I'll Make You Famous…




Gigi Hadid for Numero of the Day


Gigi Hadid has no nipples for Numero…but she does have the evidence that she was on the cover of Numero when people in the future forget who she is after they move from Instagram…onto something new…as they do…

The fact that she exists doesn’t bother me, but the weird deal with the Kendall Jenner where she’s been cast as the pretty friend in their sitcom that is their bullshit life…is just creepy….and the fact that everyone in the world seems to buy into this…at least the media does…is even weirder…when we could all collectively say “who gives a fuck about this bitch”…but instead…we put her on the cover like she matters…

She’s a rich kid scenester groupie from LA…vain and disgusting at her core…who wants to be a model with her dad’s billions instead of doing good…and perpetuating her bullshit life is what’s wrong with America..

Now if she was getting fucked in these pics, I’d get it..but she’s not…so fuck off..

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Jennifer Lopez for J.Lo Brand of the Day


I guess everything she does is for J.Lo brand…it’s her retirement fund..

I think J.Lo brand still existing as a clothing line is pretty funny, considering it’s been around for a long time and I just assumed the ghetto people who purchased her sleazy, sweatshop made, rags of shit, would be over both J.Lo and her garbage…

But there are cheesy, trashy, disgusting people on a budget…lacking education, possibly from Puerto Rico and into the J.Lo lifestyle and all she’s accomplished, who feel that she’s a trophy on their sleeve when they wear her clothes, or maybe it’s just on sale at Marshalls…

Either way, who cares about J.Lo and her money making schemes that are obvious and horrible, when you can try to understand her 50 year old botox face, photoshopped into a sketch or artist rendering of her, that we’d prefer seeing as a “suspect” in a mass shooting, so that she could be locked up where she belongs..instead of spewing this crap…

Either way, funny…

Posted in:Jennifer Lopez|SFW




Lily Donaldson Porny for 032c Magazine of the Day

Lily Donaldson.4

I guess everything is porn now…so it’s hard to say that this fashion shoot is porn, when everything is fucking porn. I’ve seen 90 percent of the girls I know in real life naked…..in nude selfies…and all I have to do is ask…nothing is sacred, we’re all desensitized…jerking off to our imagination just doesn’t happen…and soon religious sermons will be done nude…just to get mindless, primate humans to listen to the shit they are selling…

This is Lily Donaldson, porning out, because I guess that’s what models do, because they can pretend it is art and not porn…and I call this shoot “Little Too Late”…the other working title I have is “From Model to Instagram”….where established models don’t know how to compete with the instagram models who get all the work despite not looking like models…all because they are clever social media marketers giving the brands the idea that they are what the people want….Tila Tequila did the same thing with Myspace friends…

There was a time, pre 2012, when Lily Donaldson wasn’t a desperate 30 year old doing this kind of amazing…but rather working for Victoria’s Secret as one of their models Leonardo DiCaprio took the virginity of….and now I guess she’s figuring out different ways to make her big tits interesting and I like big tits…in fact…I am always willing to stop what I am doing, anywhere I am, to suck tits…even if I am crossing a busy street…I will risk my life for big tits…so to me, this more DIY work…is better than evil corporate work…but that’s just the anti-establishment in me speaking in this over commercialized world…that sometimes cunts need to be fired from to become cool, down to earth and tolerable…

Here are the pics for the fashion mag…that are pretty fucking awesome…even though she’s 30, which is disgusting and old and has probably banged out some pretty disgusting, rich…famous…men…making her disgusting…I still want to taste her soul / pussy & asshole…

Posted in:Lily Donaldson




Collier Schoor and a Bunch of Models for Dazed of the Day


I guess Collier Schorr is a photographer….who is important enough to get a feature in some fashion magazine called Dazed, even though the world doesn’t need fashion magazines, we have the internet…and social media…and everyone with an iphone is as good a photographer as professional photographers making the modern day photographer pretty obsolete…not that they’d ever want to admit that…because if they did say that instagram selfies get more likes than actual produced photoshoots…brands would never pay their absurd day rates….to shoot models no one really cares about…except maybe Bella Hadid…she’s got a famous sister…but these other ones….named:

Bella Hadid, Rianne van Rompaey, Greta Varlese, Tamy Glauser, Alice Metza, Kiki Willems, Heather Kemesky, Soekie Gravenhorst, Julia Nobis, Fernanda Ly, Isabella Emmack, Adrienne Juliger, Lorelle Rayner, & Lily Stewart

Just don’t really matter…but I guess in the grand scheme of things…nothing actually does..even when it is packaged properly to be commercially viable…it’s just nonsense to distract us from what is important…interpersonal relationships through penetrative sex..vaginal or anal…or even oral…everything else is just a means to that end….

I guess some of these pics are alright..

Posted in:Collier Schorr|SFW




Kendall Jenner Posted Another Girl Nude of the Day

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So along with Tranny porn, the Kardashians have ruined pretty much every….leaving nothing sacred, commercializing and monetizing on everything….

The young one who was statutory raped – according to the law – but not really because the family didn’t press charges, as they are all whores, including the “It”….figure the younger you’re filling that pussy, the more money you’ll make us…basic mom whoring out daughter story our nation was built on…

Now Kendall, is posting nude pics of other models naked on a horse, and the picture isn’t even that naked, there’s no nipple and/or labia, making it clothed to me…and the world is going nuts…

It’s a trending fucking story…whether it is her or not, even though, even if it was her, who fucking cares…these are whores…that’s what whores do…they get naked…for money…

I’m not an expert on the Kardashian machine, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Kendall’s nipples before, so why the fuck would her naked on a horse be a trending story…oh right, because America buys into this shit…and make it a trending story, or maybe…Kardashians are Facebook investors and get their stories fed to the sidebar…or maybe they just have such a big fanbase that if they post a story…it actually breaks the coding algorithm and trends…

Either way, fuck this family. They are a national security threat.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Dumb Family Saving Their Christmas Tree of the Day

I am not too sure if I’m allowed to say Christmas, or if that is banned by the same white diversity warriors, preaching the equality of all man by segregating them by their given diversity and fighting fights for them, being so politically correct it is racist, all while trying to make sure there is no cultural appropriation, like wearing a native headdress, or a hindi nose ring, eating Mexican food, but wearing dreads is ok…and feeding all nations McDonalds is okay…because white diversity warriors…are idiots…inconsistent over educated with no real fight to fight because they’ve been coddled their whole life…

Well, here’s a white family, with their “HOLIDAY” tree…that gets blown over in the wind, and useless wife and daughter can’t deal, so, the day, jumps out of the car, like a modern day hero..superman if you will…with no real capacity to put the car in park, because he can’t ruin the “HOLIDAY” tree, he just spend 200 dollars on it…from some Jewish guy who loves Christmas..because he can sell trees for 200 dollars..

Either way, dumb family. Fat Wife.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Samantha Gradoville in Bathing Suits of the DAy


Here is a campaign for a company called “Solid & Striped”….that is unlike every other bikini photoshoot…no wait..that is exactly like every other bikini photoshoot…because really how much variety can you really to do some overpaid hooker, who pretends she’s not a hooker, in a bikini….

The model is – Samantha Gradoville….

She’s one of the last standing American Models….because I guess the brands like to bring in foreign girls because Americans are so entitled, unappreciative, even if they pretend to be appreciative on Thanksgiving social media posts for show and I guess statistically fat thanks to all the processed fast foods and walmart cookie aisles…..

I guess, some girls with good genetics, who believe in healthy eating or no eating at all, and/or fitness can sometimes be a US Passport holder. It is just rare. But in a country of 360 million people, there’s bound to be at least 1,000 people hot enough to cast for your bikini shoot…even if doing this serious, intense, girl in a bikini thing is just lame as fuck…and should have more comedy in it…to make it matter..

I guess, Solid & Striped don’t pay me to run their campaigns, so I can’t expect anything I’d really want to see out of it…but the good news is models in bikinis allow us to ignore the things that matter, like how shitty this photoshoot is…

Like all instagram models before her, She’s Done Nude and Topless Shoots To Get to this Pivotal Point in her Career of Bikini Modeling for Obscure Brands that Actually Pay for Once …and you’ll like her better topless….

Posted in:Samantha Gradoville|SFW




Festive Walmart Shopping and Other Videos of the Day

Man Exposes Cheating Wife…Romance Isn’t Dead

Man Threatening Staff at Burger King Taken Out

Driver Uses Passenger to Hide Plates when he missed Turn..weird…

Filipino TV Star “Pastilla Girl” Mother Getting Shot Close Range…weird

Indonesian Lambo Crash – Aftermath Dude is Texting

Man in Turkey Catches Himself on Fire

Driver VS Construction Front Loader That Took Its Backend Off

Dude Takes a Metal Pipe to a Fist Fight – Loses

Overcrowded Train in Dubai – Ends in Death – at least he was Smiling

Brazilian Bar Fight Ends Well..

What is this…Brawl….

Hospital Bed Fight

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Sinead O’Connor Seems is the Crazy Girl of the Day


Crazy girl of the day should be a new feature, discounting women’s opinion as “just being crazy”. Perfect for the feminists.

If you’ve had sex, and assume you haven’t, you’ll know that the crazy girls, you know the ones who are so crazy they don’t think they are being crazy…are the best

At risk of sounding sexist in this patriarchy that the feminists hate…girls are all fucking crazy, it’s just a matter of finding a girl who is not penis-cutting off crazy, or not publicly crazy, so that her crazy doesn’t embarrass you…

But I will say…the sex with a crazy girl, who has either given up, or is in some “fill my hole”…state of crazy…is always better than the crazy that involves crying and not wanting to be touched…

I think i should make “Crazy Girl of the Day”…a feature…and I know that we can always just blame it on PMS…girls love when you blame their crazy, especially when they are serious in their crazy and trying to accomplish something with their crazy, and you discount their crazy as bleeding / lube for girls who don’t want to have sex with you, depending how you look at periods…

Or you can blame it on their daddy issues, either way here’s a post Sinead made on FB that’s gone viral…about her overdose…good times…

There is only so much any woman can be expected to bear. What was done to me this week was appalling cruelty. By my husband, my family, by St Pats and by An Gardai Siochana, by my son, Jake and by Donal Lunny and Angela singleton, by my son’s girlfriend, his friends… after everything I’ve been put through and been forced to go through alone .. And punished for having to go through since I had the surgery on August 26th. Or since Shane became unwell in March, This week has broken me. The withholding of my babies from me without any sound reason by their fathers, Frank and Donal, and by Jake and the rest of my family, is a horrific set of betrayals. And has been going on since I had my surgery. The last two nights finished me off. I have taken an overdose. There is no other way to get respect. I am not at home, I’m at a hotel, somewhere in ireland, under another name

If I wasn’t posting this, my kids and family wouldn’t even find out. Was dead for another fortnight since none of them bother their hole with me for a minute. I could have been dead here for weeks already and they’d never have known. Because apparently I’m scum and deserve to be abandoned and treated like shit just when I’ve had my womb and ovaries chopped out and my child is frighteningly sick. I’m such a rotten horrible mother and Person, that I’ve been alone. Howling crying for weeks. And been told by them all t go fuck myself. I’m invisible. I don’t matter a shred to anyone. No one has come near me. I’ve died a million times already with the pain of it. So yeah.. Strangers like me.. But my family don’t value me at all. They wouldn’t know if I was dead until weeks from now if I wasn’t fucking informing them now.

well done guys, you’ve finally got rid of me. Sorry the penny didn’t drop sooner. I’m an idiot. When you planned to get me away from my babies did you plan for me losing my mind over it? It being the final straw? For how you’re gonna explain why I died? Make sure you tell the truth. BARRY.. THEY WONT. YOURE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ME OR THE TRUTH. PLEASE STAND FOR ME AND TELL IT. i can’t play twister. My children don’t care if I live r die anyway. Neither do their dads. Everyone is better off. Never ever do this to a woman again. Let this be your lesson. I survived it when John waters did it.. I can’t survive Jake doing it.

Crazy…but she didn’t actually kill herself, weak…she just created some cry for attention as people do…when they are fake suicidal…

Posted in:SFW|Sinead O'Connor




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


It is cyber Monday – which means no one will be killing themselves in the stores…but rather just bogging down internet servers looking for that deal on a Christmas gift for someone you don’t think deserves full price…or some shit..

I realized last week, with all the holiday laziness, turkey and dysfunctional family bullshit, that I would be happier if every week was a holiday, less people around…always a good thing…because people are the worst…especially married women…always tempting me with their fertile vaginas at the grocery store…because I know their misery will translate into good, unreserved sex, the second they let their guard down…and bite that bullet…for the first out of marriage cock…that won’t be me, because I’m not a co worker, or tennis coach, but rather the creepy guy at the grocery store…in sweat pants…punching myself in the dick trying to get an erection….

I don’t know what I’m saying, I’m still drunk from being drunk…which is repetitive considering the site is called drunkenstepfather…and I’m here to go on drunken rants about how shitty my life is, but how hot young pussy is, are you even reading this? Who are you..tell me about you…

Big Tits on a Monday

Sinead O’Connor Left a Suicide Note on Facebook – She was Found Alive…Weak Attention Seeker

Drunk Girl Gymnastics

Hockey Wife of the Week

Rita Ora Has Cleavage

Josephine Skriver – Sexy Cop

Star Wars Trailer Rescored

Dude From Game of Thrones – Does Record Keg Throw

Some Slut in a Bikini

Mom Ruins Her Sons Netflix and Chill

Slutty Child Stars

Dancing Dog of the Day

Posted in:stepLINKS