I'll Make You Famous…




Lindsay Lohan’s Topless Picture of the Day



Lindsay Lohan has falling off hard…and I wish I could catch her and taste all the horrible things she’s tainted her vagina with over the years…

She’s got this brand name…Lindsay Lohan…that no one wants much to do with, other than some instagram model campaigns, when she could have been a massive Romantic Comedy star…as we all know, that requires little to know acting skills…

So she’s been beat at her own game but Amanda Seyfried, and Anna Kendrick, and really every actor, including but not limited the guy in the local mattress store ads…because they may not have made more than her in a single pay day, but at least they get hired…

Well, she’s acting weird on instagram on a yacht… and this is the sequel to her DANCING IN BIKINI BOTTOMS VIDEO

I am a fan, a supporter, possibly still in love with everything Lohan, and by everything I mean her tits, that’s all she’s got going for her…

I believe in her comeback….I believe…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Candice Swanepoel’s Topless in 2009 in a #TBT on a Wednesday of the Day

Candice Swanepoel, Self assignment, April 17, 2009

#TBT on a Wednesday…because I’m so contemporary and elitist like a true old school hipster that I guess I’d prefer being called punk rock, even though I am so anti-establishment that I don’t participate in activities the general public has embraced and adopted, or slot myself into categories, you know, anti-establishment, anti-#ThrowbackThursday….anti-people, anarchy…

That said, Candice Swanepoel, one of the most dull yet hot bodies, zero personality, Victoria’s Secret model…was a little fun in 2009 where she got topless…in a shoot..

Not unlike her recent shoot for LUI MAGAZINE HERE But 6 years younger is always better on a 30 year old, end of her career model…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Miranda Kerr Demonstrates How To Retain the Billionaire of the Day



As long as Miranda Kerr is in magazines, no matter what the magazine is, it will give said Billionaire she has trapped or is trying to trap, because she knows how to manipulate billionaires, the illusion that the people care about her, that she’s still a relevant model, hell she’s on the cover of a magazine…”my girl is on the cover of a magazine, and at my billionaire level, even if she costs 1 million a year I won’t even notice”….”take that other billionaires”….”Hey Warren Buffet is your wife on the cover of a magazine”….”what about you Bill Gates…is Melinda half naked sprreading her hooker vag out ther…Didn’t think so”…”what about you Zuckerberg…I’ve seen your creepy asian, she’s no Miranda”…

Kind of rich person thing…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW




Monster Kardashian Round-Up of the Day


I know we don’t care about the Kardashians and their fame whoring, but the media loves talking about them, brands love working with them, they public have turn them into this very rich and powerful…all while being tacky and trashy…expensive garbage…so as they are shoved down my throat, coming at me from every angle, a sex tape porn star that went totally wrong for us, but right for them….all of them….as they try to sell shitty product to us like the gypsy merchants they should have been…instead of this…

Well, it turns out that Kim and Bruce aren’t the only dudes who have an insane amount of plastic surgery and bad make up who dress like ladies in the Kardashian cult compound…there’s also the recently turned 18 hooker Kylie and the one we assume is from OJ named Khloe….

So here’s Khloe Kardashian Simpson…who even reformatted…is terrifying….

And the little one, who everyone was excisted about seeing turn 18, because I guess jailbait aficiandos take birth certificate dates to heart and they hold more importance than how busted and broken down said jailbait already looks…probably from a drug addiction, thanks to her parents having absolutely no soul, where that she’s just a player in their cast of trash…something she probably hates…even if the money is good…she knows, they all know, they’re fucking garbage..very very expensive garbage…and that the general public are just idiots..

That’s all I have to say about that, which as we know is way too much.

Posted in:Kardashians|SFW




Kimberly Garner’s Ass in a Bikini of the Day


Kimberly Garner is some reality star from the UK, who has been able to use the paparazzi to make her low level relevant..

I like to think her claim to fame was when she followed me on twitter or instagram or some shit…before realizing that I wasn’t someone she wanted as a friend because I’ve said things like :

” her Inner thighs, in all their fuzzy glory, are the gateway to her soul….a soul that she can thank for whatever successes she has….and by soul I mean her pussys…and by success I mean rich dudes willing to fuck her…”

But I guess her real claim to fame is this body…it’s like she’s a total nobody, at least in North America, but in a bikini, people care…and by people I mean perverts who like girls with bodies like this…

I mean if you’ve ever met British women, in all their brown teeth face rot, you’ll understand how this one got on TV…

To See Kimberly Garner in a Bikini… CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kimberly Garner|SFW




Demi Lovato’s Ass in Shorts of the Day


I assume these pictures are from a couple of days ago, and I guess like a PC back in the 90s, shit is obsolete and anyone who cares about seeing Demi Lovato in tight short shorts, has already seen Demi Lovato in short shorts, even if from an objective vantage point, there’s nothing hot about some 30 year old pop tart who creates shitty music and build like a bull dyke ready to wrestle dressed seductively, I’d be happier seeing her her ill fitting jeans and flannel…you know like a farmer…probably one of the roll playing games she plays while slamming FES from that 70s show up the ass with a strap on, in what they call “Migrant Worker Misbehaving’….but as you all know, it’s not gay of you’re getting rammed up the ass my a lesbian…

That said, she’s ridiculously famous, she’s played the media so perfectly, she’s even turned her addiction, partying, lesbianism, and eating disorder into profit…

Most people I know with those things, just end up like Lindsay Lohan…aka dead.

Now I must pollute you with her songs…


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Kayley Cuoco Tits in a Bikini of the Day


Kayley Cuoco is not only going to be worth over 100 million dollars thanks to positioning herself as the accessible hot girl on a nerd based sitcom…in a world where you’d think the sitcom wouldn’t exist unless as a parody…but that apparently is still advertiser friendly and gets ratings from idiots who actually watch network TV, probably because they are over 50, or because they are in a contract with the cable company that they can’t get out of…

So as the Jennifer Aniston in her Nerd version of Freinds…with formulaic jokes and stories…she’s fucking set…

But I still think she peaked when her nude pics were leaked and she owned them…thanks to probably being behind the links…as she’s a girl with Breast implants who loves her implants so much she’s said this about her implants…

“I had no boobs! And it really was the best thing ever! I always felt ill-proportioned. My implants made me feel more confident in my body. It wasn’t about trying to be a porn star or wanting to look hot and sexy

And from my experience, any girl in love with her implants wants you to see her implants…but I’d be happier if they had more hard nipple…it’s more relevant like that.

kaley (3)

To See Kayley Cuoco’s Big Tits Leaving the Gym CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kayley Cuoco|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Ass From the Front of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is the 19 year old daughter of weird, Christian now that he’s no longer an addict, Stephen Baldwin and some brazilian he married in the 90s….and I guess his fame whoring from suing Kevin Costner, to fighting adult stores in his home town, to tattooing Hannah Montana on him to get on Miley’s TV show that he never booked…to doing reality show after reality show…since filing for bankruptcy…

From Barney Rubble to poverty, to famewhoring daughter, who has been making the rounds, and I don’t mean with her vagina, or ass you can see from the front thanks to short shorts and the hormones in the food, but because she hangs with Kardashians and Jenners and Biebers…and her cousin Ireland and probably Taylor Swift since Taylor Swift owns everyone…even Bieber pussy due to the solidarity she has with Selena Gomez….in some weird fucking cult I don’t understand…

But who cares about that when you can see her ass from the front…in shorts…at 19 and lovely..


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Cameron Diaz Creepy in Love with a Clown of the Day

Cameron Diaz Leaving Sake Restaurant in Sydney August 27-2015 032

It is debatable whether Cameron Diaz is one of the hottest actresses, or whether she was one of the hottest actresses…..

It is debatable whether Caameron Diaz is a talented actress, but in her defence, acting requires 90 percent ego/confidence and 10 percent ability to not think you’re an asshole playing make-belief.

But one thing that is for sure…is that this relationship with a bro, we call them cheese dicks, up on some male Avril Lavigne, was in a band for a minute in the 90s, probably one of the worst bands, that I assume is huge in South American or some reason….makes no sense….

I mean we can assume that his drop crotch pants are to house a massive penis that she is blinded by, or maybe, he’s just a master manipulator, I mean he must be for even having a record label invest in his suburban mall garbage….

But now he’s taken his brainwashing skills to a nice, lean, very successful actress, I’m talking one of the richest actresses around, and he’s tapped into her insecurities and has made her feel secure, like she can trust him old friend…

So instead of dating a dot com billionaire, or any exec, who dresses like an adult…and who isn’t using his 10 million dollar or less fortune as a door opener to her fortune….so that he can K-Fed her…only let’s be honest, K-fed had more fucking swag….

She’s married to this, and based on this pic she’s creepily smiling and obsessed with him…like a kid trying to understand a circus clown….only in this case she married him and will probably have his kids…

I don’t care when a hot girl, even when she’s old and washed up herself, marries or fucks some clown….I don’t care who or what girls in my actual life put in them….and I don’t care that this is going down…but I do find it intriguing…hilarious…awkward…confusing…but I guess it all boils down to a broken girl…with dreams of real love and a guy who sees a babe and dollar signs who accepts his Paris Hilton parasites…..in this incestuous…celebrity…mental disorder world…

Posted in:Cameron Diaz|SFW




The Ass Puppet….Is the Worst and Other Videos of the Day

Drunk Stripper…You Know

Apparently this is a Mom Pulling Gun on Teens to Defend her Son….

Taking Out the ATM

Dancer of the Day

A Man and a Baby Bear…

Just a Car Catching on Fire…

Partier Of the Day…Now If Only All Ravers Followed His Lead…

What the fuck is this….

And…what the fuck is this weirdness…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos