I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Garner Ass Crack of the Day

This is pretty fucking lovely. Show some fucking respect you trashy plumber of a pussy. If you weren’t a mom and this was 10 years ago, I’d be more encouraging, cuz I like ass crack of all varieties…especially for a target to cum on… but she’s got kids and is old and dumpy..making this anything but erotic..don’t get me wrong…when a bitch is bent the fuck over and her ass hangs out of her pants…I always look…just yesterday I stared at this drunken pig of a girl who was probably 30 and dressed in some bullshit costume from the sex shop that was too small for her and that her massive fat chick tits were popping out of was leaning over to talk to her friend who was sitting showing off white, soft cotton panties, despite being on such loud piece of trash drunk girl who I wanted to punch in her midwestern trash face and who probably looks disgusting naked….but as Jennifer Garner proves…it’s not always hot…and sometimes ass is so bad that all you can think about is how many shit it has taken the last 3 days…and not in a hot fecal fetish way….in a disgusted way…and apparently, this is one of those times..

Posted in:Jennifer Garner




Scarlett Johansson Campaign for Mango of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Scarlett Johansson, but then again I don’t give a shit about anyone…especially when they are overrated swine…you know, short, fat and dumpy with a big nose…but apparently, when they are photoshopped to shit for a ad campaign cuz that’s all the work she can get…I like ’em just fine….

That’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson




J-Woww Stupid Fake Tits in a Typical Costume on Halloween of the Day

The thing I hate about Halloween is all the repetitive costumes…The thing I like about Halloween is all the skin exposed….whether it is cleavage or ass…but in one of those be careful of what you wish for situations…I was eating a slice of pizza, looked out the window and a dude in a loin cloth bent down to pick something up and I saw his gaping anus…makin’ me wish Halloween was more about wearing underwear than it is…but I think I just saw the dark side of the holiday….

Speaking of Gaping anus, here’s J-Woww and her useless whore body, fitter than ever in preparation for livin’ out her stripper dream by doing Playboy when MTV is done with her and she’s allowed…you know before fully fading into obscurity where she belongs and she loves showing off her fake tits, cuz they are the most expensive thing she owns thanks to her ex-boyfriend for buying them for her, cuz trashy pigs like this just can’t get enough of dressing up, sluttin’ out, making out with other girls and getting drunk enough to take home random men for unprotected sex, I mean that is the whole reason they got herpes intentionally a few years back right? So they don’t have to bother worrying about getting it on one of their many unprotected sex romps…cuz that’s just slut logic for you….

Posted in:J Woww




Fall Down Dead Brings The Movie Nude Scene of the Day

This movie is called Fall Down Dead that I can only assume no one saw….so these nude scenes are probably new to all of us…and since I only see movies based on the nude scenes…I am happy to say that now I don’t have to subject myself to such garbage to get to the nudity in the movie…It starred Dominique Swain…good to see she’s doing amazing work these days….

The nude actors are two bitches I’ve never heard of named Jennifer Alden and Karine Darrahput and if this movie showed a little more pussy lip…I think it woulda been all okay….

If you’re like me and you like watching bitches shower from afar, you know through the shower curtain, cuz that’s the best you can pull off with your peepin’ tom vantage point…of if you like the idea of girls being naked together, showering together, checking out each other’s tits and vaginas together, comparing it to their own tits and vagina without saying it out loud, like I do…then you’ll like this first clip, even if the movie is clearly shit….

If you like when a girl ruins sex by not letting the guy cum, you know her selfish needs make her get off him and start getting dressed, when everything you ever read or thought about sex didn’t end this way, bitches aren’t supposed to keep us hanging like it’s no big deal this clip is for you….

This movie is just so true to life..and relevant to the world we live in…a real masterpiece that I hope gets an Oscar nod.

Posted in:Jennider Alden|Karine Darrah




Amanda Seyfried’s Real Slutty Costume of the Day

This is typical….Boring hipster Amanda Seyfried would be the pussy to not get half naked or try to be seductive in any fucking way because she just doesn’t have that ability unless it is for a movie…like Chloe…where she dyked out and showed off her fat titties for pretty much the entire time…winning me over…cuz it’s just that easy to make me your fan…but for some reason in her everyday life…she pulls stunts like this…like the only girl at the party with zero fucking sex appeal and even the one girl I saw last night in a ridiculous animal mascot costume had the decency to have a cow costume she could had unzipped so she could show her udders in lingerie…See I’m a full supporter of avoiding the fuck out of the sex shop and their generic costumes…or trying to not to be a news worthy item, like the Chilean miners…you know in some serious obvious bullshit…but I need a little fuckin’ sexy to remind me what the Halloween Spirit is all about…and Amanda Seyfried disappoints yet again…I am convinced she is doing this totally on purpose to fuck with my head…

This is not cute. This is the kind of shit that gets a girl beat down for being a cock tease who won’t give us more of what we want. She’s taunting us. I can tell.

