I'll Make You Famous…




Chrissy Teigen Tit in GQ of the Day

Enemy of the site, Chrissy Teigen is clever, and I am not just saying that because she tricked a talented musician who was friends with Kanye and bound to be famous, before he was famous, to date her…

She is clever because she’s managed to levarage her Sports Illustrated modelling that reaches the frat boy crowd, to become a funny little social media personality, despite never really being that hot….

She has friended the right editors and nerds and has sucked up to them so they post her shit, like the babe in high school getting these socially awkwards to do her homework…

She’s manipulated everyone around her to thinking there was something special about her, and she’s probably never made a dollar doing it, but who needs money, she covered that early on by marrying John Legend…that dude’s rich…

They did GQ together, because that’s all part of owning your man, and she pulled out her tit and realeased it…because that’s what these breed of girls does..and really…this is one thing about her that I can say with confidence that there’s nothing wrong with…

Either way, she’s full of shit…but this tit was part of that bullshit…the only part of her bullshit I like.

Yes, I posted this pic yesterday and didn’t realize there was nipple. I’m desensitized.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigen




Alessandra Ambrosio in Bikinis for Ocean Drive of the Day

Based on logic…Alessandra Ambrosio has too many kids to be in a bikini…but science, or more importantly commerce has made it okay for her to strip the fuck down, because she’s got million dollar contracts to be in a bikini, and despite her catholic, can’t use birth control logic, won’t let that stop her or retire her or throw her on the back burner..but what fascinates me in all this is why they still use the over 30 models, is the market who cares or buys these products against a new generation of girls because young girls make them feel old, and are not relatable, alienating them from buying their product, even though these kinds of woman are hot that even girls younger than them can’t really relate to them when they see them in ads…or did Victoria’s Secret get a long term discount, like a cellphone company when buying these women from their Brazilian pimps, you know take her for 20 years, for 1,000,000, 10 years, 900,000, 5 year, 500,000, hustle…

Not that this has anything to do with the economics or marketing budgets of Victoria’s Secret, this is editorial, but I guess when you’re only real job has been Victoria’s Secret…everything she does goes back to that…who cares.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Some Hot Topless Models on House Boat of the Day

I’ve never heard of models Clara Rosager @clararosager and Corrie Lejuwaan – @corrielej but in this shoot by @cameron_hammond…they are rockin’ hot bodies on a houseboat…and it turns out that’s all I really need to know about them…because this is all I really need to know about any and all girls…it’s all that I care about when it comes to meeting new people…I mean I’m busy with work, and a wife and drinking…there’s just no time to waste of people who don’t get naked….right…

Posted in:Photos




Nicki Minaj Booty Pic of the Day

Nicki Minaj is a phoney. Everything about her is a fucking lie. But there’s something magical about staring at her clown ass, even knowing it is fake, now that she’s become a video vixen booty model, female rapper, Lil Kim of the now…when she started out as a fat circus performer imitating Lady Gaga for the black market, you know because when you watch the curve of hr career, you really grasp how much of a puppet she is…and luckily for me, she the kind of puppet you’d want to fuck, which in your case is all puppets, since they are the only things that don’t say no to you…

This is from her Instagram…

Posted in:Nicki Minaj




Genevieve Rokero in Lingerie of the DAy

I’ve never heard of Genevieve Rokero but she’s a model being shot for a photographer named Jeffrey Chan and she’s pretty fucking lovely…but I could just be saying that because she’s in Lingerie…and because she reminds me of a skinny Kate Upton, something that I am sure Kate Upton probably tries to remember, unless of course she’s one of those delusional fat girls, thanks to all the attention she gets, who doesn’t think she’s fat, but who instead embraces her body like it was an Extra Large pizza, because it’s what god gave her, as the media is trying to project on fat people, so that they eat more…the economy depends on empty calories..

Not that this has anything to do with Genevieve Rokero ….but these pics do…


Posted in:Genevieve Rokero




Candice Swanepoel’s Denim Campaign of the DAy

Candice Swanepoel has released a line of denim that I think she may or may not be the designer for….something that requires very little effort because the design intern who actually went to fashion school does all the work…Candice just has to try them on, endorse them, think she gave the OK on the design, and feel like she got a validated career, other than just being a set of tits in panties for an Evil Corporation, not nearly as evil as the Whites in South Africa she belongs to!

Side note, I like her narcissistic t-shirt…it’s very now…since everyone loves their vapid little selves thanks to social media.

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel




Rosie Huntington Whitely in Lingerie for Perfume of the Day

Rosie Hungtington is one of these high fashion, probably cunty and snobby, models who I assume laughs at all the American models, with their fatness, while sipping her pompous, pretentious, royal cup of tea back home in England…because English people are either fancy, classy and elegant, even when raging and snorting tons of cocaine…or they are gutter as fuck…toothless and impossible to understand….

She’s probably some perfume line, because she’s obviously into promoting all kinds of nonsense all the fucking time, and she’s doing it just in time for Valentines day, I’m sure by coincidence, wearing pink lingerie showing enough side tit to notice….and I am all for it, because I am a fan of her, and her ability to make bald men have hope….that they too can get a hot model…if they work out, get in movies and make millions.

Posted in:Rosie Hungtington




Manon LeLoup Topless Model of the Day

I don’t know who the Manon LeLoup is, or who the fuck she thinks she is, I just know she’s naked for some shit called SCANDINAVIA and that’s good enough for me, you see I like tits, I like naked, I like it all….but what I like the fact that girls are always willing to get naked if you position it propoerly, or ofer enough money…meaning if a girl tells me “you’ll never see me naked you are a sick and creepy fuck”…all you have to do is hire a fashion photographer to email them saying he is working on a book, and that girl will get naked for him, hired by you, so essentially getting naked for you…then you can email her the pics and say “you just did”…so remember…if you want to get a girl naked, any girl, you can…now here’s Manon LeLoup nipple…because it is art…

Posted in:Manon LeLoup




Jessica Simpson’s Mom Tongue and Titties of the Day

Jessica Simpson was showing her friend just what it takes to get your dad to love you enough to quit the church, build her career, make millions than come out of the closet as a homosexual….a long and strong tongue that while pressed against an asshole while giving a handjob feels amazing…Incest is the Best when you’re a country bumpkin and your daughter is the only thing in town that doesn’t have webbed does…

Not that Jessica Simpson used to lick her dad’s asshole, but I’m sure she’s licked at least one dudes asshole, everyone has, even the most normal of people, like the cashier at the grocery store…it’s just something people do these days…so assuming that a celebrity, who has probably seen some shit, despite being Christian, even though she is a divorcee with kids out of wedlock who flaunts her tits for record sales, being anti-christian…

Or maybe, it’s just something I want her to do to me….now that she’s taken her tongue out of the BBQ sauce and cake batter long enough to get a tight fit body….that we know probably has the soul of a fat girl, because skinny or fit doesn’t take away the underlying oral fixation that fills the emptiness in her soul, at least not forever…trust me, I prey on fat girls, I know how they work.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Ali Michael Nipple Pasties for Marc Jacobs of the Day

Ali Michael is one of these 24 year old, American Made, Texan born, fashion models who has been modeling since she was 15, and who probably lives in New York now….

When she was 18, she had a scandal because she was too fat to model, weighting 106 pounds at 5 foot 9…you know a real Kate Upton….

Anyway, she’s pretty much an it-girl, she’s done a bunch of campaigns, most importantly – SHOWING PIERCED NIPPLES IN GLAMOUR FRANCE ….and SHOWING NON PIERCED NIPPLES FOR TERRY ….and now this Marc Jacobs, 50 Shades of Grey Inspired accessory line, because Bondage existed before 50 Shades of Grey, and everyone has a boner for the up and coming 50 Shades of Grey movie, and by everyone I mean bored housewives, making sex and S&M more mainstream, making people at the fetish clubs wishful that good looking women will actual show up at their events….because fashion is about jumping on trends, raping them, while raping the sweatshops that make them, the wallets that buy them, and the small town girls with a dream who model for them….

That’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Ali Michael