I'll Make You Famous…




Eva Biechy is a Naked French Model of the Day


I know what you’re thinking – and that is how something like this Eva Biechy exist and you’ve never heard of her…while so many girls, who ar ehardly girls, but rather vapid cunts, are shoved down our throats – but are hardly as good as this Eva Biechy …a magical French Model…living in Japan…because Japanese business men pay white girls lots of money to meet them for dinner…

I don’t know what this shoot is for, I’m not that kind of blogger – who actually reports important news, current events, or spews my opinion like it matters…

I am more the kind of person humiliated I have a blog, that’s some low grade, tennage girl in the late 90s with her livejournal shit…and I am well aware that nothing I saw matters, is of substance…but I will say Eva Biechy …is everything and I’m sticking to it…

Posted in:Eva Biechy




Calvin Klein Uses Millie Bobby Brown (Whitney Houston) Even Though She’s 12 of the Day


So Calvin Klein is an old pervert like your president – and used the freaky girl form Stranger Things in their campaign…

She’s 12 years old….

I don’t know, but that creeps me out, where I’m from it’s illegal, but I guess if as long as it’s not actual porn – and the parents sign off on the shit…Little Bobby Brown can do whatever the fuck she wants, seeing as she likely owns her parents now that she’s famous, making the money, living their dream…

But I still find it creepy….and that’s why I’m posting it…

Posted in:Fashion|SFW




The Old Timer Famewhores of the Day


If you’re wondering what Phoebe Price – Ana Braga – Fenchy Morgan – are up to…you’re in luck…we got you covered – because I know I always am excited to see their antics…

The 40-50 year old original tabloid surfers, who managed to get into the tabloids for being outrageous and shameless and willing to do whatever it takes – even as they get older and older, weirder and weirder, melting into their golden years….and they still fucking bring it…and thank god for that…without the pre-instagram…pre internet even – girls who are fueled by getting featured on the last page of the National Enquirer like it matters….we would be less

I’m friendly with 2 of the 3 girls – and support all they do…I just find it fun, lighthearted, harmless, despite being weird as fuck…but in a way they are like circus clowns mocking celebrity…and that alone is everything..

The other thing that’s everything is that 2 of the 3 girls text me – and they are always in fights with each other…some days I get Frency Morgan stories from Phoebe…and today they are riding some scooter together -straight into obscurity….then I get Ana Braga love and hate and it’s all so hard to keep up with – but luckily the paparazzi are there to document it…I am old. This is familiar. This is home…

Posted in:Famewhores




Kate Beckinsale’s Panty Selfie of the Day

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Kate Beckinsale has made a career on being this hot bodied babe that all the nerds fucking love. She got cast in one nerd movie, the kind of nerd movie nerds are totally loyal to, and collect every edition released in DVD form, even though no one uses DVDs anymore, what’s a fucking DVD? Her fans know….and they just like her so much they want anything she’s been featured in…they want two of each. One to watch and one to sit on their self, never accumulating any value cuz that is old technology, but there a safety, cuz nerds are weird, scared, and like comfort….

I think her beigger legacy is that she’s a mom who managed to not let that whole baby thing fuck up her toned stomach, or make men want to run from her mangled, shredded mom pussy, cuz even at 40, with a college aged daughter who is less hot than her she looks better than most…And here she is in a Selfie of her panties – I assume is from her recent SHAPE MAGAZINE SHOOT… where she looked hot and I probably wrote the same thing about her…

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Emily Sears Dumpy Instagram Escort in Maxim Australia – How’s that Work? – of the Day


Emily Sears is some old as fuck (32 years old) Australian instagram hooker – who is an actual hooker according to people I know who claim people pay to fuck her and why wouldn’t they…or why wouldn’t she…girl’s got rent that needs to be paid and she’s not booking any real campaigns so use that instagram profile as a backpages profile…backpages when they allowed hookers…because her big ass, her big tits, and her really basic hustle…will generate dudes willing to sign checks…

The only thing interesting about her is her jacked up face…or if you’ve seen her in person..how photoshopped she is…because she looks like a short, dumpy, thick, clown faced monster…who 4 years ago ….looked like she’s was 40…

It’s amazing that she’s scored her US work Visa / Green card considering this is probably the biggest thing she’s accomplished other than finding 1,000,000 perverts from indonesia and India to follow her instagram – to make it seems like she’s relevant..when no one’s ever heard of her..

