I'll Make You Famous…




Lara Stone and Elle Fanning Tits and Other Tits for AIDS of the Day


AIDS may not be a death sentence anymore, unless you’re PRINCE and your religion tells you not to take the meds…but it is a great excuse to have a star studded party…

It’s like even if they found a cure for AIDS, AMFAR the organization that wants to find a cure for AIDS in theory, wouldn’t be very happy, because they would have no point and all the execs who put together these million dollar nights – wouldn’t have anything todo with themselves…

They’d have to stop being a not for profit, and declare their income and the whole scam would come collapsing down…but I guess they aren’t there yet, there is still AIDS in Africa, there is still an excuse to get models out – to get some attention to the billion dollar industry of HIV management….

Because AIDS never looked this good, except maybe when LIBERACE had it – back when AIDS really matterd…

Elle Fanning

Katy Perry

Alessandra Ambrosio


Posted in:Lara Stone|SFW




Ariel Winter’s Hard Nipple of the Day


I guess Ariel Winter figured that tight cropping herself from a weird angle in what is the longest and thinnest picture possible…makes her look less fat…while out in a tight shirt, not rocking a bra, because she had a breast reduction to reshape her nasty sloppy fat girl tits, into tits with hard nipples that you’d want to stare at….because you can’t give up your number one selling feature, the thing that distracts from your face and belly…when your career is based on your looks…you just gotta make them better…and milk the story as long as you fucking can – so that it feels like you and your tits matter..

I find it weird that people love this piggish thing, but I assume based on TV ratings, it is because they follow the show she’s on and have been hard for her since her early onset puberty from being whored out by her parents – it’s traumatic…


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Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Charlotte Carey Nude Model of the Day


I don’t know who Charlotte Carey is – but she’s in a hipster nude shoot – so therefore I like her –

We live in a world where everyone is a model, and as vapid and superficial, self involved and narcisstic as that is….I mean it’s pretty much at the point of silly…I am all about it…because I get to discover girls in every city who want to be famous, who get naked to be famous, and who really believe they are worthy of fame and are creating art in some movement of DIY erotica….

It’s great…these shoots are all the same, the girls unmemorable and interchangeable…but I’ve see their tits and them in stupid dramatic poses for no reason – so I feel like it’s improving my life and the world as a whole..

These are the leaders of tomorrow….

Posted in:Charlotte Carey




The Kylie Jenner Has a Sex Tape of the Day

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There’s a story that came out yesterday involving Kylie Jenner – that shook an entire community….of mainly black dudes…because they are dying to see Kylie Jenner get fucked by a black dude….because the story was that there’s a sex tape..between her and TYGA…

Obviously there’s a fucking sex tape, this is mini-Kim…in an era where girls who aren’t shameless whores film themselves fuck, so there’s no way TYGA didn’t fuck Kylie, there’s no way the family didn’t encourage them to fuck on camera, there is no way there wasn’t a script dropped off at the bedroom door to reference KIM…because look at what a sex tape did to the fucking family…it made them win…and it’s not even a big deal..

I saw sites talking about the legalities of how TYGA could release the tape without getting SUED….

Here’s how…VIA the Mom and the company that released Kim’s porn…

This is a trashy family…this is what they do…and it’s great because like peddling lip plumper, this will get vaginal lips being pummelled on video from every girl she reaches…perpetuating this DIY porno world…and I endorse that..

I just hope the company releasing it is a company I work for so I get first dibs and make fucking millions off this…

Come on Kylie -Make me some yacht money…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Christina Milian is the Worst of the Day

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Christina Milian is the fucking worst…even though these are my favorite pics of her…

I don’t know why I am so against her and her whoring..I just find it so unappealing…she’s old, she’s a mom, and every time she’s out there trying to get fans to stare at her ass reminds me of how ghetto she is…

She’s not progressing the black power movement, she’s just saying that even when black women get rich, they need to rely on being strippers or whatever to feel self worth…

I would rather see Christina Milian go to law school, she’s in her 30s, she’s got the resources, simmer the fuck down…and you’re not even hot…fuck off.


Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




The Whitney Houston Hologram Sings with Christina Aguilera Weirdness of the DAy

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I saw this video earlier today and it was fucking disturbing, not because the media thinks it is important to project a video and audio of Whitney Houston singing a Whitney Houston song while Christina Aguilera does Karaoke along side of it…but because Christina Aguilera looks fucking awful…

I am all for dead crackhead with the voice of an angel coming back from the dead in a really low quality hologram…but mainly for sexual purposes, which I guess in a way this kind of is, because clearly it’s smut at least one guy is jerking off to, probably the guy at Whitney Houston’s estate that will be getting a royalty check for every iTUNES download after this airs on the voice…

IT’s safe to say that we are eternal…as long as we have footage of us for people to watch – even though we’re still dead…

This is just pretty fucking trashy…but so is America, so it works…on all levels…

Oh this was leaked…something Christina Aguilera’s mom pussy knows too much about….fluid everywhere…

Meaning – they want you to see this but they will pretend they don’t….

