I'll Make You Famous…




Anna Rubik Tits for Fashion Brand Ad of the Day


Anna Rubik is a titty model disguised as a fashion model and she’s showing some of her tits we’ve seen before for a fashion brand’s ad…because there is some good to the evil that is fashion..

Fashion, despite the industry that pretends to be innovative, inclusive, artistic, creative, cutting edge, inspiring, is actually an industry that is based on marketing, creating insecurity, overcharging for product made in factories in third world countries, thanks to said marketing, and the cast of characters within the industry are vapid, followers, groupies, with no real talent…just a good amount of sucking dick and acting glamourous and exclusive…in what they deem some secret, small, club…of pretentious fucks…

Fashion shoots, even / especially editorial are all paid for by the brand, as these puppets run around trying to do something they think is clever…but is usually stupid…making for a industry that makes billions but that is still just a pile of shit, evil, fuelled by corporate greed….

But sometimes, they do hire some interesting women, tall and lean, and they do get them naked a lot of the time, because ultimately we’re all fucking perverts, sex sells, and they can pass it off as art….while just trying to sell fucking bullshit…and people believe…because #nipples…

In conclusion, I love Nipples.

Posted in:Anna Rubik




Taylor Swift’s Titty Show of the Day


She is the single most important personality in the fucking universe, at least that’s what she’d like you to think, or that’s what her earnings would lead one to believe, the kind of money no single person should be able to generate, especially not when they are some full of shit fucking lie, slut who we don’t care is a slut, so this isn’t slut shaming Social Justic Warriors, it’s just identifying what a bitch is, and what a bitch pretends she isn’t, because singing about cheating on boyfriends, or fucking any cock she can because it’s a great de-stresser in her stressful life, or maybe just because it validates her and makes her feel wanted and pretty in a more substantial way than just fans throwing their fucking money at her…but whatever the reason…Taylor Swift, the queen of heartbreak in song, despite having no fucking soul…is showing some cleavage…because along with her model friends…cleavage, even on a hike…makes her feel sexy, seductive, and it satisfies her insatiable sex drive knowing at least one pervert will jerk off to this…even though she’s not hot!

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Sofia Richie See Through Titty Shirt of the Day


Sofia Richie is an 18 year old – actual daughter of Lionel Richie, unlike her entitled, spoiled and annoying cunt sister the world probably forgets, because she really didn’t matter much, she was more just a Paris Hilton groupie, Nicole Richie….is actually Lionel Richie’s kid….

But that doesn’t mean she’s not equally entitled, spoiled, and annoying…it’s not like Lionel Richie bothers too much with them…he’s a very busy singer of song…easier to throw money their way and after being put through the wringer with that Nicole adopted bitch…anything would be a blessing…especially if it was made from your DNA…

That said, she’s already been fucked by Beiber, a story that is confusing only because it was before she turned 18. Something Beiber has done a lot including but not limited to with Hailey Baldwin…because he likes them underage…yet he’s never been arrested as a sex offender….maybe because daughters of rich people don’t count as actual humans…I mean I don’t see them as actual humans…making it a free for all in their pussies…filling their void..their sadness…or whatever it is that motivates them to go to bars in LA in shirts that show off a lot of tit…knowing the paparazzi will be there…because it’s one of those bars…trying to get seen…because it will get her more instagram followers as that is what all these selfie taking whores with no substance crave….

So here’s another rich kid, famous dad, trust fund brat…trying to become a personality of her own…like a little Kylie but with actual black DNA in her…with them tits…

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Lindsay Lohan’s Fingerless of the Day


There was a story that came out yesterday about Lindsay Lohan, who is some identity crisis you may remember from Mean Girls, because today is National Mean Girls Day, I only know that because I creeped her Instagram, I have never actually seen mean Girls…and this isn’t about Mean Girls…it’s about Lohan…

So she was apparently in TURKEY being ARAB, where she stuck her RING FINGER into some boat engine or something and Lost part of her RING FINGER in what I would assume was her being dramatic and trying to get back at her really rich Russian Fiance…because Lohan is just that kind of bitch..

