I'll Make You Famous…




Heidi Klum Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Heidi Klum. You may know her as the Victoria’s Secret model who never died, she worked there forever and she looked amazing and still looks amazing…a decade after quitting…because of German Engineering…thanks Nazi genetic testing for that…

I know her as the model who had her vagina murdered by Seal, a massive black cock that I can assume is the size of forearm, basically fisting her everytime they fucked…only to give her dozens of babies…coupled with her existing babies…making me wonder if the bikini bottoms she’s wearing are in this pic she posted are in fact just Duct Tape holding it all in…and the sick thing in all this is that if I was there I’d be more than happy to let her use my mouth to hold it all in…she may be weathered, but that’s the kind of storm I’d let choke me the fuck out via face-sitting…

Here’s some more of her nipple because she doesn’t give a fuck….


Posted in:Heidi Klum




Sofia Vergara’s Ass in Tights of the Day

Here’s Sofia Vergara’s ass in fitness gear, because I guess she’s getting ready to get married, or maybe she realizes she’s 100 fucking years old and that she needs to go to the gym to maintain that sex appeal that too her 20 years of hustle to finally land the right part, on the right show, to suddenly validate everything and everyone she did along the way to the top….

I am not overly excited by 45 year old strippers who never were, because they were smart enough to get to Miami, date rich, get into the right circles, make money…and it all paid off…

But I know that people are, especially 35 year old aspiring actors, not just hispanics trying to border jump, but every 35 year old who hasn’t made it says “Sofia Vergar only got Modern Family at 37, it could happen to me”…not that I like 35 year old aspiring actors, but I do like their desperation…


Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Rosamund Pike Has a Beard of the Day

Today’s posts are brought you by Rosamind Pike’s facial hair…

Facial hair I probably would have noticed and been disgusted by when I was young when FEM-STACHES made me gag, especially when food got caught in them…but the no longer bothers me because I realize humans are disgusting, hairy creatures, bush is hot…and like so many homos before you will tell you…and little beard keeps the load on their face longer and better so that it looks good in picture…

I mean sure, she’s a celebrity, and she’s pre-menopausal, my wife is full on menopausal and her hormones are so jacked that her beard is an actual circus level sideshow beard….but you’d think she’d thread, wax, laser, etc…so that people who are less kind to hairy woman than me…can’t slaughter her…

Because despite all the hate I get, I am not a misogynist, I love women, all kinds of sizes and shapes…and hairiness levels…

As long as there’s a vagina…sign me up….to get down.


Posted in:Rosamund Pike




Olivia Munn Puppies of the Day

Olivia Munn gets perpetual hate from people, but I’m sure she’s not that bad. She just had an opportunity that came her way before social media was really that big, to host a TV show, that was on a legit digital, but still legit channel…that ended up going bankrupt, and she took it…because it was probably better that going to failed audition after failed audition…her mouth was already warn out and tired of sucking its way through…

So she reached a bunch of gamers and nerds and gamers and nerds are loyal – they put her on the map – because they loved that she spoke their language – even if they knew it was a lie – it brought hope and they believed…

Then she got into movies, and now she’s posting big cleavage and puppies on instagram…and none of it matters…she doesn’t matter…but for some reason…you virgin losers still jerk off to her…or the memory of her you probably married when she reviewed your favorite video game..or some equally strange, socially awkward thing…

Posted in:Olivia Munn




McKayla Maroney Bikini Pic of the Day

McKayla Maroney is a bit of a scam.

Sure she won a Gold Medal by piggy backing on the skills of her Gymnastic team that I assume she got on because they needed one that didn’t look like a weird boxy muscular troll so that perverts everywhere would watch….something her stage mother, who probably acted as assistant coach, forcing her into this at a young age, seeing some natural talent and pushing hard as it was their window of opportunity…it was the way out…but I know nothing about Gymnastics other than cameltoes and cartwheels, so maybe she isn’t a scam on that American Hero Front…where I know she’s a scam is that at 18, she plays up and acts like a 12 year old, at least on social media…and the perverts love it because she’s a gymnast and has a body of a 12 year old….you know all virginal and shit…then her nudes drop..her constant flow of bikini pics drop…and her 18th birthday dropped and you know that her pre-mature, developmental issues possibly caused by hormone therapy must be a lie…and that this girl knows just what she’s doing and how to do it to seduce her way into relevance…

So this bikini pic may be her pretending to be playful..but really it’s a cocktease…I can tell.

Posted in:McKayla Maroney




Ellie Goulding in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know if Ellie Goulding bikini pics matter…

I mean I know she’s got a bunch of shitty, easy to market, overplayed popsongs that you probably know the lyrics to and that you may catch yourself singing along to, even though they make you want to rip out your eardrums after shooting yourself in the dick…but you’re still singing along because the music industry has paid scientists to figure out how to brainwash you by sending you messages through these overly commercial songs sung by puppets..it’s the only explanation for it…

Science has also developed fitness regimes to have fit round asses..that I’m not sure Ellie Goulding bother’s with, because I guess she’s a robot and this is how they make us think she’s human…


Posted in:Ellie Goulding




Paris Hilton Cleavage of the Day

Paris Hilton gets a lot of hate, but people still follow her around like she matters, because as much as you say you hate her, at least she’s not a Kardashian…..even though she’s obviously the reason for the Kardashians, they were just able to leverage everything she did like lecherous bottom feeders who had a strength in numbers competitive advantage, because animals are born in hairy shit colored litters….as Paris was off gallivanting because she was over it,

You can assume this is her showing off the tits she always wanted, you can assume this is her trying to get attention…I can assume you’re right, because she did launch her career of socialite with a porn tape…and it worked…girls…it worked…so send me your porn tapes…

All this to say, Paris isn’t so bad in the grand scheme of things…at least not like this.

Posted in:Paris Hilton




Dakota Fanning in Work Out Clothes of the Day

My favorite thing about working out is just parking outside of the gym, my dick in hand, watching all the girls go in and out of the place in their spandex outfits, especially in summer, because they usually involve shorts, so that I don’t even have to go inside the gym, but I can still masturbate to the vagina definition on fit little bodies…so next time you’re at the gym…worry about us guys on the outside, but not too much, we’re too fat to run after you…we’re just here to watch…

That said, usually, the girls at the going into the gym, aren’t all sweaty pussied the way I want them…you know from being fit, but rather sweaty pussied from being obese…but at least they are sweaty pussied…it adds more flavor…

That said, here’s Dakota Fanning, the creepiest actress in the history of Actresses because she was 40 at the age of 5, at least in interviews…and either that’s some Alien shit, or some overly trained dancing monkey thanks to stage parent shit I want to see naked…but not really….for any reason other than loving naked.

I don’t know what the point of this was. I like to think of it as performance art.


Posted in:Dakota Fanning




Samantha Gradoville and Holly Rose for Some Magazine of the Day

Samantha Gradoville is a model…who shows her tits when she’s not working for evil corporations who pay her a lot of money, but who don’t make her show off her tits, even though she is willing to show off her tits, because they are big box brands, and tits are bad for their mall dwelling audience….but at least the money doesn’t take her from her roots, and she still manages to show her tits, because the day she decides she doesn’t need to go topless to get ahead – is a day freedom has been attacked…like it was France…and this was a daily Satirical magazine that made jokes against Muslims…in what to the outsider who likes making fun of everything, just seems fucking horrible…but what isn’t horrible…are these tits…they get us through the hard and confusing times…unless those hard and confusing tines are dealing with our homosexuality, in which case…they don’t matter…but you get what I mean.

Posted in:Holly Rose|Samantha Gradoville




Gigi Hadid for Guess Part 2 of the Day

A couple of days ago I wrote about this Gigi Hadid for Guess campaign…

This is actually a creepy story, Paul Marciano, who is the founder of Guess, is best friends with Gigi Hadid’s dad. I’ve written about it before, even though who gives a fuck, the world is about hand outs, if you’re a billionaire, you’re family friends will be billionaires, they will give you jobs and the peasants will care because they are not billionaires…pretty basic logic…

But the creepy factor is the Paul Marciano does a lot of the shoots himself, because he’s a creep, and the highlight of running a sweatshop retailer is the glamorous days spent paying girls a lot of money to get naked for you, and not fuck you, in some kind of cocktease powertrip…

So the creepy factor, isn’t in Paul Marciano being a creep on set like other photographers, it is that he wanted to get his friends daughter naked, so he did it by taking her under his wing, like the pervert neighbor, introducing her to the right people and creating her….

It’s like he say her at a young age and said “I want that naked”….let’s get to work, kinda like the little league coach or “babysitter”….you hire to watch your kid…why the sudden interest in little Tommy? pervert…

Either way, here is Gigi Hadid, she is back on for Guess, like she was 12, because Guess made her, thanks to her dad being friends with creepy perverts than bring opportunity to the family..

Well, here are a few more of the pics…

I figure why not quote myself…when I should just quote myself…it makes me feel important to myself…even though I am totally not…

Posted in:Gigi Hadid