I'll Make You Famous…




Paige VanZant MMA Ass Gets Oiled Up of the Day

I don’t know when this MMA ass getting oiled is from, I don’t know if it’s a preview from her OnlyFans or if it was stolen by one of her subscribers and shared with the people of the internet like some kind of oiled up ass stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor, I just think it’s a round fit ass that could kick my ass in a thong, glistening in the fucking florida RV park sun, where you’d want an oiled up ass to glisten, and it’s pretty fucking masterful.

I don’t think Paige VanZant giving into the fans who would jerk off to her fighting other chicks, like some kind of fetish, monetizing off those fans is a bad thing, since she’s accomplished and has marketable skills, if only the girls we grew up to had a monthly subscription site to see their oiled up asses, not that I remember liking any celebs or athletes when I was younger, but you know, sometimes whoring out to the audience by selling your body to the audience makes sense, sponsors clearly don’t pay shit and she’s a married woman and it fucking pays….

So I’m not just endorsing this fighter because she could kick my ass, anyone could kick my ass, I’m basically handicapped so if anything, that’s what makes her round ass smut hotter….

If you want to see more of her, get to her INSTAGRAM and click that link in bio…

Posted in:Paige VanZant




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am all for weed, or really anything that makes a girl horny and sedated and ready to fuck it out, I mean….I like weed for an excuse to bring drunk girls home after drinking, you know like night cap that’s a little more sleepy, without the stigma of date rape drugs…..I mean….I like weed for it’s medicinal and industrial qualities, that can help with mental health issues, anxiety attacks, while using hemp straws and other environmentally friendly shit from a clever fucking plant that grows like a weed…..but a lot of these weed girls do a bad job selling it, because they look pretty lazy when using their weed products as a prop….you know you can workout and smoke weed, it’s not about snacking all the damn time ladies…

I guess weed girls are a diamond in the rough amongst weed girls and here’s a round-up for you to dig in and find that THOT cam girl who smokes weed all day because she makes a million dollars a month not leaving the house, amongst the bargain basement back alley weed girls….


Get HiGH


Posted in:Weed




Dua Lipa Assumes the Position in Latex Slut Boots of the Day

Dua Lipa is popping a squat like a girl riding a suction dildo for the OnlyFans account and she’s dressed appropriately for that vibe, because she’s got her titties out in a top and a pair of latex fuck me boots on, which as far as latex outfits go are probably the hottest option available.

I used to have a friend who had a bunch of latex outfits, it was his fetish I didn’t understand, but he swore that see the way his cum dripped off latex was everything to him, ,so he’d have bitches he brought home to fuck wear the outfits, despite knowing other chicks wore the outfits, and it was the late 90s so a weird thing to do….or to have girls you brought home into….

I never understood why he would save up for those latex outfits, being someone who just likes girls naked, and who figures cum, all orange like Weinsteins, which is on record as being orange, can pool wherever the fuck it wants, I don’t need a special outfit to make it better so long as it happened….

But the latex boots, especially in a sitting on dick squat, from a shitty viral popstar is pretty hot…since she’s the best the industry has to offer.

Here she is on a boat…..

Posted in:Dua Lipa




Jimmy Kimmel’s Baby Sacrificing Comedy of the Day

Disney Owned Kimmel made some weird fucking segment that people laughed to on mainstream, ad supported TV……

If ever you needed proof that there’s both a satanic agenda pushing child sacrifice to feed these clowns who aren’t even funny, like BLACK FACE JIMMY KIMMEL, the least funny guy on Late Night TV, which is probably fucking challenging to become,, since no one on Late Night TV is funny….from Colbert to Trevor Noah, Corden the Joke Thief and Bad Restaurant customer to Fallon and his schoolyard games for retards….it’s a fucking mess.

There used to be a time when they’d give interesting looks into people of interest, with candid conversations, because they weren’t obvious agenda pushing freaks…..but maybe that’s just a fantasy of a simpler time, Leno always sucked but there was some decent laughs to be had SOMETIMES….now it’s just all agenda pushing shit….

The real concern here is that Jimmy Black Face Kimmel, who has put his dick inside that nasty Whitney Cummings, which I’ve always found a disturbing concept, even forgetting how fat he was at the time….put together this clip and as puppet mastery goes, as propaganda goes, as brain washing goes….the LAUGH TRACK LAUGHS….to UNFUNNY shit is the real troll here.


I don’t care about dead baby jokes, human sacrifice jokes, creepy jokes, I fucking LOVE LOVE Rape jokes, all jokes fair fucking game, but when a joke is so bad, even with Snuggies being a Horror movie character who targets baby that is just awkward and not funny, seeing the drones in the studio who want to laugh so bad, require being told to laugh, at something so obviously not funny, you know….humans are easy to manipulate retards, making me wonder why I’m not a billionaire….I should capitalize on that….I mean they do what they are told….

We all know he’s bought and owned, a sell out loser, but the REAL concerning thing is that he has a team of writers and he’s a high paid comedian, and this is the shit they come up with, are they even trying?

Posted in:Videos




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Here are some chicks who workout to offset from the FAT FUCKS I just posted, may not all be the most feminine, or the ideal female form, but some of them could be fun to wrestle, or to get crushed like a watermelon between their legs….

I am just convinced that with fitness, comes a better fuck, even if they clit is elongated, since it won’t smell like diabetes, premature death and seed oils…

Bitches who workout are inspiring, even if it’s just watching them do fitness in their slutty outfits, because in a world of fat, where fat is marketed as normal or beautiful, while surrounded by shitty foods to make you fat, and distractions to keep you on the couch to become fat, just seeing a bitch get out there to fight the fat, usually in tight fitness outfits, is pornographic….

Some of these fitness girls get a little more pornographic with their fitness, must be the high testosterone……intimidating us SOY BOYS…that are barely men on our testosterone level charts but that I blame climate change for.

Either way, there are levels to fitness and they are all better than normalizing the fat.


Posted in:Workout




Josie Canseco Yellow Latex of the Day

Josie Canseco is the hot model daughter of Jose Canseco who 25 years ago, they decided they’d give her the feminized version of her daddy’s name, like white trash in the backwoods, only millionaire Cuban pro athletes.

Her mom is a hooters model who used her vagina for personal gain, she made sure that cum stuck up where it had to after having the opportunity to fuck Jose Canseco who we’ll assume was roided up and at the top of his game at the time…..where she was clearly so hot that his roid balls still were able to ejaculate where it fucking counts…unless it was a flip the condom inside out situation. I wasn’t there.

I just know when you’re a hooters waitress, you make these opportunities bring the ROI you need, and thanks to the hot daughter who has learned some of momma’s tricks, coupled with daddy’s athlete genes, she delivers the goods even though she doesn’t have to, since she’s a rich kid…..

So she whores out on the internet out of passion and a love for being half naked online and not because it’s a means to an end to get paid and there’s something hot about that.

This is her halloween costume.


Posted in:Josie Canseco




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day


I saw a meme of some 400 pound woman’s dating profile picture, because I guess the girls on dating apps are owning their obesity and not trying to catfish people too fucking hard with their 15 year old skinny pics, or pics of their friends, or pics of themselves from an angle that doesn’t make their face look fat as shit, so that you can celebrate the big tits and not realize there’s a big belly with it……

But yeah, the meme is that girls who look like the fat fuck write “average” body type and the scary thing about it, is statistically, they are right….the world is fucking fat despite fat being lazy, disgusting, and disrespectful to your damn self…

The fat epidemic is greater than the covid epidemic, yet no lockdowns or mandatory workouts happened, no fast food chains or junk food brands cancelled for killing a motherfucker prematurely, instead they offered you free burgers and donuts to take their shots…..

The point is, fat is vile, fat is disgusting, trying to posture it as hot or empowering is irresponsible and since we don’t want to be charged with a hate crime because my personal preference as a fat fuck married to a fat fuck is skinny chicks, you know, jerk off to what you don’t have at home, opposite attract shit, but since my personal NO FATTIES ALLOWED ideals don’t line up with the agenda, this is my attempt at INCLUSIVITY….because to some of you BIG IS WONDERFUL, especially when it DIES prematurely, which was my whole plan in marrying a fat chick, but instead it’s just chronic fucking laziness….and disease….and medication….and late nights of wiping asses after too much pizza….

Some call it Karma…I call it hell…


Posted in:Fatty




Candy Thief and Other stepNEWS of the Day

Lithium Battery Charing Fire.

Dipping in the Cheese Sauce Girl Gets Owned by Someone More Hard….

7 Eleven Shopper


Modern Shopping…

Angry Lady at the Taco Stand!

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Standard Yoga Moves iN Standard Yoga Outfits and Other TikThots on Youtube of the Day


The Incredible

Water Park Piss Water You’d Want to Drink

Long Jumper

Dumb Dancing Tits

Basketball Tits

The Stretch

Air Humping…

Boot Removal

Ass to Head

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




RIP MOTHERFUCKER THE Julie and Julia Mooch of the Day

I remember at the height of the blogging industry, before social media really took the fuck over and some bloggers were able to dominate on that space, while others who were terrible at self promotion slowly died off, or me, who keeps doing it but doesn’t expect anything to come from it….

But yeah, this Julia Child movie came out, thinking it was a biopic and as someone who grew up on that weird cooking show tranny, I ended up seeing it.

I was quickly disappointed when I realized it was about a blogger who hated her lame ass life and who needed a viral stunt to get noticed, so she mooched and stole Julia Child’s recipes from Julia Child’s signature book and wrote blogs about her experience doing all 500 recipe from the book.

I don’t know if she did all 524 recipes, but you know, doing 3-4 recipes a week and writing a blurb about it, is fucking easy to do plus you get to eat well and bitch got a book deal, TV deal, and became a millionaire with one viral stunt, in an era when viral stunts weren’t an everyday think making millionaires…

Here I was writing 10-15 posts a day for my 100,000 followers, that are LONG gone at this point, but at the time the site was getting 100,000 – 150,000 people a day…..and I was making dog shit money slaving away with the celeb nudes, my only highlight in the 18 years of doing it was when Lindsay Lohan got my number and became my text buddy for a month….or two….as great as an accomplishment as that was, I’d be happier with doing 5 posts a week, not 15 posts a day, have it turned into a best selling book and movie, so that I can fuck off on a tropical island somewhere…..

So, needless to say, I hated this Julia and Julia bitch and the scam she ran but also hated the industry for their laziness in not supporting the minimum wage work horses of the blog world….

Well, the bitch is dead, so I’ve outlived her, and there’s satisfaction in that, only because she wished death upon the ANTI VAXXERS, she was one of those misinformed libtard retard covidiots in her double mask with 6 shots in 18 months kind of idiot…

Seeing this tweet of hers going viral, makes me hate her even more, she’s the precise reason why I will not forgive or forget what they did to us….

In fact, let’s dig her up and kill her again for being such a piece of shit, but I guess God got his wrath on the mooch bitch…..

Her name is Julie Powell, RIP Motherfucker. The world is a better place without that kind of SCUMBAG….

Posted in:RIP Motherfucker