I remember talking to someone who was at a party with her many years ago in LA, some rich person trendy person after party…and Lohan was sitting on the couch alone…playing with a kitchen knife…looking off into the abyss….because she’s fucked in the fucking head…and still is…

It stems from being whored out by her family, raped by the media, in an industry that fucked her head up hard….but at least she’s got a sense of humor…

I was trying to get my friend to write a top 10 things LOHAN can’t do without her fingers….they never wrote it and I don’t do top 10 lists of clickbait…I find them dumb, she only got “she can’t hold the coke straw anymore”….and I added “she’ll be able to fist Sam Ronson easier”…but ended with that…

It turns out the best LOHAN losing her finger joke was from LOHAN herself…in the caption on this picture of “ONE HANDED SELFIE”….what a joker…



Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Karolina Kurkova’s Less Fat in Grazia of the Day


The hightlight of Karolina Kurkova’s career as far as I’m concerned was when she did the Victoria’s Secret fashion show and didn’t fit into any of the outfits that they had already sized her for – which as Trump would say – she blew up 60 lbs in a short period of time – and didn’t quite explode but was definitely a MISS PIGGY…


That said, she has since made a serious comeback, it’s been 8 fucking years, she’s had time to go back to her model roots and either do fitness or starve herself, when the work stopped coming in…she realized that not only TRUMP likes models skinny, every mother fucker out there, even HILLARY CLINTON supports like models skinny, 98 percent of gay men in the industry have called fat models more than just MISS PIGGY historically…so we can angle it as “FAT GIRLS ARE PEOPLE TOO”…which the media loves doing now…but for 100 fucking years…fat people were people too, they worked as bakers, clerks, even behind the scenes…and weren’t fucking models….or they were if they were rich enough…

Karolina Kurkova clearly knows what matters, all it took was some weightloss to be amazing, that logic applies to everyone…because fat lives matter as much as the fat person killing themselves think their lives matter….not very much.

Posted in:Karolina Kurkova|SFW




Rat Cow Naked for Social Media… Again……of the Day


What a surprise, a vapid, egotistical, narcissist like Rat Cow, who is virtually a softcore pornstar in both talent and actual success, if you don’t count her social media campaigns, and she knows her self worth comes down to getting naked…and she clearly seems to love that, she loves getting people to look at her naked, to stare at her naked, to get excited enough to jerk off to her naked…it all makes her feel great about her whore self..who I can’t believe actually still exists, but thanks to the power of social media…still fucking exists…it’s like they should have been just fleeting tits, like on e train running through town, but instead..they are tits we have to have a fucking relationship with – that don’t fucking shut up and that pop-up all the fucking time…it’s a bad marriage..and I want a fucking divorce…but even being blocked on all her social media…I am still exposed to this bootleg Kim Kardashian trash.



Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Caitlin Stasey Showing Her Tits of the Day


Caitlin Stasey has it all figured out…at least social media – because her account hasn’t been deleted but she’s still posting tit pics – because free the nipple, it’s good for marketing..

She is still a nobody, despite her efforts by showing her nipple, but she is on some Australian show called Neighbors, that has been on TV for 50 years or more, and that has cycled through all kinds of low level actresses and made them famous in the native Australian land of trashy accents….

That’s not to say I don’t like Australians, or their trashy accents, in fact I am in love with them, they are hot, fit, sexy and fun…as long as they don’t squawk at you…they get drunk, they fuck, they travel the world to get drunk and fuck, and even if Social Justice Warriors will say don’t fuck a drunk girl, it’s rape, fucking drunk girls is some of the best fucks I’ve had…plus they forget it happened so they aren’t traumatized for life…

That’s to say despite her regional success – she’s vaping topless – like an instagram attention seeker should..

Posted in:Caitlin Stasey




Big Girl Ireland Baldwin in a Jean Campaign of the Day


Ireland Baldwin has finally got work. I am not sure if she actually got paid for this. But it’s for a brand that’s decided to use her and her social media reach to try to get people to buy their jeans…likely big girls who have really successful parents who likely don’t give a fuck about her, at least that’s what you’d assume when he called her dad called her a disgusting little pig…and was probably right based on her appetite…

A dad who bangs a woman his daughter’s age, but more importantly who is getting a lot of hype playing TRUMP…on SNL…

Because he’s likely more talented than her, who has reached her peak while she poses in jeans like the instagram model she always wanted to be….but that her cousin stole the spotlight by leeching off the Kardashians…

I remember when Ireland was first getting attention as the original California girl in a relationship with some surfer dude with abs, where they posted all their romance and PDA…which was around the time she blocked me….right before breaking up and her turning into some dark, tattooed lesbian who went out with some weird black chick rapper…that eventually ended up in rehab….now this….in tight jeans…topless…and it’s not as bad as it could be…because at least she’s not her cousin that stole the spotlight by leeching off the Kardashians…

What’s next for Ireland Baldwin…who knows…but I can assume it won’t be anything very substantial and it doesn’t need to be…thanks to TRUST FUNDS…

Ireland Baldwin, SFW
Big Girl Ireland Baldwin in a Jean Campaign of the Day

Ireland Baldwin has finally got work. I am not sure if she actually got paid for this. But it’s for a brand that’s decided to use her and her social media reach to try to get people to buy their jeans…likely big girls who have really successful parents who likely don’t give a fuck about her, at least that’s what you’d assume when he called her dad called her a disgusting little pig…and was probably right based on her appetite…

A dad who bangs a woman his daughter’s age, but more importantly who is getting a lot of hype playing TRUMP…on SNL…

Because he’s likely more talented than her, who has reached her peak while she poses in jeans like the instagram model she always wanted to be….but that her cousin stole the spotlight by leeching off the Kardashians…

I remember when Ireland was first getting attention as the original California girl in a relationship with some surfer dude with abs, where they posted all their romance and PDA…which was around the time she blocked me….right before breaking up and her turning into some dark, tattooed lesbian who went out with some weird black chick rapper…that eventually ended up in rehab….now this….in tight jeans…topless…and it’s not as bad as it could be…because at least she’s not her cousin that stole the spotlight by leeching off the Kardashians…

What’s next for Ireland Baldwin…who knows…but I can assume it won’t be anything very substantial and it doesn’t need to be…thanks to TRUST FUNDS…

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Constance Jablonski Runway Model Tits of the Day


Here’s some Constance Jablonski wearing a very luxurious shirt for a fashion show in Paris for a company called Balmain, that is probably best known for going after the Urban market like it was Tommy Hilfiger in the 90s, by using that pig Kardashian family, who I assume were in attendance…..


Yep….they were in attendance…at the fashion show…before being robbed at gunpoint by someone I assume they hired for the press, hype, scandal and sympathy of many…where a rumored 7 Million dollars of Jewelry was stolen, because she’s an overinflated, overpaid, piled of dog shit…and I am sure it wasn’t an inside job, because no one with guns get that close to evil without shooting them in the fucking head….

Not that this is about Kim Kardashian, who is so abrasive she infiltrates our entire world…even when looking at unrelated model tits…it’s about the model tits that belong to angular faced Constance Jablonski….a name that sounds mail order..but that is tall enough to be high paid in fashion…

Posted in:Constance Jablonski




Angry Customer Smashes iphones and Other Videos of the Day

Dude in a Clinton is a Rapist Shirt

Angry Drive Thru Girl

Clown Car of the Day

Girl VS Drone

Science Experiment of the Day

7/11 Clerk Knocks Out Thug

Trump Mocks Hillary Clinton

Idiot on a Bike

Swimming with 16 Golden Retrievers

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos