn’t all still fuck her, even for the story, we’re dudes and can fuck anything, we just don’t lie to ourselves about how gross the things we are fucking are…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Stella Hudgens Bra of the Day

Stella Hudgens is the sister of the very important Vanessa Hudgens, who will forever be in the shadow of her sister Vanessa Hudgens, always a Hudgens name-dropper, even though it’s her name to, but to the rest of the world, it’s Vanessa’s name and she’s just the mooch mooching off it, while disappointing her family by not being as lucrative, successful or important as her sister, so naturally, she turned to whoring on the internet to overcompensate for that and to really drive the point home that she’s a disappointment!

Check out them tits in a bra, giving us what we want, which to me is far better than anything her sister’s done, even her early leaked nudes!


Posted in:Stella Hudgens




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

As a tiny tit ambassador that the tiny tits of the world don’t even know I am fighting for, because they aren’t emailing me thank you titty selfies, I must say, as I say every week, even though it goes without saying, that in this big tits get rewarded world, TINY tits are TITTIES too….

They are just like bigger tits, oftentimes better than bigger tits, on hotter bodies than bigger tits, of better shape than bigger tits, and I’m a serious fan of that kind of tit, they are just as great, sometimes better than their bigger sisters….

So here are those tiny tits!


Posted in:TINY TITS