I'll Make You Famous…




Anja Rubik Looks Sick of the Day


I wonder if laughing at a skinny model is called “Skinny Shaming”….

Or pointing out that the skinny model probably has an addiction…so is this “addict shaming”…

Or maybe she’s got some sort of disease like it is “HIV POS Shaming”…

Or maybe she’s got some kind of cancer….”Cancer Shaming”…

Or is this from an eating disorder “anorexic shaming”….

And is this eating disorder caused by modeling agency demands…”model agency skinny demand shaming”….

All because all the work, like the food at the table is going to fat girls thanks to “fat shaming”…

And everyone wants to feel like they are doing their part for society by celebrating fat girls…”indirect skinny shaming”…

Her cheeks are sucked in, her skin grey, her eyes bags….she’s a fucking mess….looks like she’s been hanging with Lohan…


She’s probably medicating, not eating, on drugs…from being given too much money to know what to do with…in a high pressure existence…but who I am to predict anything…I’m just pointing out that some of the greatest tits in modeling have died “great tit turned shit tit shaming”…and maybe she needs some help…Here is a tribute to what was…

Posted in:Anja Rubik|SFW




Selena Gomez Mexican Tongue of the Day


The world needs more Selena Gomez little tongue…I feel like the Disney Execs casting her for her first role…who loved her little Mexican mouth enough to create her…back when she was just a little girl with a mother willing to whore her out…in a world that needs Mexican content as Mexicans make up 80% of the US population and people in the media want to speak to that….while her mother, like all narcissists loved her little girl so much, and figured she was old enough to sign her life over to them…it was what was best for the family…and thanks to that…Selena is likely very fucking broken at her core…my favorite….but unfortunately, she’s not my favorite, but I’ll still look at her tongue…cuz I’m a pervert..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Rihanna and Cara Delevingne Lesbian in Bikinis of the Day

Rihanna in bikini_02

Rihanna in bikini_12

Rihanna in bikini_14

Celebrities are weird and the fact that they even exist is weirder…I get the whole draw to musicians and popstars because people listen to and dance to music…but famous actors or models makes absolutely no sense to me…because they are just puppets who don’t connect to anyone on an emotional level…and in Cara Delevingne’s case, just clever enough to position herself with desperate enough for friends famous people…who found her attitude refreshing in a sheltered and controlled world they are forced into…even though her “don’t give a fuck” attitude is a total groupie giving a fuck attitude…because she’s flying around to hang with Rihanna and posing with her like she was Taylor Swift…as it is good for business…and also her ego…because celebrities only like people who suck their dicks…so as Cara strategically gives the media the finger…she’s giving Rihanna a different kind of finger, one that brings orgasms…because she doesn’t want to lose this life that she lives…

I guess what I am saying is that Rihanna is more famous than Cara, yet they are together in bikinis, because Cara is relevant and Rihanna likes relevant things, and Cara likes famous things that make her relevant…in this weird circle of “How does this Cara chick even exist, why does she matter, her bikini pics aren’t even hot, yet she’s everywhere, and people love her”…where’s the scam…let’s figure this out..but why bother…lesbians anyway you look at them are anti-climatic…


If you’re more into her showing the world her tit…here’s her tit

rirr (8)


Posted in:Cara Delevingne|Rihanna|SFW




Nicole Kidman in Black and White for Interview of the Day


I always liked Tom Cruise’s original robot he never fucked because he’s gay…because of her great tits…that are probably because all of her is plastic…and botox…and/or the more expensive, lifelike silicon you find on the more expensive sex toys…as the hard plastic is for poor people and Nicole Kidman is not poor, but Hollywood glam from an era where actors got paid more insane money, even when they didn’t deserve it because it was all part of some movie producing racket…and now she’s in Interview magazine doing something that feels like old Hollywood Glam…..because along with Gun Laws…these Australians want to shit on your culture…

I have never eating carrot pie, you know a little orange pussy, because for years, I was disgusted by them…I used to GINGER CUNT SHAME…and point at laugh at the fair skinned girls…even the pretty ones…because I just assumed they were freaks…and as I’ve learned about Gingers…they are freak…and that’s exactly why I want in on that….

But because I was so mean to them growing up, when so much ginger pussy was desperate and available….karma will not give me the shade of pubic hair I want…now that I’ve grown as a man and accept all shades of pubic hair….

I know she’s old, I know she’s clothed, I know these pics are about silly, but here they are anyway…

Posted in:Nicole Kidman|SFW




Gigi Hadid Caged Tits of the Day

I guess Gigi Hadid thought she looked good in this outfit…because she posted a lot of pics of it..

Or maybe this look was paid for and a sponsored by whatever brand she’s wearing…and her instagram push was part of the deal…

Or maybe she’s just trying to give the designer attention, so he books her for a campaign, and she can in turn feel of value…

But I think all that matters is caged in titties…I likes dresses that do that to titties…it turns them into little criminals that need to be fenced in a locked up like how I treat girls in my basement…bad titties….even if the tits are overrated, spoiled by her rich dad who bought her career..and spoiled and suckled on by a Jonas brother, in rich and young, emotionally uncomfortable people…


Here’s her sister…


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Hayden Panettiere’s Big Shoulders Getting Out of Bed in a G-String of the Day


Hayden Panettiere who is around 4 and half feet tall and was rumored to have been part of a weird sex ring in the 80s Hollywood, where she was past around rich guys when she was underage because Hollywood is notorious for weird eccentrics who fuck underage people…because it’s not a crime if you never get arrested or some shit…

A rumor, that is just a rumor, but that would explain her vagina’s ability to take her 6 foot 7 tall husband and baby daddy’s dick, that we can assume makes some real fucking creepy circus sex…..like the little midget clown and the tall man they are as a couple…

That said, she was another one of these 16 year old girls who the general american fell for….who turned 18 and was forgotten, but as long as G-string, even mom in a G-string happens…she’s still the little strong man with broad shoulders I thought was overrated when she was relevant but would still watch fuck…because it seems so intriguing…

Posted in:Hayden Panettiere|SFW




Pregnant Kate Upton Left the House of the Day


When you’re too fat to live….as a model…but you like your celebrity…that you bought cuz your family is rich…you have limited options…to justify your existence…because you don’t want to be called plus sized…no one wants to be called plus sized…even when plus sized is in trend…because fat girls never shut the fuck up and make us think they are legitimate people..

I called Kate Upton out when she launched, she was 18 years old…I could tell by her weird hips and back, that it was a matter of time the belly would catch up…and it did…but she still gets work…America loves fat tits…so much they’ve accepted her…because fat is the new fit…

That said, the best way to justify the fat…instead of just working out…is to blame it on pregnancy…and based on her leaked nudes…she’s slutty enough to take loads inside her….and I guess this is her big reveal…literally…


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Carla Gugino Beach Tits of the Day


I don’t remember who Carla Gugino is…

But her titties are in the sand…

So that makes her a real somebody to me…

I think she may be in the

This reminds me of this video…the best video to have happened today…

Posted in:Carla Gugino|SFW




Ashley Benson for Snapchat of the Day


Everyone’s a content producer…even Ashley Benson…who is usually a puppet used and paid well by content producers….also makes her own content..that I guess her PR team doesn’t supervise, where they are trying to control her image, because they market to kids and can’t let them know she’s a slut…a slut who likes shoving corn emojis in her mouth like it was a mid western cock…as her tits are hanging out of her dress…and I appreciate it…because I am a pervert…

Here she is getting a massage…


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Elizabeth Elam Naked of the Day


Elizabeth Elam is some instagram model who is willing to get naked like all girls on instagram…they all get fucking naked…

I guess she’s doing this for her portfolio..or for art….or for followers…or because she’s an exhibitionist…

All this is so repetitive, but naked…and naked is great…and I can’t help but think that some dude’s figured out how to get every girl in the world to want to get naked in public for everyone to see…like it was a class field trip and the girls on the bus were flashing cars going by…but the internet version which lives forever if you missed it..

Maybe flashing is in our DNA code….because as desperate as it may be…I still stare.

VIA P Magazine

Posted in:Elizabeth Elam