I'll Make You Famous…




Anastasia Ashley VS Ariel Winter – Snake Whispers of the Day

It was the weekend of snakes…Here’s a little “who wore it better”….the Snake Edition….because I fucking hate snakes as much as I hate celebrities, or snakey sluts trying to be celebrities, or sluts who don’t like being called sluts because it’s slut shaming in a world where being a slut should be empowering and get you work….or a rich boyfriend and it usually does…

I hate a lot of things…but as a general blanket statement, I hate humans and the direction of humanity as a whole…this whole fame thing is just out of control thanks to social media…and I get getting rich while dudes you’ll never fuck give you a thumbs up…all day…pretty good deal…I mean why get a real job.

Especially when you’re Ariel Winter, who was basically thrown into this by evil parents who wanted to cash the fuck in on her, only to become a fetish for real weird dudes….

So my vote’s with Professional surfer, instagram surf ass who is now Discovery’s Naked and Afraid – Naked in the Jungle Anastasia Ashley and the Snake or……but it was really no contest because that because Fat slob Ariel Winter……and her Boyfriend….are the worst…overrated weirdness I’ll never understand…even if she’s the more famous one…

Posted in:Anastasia Ashely|SFW




Charlotte McKinney’s Big Tits Get Fed by Rich Guys of the Day

Charlotte Mckinney is acting up in her home state of FLORIDA…not necessarily in an un-FLORIDA way, because Florida is fucking weird as hell, a place where really rich guys end up, and where girls like Charlotte McKinney, come across as the TROPHIES they need to own, now that they’ve got the boats, the houses, the private jets…and these TROPHIES are not just massive tits, but opportunists who are very into the good life…and letting these dudes spend money on them…

Sure Charlotte McKinney is Florida rich, her family had money, but her monster tits have a price…if you want to hang with them, or feed them, you gotta be paying…as she’s not getting any actual mainstream work anyway…I mean she did dancing with the stars, I’m pretty sure that’s it….yet she thinks she’s famous, people know who she is, and that’s sellable to rich guys…I mean the tits are sellable to anyone..but they are priced out of our reach….but luckily part of her hustle, with the ugly rat face of hers…is putting the tits out there so that these rich guys know she exists and to do that…involves us non rich guys knowing she exists…

All this to say…she seems like the worst, materialistic, overrated, bratty ego…ever…but her tits are ridiculous and rididuclous tits are great….making her famewhoring pretty alright…

Here’s Her Top that’s Too Small Bikini:


Here’s her Black One Piece Bathing Suit – With Nipple….


Here’s her weird dance….

Here’s her friend…..

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney




Elle Fanning Creepy Fucking Bikini of the Day

Elle Fanning is a fucking robot…and she freaks me the fuck out..

Even creepier than Elle Fanning…is her parents who sold her to the industry to be this soulless, dead eyed, make that money for the family looking tween in her bikini…

I wonder if people jerk off to her, like is there a movement of dudes who find this girl the fucking hottest, I am sure it exists…I mean there are communities for everything…even filling up condoms with dog shit and fucking it…people do that…and those people who do that have found each other online and trade pics of it…so a cute, skinny, young, rich, robot…isn’t that far of a stretch…I just don’t really get it…but it’s not about me assholes…it’s about ELLE FANNING…or as her family call her…DAKOTA FANNING JR…the one they hope delivers…



Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Bella Thorne is on Vacation with some Mooch of the Day

While I was sitting on my couch, staring at my wall this weekend…Bella Throne landed her 15th million follower and she claims she loves every single one of them…from the RUSSIAN and INDIAN fake accounts her family bought to get her to the first million….to ME…because I follow her…and I feel so special, you know being one of the 15 million people she loves, like a little attention seeking, never satisfied slut who needs to be filled at all times to feel complete…thanks to parents who put importance on fame and selling her off to the internet and entertainment industry…..

I guess she went on some free Social Media vacation – with free CRUISE and free HOTEL because when you have 15 million followers, you get free shit…or paid….and she brought some bikini wearing MOOCH….

The mooch’s name is Kyra Santoro…she’s not all that hot, you’ve never heard of her, she’s never done anything that I know of, but she’s worked her way into Bella Throne’s nest of irrelevants, including Bella Thorne herself, despite that follow count…and girl is leveraging the fuck out of that…

MAYBE…just MAYBE…ONE DAY…she’ll book a job….and in the mean time, keep growing that audience with BIKINI pics…girl…because there is no way this one isn’t working this friendship like the lottery ticket it is….

Poor Bella Thorne…everyone keeps using her…her entire life…being used…

This is going to end bad, at least historically, it will end bad….





Posted in:Bella Thorne|Kyra Santoro|SFW




Jennifer Connelly in a BIKINI of the Day

Jennifer Connelly is old…I mean I remember jerking off to her massive tits when massive tits were a thing to jerk off to…you know they’d come out in movies that you rented at the video store because internet barely existed and even though you had a dial up connection it’d take hours to load just one image of the bitch…so masturbation was sex in Hollywood Movies, old Porns you stole, magazines, and music videos…

Well, apparently, she still exists…in case you were wondering…and she’s not showing her tits…which is pretty disappointing…but I guess when you’re in your 40s and you’ve had your run, I think she’s even won Academy Awards..you can hang up the tits, retire them, or in her case…work them off…so that you don’t get fat…because fat is gross…and I’d rather have small tits, than fat tits on a fat bitch…if you know what I mean..and you don’t because you’re into tits…any tit, all tits, TITS! So her tits shrinking must make you sad old timer…you’ll power through!


Posted in:Jennifer Connelly|SFW




Paris Hilton Swimsuit Erotica of the Day

Paris Hilton is the worst…but she’s holding up pretty well. She must be pushing 40 by now, and still looks as thin, lean, fresh faced as she did when Rick Solomon jerked off on her at the end of their sex tape that put her on the map, that paved the way for trash like Kim K, who I assume Paris, the business machine, despite playing the retard, has probably got a percentage of…allowing her to basically retire, despite never actually having to work…she is a fucking HILTON….so that she can go DJ, or fuck DJs, or hang in Europe being luxurious for all the 30 year old girls who used to idolize her, and the younger girls coming into her from Simple Life Reruns…

As much as I hate on Paris Hilton, she was so much better for the shit that’s happened since her reign, that she paved the way for…she was terrible at the time, but it’s got so much worse, that her fame whoring is barely fame whoring, and that her fame whoring is almost endearing in her quest for fame…while all she was doing was cashing the fuck in while making fun of herself as all girls should if they have the chance…and that I guess all girls Are doing now that there is instagram!!

Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Elsa Hosk has a Nipple of the Day

In case you were wondering, Elsa Hosk has a nipple…

In case you don’t know who Elsa Hosk is, that is…..because she used to be a titty model…sure it was titty for fashion…but still a titty model.

Now she’s a victoria’s Secret model….who has a nipple…they frown upon models who don’t have nipples…those prejudice assholes with their NO NIPPLE SHAMING….

In case you don’t know what Victoria’s Secret is,….you don’t need to know, it’s some aggressively marketed mall brand shit, that really stupid people buy into and think is quality because the models they use are built up to be “celebrities” and thus important making the brand important…

I’m just glad they haven’t officially used fat chicks yet…but we know it’s coming….

She’s pretty hot though – to see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Raquel Zimmermann’s Nipple in a Magazine of the Day

Raquel Zimmermann is a Brazilian model… and doesn’t look very Brazilian, because if I wanted a Brazilian model, I’d want her to have a little more ABO in her…you know some fucking ethnicity…not this GERMAN looking, descendent of HITLER who defected to South America with all his other Nazis after the second world war…..

She’s over 30 , which I guess means she’s dead and communicating with us through Ouija board, and by Ouija board I mean tit pics, because tit pics, bring any tired slag back to life, even if her tits aren’t that great, especially when those tits are model tits, because I guess 31 isn’t too old for it to be weird to look at, before being so old that it is ok to look at…I guess it’s one of those as long as she doesn’t have kids she can carry herself into her 40s gracefully, if taking nude pics is considered graceful, which to me it is, even if it is low level, attention seeking and TRASHY…..but it’s the only thing I am into these days, or any days, or ever….and I assume that’s how everyone feels based on INSTAGRAM feeeds…..

She’s done Victoria’s Secret, She’s been in a Lady Gaga Video…and now she’s naked…WHAT CAN’t She Do…

Posted in:Raquel Zimmermann




Kylie Jenner Photoshoot for Bullshit of the Day


Kylie Jenner posing erotic for a magazine like she’s some fucking model is a joke.

I realize that Kylie Jenner gets paid to pose for a magazine like she’s some fucking model…and often times it is an insane amount of money to pose like some fucking model…even though she’s a chubby, plastic surgery ridden monster….

I cannot accept her, or really any of these instagram girls posing in duck face, to give the illusion that they are hot, or fuckable, when we live in a world where every girl is fuckable, so long as they have a vagina…and even when they don’t have a vagina…they are fuckable…you just AIM FOR THE ANUS or mouth…

It’s like this nonsense, how do they keep a straight face, all being dramatic…like people actually give a fuck to see her like this…and the sick thing is that people actually want to see her like this….or really do anything because they are groupies or retards who buy into marketing.

So I guess it’s better when KYLIE does these poses, like she’s some fucking model, than some girl down the street who looks like KYLIE because she watched the make-up tutorial on YOUTUBE with 100,000,000 views on how to get KYLIE JENNER clown face…but not really, because the followers are always more entertaining than the person they are following, like Kim Kardashian is better than this weird clown they pretend the TRANNY is the father of, but we all know that she is KIM’s first attempt at fame for 16 and pregnant, where she didn’t make the cut…and instead of throwing this trash in the dumpster outside PROM….(as if KIM graduated high school)…the mom cultivated her into some money making machine…who she sold off to some 30 year old black guy when she was 15, because she was too busy to take her on herself….

I have no idea what is being promoted for this “fashion shoot”…like she’s some fucking model…but I am sure it’s something, these bitches are always selling something…and they are the worst…..but you’ll still jerk off to them…because you’re weird…

Watch this video – it’s fucking freaking me out….what is this thing….this puppet master….take it out back and shoot it…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Rita Ora – Lingerie Model of the Day

I still don’t know what Rita Ora does…she’s gotta be famous for something more than just fucking Rob Kardasian…or Calvin Harris pre-Taylor Swift….making her potentially the strain of herpes Taylor Swift likely has, but probably not…TayTay has been filling that twat unprotected by dirt bags since day fucking one…she’s addicted to it, and it makes her money, which she’s also addicted to, which gives her power, fame and all that other disgusting stuff all these idiots think they want…..like Rita Ora…who may or may not have money, but who I assume works for free…as she keeps trying and trying to get and I guess it’s working, she’s got a record deal and is on TV, which proves if you fake it til you make it – you’ll probbaly make it…if you fake it…or some shit….I mean that or that big tits get you places – because they do..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW