I'll Make You Famous…




Hormones in the Food Have Got Kylie Jenner Too…of the Day

Here’s 12 year old Kylie Jenner in a bikini from 10 days ago…and it looks like that like so many other 12 year old…the hormones in the food, the estrogen in the water, the GMOed vegetables, and all the fast food…has got her too…that or her mom got her implants for attention…which is probably really what happened here…not that your pervert creeper ass cares…you just like staring…

Now her only real flaw is that she’s a Kardashian….cuz titties can’t save a bitch from that…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner




Iggy Azalea’s Tits of the Day


I think it is safe to say, Iggy Azalea, female rapper who pretends she was a poor ex stripper from Australia because it makes a good story, a better story than “I moved to LA to become famous and this act seemed to work”…probably because she banged a lot of black dudes in the industry..is crying for attention…asking everyone to look at her…but it’s is even safer to say she’s better off showing her fat ass, because it’s a hell of a lot better than this tits and face…seriously…distract us from this truth…I feel like she’s Tilda Swinton’s daughter…but that would mean Tilda Swinton has a uterus and that’s scarier than these pics…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|NSFW




Miranda Kerr’s Got Good Style of the Day

I wonder if Miranda Kerr got all this new found titty confidence when she was fucking Bieber after the Victoria’s Secret fashion show last year, and dude was like “shit this is way better than how Usher Breast Feeds Me”….

Or maybe this is the dress you wear when your titties aren’t wanted anymore after getting fired for fucking Bieber after the Victoria’s Secret show last year…

You know to make you feel wanted or at least to get people talking…and it works for me…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




A Different Half Naked Scene in Rihanna’s New Video from Instagram of the Day

One of my pet peeves is when people pose with money on the internet. I just think it’s stupid as fuck and not even because I have no money…because I hate it when broke as people post their winnings from a casino game, and I hate it when strippers show the piles of dollars they made when people made it rain that probably amount to under 1000 dollars…and I really hate it when rappers and popstars do it for some hip hop image, like look how rich and crazy I am…I mean Rihanna is fucking huge, we know she’s rich, and doesn’t need to talk about it, but rather should spend her time focusing on exposing her vagina as much as possible, rather than 10k or whatever is going on in these pics from her new video, when bitch gets paid 100k or more a fucking hour….it just looks stupid..but I guess Rihanna never really cared about looking stupid, that comes with dropping out of school at 14 to be a hooker who became famous enough that people cared when she got beat the fuck up…taking her to a whole new level of garbage I want to stick my dick in…that is probably just as dirty as the kitchen garbage I’ve stuck my dick in at low periods in life when I just wanted something soft against my dick…but more socially acceptable…

All this to say, I am a fan of her work, when she does, her exhibitionism…all works for me…even when it annoys me.

Posted in:Rihanna




Failed Suicide Attempt of the Day

I don’t know if it is because I have no soul, or because I find death worth laughing at since we all die…or if it is because I hate suicidal people and all their throwing their life away because it sucks, even though life sucks for everyone, even people with everything, it’s just human nature to be miserable, but some of us are better at laughing it off…

So there’s something very funny about idiots who try to kill themselves and totally fail, you know end up surviving, because they suck at everything they do…

But in this case, dude was saved by a pedestrian who was just chilling, only to be landed on by some asshole suicidal prick…and apparently…the pedestrian died…proving that this Suicidal idiot….is now a murderer…that’s gonna real

If you don’t like seeing an idiot sucidal murderer fleeing the scene…here’s a video of a smoking’ hot fiery date…

Posted in:Videos




Chrissy Teigan Nipple Slip of the Day

Chrissy Teigan is married…and in being married has found a new low level strategy to get noticed…that involves showing her nippple..

She’s a little Pug-Faced, and not in a good way, because if you know anything about me or the site, I have a #stepPUG and I call myself a Pug Whisperer, but human pugs aren’t quite as cute…

She’s just not really hot at all, and sure she has tits and a body, and has been in SI, but I think it’s time for her to just get knocked up and live that gold digging wife life…

She bores me, even with all her twitter jokes….that suck…time to shut it down.

Posted in:Chrissy Teigan




Emily Ratajkowski for Nasty Gal Lingerie of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is famous now…and it isn’t for modelling lingerie….it is from taking off her lingerie…making this totally disappointing…unless you’re like me and think she’s fucking lovely in all she does…from shitting to having her period to farting after a big mean…I want it all…in my face…all the time…because I am a sick fucking man..and she’s so good on all fronts…even though other girls hate her for being so perfect…

To see pics of her pouting fully clothed at an event…cuz the paparazzi have finally found her CLICK HERE

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski




Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny Swimwear of the Day

Semi-Retarded because they photoshop out the full-retard looking Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny, which is a company that I am pretty sure SI owns, because what better brand extension for a Swimsuit edition, that to own the swimsuits in the Swimsuit edition, while using all these eager bitches who want to be famous so they can fuck A-Listers to model their shit the rest of the year…it just makes fiscal sense…and I don’t mind looking at it, even if staring at a bitch in a bikini who was tainted by Adam Levine is probably the least productive thing I could be doing right now….

I decided to throw up a few of her recent instagram pics – since they are circulating and why not…

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Today in Izabel Goulart Instagram Amazingness of the DAy

Izabel Goulart is ripped…holy shit…I like it, but I am sure there will be a handful of you who think it’s disgusting and want a sloppy looking Kate Upton to make you feel like a man again…but the truth is I follow this babe on Instagram and she’s perfect, always working out, eating well, and looking so lovely I would sing her love songs outside her bedroom window until the police came and took me away…only to come back again until there was a restraining order set in place…She’s got it going on and it makes me wonder why Victoria’s Secret fired her and got her deported back to brazil…but I guess you should never question the illegal model trafficking industry…

Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Kelly Brook’s Tight Shorts of the Day

I wonder what would compel a girl to show the world her camel toe intentionally…Because if you know any girl who uses Instagram or Facebook, you know she analyzes her pictures from every angle, she may even use a photo retouching app to make herself look hotter than she is, while still be able to hashtag #nofilter….meaning this was intentional…look at my fat vagina being suffocated by tight shorts play…and I guess as someone who has seen her labia minora sticking out at me in previous photoshoots, I can understand where she’s coming from and I don’t really hate it…even though I should…

Posted in:Kelly Brook