I'll Make You Famous…




Bobbi Kristina Brown Bikini Pics of the Day

This is Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of Bobbi Brown and dead singing Crackwhore Whitney Houston…who is married to her brother…showing off her bikini body…clearly because people are teasing her for being an emotional eater, up on some Jennifer Hudgens, my whole family is dead so I eat burgers, Precsious shit…only to show us all that she’s clearly her mother’s daughter, up on some meth and or other street drugs that make eating obsolete….

I don’t know, I find the whole thing pretty erotic, but that’s just because I hate fat people…and take skinny anyway it comes…especially with bikini camel toe…

Posted in:Bobbi Kristina




Nina Agdal and Some Useless Instagram Model for OP of the Day

They cast Nina Agdal in some shitty, commercial, Walmart bikini brand campaign video, alongside a bunch of instagram models, because I guess they throw the budget at the babe Sports Illustrated lent them, and the midget instagram models with over 100k followers on instagram, do it for free…not to mention, they make the real model look like an actual model, you know like average girls who use fat chicks to make themselves hotter, and all of a sudden your shitty product line makes sense…because you’ll get some buzz….

I am not a core anything, I don’t care if something is authentic, nothing really is anymore, everything is mainstream shit, I just know OP is garbage, made in afghanistan, gives yeast infection shit, I used to know some girl who’s father ran it and even she wouldn’t be caught dead in the shit, it’s just designed for tweens with no style, and/or money, leveraging a surf brand-name from the 80s… But I will say…Nina Agdal looks alright in a bikini…

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Alessandra and Behati Together for an Evil Corporation of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio and Behati Prinsloo were together for some Evil Victoria’s Secret brainwashing promotional tour…to help bring some aspirational marketing to the fat Americans who actually shot at Victoria’s Secret…cuz I know for a fact, even these Victoria’s Secret models don’t wear this cheap shit made by Bangledeshi childer for a dollar a 20 hour work day, all to give fat white Americans cheap overpriced lace panties that give them yeast infections and make them look silly trying to turn on their husbands……honourable work little Radeep can be proud of…


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Life’s Biggest Tragedy of the Day

I think it is one of life’s great tragedies that Courtney Stodden has under 6,000 instagram followers…whether she only started her instagram 2 weeks ago or not, it is safe to say her and her cartoon tits represent all that is good in America. You know that you can go from being a stripper who couldn’t afford a decent tit job pushing 30, to a 16 year old bride to some random client you had, who happened to be on TV, and who happened to be willing to carry you to the tabloid top….that int end resulted in the tits you ever wanted

To me, she’s the queen in our monarch-free nation. Put her on our money. Make a statue in her honour…or a sex doll..which I guess already exists…and looks identical to this..this selfie making machine who needs a sex tape…

I am in love, I’ve already reached out to her people to make a documentary on our first date. It will happen and it will be magical…

Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Miley Cyrus Instagrams Her Underwear of the Day

Miley Cyrus loves attention. That may not be news to you…but it involves her being half naked so that’s news enough for me to post…she’s a vile little creature, who represents all evil, in some identity crisis that involves her doing anything for attention, even being half naked, that unfortunately isn’t all that hot half naked, but that is planting the seed in girls everywhere to be half naked, and as far as I’m concerned that makes her a hero….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Jennifer Aniston Face of the Day

Remember when Jennifer Anistion was considered this hot thing all because she was on TV and had hard nipples? Or more importantly remember when Jennifer Aniston played a stripper a year ago in a movie like she wasn’t 100 fucking years old…

Well here’s Jennifer Aniston…now…not looking’ her best…


Posted in:Jennifer Aniston




Scarlett Johansson’s Dumpy Legs are a Movie Poster of the Day

I know a good strategy to advertise a horror movie staring Scarlett Johansson….use her chunky legs as the poster…that shit will scare anyone with any fucking taste…who realize that Scarlett Johansson is a monster…even after she’s photoshopped…with her thighs rubbing together like some sort of mess…not that these are even her legs…that’s just the rumor…her legs..I am sure are retaining much more water than this…and not just because she’s pregnant.

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson




Tara Mackey is On the Beach of the Day

Tara Mackey is one of my favorite up and coming models who I can google and see nude…She’s all over music videos and making all kinds of moves and I assume we’ll be hearing a lot more from her in the months to come…I have an eye for this kind of thing…but I would prefer if we keep seeing a lot more for her, because she’s hot as fuck…

Here she is in some beach pics I stole from the internet, because that’s what I do with girls I have crushes on…

Posted in:Tara Mackey




Huffer of the Day

I don’t know what this guy is Huffing, but I know that I would like to spend a day walking around with him. He has an interesting face and must have an interesting story that probably involves throwing his feces at the people passing by…

I guess I’m just envious of the homeless, they are the real winners at life who made the move to just drop out of society and not fuck around with what they were told to fuck around with, it’s freedom motherfuckers…they don’t even pay taxes…they win…

Posted in:Videos




Marina Nery by Terry Richardson of the Day

Marina Nery is some no name model who shot for Terry Richardson like other no name models before her…some of whom come out of the woodwork and blame him for raping their faces…others who go onto be successful models…but for some weird reason the ones who go onto be successful models never complain about him, they never say he did anything inappropriate and they always say he was nothing but professional..

That’s not to say he doesn’t give into some girls, lure them in with his photography, like every dude everywhere does with whatever asset they have, whether it is a fit body, money, a good job…it’s just to say, that he treats real models like models…and groupie whores…like well…groupie whores…who try to expose him to get the attention they never had..

I’m not so into his pics, but there is some cleavage.

Posted in:Marina Nery