I'll Make You Famous…




Ruby Aldridge for Love and Lemons of the Day

Ruby Aldridge - For Love and Lemons Amore Mia Spring 2016_003

Ruby Aldridge is my favorite…she’s Lily Aldridge’s sister who doesn’t work for billion dollar commercial sweatshop brands to make a lot of money and feel good about herself…but she is also a model, all tall and lovely, and she does do pictures for underwear companies like For Love and Lemons, that unfortunately, aren’t lingerie pictures, but that are a reminder that she’s got some substance, she’s not some exploit herself for instagram followers and fame, and she seems to be a little more interesting that mall brand counterparts…

I am a fan of her, her face and I wish she’d respond to the love letters I write her everyday, but she’s probably engaged or married to a guy in a band, that’s how these girls do these things…and I”m not mad about that, I just hope she doesn’t get pregnant because that would make me cry..not that I cry, I’m too sociopathic for that, but I like to say I do…it increases my chances of getting love…from people who aren’t my wife.

Posted in:Ruby Aldridge|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio and Cristiano Ronaldo in GQ of the Day


I used to work in an office filled with what were called metrosexuals, it was the late 90s and that was a thing.

They ran the gayest website of all time, I mean other than gay porn or gay content, since it was designed for the everyday man…but in all their going to the gym to shower together, while dressing in what they thought made them look GQ, getting their hair done, shaving their chests, talking about how to pick-up girls using their tactics, when really just wanting the gangbang to have an excuse to play with each other’s boners, in what was Euro homophobes, where the gayest dudes play hetero….leaving me to wonder “why do they hate gay dudes so much, when clearly they are the biggest fucking faggots around”….

Well back then, Cristiano Ronaldo, was their idol, they fucking loved this guy, they dressed like him, wanted to be him and there was no way they didn’t want to fuck them in their weird way – while he would probbaly fuck them because when he’s not pulling the Leo with models like Irina Shayk, and now Ambrosio for GQ….Euros…

Here are the pics…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Toni Garrn Ass From the Front Bikini of the Day


Toni Garrn’s the girl who Leo pretended to have sex with in his “trust me guys I don’t fuck dudes, I fuck models, no seriously I fuck model, look at all the media stories on me, how could I fuck dudes if am with so many fucking models… I’m Leo and that’s what my PR team want me to present to the world, because a model womanizer for a man with many women fans is better than faggot”…

I just think it’s over the top, trying too hard, never ending “I fuck models”…it gets boring, which is probably why he fucks dudes, or is rumored to fuck dudes, when you can get EVERY single pussy in the world, maybe fucking a dude’s ass is the only way to really get excited…

Since no girls want to fuck me, that’s not really where my headspace is, but I don’t mind looking at what I assume is unscathed ass from the front on one of Leo’s pussies, he probably just talks about dudes with…but who knows..or cares..when there’s ass from the front…


Posted in:SFW|Toni Garrn




Abbey Clancy Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Abbey Clancy - Swimwear photoshoot in Dubai ~ January 2016_002

Abbey Clancy is some re-branded UK cokehead who dates footballers and who was a lingerie model who went by the name ABIGAIL CLANCY but I guess that was too classy, or maybe she dragged it through the mud, or maybe it is too mature and not playful enough now that she’s old as fuck…I guess escorts change their names sometimes…

Well, she’s married to a footballer and has a kid with him, they could be divorced from him, but either way has a kid with him, so she’s the classy kind of girl who makes an athlete marry her before having his kid…unlike so many other escorts who see opportunity….this escort is a lady….

So thanks to her look, her hustle and her uterus, she’s pretty much got her retirement lined up, and she doesn’t have to work, which is convenient since she’s never worked, this is not work….but it’s putting effort into something, very little effort, I mean standing around in bikinis is rough when you’re a lazy bitch who spends the money of the guy you fuck….

But she’s hard at work – all in efforts to feel like she’s achieving something, while getting as much male attention as she can get , because her baby daddy is out fucking groupies and she feels so alone in her good life…

Good times…

Abbey Clancy - Swimwear photoshoot in Dubai ~ January 2016_009


Posted in:Abbey Clancy|SFW




Josie Canseco in a Music Video of the Day

Josie Canseco is Jose Canseco’s daughter and she’s being exploited in some shitty music video that I watched on mute, wearing a thong underwear….in what I can assume is her attempt to pave her own career, without the security of her trust fund her dad’s set up for her, so that her days are semi-fulfilled, otherwise she’d just be a lazy rich kid…while now she can be a lazy rich kid who can pretend she’s busy because she gets booked to do nonsense once every couple of months and everything she does from going to the gym, parties, and everything else is a solid excuse to tell her dad she is working on her dreams of being an instagram model, famewhore, people follow and jerk off to…in what will never actually be a legit career, even though she’s got a great competitive advantage thanks to her famous athlete dad.

Who cares, rich kids trying to get famous, cuz they have everything else, is just standard fare…might as well just look at her ass…while she puts it out there. I just find it creepy that she has a feminine version of her dad’s name. It’s weird.



Posted in:Josie Canseco|SFW




Joanna Krupa Topless Instagram of the Day


Joanna Krupa was a stripper looking girl who never realized she was a stripper…you know a high priced escort who took a few decades to get to the point where she accepted being a an escort…and in her 20s her sex working was more a “Glamour” model who really milked the fact that she was from Poland, because it made fore a good story when being interviewed for the shitty Glamour model type magazines that featured her over and over again….

Then she turned 30, people stopped caring, the men’s magazines she was in stopped printing, and her low level jobs were probably barely paying the bills, forcing her into the rich guy circuit…who like their “girlfriends” to be whorish models…that are published…so they feel like they’re investing into something other people have paid for..it’s weird..but good self promotion or marketing for these girls, who if they did back pages, would be treated with less respect…

In her attempt to make it on her own, in the industry, she did some even went back to Poland to try to have a career there…before the miracle happened…a miracle called Dancing with the Stars…and all her dreams came true…

It was at the eleventh hour…because she was pushing 40…and that opened doors to other reality shows people actually cared about…and I use the word people loosely, I feel like those people are shit people, who watch shit tv and barely have brains…miserable half retards who watch these people…horrible..

Now that that show is over, she’s left to taking slutty pics of herself…for her barely engaged or interested fans…desperation, even on old ladies, smells good.


Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




NYPD Doesn’t Like Being Called Bro of the Day

“Do I look like a bro to you? No, bro you don’t but I don’t have to call you officer.”

We live in a horrible society where everyone calls each other bros. From Frat Boys to Jersey Shore types…to Italian first gens in Montreal…it’s the fucking worst…so I’m with the cop on this…because whenever anyone, whether it is someone at the bank, a cab driver, someone at a restaurant, really anyone calls me Bro…I don’t want to just correct them, I want to drag them out back and take them out…Bro…it’s the sarcastic thumbs up that speaks directly to the place where I feel anger..

So I’m just surprised the cop didn’t Ferguson him, but I guess he’d need to be black for that.

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS|Videos




Aly Michalka Ass in a Bikini of the Day


Aly Michalka – Ass in a Bikini…for her social media is not really exciting, but it exists….

I still don’t really know who Aly Michalka is, I know she has a sister, I know they were in a band, I know they had a Disney show and I know one of them had a lot of plastic surgery, yet I don’t know much more about who they are, what they do…or what inspires them…

I like to think that this bikini pic for her social media is a pretty good glimpse into what she’s about…I’m just surprised she didn’t recruit her sister for the pic…to really maximize the sister fetish like I assume they did back at their Disney Auditions..becuase Disney Execs young sisters…at the same time…because they are perverts who dilute their perversions…with money, pay offs to parents, feeding their egos, like they were Michael Jackson settling for the child rape he was accused of…

Right? I mean why else would she do this in her 30s….it stems from the core of who she is and how she was raised and I love her for that..

Posted in:Aly Michalka|SFW




Khloe Kardashian Showing of the Day


Khloe Kardashian told some media people in her quest to get more and more relevant, despite being old and big…the monster Kardashian…using the most basic, crass and vile strategy her family crafted to create their success…to garner some attention to her…where a handful of black dudes and high testosterone guys who aren’t official gay but aren’t really into girls, the Khloe Kardashian audience, probably got excited…some people get sucked into the fame…while others jerk off to beastiality…and the rest of people who have some taste, even no standards, but aren’t into freakish shit…like animal sex…are collectively thinking “disgusting”…and some think she already had a sex tape – in the Leo Movie, where she played the bear…

Either way, she’s showing her abs…that aren’t abs, but that are liposucked disgusting with her sister…and people care…when they should only care enough to plot a gang lynching, you know murdering them for polluting the world…like they should.

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Posted in:Khloe Kardashian|SFW




Cat Mcneil Naked for Tim Richardson of the Day


Cat McNeil is some model I follow on INSTAGRAM who doesn’t follow me back, which according to an app I have is about 5,000 of the 5,100 sluts I follow, because I guess they don’t like me….think they are too good for me…but the good news is that they post pics they pose in, probbaly for free, wearing weird fetish gear in what they probably assume is artistic, but that is really just fetish gear, and that allows me to see them for the slut that they are…a slut that doesn’t think she’s a slut but who does slut things to get ahead so that she can be a slut on her own terms. Feminism.

When I see pics of girls in fetish gear…it’s girl in fetish gear…no matter how they try to spin it…so here’s Cat McNeil in fetish gear.

Posted in:Cat Mcneil