I'll Make You Famous…






I don’t even want to say her name…because that’s what she wants us to do…

But maybe I should encourage this kind of behavior, because it’s funny….

You know all these fame whores aren’t any different than the girls who get famous, or the girls on instagram who are posting half naked pictures of themselves for the sake of likes and a dream they’ll get found…

They are just more literal in their publicity stunting, like “look at my ass walking down a busy street in LA for the paparazzi so blogs talk about them…and the fact that it is this easy to get noticed, and even if it won’t lead to anything substantial, at least she’s had her ass in the paparazzi pictures…where as so many other girls aren’t as obvious, desperate, even pathetic…

Point being, these paparazzi plays, like sex tapes are more interesting to me than anything else a fame whore pretending to not be a fame whore when everyone is a fame whore does…and I’m into it..


HONORABLE MENTION OF THE FAME WHORE OF THE DAY is BAI LING – Because she’s the leader of this movement…possibly the inventor and I love her for that…memories of a simpler, pre-social media time… CLICK HERE

Posted in:Alicia Arden|Bai Ling|SFW




Britney Spears Round-Up of the Day


What the world needs more of…is Disney queen Britney Spears…in shorts…or playing dead…or giving the finger…or at the beach all while under conservatorship because I like seeing a product her family created…well into her 30s…still being a product for her family to sell to the masses and monetize…with total disregard for her well-being or happiness…like she’s a dancing little puppet with no soul…because they’ve made her a dancing little puppet with no soul..and the fact that is legal..while locking down a girl in your basement for your own song and dance isn’t…blows my mind….and she’s still got a pretty great ass…in shorts..for a mom…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Naomi Campbell for LUI Magazine of the Day

Lui_21_2015-10 (24)_Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell, or as we like to call her, Midnight, because she reminds me of a black stripper in her 40s I once fell in love with because of her unique smell off too much perfume and black chick….coupled with the fact that black girls just don’t age like white girls…and into their 80s can be round assed, smooth skinned, goddesses…if they have the right athletic body type, because as you know, if you’ve been to Walmart and you have, that no all black girls are long, tall and lean..but rather…that round ass is round everything all jacked up with Diabetes as they drink their sugary drinks and eat their processed food…becuase America likes to oppress black people…while Europe and I guess Russia like to make them millionaires…like they did with Naomi Campbell…one of the most sour models in the history of models…with a diva personality far more interesting than Beyonce, or Oprah….

I am a fan, and not just because she still looks good naked…but because this is 25 years after she first started getting naked…

Posted in:Naomi Campbell




Jennifer Lawrence Gives Dudes Piggy Back Rides of the Day


Jennifer Lawrence is taking a lesson out of the Taylor Swift school of bullshit friendships to show the world you’re a normal, tolerable person…and like Taylor Swift, her “friend”…she is now creating her own army…of comedians..

I guess in her quirky, weirdness, she feels as though she’s a comedian at heart…maybe a comedic genius and that’s why she falls all the time, or says insane things all the time, and it has nothing to with her being some mentally fucked up, sold to hollywood at a young age by her parents, before selling herself out to a franchise movie that makes her big fucking money, while doing other big box office roles for Academy awards, because the stories are more compelling…and they still pay her her rate…because she’s so high in demand…something that I find amazing, but not as amazing as her tits…tits I decided I liked and tits that made her more interesting to me…after she leaked her sexts…to make her seem more human and have sex appeal she knew she had but was too awkward to really have…

So now, these Comedians who are ultra fucking famous, because “comedy”…is the new reality star, and comedians get into the hearts of everyone…through laughter…even if they are like this Brown dude and the jokes are fucking safe and lame…because men are encouraged to be tame, pansies now…or like Amy Schumer…where they are just some fat chick making jokes about getting gang banged…and throat fucked…because girls are encouraged to be raunchy now…both of whom are Jennifer Lawrence’s crew…who she piggy backs….even though any immasculated dude letting a chick piggy back ride him…probably also lets a chick peg him…

This is lame…



Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Maja Krag Danish Tits By Bjarke Johansen of the Day


I wonder how many times I can say that Maja Krag is a Danish and I love Danish, whether from McDonalds, or Denmark, and I could eat Danish all day, rubbing it all over my dirty mouth until one of us gets a bacterial infection…you know spreading it’s doughy, and letting it’s sweet, warm almost melted nectar off my beard…

I once encouraged you to CLICK ON HER MODEL AGENCY TEAR SHEET where you can learn all about her measurements, in the event you want to make a life sized replica of her…I wonder if any of you tried…or if you’re just more into her tits…and not really caring that she’s a Danish, even when you’re fat like me, and love Danish, in the form of hot model pussy and / or the pastry…

Doesn’t matter, nothing matters, this doesn’t matter, but it’s a fun shoot, despite being black and white and black and white, in this digital age, is just homo fake “artist”…bullshit that makes me mad…I only like Black and White pre-digital when it was the cheaper way to take pics…Maja Krag…I love you

Posted in:Maja Krag




Andreea Diaconu for i-D of the Day


Apparently, Andreea Diaconu is some new recruit from the evil empire that is Victoria’s Secret. She’s from Romania who you can assume Victoria’s Secret purchased off the black market, because the black market likes to use the tall skinny girls abducted for human trafficking purposes for fashion.

The money is better than the brothels or webcam dungeons they send the not as tall Eastern European girls…It is basic economics, 10,000 day rates or 4 dollars a minute…which they get 10 cents a minute from…is just more lucrative…

I guess what I am saying is that I assumed all Romanians were Gypsies and touring circus acts…you know training Bears to Balance on balls…or walking the tight rope…but instead, this breakout star, gets featured in hip magazines like i-D…and probably live in a New York loft and fuck celebrities…

I think the best quote from her Wikipedia is this pervert shit:

Diaconu was 11 years old when a local scout first approached her to enter the field of modeling; however, she didn’t take them up on their offer until she was thirteen. She was discovered while swimming in a public pool.

