I'll Make You Famous…




Samantha Gradoville for Transmission Magazine of the Day

Samantha Gradoville is one of the last standing American models. All the other would be American models are fat on Genetically modified foods and refined sugars while sitting in the trailer park watching Honey Boo Boo and other mindless shit to make their existence as depressing as their credit card debt…

She’s been NAKED FOR FASHION , which is code for she’s got naked for a photographer who had some connections with either a magazine or a client and who would only shoot her if she got naked, because that’s how girls break into the industry and she obviously wants to break into the industry, otherwise she wouldn’t be getting naked in pictures for what I assume is free, because people who get naked in pictures usually do it for money unless of course it’s to get herself to the next level…and she’s doing it again….because it is a commendable way to get ahead…because her tits, like all tits, even bad tits, are awesome…

This kind of work has got her into Victoria’s Secret….filling their US quota, as to not outsource talent too much…so I guess when you look like this…it works…

Posted in:Samantha Gradoville




Kat Graham for GQ Turkey of the Day

Kat Graham is some Tween actor in her 20s, like Luke Perry on 90210 when he was in his 40s, giving every 16 year old a complex, because they didn’t have beards or a weathered face that seduced high school girls like that, because they didn’t realize he was just a fucking pervert with a fake ID who enrolled back in high school to fuck teen pussy legally…

She’s Liberian and she’s jewish…and her dad is best friends with Quincy Jones….which makes us all wonder how she got into the industry…I mean it must be due to her raw talent and struggle, like so many other Hollywood starlets before her..

I guess ehs’ doing music now, which isn’t that interesting, and in doing Music, she’s also doing Press, like GQ Turkey, where they got her doing the Nicki Minaj…because that’s what white people like to see….with their racially ambiguous rich girls doing music because that’s what everyone their age is doing now….

Fun..but not really.

Posted in:Kat Graham




Rhea Durham’s in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who Rhea Durham is…I am just happy she’s not Lena Dunham, because seeing Lena Duham’s sloppy and disgusting ass that she pretends is a feminist movement…when really it is just an entitled spoiled connected cunt who doesn’t deserve her own show…would be upsetting, like everytime we’ve seen her naked….while this Rhea Durham is not upsetting…well not that upsetting…considering she’s 36 and 36 is pretty much like being 100 fucking years old, at least in sex appeal…until you ask a 36 year old who still thinks she’s hot thanks to Yoga and old rich dudes who constantly throw money at them like they are strippers…when really they are just gold diggers…

Either way, Rhea Durham is a model, I’ve never heard of her, maybe she was pre-2004 when I started the site….you know in the game long enough to marry rich…and this is her ass in a bikini…


Posted in:Rhea Durham




Kendall Jenner Baby Cameltoe of the Day

New trend…pose your cameltoe next to a baby…not that this is an actual cameltoe, but with a little pulling on the front of her pajama pants, totally could be, because she’s a Kardashian or whatever the fuck the Kris Jenner’s maiden name is, and genetically, built so that their vaginas eat anything their vaginas face that offer any level of opportunity or money….be it black cock, rich cock, athlete cock…or in this case Pajama pants…

Nothing this 19 year old “it” girl, thanks to the world being a horribly place, and the media sucking, is wholesome “look at me on christmas fodder”…it is all designed to monetize…making her the fucking worst…and giving us all hope for a family trip that ends in Natural Disaster, or Air Asia level missing plane, because it’s always the people who need to die, who don’t die.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Jessie J Does Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day

Jessie J is some bisexual pop star from the UK. I don’t think I’ve ever heard any of her songs, and that is probably a good thing…because the UK has a whole pile of shitty pop music that we are never exposed to…it is part of their culture, I blame the Spice Girls…

The only reason I know Jessie J, is because she performs in leotards, back when only a handful of these popstars were wearing leotards…I also know that she moved to LA because America appreciates her voice, while the UK just appreciates gossiping about her, because her voice doesn’t matter…I also know that she’s got some weird trashy tattoo that looks like she got in the housing projects in Atlanta one night before going to work at the stripclub…I also know that she’s built bottom heavy like she belongs in a hip hop video…with Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea because that’s the trend….make black dudes fuck you and white suburban kids who wish they were black will love you…and here she is in some self shot bikini pics for instagram…because it turns out America doesn’t care about her enough to send the paparazzi.