I avoid all bottom of the barrel who think they are more important than they are….but I had no choice but to post this today – probably because of her quote…

“I appreciate @maxim_aus for introducing me as an intellectual beauty in my cover feature. It is a myth that women can be one thing, and one thing only. Women are multi-faceted, sparkling jewels.”

There’s good “shut the fuck up” quote for you…but more importantly..I figure I should be focusing this site on more intellectuals…multi-faceted jewels…in her case that means she does anal / oral/ vaginal and anything else to get her rent paid. Looks SMART to me…

Posted in:Emily Sears|SFW




Lauren Cohan – Sports Bra For Those Dirty Mexicans of the Day


I don’t watch Walking Dead…but thanks to virgin nerds everywhere…I know all about the show – that seems to have trickled off the last year but nerds are loyal – and that shit must still matters…and that not just in the real world…but in the comic book world…shit’s fucking huge…

I can only assume this is the babe of the show…and that countless of you creeps love her, jerk off to her, and put her to use…she’s part of what makes your favorite shit great…

Well she’s in obscure market according to TRUMP GQ…it’s a place called MEXCIO…..reminding you of all the pussy you never had…while reminding you she exists…and that Mexico, despite the wall you’re building, still have magazines these actors feel the need to promote themselves in….

She’s in a sports bra….and looks fit…so jerk off to her…that’s why she did this..


Posted in:Lauren Cohan|SFW




Greta Aukstuolyte is Naughty of the Day


This is “art” not amateur porn.

Just a heads up…


I know the nudity, the weird fetish positions, the finger in her mouth, the ORGASM face would all lead to “this is pretty fucking sexual for a girl on Instagram trying to be a model and get followers”…because it is pretty fucking sexual for a girl…it’s how they get fucking followers…they’ll just deny it, or pretend it’s more concept than gratuitious because all these people, especially younger people…are fucking retards…

Her name is Greta Aukstuolyte…and I’d like to be her friend….because this is what she does for free, imagine what she’d do for her rent payment…

She’s lithuanian, in Milan, is a “Freelance model” and has 3000 followers…give her a break…you bullies….she’s just being hip and current and tall and skinny and lovely…deal with it..

    Posted in:Greta Aukstuolyte




    Rita Ora Doing a Photoshoot of the Day

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    What the world doesn’t need more of is facebook status updates about Trump – from both directions – you voted him in – deal with the consequences and go back to what’s important….meaningless quotes, clickbait links, your vacation plans, your dinner plans, your relationship status, your useless stories and opinions on nonsens….your period schedules…and bikini pics….pregnancy scares….pregnancy diary…from morning sickness to your fucking hemorrhoids…to your baby’s birth as he crawls out of your vagina you’re documenting it…to your rape stories, sex stories, divorce stories…it’s never fucking ending….

    It also doesn’t need more selfies of a shameless barely famous twat like Rita Ora…even if she’s in a bikini…even if she’s got tit.

    Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




    Maryna Linchuk Model Legs for a Magazien of the Day


    I am testing my luck in the Dubai market, you know find me some muslim oil money sheiks or princes who like white girls, and pictures of white girls, and who don’t need hardcore porn to get off…just ankles and a goat or stray dog….

    It seems to work for the countless fake titty escorts on the internet…it better work for me…

    Straight from the slums of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011…..that’s 6 years ago you old cunt – Maryna Linchuk, an Belarusian cunt…who is hot enough for me…and probably for a lot of rich guys she dates, makes babies with, whatever….which is pretty impressive – seeing she’s from Belarus and had to make a little more effort than you lazy american assholes who can’t even get to your shift at Walmart down the street on time….pathetic…but yet you think you’re the strongest nation…what a joke…

    And here are those ankles from angles on an ex VS angels..

    Posted in:Maryna Linchuk|SFW




    Heidi Mount – Floral Pussy of the Day


    I am going to assume that Heidi Mount is some kind of model, I am not going to bother googling her, because I am in a rush to find as many posts as I can of girls I don’t know, that I will call whores, because they are all whores….in efforts to populate this site no one reads and no one advertises on – because they think it’s weird, unclear, porno, offensive, creepy…whatever…

    I will argue the real creeps are the photographers or magazine editors telling some unsuspecting bitch to get naked – but don’t worry no one will see it – just put this flower in your cunt – and call it art….they’ll even crop all of her out in case she wants to be President one day – not that that will make a difference…I have a feeling the next President will be a cam girl or some shit…

    That said, let’s start today, like every other day, only with this Heidi Mount character…..done.

    Posted in:Heidi Mount|SFW