Child prostitution is a real thing…and hopefully not one you participate in…here are the pics…

Posted in:Andreea Diaconu|SFW




Models for Self Service Magazine of the Day


I am only posting these pictures by Photographer Ezra Petronio….for some fashion magazine called Self Service…to remind us all that amongst all the shit, there are tits…it is some needle in they haystack, but tits not needle shit….so even if you have to go through 20 pictures from one photoshoot, or 20 photoshoots, for one photoshoot with 20 pictures…there will be tits…somewhere…because tits are trendy, tits are fashion, tits are very now, because people don’t want you to sexualize tits…at least that’s what they tell you…when they are clearly using tits for hits…and I say…tits, under and and all lies, or storylines are still tits…and I say that no matter how many tits I see, in public, at the strip club, in a cheap model room on a crackwhore hooker looking for a shower…I’ll still want to suck them..cum on them…because tits are sexual..just stick your fingers in a girl and suck on them to see if she gets wetter or not…

Spoiler alert…

She gets wetter…

Models in this shoot include…

Julia Van Os, Anja Rubik, Natalie Westling, Chloe Sevigny, Marjan Jonkman, Grace Hartzel, & Audrey Nurit and most importanty..Anja Rubik’s tits…

Posted in:Fashion




Selena Gomez for Wonderland Magazine of the Day


Here are some recent pictures of Selena Gomez and her Lupus face…suffering from Chemotherapy treatment but making time to record and album and go to lame photoshoots…for an otherwise cool magazine WONDERLAND MAGAZINE

What I am saying is these pictures fucking suck on all levels…garbage…for this flimsy at best article, with images of Selena Gomez in what looks like a lame hipster rich kid apartment, where the photographer probably lives and is finance by her lawyer father, that could probably have done anything interesting with the access to Selena, but instead chose to do scaled down, shitty, blurry, ugly, instagram style, been done before, attempt at being the 70s and intimate, but coming across as lazy and boring, whole pretending it is art, because she’s clearly a pretentious bullshit artist who has manipulated the world into thinking she’s an artist, and activist, and feminist, who plays with her period and nipples because the world is fucking lazy…and this feminist scam is less lazy…and thus making money and getting access…useless garbage…

It’s like “let’s take pics of you on your phone, it’ll be so real, I saw it on Tumblr when researching feminist agendas”…useless…

I’m not saying Selena needs to be lifting her belly to show the world her clit…or walking around with her tits busting out to get noticed…like she normally does…but if you get this Disney starlet into your lame, try hard, hipster bed…you gotta make her work it…rather than this lazy shit…you egotistical spoiled brat…if you don’t believe me, read the shittiest interview of all time…I didn’t bother, because I write fluffy bullshit, I don’t read it, especially not when it involves some chick talking about herself, while sucking up to Selena Gomez…someone no one should suck up to…but people do…since even the most basic of hipster feminist trash idolize celebrities…

Don’t believe me, read it for yourself..at WONDERLAND MAGAZINE … I could think of a lot of better things to do…

This generation is so fucking safe, except with sex, none of them use condoms…yet none of them die of aids…which is the real unfortunate thing in giving them a soap box to preach their bullshit from.

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Girl Gets Naked in South Beach Restaurant…and Other News of the Day

Girl Shits Herself in Las Vegas

NYC Fight

Woman Stripped and Beaten in CHina For Sleeping with a Married Man

Don’t Move a Street Sign Next to Live Wires…

Sewage Sprayed on a Politician Office…

Drunken Brawl in a Restaurant

Man Walks Down the Street with Wife’s Severed Head in India

Cellulite Crash…

Jews Running Over an Arab

Racist Swedish Bus Driver

Cancer of the DAy

Here’s a WOman Getting Beat

Dude Goes Up in Flames

Indian WOman Stripped Naked By Police…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


Canadian Thanksgiving was a fail…because my wife didn’t finally succumb to her eating disorder by dropping dead from a stroke..and I didn’t get the stroke my dick against a 20 year old’s clit because she wants to piss off her family, and/or has a homless fetish, and/or likes charming gentlemen who like stuffing them with inanimate objects like she was the turkey…

Instead…I had to deal with the worry that the toilet will finally give out under my wife’s weight…and feces will be everywhere…disgusting turkey feces….everywhere…which is way worse than just smelling it on her because she can’t wipe..

I did not seduce schizophrenic homeless women at the free THanksgiving mission…I did listing to a woman sleeping while choking on her neck fat…

This is my life…and I’d say thanks, but I’m not thankful for anything but these Morning Links…..

Today in Morning Thigh Gaps…Because Fat Thighs are for Disgusting Fat Girls…and Thigh Gaps are for Girls You Want to Fuck

Obama Mocks Kanye!

This Whore’s Name is Bryanna Holly. She Pretends She’s Not a Whore…While Lingerie / half Naked Modeling…

Stripping Dinosaur

Wildlife Caretaker Pranks the News..

Bristol Palin Wants High School Girls Pregnant

Mexican Weather Girl in her Underwear

Bella Thorne in a TIght Little Outfit

Jennifer Lawrence In a Jacket for the Jacket Fetishists..

Women’s Eyewear Over the Last Century

Some Big Tits and Boxing Gloves…

GIrls In Lingerie…

THe First Climb Out of a Gorge

Posted in:stepLINKS