I'll Make You Famous…




Emilia Clarke Pretty Alright for Marie Claire of the Day

Emilia Clarke is up on some Game of Thrones shit, and I am just posting it to jump on the bandwagon, you know to be relevant and inline with what is going on in pop culture, I follow trends 10 months too late, because this is a pop culture site and that’s what I do, and ignoring the babe from the most popular show I don’t watch and will never watch because I am too cool to follow the masses, but more importantly, I have had too much sex to respect anything with dragons in it, that nerd shit makes me feel uncomfortable…but ignoring it would be like ignoring myself…and even though that’s what most people do, especially girls I try to have sex with…consistently, and compulsively….I won’t let that happen her or not, not today, not ever when I can just put up these pics of Emilia Clarke looking’ hip in some snap shots for a magazine…and move on like they didn’t happen…which is what I am going to do. Just watch.

Posted in:Emilia Clarke




Candice Accola in a Bikini of the Day

Candice Accola is here to prove to everyone that just because you are on TV, doesn’t mean you should be getting into bikinis for the paparazzi, because not all pop tarts on TV are created equally.

You probably don’t know Candice Accola, but she’s from Florida, a land to obesity, insanity, and girls who look a hell of a lot better than Candice Accola in their bikinis, because unlike Candice Accola, they are either drug addicted, or busy working on it, rather than throwing in the towel because she got on TV and that was enough for her…

She’s on a show called Vampire Diaries, but should be in the gym. Her boxy untoned body…has eaten too many tacos…


Posted in:Candice Accola




Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Pretty Pumped to be a Mom of the Day

Nothing like realizing that being a mom fucking sucks after spending your life wanting to be a mom but being unable to find a man to mom you…and 9 months of abuse before another 19-30 years of abuse to come…all thanks to being raised with Jennifer Love Hewitt as your mom, that will surely lead to drug addiction, rehab centre and some rebellion, especially after seeing how miserable mom looked when they were pretty new born.

This pic made me laugh, but then again all moms make me laugh when they realize the struggle is real and starting a family is the worst egotistical thing you can do…it’s way more fun to not have kids…they are a waste of time.


Posted in:Jennifer Love Hewitt




Reliving the Victoria’s Secret Catalog of the Day

There was a time when masturbation wasn’t very accessible. You had to watch scrambled cable porn because you couldn’t afford the channels, do it on the bus while people were commuting in their sexy work clothes, buy actual porn and porn mags that were way overpriced, jerk off to music videos, or if you were lucky, lingerie catalogs, like Victoria’s Secret, that became a household name and marriage saviour in the 80s and 90s, when they were needed.

So here’s a little tribute to trying not to get caught jerking off to a magazine, like you were still in the 90s, before everyone accepted that everyone jerks off and the internet gave us porn..

The models are who gives a fuck, they are interchangeable. The pics are uninspired catalog pics. The nipples are edited out…but they still happened so here.

Posted in:Victoria's Secret




Urban Outfitters Hipster Porn of the Day

It is safe to say that Hipster Porn is my favorite porn, even if the Hipster Porn isn’t actually porn, but rather young girls being barely slutty, because I know that beneath the surface of an Urban Outfitters Campaign and with the right approach, these girls are young and part of the porn generation, a generation where pornstars can be deemed cool and desirable, because dudes everywhere jerk off to them, and girls like being jerked off to…they like being dirty little fucks who look good while they fuck, it’s some animal instinct shit that has made the world far more fun to live in…

Posted in:Videos




Zuzana Gregorova Nipples for Fashion of the Day

I posted Zuzana Gregorova in the past…I didn’t really have anything memorable or inspiring to say about her, she’s a hard faced model, from Bratislava, who looks like she has no soul, but would be perfect as a mail order bride, and she barely exists in the fashion and modelling world..but but probably gets enough work to pay her way, since back home in Bratislava she’d be working for 10 dollars a week…so anything is better than that hell…

I guess what it comes down to is that she’s showing some nipple for ELLE, trying to increase her brand, to get more work, and she’s doing it with nipple and I’m into that…so keep up the good work Bratislava Zuzana

Posted in:Zuzana Gregorova




Paulina Gretzky’s Behind the Scenes for Golf Digest of the Day

Paulina Gretzky has a ridiculous fan base that I don’t really understand or think is thats deserved. I mean sure she’s fit and looks good, but there are a lot of hot fit girls on instagram who don’t get featured in Golf magazines, but I guess it’s because they aren’t married or engaged to pro golfers…or more importantly, the daughter of some puck slut and a huge small town Canadian Hockey player, who left his modest white trash roots in Canada, and went Hollywood, raising a couple of bratty rich kids who never have to work a day in their lives, and really why wouldn’t you want that for your kids, working sucks.

I think it is a little creepy that a huge percentage of her fans are just Gretzky fans, you know the diehards that wish they could come in him, if only it wasn’t gay, but instead can imagine cumming in her, because she’s the closest thing to him, she’s got his DNA in her, assuming her hooker puck slut mom wasn’t cheating when he was on the road, which is a pretty major assumption, because she probably was…

Here’s the behind the scenes video of the shoot.

Posted in:Paulina Gretzky




Weirdest Workout Video and other Videos of the Day

If you don’t like that here’s a cop beating the fuck out of a chick….

Here’s a drunk Bosnian not taking shit from no one..in a bitch no your place situation

Here’s a high speed baker..

Hip Hop has Ruined White People…

Boston Marathon Tribute Cameraman Fail of the Day

Posted in:Videos




Sofia Vergara’s Women’s Health Shoot of the Day

Sofia Vergara has a great scam going on. She was a single mother from Colombia, who managed to work her way into a sitcom where she plays herself, which requires no talent, not that being on a sitcom really requires any talent, just look at Jennifer Aniston and all the other overpaid idiots from the history of sitcoms, but this Sofia chick has it pretty good, it’s like they wrote the part specifically for her, and that’s safe to say, happened because of either really good blowjobs, even though girls in Hollywood are already giving really good blowjobs, it is the land of eager as fuck….or some weird drug cartel affiliation muscling the right people to make shit happen…since LA is the land of cocaine too…

Either way, she’s 100, still looks good, and is in Women’s Health for you to masturbate to, because you are too lazy to masturbate to footage of her from when she wasn’t 100 years old

Posted in:Sofia Vergara




Kendall Jenner’s Ass at Coachella of the Day

As fun as Coachella seems if you are into horrible crowded places filled with horrible people…who think they are connecting with something organic and amazing, even revolutionary, all corporate sponsored, because they have their heads shoved so far up their asses, asses that they don’t mind showing the world, because cut off jean shorts are still the Coachella style, reminiscent of the hippies they are channelling, but designer and 300 dollars a pair, to make it ok…and here’s Kendall Jenner crying for attention, playing around like she’s not paralyzed by her rich and famousness, because she’s amongst like-minded people….pretty awful, but I dig ass cheeks even when on 16 year old girls at Starbucks…I mean especially on 16 year old girls at Starbucks…because it’s not illegal to stare at their exhibitionism…

Anyway, week two Coachella is happening, because they don’t make enough money week one, it’s like they found their scam now milk it…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner