I'll Make You Famous…




Nicki Minaj and Beyonce have a Video of the Day

Beyonce and Nicki Minaj are releasing a song for Tidal, which is Jay Z’s failed app that everyone was talking about last week, and I guess it would only make sense that he do what he knows best and that’s get star studded people to endorse it…especially when one is his wife and business partner and the other is Nicki Minaj, a puppet trying so hard to find authenticity in the hip hop world…even though we know, like Drake, behind that “hood” accent and speech is an educated person who knows how to speak normally, you know like a modern day Ali G…with big tits and a fake ass…

All this to say…they are eating burgers in the video and that’s enough excitement for one day…

Posted in:Beyonce




Laís Ribeiro for Elle Italia of the Day


Laís Ribeiro is one of the new Victoria’s Secret models they’ve abducted from some Brazilian village…who they have living in some model house where they show her pictures of her family and threaten to kill them off if she doesn’t smile for the camera like a dancing monkey who owes her career to them…

She’s 24…she’s the new Adriana Lima…she may not actually be human, as Victoria’s Secret does have enough money to create life-like AI, but we’ll just assume she’s real…since you’ve had sex with enough inanimate objects in your life, including girls you’ve jacked up with roofies, so I’ll let you have this one…

Posted in:Lais Ribeiro




Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley for VS of the Day


Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley’s face looks a little rugged in this VS shoot, which is too bad, because I am a Rosie Hungtinton-Whiteley fan….and firm believer that she was at one point one of the hottest, cunty, models, who would get naked in photoshoots, would act in movies better than girls who claim to be models, all while being some uppity British chick….who dates rich bald fit men making other bald men hopeful that if they get rich and famous they too will get a Rosie Huntington-Whitely…but they won’t….

The theme of the shoot is “Movie Star”….unfortunately not “70s Skin Movie Star”…but I guess I can’t direct all shoots, in fact I can’t direct any shoots because no one cares about my worthless opinion…

Posted in:Rosie Hungtington-Whiteley




Hailey Baldwin Titty Dance of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is Stephen Baldwin, who played Barney Rubble in the Flintstones and not much else’s daughter…with what I can only assume was a Brazilian model, and she’s gone onto amazing socialite type things only rich La/NY girls can do, like hang with Taylor Swift and the Jenners….and more importantly bang Justin Beiber..when she was 17…all while pretending to be a model, because it’s easy to become a model, when you’re a Baldwin, unless you’re Ireland Baldwin, in which case no one wants you….but lucky for Hailey…she’s not Ireland…and here she is shaking them tits….tits that Bieber has desecrated…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Queen Latifah Tits for Bessie of the Day


I was once in an elevator with Queen Latifah, who is probably the most rugged, gangster acting bitch, with an entourage of seriously hardcore dykes, who you know she puts up inside her vagina to recreate child birth, it’s a fetish…and she was actually really friendly to me and if anything I was the one weirded out because I thought I walked in on some deep south lesbian gang meeting…

Well, it turns out that she’s got tits that I’d expect her to have, being overweight and older, and the reality is that these are the kinds of tits that got me through the 70s thanks to national geographic, and the kind of tits that could feed a village, that still excite me because they are floppy, real, and borderline disgusting…at least if you were to see them on an 18 year old instagram model the second the Victoria’s Secret bra gets pulled off…but on a middle aged black woman…they are heavenly…

Posted in:NSFW|Queen Latifah




Scientologist in a Bathing Suit of the Day


Her name is Alanna Masterson and she’s a Scientologist…a Scientologist in a bathing suit…which is really the best way to view Scientologists…I mean that and in their steam rooms…where they are cleansing their bodies from drugs thanks to the words of wisdom of a drug store, pulp, sci/fi writer who was broke and figured “why don’t I make my smut into a religion”…and found a solid following that turned it into the billion dollar cult…something I one day aspire to achieve with this site, because if you can turn smutty nonsense into a billion dollars, I an provide the smutty nonsense…

Join me…in this journey of spiritual enlightenment by staring at a smoking Masterson…who is fatherless thanks to Scientology forcing you to disconnect by people who leave the church…meaning she’s got the level of daddy issues I want grinding against my leg while listening to love songs…

Posted in:Alanna Masterson




Eddie Petterson for Purienne of the Day


According the my extensive journalistic research, this is Eddie Petterson’s ass by Purienne, who I still think is one of the better “naked for fashion” creeper photographers who walks the line of softcore porn and fashion porn all thanks to shooting models and not hooker porn chicks…

She’s Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Vegan…according to her instagram she’s not that famous…but she’s a food blogger, perpetuating healthy eating, because the world eats like shit, and because of that, don’t have asses like this, but should have asses like this, so follow her fucking program, and start by taking some before ass pics and sending them to me, because I like looking at pics of asses…

Posted in:Eddie Petterson|NSFW




Kate Beckinsale Getting Spanked of the Day

Kate Beckinsale

I don’t know if the dude slapping Kate Beckinsale’s ass is her boyfriend, hired help, door man, or just some random dude walking behind her that looks like he’s slapping her ass, but that’s probably because the only thing I know about Kate Beckinsale is that she’s got some 17 or 18 year old daughter…despite looking young and hot and more importantly like someone that nerds everywhere are obsessed with and have been obsessed with the last decade thanks to being in one nerd movie, because apparently that’s all it takes..

So if you want a sustainable career and fan base, have you kid with a rich guy when you’re 18, so that you get an allowance for the rest of your life, allowing you to focus on having sex with producers who make nerd movies, securing a fan base for the rest of your life, and all you really need to ensure is that you maintain a fit body…and if you’re only job is to work out 2 hours a day…instead of going to some shitty office…it’s not too much to ask…

That said, she still looks good, even if you racists are mad that a man of darker complexion looks like he’s having his way with her because he’s probably rich as fuck…or the door man…I don’t know where this story is going…but look at the pictures..


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Woman VS Mistress and Other Videos of the Day

Australian Fast Food Brawl

Rolling Tire Takes Out Old Lady

Apparently Cop Unloads 109 Rounds on Suspect….

Gary the Goat for Breast Cancer

Texas Bachelor Party of the Day

Spanish Fans…

Immigrant Cop VAN VS Stairs in One of the LEast Eventful Videos of the DAy

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


My life is more than just posting pictures of titties…and it is more than linking to titties…but also very heavily based on staring at titties…everywhere I go…and I’m not even into tits, they are just more interesting than anything tits have to say…so they give me something of value to stare at…

So my advice today..is mute out all words and stare at them tits.

Here are some links…

Mermaid of the Day

Anastasia Ashley’s Ass With Some Girl With Horse Teeth

Stephen Colbert’s Commencement Speech

Salma Hayek has Tits

Batter Catches a Fastball

All Girls are Hooker – But These Girls Aren’t Hookers Who Charge By the Hour….

Naked Latino

Girls in Sports Bra

Leighton Meester is Pregnant

Some Bart Simpson Fucks Marge Simpson Videos…or some shit..

Jaden Smith is a Space Man

Apparently SNL and Louis CK Ripped Off Some Other Comedian

Chrissy Teigen’s Tits…and Pug Face

Dude Who Lost 400 Pounds..

All Kinds Of Celebrity Sex Tapes for You

Rihanna On Stage Diddle…

Girls Tugging on their Clothes..

Rebel Wilson is Actually 36…Which Makes Sense Because it Takes Years to Get Fat

Posted in:stepLINKS