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried




Isabel Lucas is Dressed Like a Fat Chick of the Day

Asian girls I see working the convenience stores love to wear shorts over leggings…I prefer when bitches are a little less greedy and save some clothes for people who need them, you know instead of putting everything they own on at the same time like some kind of show-off, you know taking a bit of everything and putting it into an outfit instead of sticking to one of the items which independently can be pretty fuckin’ hot, you know short shorts with an ass hanging out of them or leggings too small for a bitch that you can see their cunts in them, but together they are pretty much fuckin’ awful, even if they are meant for a shitty Halloween costume….bitch needs to step it up and stomp the yard…especially if she wants to keep up this being the new Megan Fox bullshit.

If you’re wondering why she’s doin’ this, it’s cuz she’s getting fat…only fat chicks pull off this kind of outfit for fear of the world really seeing what she’s packin…especially when she’s trying to be the next Megan Fox….

Seriously, the last 4 or 5 image sets I’ve seen of her, the ass has been covered up as subtle, yet obvious to an expert like me….

Not that it Matters..cuz you are America and fat to you is on a whole other level….I am still drunk from last night, or this morning, if drinking til 8 am counts as this morning…

Posted in:Isabel Lucas




Brooke Burke’s Latex Halloween of the Day

This was the first time I went out for Halloween in a long time. I ended up drinking with some dude who kept giving me back massages while talking about how much he likes fucking pussy until 7 or 8 in the morning..it wasn’t really by choice…he just kept following me from party to party and I think he may of been on E and thought my tits looked fun to play with…the good news is I did get at least one girl who was passed out in the corner to let me suck her tit…sure she didn’t actually give me permission…but she also didn’t say no….which was good until her friend, who happened to be a crazed bartending lost her fucking shit and threw a flashlight at my head insisting I leave the party for being a sick man…even though her friend was totally into it..despite the whole no moving and snoring….but if she didn’t want it why would she be wearing a bra out in public…

Either way, I’m recovering and here is Brooke Burke’s pretty amazing mom body in a latex outfit, that although is typical generic halloween bullshit…is good enough for me cuz she wore it to a kid’s with AIDS charity to show them what they’ll never get cuz girls like Brooke Burke don’t fuck adults with AIDS just cuz she fucks with Kids with Aids cuz it gives her a good public image…you know since Wild On wasn’t so conducive with people seeing her as a good, relevant, contributing member of society….unless you were talking to me…in which case it did..cuz I like drunk chicks with fake tits in bikini tops all the time…but who cares what I think..

Posted in:Brooke Burke




Trashy Trashy Perla Ferrar for Paris Hilton’s Shitty Party of the Day

Paris Hilton had a private party and it attracted real class…as you’d expect you know with her being this rich as fuck girl from relatively Old money who at one time were the American Royalty…blue blooded and high society…I mean before her coked up father and mother got pregnant with her in a bathroom at Studio 54, only to raise her the only way they knew how, and that was by giving her to the help while they continued their party into their 40s, spendin’ Grandpa’s money, leavin her with no choice but to be a pornstar to get noticed by them….She didn’t get fucked on camera for us or to better her career, she did it to get her dad to answer her calls for a change…I would have liked the outcome of this sad story to end in suicide…I guess there’s still time for that…and while we wait, here’s Paris’ Guest named Perla Ferrar showing off her tit, dressed like Jessica Rabbit and I don’t care….

Posted in:Perla Ferrar




Kate Beckinsale Tits on Halloween of the Day

Who the fuck care’s about Kate Beckinsale’s hot mom body in costume…she is a hot mom with a hot mom body and she doesn’t have to get done up in costumes for me to appreciate her…she can wear a pair of shit stained sweat pants that smell like cheese from some fat man who doesn’t wash’s ass and I’d still want to lick her asshole after she took a shit when she was freshly out of toilet paper…

But what I do care about is that last night I found the college girls who dress slutty everyday cuz they know they have hot bodies far less interesting than seeing the 45-60 year old women in slutty costumes cuz they don’t dress slutty ever. It was the first time I actually caught myself checking out an old bitch in lacey booty shorts over her daughter who was typical and probably had bikinis more intense than the shit sh was wearing.

It was a turning point in my life. I am not gonna say I’m into old pussy officially, cuz that could be the end of me…but i will say…I saw the fuckin’ light…and now I regret not going for older experienced cunt who don’t give a fuck and just want to get off, who know how to get off, who like things in their ass, cuz the kids made their pussies loose and they are aware guys like tight things and most importantly they don’t use condoms cuz they are from before AIDs back when my dick still worked…but instead I just spent my time creeping on girls who never put out cuz they found me creepy….Too late now…I guess I’m with Stupid.

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Jamie-Lynn Sigler Ruins Halloween of the Day

I will say that I never jerked off to Meadow on the Sopranos and that’s not going to change this Halloween. I am far more interested in staring at all the sluts on my Facebook and their Halloween albums, cuz shit like this, especially when on useless whores….is just boring…I think I realize that the whole point of Halloween is to divert our attention from the girls we lust for in movies and porn, and instead focus on real chicks in our real life’s bodies we never really noticed they had until they decided to walk around half naked and put pics of themselves on the interent….As far as I’m concerned, in this disconnected yet overly connected world…jerking off to someone you know even if it is just on facebook is a nice throwback to the way it used to be…there’s something wholesome in getting off to a real person…and sometimes it just takes a shitty costume on a d-list celeb to realize pussy you kinda know is really what’s actually important in life….

Posted in:Jamie Lynn Sigler