I'll Make You Famous…




Vanessa Hudgens and her Dad of the Day

I guess this is a picture Vanessa Hudgens posted last week on instagram of her and her father. I’ve seen this bitch naked, I can see the resemblance…it’s uncanny.

As a stepfather, who never wants kids of his own, I still respect the happiness in a girl’s face when she is with her dad, to every girl he is her hero, her first love and that bond is one that no one can really break, unless of course he’s a molester in which case she probably wouldn’t be hugging him and as happy with him as possible, but then again, his selling her to the entertainment industry has worked ok for her..

Either way, here’s the little Monkey and her dad…so cute.

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Vanessa Lawrens Topless for FHM of the Day

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Vanessa Lawrens is some dude named Mario Balotelli’s wife or fiancé and she’s naked or at least topless in FHM France…because that’s what quality nude models with fake tits who seduce athletes because it is a good retirement plan do…

I’m into it, I just wouldn’t be if I was a pro Athlete, I mean why bother marrying these gutter opportunist wallet fucking gold digging hookers who have probably banged hundreds of dudes before you to get the same outcome they are getting with you…They are at their prime now, fuck em and leave em, cuz you know they’ll let you fuck anything you want as they try to seduce you, and so many girls out there probably want the same thing milk it, never give in…make a reality show out of it….I mean quality wife material isn’t in magazines showing their tits…random sluts you fuck cuz you can are…so that’s what should be going down…not that I care, I’ve never heard of Vanessa Lawrens or her soccer husband, but I have seen their tits.

Posted in:NSFW|Vanessa Lawrens




Amy Schumer Disgusting in Full Body Spanx of the Day

I am a joke snob…despite how unfunny you may find me…I find everyone else just as unfunny…

I am sexist and I don’t believe girls should be comedians or making jokes. There are dishes to be done, babies to be changed, and there have been very few who are actually funny, thought provoking or interesting.

The majority just say things a girl shouldn’t say, with little or no thought…are ugly and bitter about being ugly, trying to relate with the pretty girls by pretending they are pretty girls who have pretty girl issues, that I have a hard time believing they actually have.

This AMy Schumer is another new generation comedian, who unlike Joan Rivers, has nothing to fucking offer. Her act is flimsy and just noise, but more importantly, she looks like this DISGUSTING face and body that looks either inbred, product of straight sibling rape…I’ve seen her act, I’ve found her “Roasts” offensive, because anything that comes from an ugly bitch can’t be heard because ugly bitches barely fucking exist and to rebuttal anything she says to dis people like Charlie Sheen or whoever she’s mocking is always gonna be “Bitch, if you’re even a girl, say what you will with your shitty jokes, the fact remains, you look like this and based on that alone, I’ve won”…It’s like she only signed up to do a roast in hopes that it involved eating a roast…

So here she is being funny in a body SPANX, I hate her….She should be funny trying to drown herself for being born so fucking flawed. I mean the real joke is being born to look like this…

Posted in:Amy Schumer




Rihanna is at War of the Day

Rihanna went after some bitch named Liz Jones, who I think writes fro the UK Guardian, the same publication that said I was one of the worst things to happen in the first decade of the 2000s, a title that I like to think of as my peak, or maybe it was something else from the UK….

I don’t know the backstory, I don’t care, I just know that there is no way Rihanna wrote this, even if it is in her broken english, because she’s uneducated and the word “Campaign” is definitely beyond her capacity…if it read “I used to suck British Dick for money when I was 14, until it turned into gold in America, and now I’m rich and can grab my vagina and show off my weed and nipples to my fans, it makes me more popular”…with more typos..I’d believe it…

But it’s still kinda funny…”Sloppy Menopausal Mess”…I love those, cuz the Menopausal messes I’m used to are dry…so fucking dry…

LOL!!!! My money got a bad habit of pissing people off!! If you sincerely wanna help little girls more than their own parents do, here’s a toxic tip: don’t be amateur with your articles, you sound bitter! What’s all this about hair and nails and costumes and tattoos?? ….That shit ain’t clever!!! That shit ain’t journalism! That’s a sad sloppy menopausal mess!!! Nobody over here acts like they’re perfect! I don’t pretend that I’m like you, i just live… My life!! And I don’t know why y’all still act so surprised by any of it!! “Role Model” is not a position or title that I have ever campaigned for, so chill wit dat! I got my own fucked up shit to work on, I’ll never portray that as perfect, but for right now it’s ME!! Call it what ya want!! Toxic was cute, Poisonous Pop Princess had a nice ring to it, just a lil wordy! And P.S. my first American Vogue cover was in 2011…APRIL!!! #ElizabethAnnJones

I am surprised the Rihanna team cares this much…I just wish Rihanna outted me like this. I could use the traffic and I saw way worse shit about her on the regular….than

She promotes drug-taking, drinking and the sort of fashion sense on stage that surely invites rape at worst, disrespect at least … I wish she’d stop infecting our high streets with her gun tattoos, her false nails and fake hair, her bogus bad-ass shenanigans that try to portray her as ‘real’, as ‘street’, as her own person, as strong and single-minded … This poisonous pop princess should come with a government health warning”

On the regular….so Rihanna..if you’re reading this…choose me! CHOOSE ME! You gutter trash hooker who has caused at least 3 girls I know to be pregnant by 14, addicted to meth and HIV positive….

PS – I love fashion sense that promotes rape or worse…(is anything worse than rape?, probably not when you look like this Liz bitch, I feel rape is invited with a face like that)….