It’s called BUILDING hype.

Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Jenna Vecchio is Titty Gym Girl With Tits Too Big for the Gym of the Day


People are freaking out about this Jenna Vecchio from Ottawa Canada character – who was kicked out of the gym, or probably asked to cover-up for dressing like an exhibitionist stripper – in tight and revealing fitness gear – at the gym…where people wear fitness gear all the time…just not 4 sizes too small…I guess…

We can assume she is innocent, just a naturally busty girl trying to live life, being oppressed and judged by having big tits, in a world where big tits are no longer celebrated, but are instead a crime…

Or maybe she’s bought her tits, to match her tattoo and is an aspriring instagram model, because everyone loves big tits on a small frame..

I don’t know Jenna Vecchio and her Ottawa Gym Big Titty Drama…I just know that as a people we must unite and defend that now famous for her tits, tits, that got kicked out of the gym for being tits…

Let the big tits free…stop trying to cover up and treat our gyms like a MUSLIM state….

These tits almost make me want to go to the gym, remembering that girls are all exhibitionists now…

Either way, this is a cause to get behind…and if you’re lucky – UP INSIDE….


“I pointed out to them that my shirt was no different than any other woman’s shirt. They informed me that it did not matter that due to my chest size I could not wear a tank top“

Posted in:Jenna Vecchio|SFW




Top Model Tess Holiday’s Nude Pregnant Pic of the Day


If it’s safe for instagram, then it’s safe for work, because even though intagram knows this is safe for no where, they can’t delete a Tess Holiday pictures, especially not a pregnant nude – she’ll do like other fat girls…and no, not eat her feelings in the corner trying to die like any self respecting fat girl…but rather, she’s the kind of fat girl who is outspoken on FAT rights, on Fat is Beautiful, on Fat is healthy…and she will show every nude pregnant pic of every other model, who is an actual model, not an activist who would rather make too much fucking noise about her nonsense….than cut down calories…because feeders fucking love her and her obesity…that no one can every claim is beautiful…not even the opportunist who fucks her because she’s famous, or he’s gay, and she’s awesome…

No one but fat girls like fat girls and even fat girls don’t like fat girls they don’t even like themselves, but fatter girls make them feel better about their fat self and TESS Holiday is fat real fat…I mean the kind of fat you can’t even tell is pregnant because she’s always been this fat..

Either way…keep posting the nudes to your instagram…egotistical cunt who doesn’t shut the fuck up and is combative on her platform because she thinks she’s famous because she has 1.2 million instagram followers, one for every donut she’s eaten in 2016 so far.


Posted in:SFW|Tess Holiday




Chainsaw Murder Prank in the SHower and Other Videos of the Day

Crazy Russians

Liquor Store Jam Session

Cop’s 90 MPH accident

Theives VS Fridge

Cop VS Burger King Customer

Bus Driver Tries to Bully Wrong Driver

Just a Friendly Argument

Lady Boy of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


I decided to escape my house last night when my wife was sleeping, I figured where can I go drink and find 45 year old women who will be sad and desperate enough to bring me up to their rooms to fuck…because they have nothing else going for them….so with the 50 dollars I took out of my wife’s purse…since I am that kind of lecherous man….I hit the 3 star hotel lobby bar…

I figured where would middle of the road people waiting to die enough to be willing to let me jerk off on their faces go…and that was the best I came up with…

It turned out there was another dude there, possibly a vacuum salesmen, wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt, and I knew I had no chance…because everyone knows anyone, even fat old slimy men in Hawaiian shirts are wild and love adventure…and in this guys case he was humping up on one of the two ladies at the bar…who were wasted….

I think they were dancing to “Love Shack”…but I just remember thinking I must be in hell….and around that time…the one 45 year old started having life coaching “girl talk” to her friend, while dude was trying to get in her…things like “I know you’ve been through a rough patch and that your heart was broken, but I think…..” it went on and on, they were crying…they were hugging…it was like some fucking group therapy…all while Hawaii rubbed the troubled one getting lectured hips…which is when I checked out…and said to myself….”20 year olds are so much more fun than these broken bitches”….and was reaffirmed on everything I already know…and that is fuck em young, cuz over 30s are broken…

That’s my advice for the day from the frontlines of middle aged hell…

Here are some morning links….

Woman Kicked Out of Gym For Big Tits

This Christina Aguilera Whitney Houston Hologram Duet is Terifying

British Reality Chick in a Bikini

Huge tits of the Day

Top Model Tess Holiday Pregnant…and Nude

Daniel Craig Says – NO MORE BOND

Plane Crash in a Vineyard..

Some Mariah Carey

Nature Expert Stupidly Plays With WIld Cat

Backflip in a Surf Competition

Dude Loses His Mind Over the Number of Potholes in his TOwn

Prince Harry – Nipple Tweak

Hot Latinas…

Posted in:stepLINKS