Posted in:Jessie J




Love Magazine Advent Continues after Christmas of the Day

Love Magazine is onto something.

They realize that if they do an non-religious advent calendar, something that up until fashion got its hands on it was mainly used to anticipate Christmas…

They can inject little video pieces of content to the internet using a variety of “it’ girls…or sisters of “it” girls..and the internet will respond favourably, because the internet likes half naked girls dancing around for any reason, not just Christmas…

I guess this is more of a New Years Advent calendar….because none of it had to do with Christmas, and it felt more like a peep show I used to jerk off in pre interenet porn….

And they are carrying out videos until New Years…and I am all about whatever it is that they are doing…all magazines should do this…and I am sure will after the success of this.

Bella Hadid for Decemeber 27

Jaime King for December 28

Lindsay Ellingson for December 29


Posted in:Bella Hadid|Jaime King|Lindsay Ellingson|Love Magazine




Nina Agdal is Garbage in Cosmo Mexico of the Day

I have been making fun of Nina Agdal since she hit the scene. I made fun of her Danish face that looks like it is semi retarded since day one. The only real redeeming thing about her was her ass and hot body, at least in pictures, and I just focused on this conflict that is her existence…

I mean the reality is she’s a Sports Illustrated model, which means she’s hardly an actual model ,but last month I saw her in person and she’s awful looking.

I’m talking drunk and haggard, with a shitty attitude, that deserves all the shit we have colelctively given her..she’s just this tall monster…all massive trying to draw attention to herself because she thinks she’s important…

And for that…I have vowed to hate on her every chance I get, like in these pics from Cosmo, that are hardly whorish enough for a girl we all know is a fucking whore…I mean how else would she be paying her rent….Sports Illustrated doesn’t pay.

We can assume she’s doing Mexico media in efforts to find a drug lord husband to finance her life….

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Evangeline Lilly for Esquire of the Day

Evangeline Lilly is a throwback to 2009. She was on Lost, I never watched Lost, but people watched Lost, I just know the fat guy from Blow was in it, and I guess compared to his massive tits, she was the next in line for busty babe…and I never thought she was hot, because I don’t get sucked into things like the babe a show decides is a babe and shoves down my throat, but maybe I jsut hate Canadians because I am Canadian and feel like when Canadians escape Canada for Hollywood…they are traitors who must be shot like they were Seth Rogen…..for being the actual terrorist.

I guess she’s decided to get back into the workforce, 5 years later, and the way she’s decided to re-introduce herself is with lingerie pics in Esquire…which may not be a sex tape, but it’s still lingerie…and she may not be in her 20s anymore, and she may be pushing 40, but thanks to photoshop, she’s lookin fine to me.

Posted in:Uncategorized




The Man Taking a Swim in the Street and Other Videos of the Day

Drunk Guy VS Bike

The Boxing Day Special

Friendly Neighbor Dispute – Ends with Girl Getting Run Over

Gang Fight on Public Transit…

The Man with the Pimped Out Scooter

Hot Ball of Glitter…

Lucky Pedestrians of the Day

Crazy Neighbor of the Day

Dude losing her shit…

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

My internet was cancelled, because paying bills is for pussies, so now I am in some random person’s cabin in the middle of the woods I though was a good idea to go to, while I was drunk…because we all could use a holiday getaway sometimes…especially since there is internet here…unfortunately, there is also three hooker looking girls with broken down faces and some dude raging on what I assume is meth…for the last 36 hours….but at least there is internet..

I figure ring in the new year like some kind of socialite…only my St Barts or Caribbean villa is hell.

This is why I don’t leave my house or socialize…unless I have to.

Here are some morning links…

Taylor Swift’s Cat’s Have the Dumbest Names

Screech’s GF is Amazing

16 Horrible but Amazing Holiday Socks

Aaron Paul is the Next Han Solo

Girls with Rockin’ Selfies…

Pam Anderson in a Bikini

16 Stupid Elevator Stunts

Dad Fucks With his 17 Year Old Daughter

Throwback to Rihanna Naked

Khloe Kardashian’s Pants Off Photoshoot

Girls with Red Lipstick!

Madonna is Mad

20 Horrible Dad Jokes

Find the Best Porn EVER

Posted in:stepLINKS