PPS – I am surprised she didn’t mention that Rihanna let’s her men assault her…that to me is the real issue when it comes to Rihanna’s influence on young girls…short shorts, weed, and pussy grabbing is all good…but thinking it’s ok to beat a woman…not so much…

PPPPPPS – I think the real issue is this reporter’s face..what the fuck is going on there – maybe she should worry less about Rihanna and more about Botox…my god.

PPPPPPPPPS – I think the world needs more Rihannas, but I’m also a fucking pervert who likes rape clothing…

Posted in:Rihanna




Words of Wisdom By Aaron Hernandez of the DAy

Every time a football player or really anyone is charged with murder, I like to cross reference their twitter to see what their headspace is and to find the irony in the quotes and things they say and the fact that they are being charged with fucking murder…it makes me laugh because I am a sick man, just not as sick as this Aaron Herndez, charged with murder, New England Patriot gone Wild…I mean posing in a selfie with your murder weapon…no wonder dude was in sports and not in a real job…what a dummy…I mean he could have not killed a dude and been rockin’ millions of dollars a year for the next 10 years…but now that tight end takes on a whole new meaning…but is equally celebrated just not compensated quite as well…idiot.

Posted in:Aaron Hernandez




Robbery Fail of the Day

I have no idea what is going on here, but it seems like the guy in the helmet was trying to rob a store, and someone tries to stop him, setting him off and leading to a fist fight, that ends with the entire store, or maybe just the entire family of the store owner who has his whole immigrant life invested in the store and a robbery is a personal insult to their people and that’s why they jump in a help…using random objects and the whole thing is pretty funny….

Posted in:Videos




Miley Cyrus for Jimmy Kimmel of the Day

I had a sex dream about Miley Cyrus last night. I am not going to go into details about it, because it was a little too romantic for my liking, in fact it was a lot too romantic, because the only thing I should be dreaming about with this bitch is hardcore sex that doesn’t end in cuddling, but does end in wallet fucking…

Not to mention there was a little too much Miley in it for my liking, I figure if I’m dreaming about these people I hate on, they’ve won…like they’ve infiltrated my mind like a Lady Gaga song…I’ve never intentionally listened to, but know all the words of…if you know what I mean..

Well, apparently while I was doing that, she was defying the image Disney spent millions building up of her, by tweaking with another girl and being all suggestive and slutty, the way I like enough to dream about…

I didn’t watch any of these videos, my internet connection is shit, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t blindly post them…does it.

Here’s interview – Part 1

Here’s interview – Part 2

Here’s performance – Part 1

Here’s performance – Part 2


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Rita Ora In a Bikini for a Photoshoot of the Day

Looks like pudgy Rita Ora starved herself for a few weeks before this bikini photoshoot she posted to the internet….

From what I remember she normally more busty, and less toned….I’ve got pics to prove it, I’m just too lazy to use the search bar on the site to find it.

For those of you who don’t know or care about Rita Ora, and I assume that’s probably all of you, she’s the UK Rihanna Impersonator, who I guess the Record labels liked and hired, in the event Rihanna ends up killing herself now that she’s a big star and not on a short puppet string anymore…You know now that she makes her own career decisions, and life decisions, and the labels who created her kinda work for her…an uneducated, inexperienced, coddled brat who makes stupid choices…they know she’s bound to fail eventually, and this is the back-up plan.

Now I’ve never listened to Rita Ora’s music, and I won’t, but I will stare at her in a bikini for a few minutes, but in my defence I stared at a fat granny in a bikini in the park for 4 hours yesterday, you know until it got weird for both of us and I felt I should go over there and introduce myself as the guy who was staring at her for 4 hours…but I didn’t for fear of being forced to have sex with her…despite having no standards, sometimes I try to avoid horrible decisions before they happen…and I guess so does Rita Ora, at least that’s what her starving herself for a change tells me. Good job!

Posted in:Rita Ora




Bar Refaeli Does Instagram of the Day

I wonder if Bar Refaeli’s mortgage payment is coming up, or maybe she’s making a big purchase, or maybe she just wants to see her bank account a little more substantial…or maybe she’s just feeling a little insecure and in need of a little attention..because she’s been aggressively posting bikini pics to the internet and I mean that’s kinda what all the ratchets do…eager for LIKES…

I’m not complaining, even if I find her a little plus sized, I’m just curious what she has up her sleeve, what’s all this scheming, but not that curious, because in less than 5 minutes, I will forget I posted this, because guess what, it really doesn’t fucking matter because she doesn’t matter.She’s a bikini model, she’s old, she’s not even American and doesn’t even live in America and there are so many other breasts out there to replace hers…welt’s focus on those.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli




Scarlett Johansson for Vanity Fair France of the Day

These aren’t hot. Scarlett Johansson is old, fat, dumpy, sloppy, a divorcee, uneventful and not very interesting. Her acting has consistently been emptiness, and her personal life equally dull. She’s about as colorful as a pile of shit…but for some reason she got picked up, marketed heavily, loved by the masses, because of her face, and ability to hide her gut…and we all wanted to fuck her at least once…

I pretty much hate her after seeing the nude pics she sent someone to jail for leaking, when she should have been the one sent to jail for taking…not because I don’t like looking at nudes of all women, but because I thought taking homie down was a little excessive, considering she was the slut who took the pics in the first place and should have taken some ownership on that…

I mean if sharing nudes is a crime, I’m the fucking stepfather of that shit…that’s all I fucking do…so I guess whenever groups try to take my kind down, I am forced to make them enemy number 1…and hate all their non-nude work…like this shit that might as well be the cover of Good Housekeeping, a cover she’ll never get, cuz Good Housekeeper’s don’t get divorced…..a Good Housekeeper keeps her man and home good…and they don’t get their asses divorced.

An ass she’s poking out in these pice..

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson