I'll Make You Famous…




Camila Cabello Bikini Dance

Camila Cabello just happens to be a Cuban girl born in communism, who just happened to come over to America, probably illegally, since she was born into communism, which all these woke libtards think is an awesome system to live under, even though they don’t leave the resort when they go to Cuba on their cheap all inclusive vacations, assuming they take time away from TWITTER, which I don’t…..

So yeah, Cuban girl just randomly becomes part of a trending girl’s band, only to have her own solo career, before getting herself fat as shit, since she was a tiny thing when she started, owning the fatness, because she’s empowered or paid, or bought, or manufactured and this is her propagandizing to the youth, half naked, small titty and THICC!

I’ll assume some of you find it hot, the whole latin roots booty shaking almost overpowers the 20 pounds of being overweight, but it’s just making me hungry for a CUBANO sandwich, those are good, and I don’t mean her Shawn Mendes, likely not eaten pussy, but that’s a Cubano sandwich too!


Posted in:Camila Cabello




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If a girl leaves the house in an outfit that doesn’t reveal enough of her pussy so that I can sketch it out when I get home for masturbation purposes, than she’s not really a girl, or at least not with the trends, and for that reason alone, she doesn’t exist in these modern times of showing your pussy everywhere you go because it’s not slutty if it’s through pants or a romper or whatever else they are wearing because The Kardashian Jenners do it and they are billionaire whores, and you’re not, so fuck you!

I will never complain about a trend as hilarious as girls jacking pants into their cunt like some kind of sex toy, tickling their sensitive spots, assume girls still have sensitive spots and aren’t all calloused from what society has turned them into!

I think pussy wedgies are brilliant, there are so many pussies I’d never be able to visualize in a day without them, and visualizing pussy, as it turns out, is my only interest, making this an IMPORTANT post every week!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Noah Cyrus Slutty of the Day

So Noah Cyrus is a celebrity sister who I guess has decided she should be a celebrity too, and for all we know, she may have more raw talent than Miley does, you know because she’s not Miley and will never be Miley so she’s got to try exceptionally harder to be taken seriously, but not as hard as someone who doesn’t have a dad who was an icon and mockery of Country Music in the 90s, or a sister who basically defined a generation of girls, in the sluttiest way, so that when her sister grew into her full form, she could take her fatness to some high concept and disturbing, oiled up, tit strapped music video to get noticed!

If you’re not simulating masturbation, do you even exist on the internet, probably not!

It’s just unfortunate that she’s terrifying looking, even when looking her “best”!


Posted in:noah cyrus




Old Folks Home Entertainment of the Day

I don’t know how old this video is, but I know that moving overseas to die is looking a lot more interesting, in part because of the cheap living, but mainly because of the whores..

I know a guy out there living off 1000 dollars a month, getting wasted daily, fucking random bitches in massage parlours or lady bars and is having a great fucking time while everyone he left behind in America are basically being starved out and left to die!

I also know that Old Folks home entertainment in these parts is some nerdy fuck doing some Vaudeville act that should never have been conceptualized or found an audience, but since they work for free, and since the audience is demented, they make their performer dreams a reality and last I checked, that’s not a stripper show though!

So yeah, this is good! Aspirational, better tomorrow shit, even though we all know the collapse is coming!

Posted in:Videos




Christina Milian Wet of the Day

I guess at Christina Milian’s old ass age, the only way she gets wet is when you throw the bitch in the water!


I got jokes!


Posted in:Christina Milian




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I was told to not write very much for the Weed Wednesday, or really any of these insane round-up posts I do daily, because amateurs trying to make it by getting half naked, is far more interesting than shitty coddled celebrities, who are soulless and fake as shit, paid and bought to indoctrinate motherfuckers because they are BOUGHT and paid for!

So yeah, I should just write “here are some weed girls” and let you get to the pics and videos, but with that logic, I wouldn’t write anything on any of the posts, and what would be the point of that!

I may not be smart, a good writer, interesting, funny, or have anything of value to offer, but I’m over here pretending to be busy, even though I have no ads to pay for this shit, so maybe I should just write “here are weed girls” and let you do your own commentary on the people who make smoking weird their identity in a world that needs labels because everyone is so uptight, even when smoking weed, when they should just smoke the fucking weed and chill the fuck out, that’s the fucking point bro!

Posted in:Weed




Jojo’s Brought her Braless Tits to the Stage of the Day

My man Willie sent these into me pretty much right when it happened, since I barely check my email, deal with addiction, it’s a disease you know, and overall have a total lack of interest in celebrity pussy, because I am convinced celebrity is over, hollywood is dead, and these are the final players in a piece of shit industry that should have never been, but that has probably had sex with Jojo at least once, you know, it’s the low income trash from the middle of no where that they like best!

I also hate social media, so I look at the highlights posted in places like the stepFORUM, but yeah, what we can learn from Jojo is that if you’ve got tits, fucking use them, they are a gift from above, that even if they were kept hidding in her first iteration because the industry was putting money into marketing her and she didn’t need to bust them out, she could use them as part of her comeback tour that she’s been on a few years now, which is precisely what she’s up to!

In this concert that I am sure sucked, Jojo is in a skimpy top, braless, possibly flashing, definitely showing a lot of underboob, maybe even some nipple through that costume, and it makes her a fuck of a lot more interesting since she’s basically an ex celeb, holding onto the dream, already shat out by the industry because she got her period or turned 18, or something along the creeper lines like that!

Point of the story, Jojo’s got tits and I’m looking at em!

Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque




Illegal Ass of the Day

The one thing that I know about myself is that I am not a racist, but that doesn’t mean that I am pro illegal immigration, but only because I was never able to cross-over to the USA illegally to become the biggest deal in show business like I was Sofia Vergara’s tits, not that I’d ever become the biggest person in show business, not matter how fat I get, I never break 300 pounds, I’m fit like that!

I am not American, based in America, allowed into America dude to my vaccine status, so I am not political, I just saw this minute long video of people in cammo being filmed coming into the USA, like it was some strategic or planned invasion, despite all the barbed wire and I thought, that first girl’s got a nice ass, she’ll be able to find a fat lame loser husband in no time to legitimize herself, or maybe she’ll get to work under the table at a strip club, or better yet – launch an Only Migrant Fans, where she gets paid in her home country, so that she can just use her already set up credit cards to set up her new life living the American dream, you know before it all collapses, which it is safe to say, has got to be the plan!

Posted in:Videos




Proper Splits Challenge and Other TikThots of the Day

Flexible Girl Dancing

Yoga Stretch

Elevator Slut

Bus Slut

Farm Slut

Outfit Check

Military Dance

Short Skirt Body Check

Tight Shorts

My Kind of Tourist

Stay Hydrated

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Being fat positive and not being a body shamer is a mistake!

I know the media gets mad at Fat Shamers, the person running Britney Spears’ account as Britney Spears just got her cancelled for being a fat shamer, where fat activists wrote comments like “this is not it”, when throwing shade at tank Christina Aguilera’s use of fat dancers to make her look skinny! Amazing, we need more WWE style dis conflict in the 40 year old popstar world, it’s not just for lame ass rappers anymore!

Plus, she’s got a fucking point, X-Tina was this tiny thing with bolt on tits, who got rich, lazy, had a kid or two. and turned into Precious, not a great look! TEAM BRITNEY because her captivity everyone is trying to monetize on, at least her fake wedding guests pushing the Britney narrative, that the true Britney fans aren’t buying, because they think she’s been institutionalized, killed, or at the very least replaced by a body double!

So yeah, these fat girls would need to stand next to REALLY FUCKING fat girls to look skinny, and supporting fatness as a lifestyle, is the same as supporting drug addiction, or sexual offenders, because fat kills, it is sickness, it is premature death, and it’s not SEXY!

I post this to remind you, while pretending to be a Fat Positive motherfucker, inclusive but for all the wrong reasons, sure I’ll post you fatty, not for the fat fetishists but to save the indoctrinated dudes who are being brain washed and convinced they are fat fetishists, now that all chicks are fat, even though in the depth of their soul, they are wondering why this fat bitch is acting like a hot chick, it doesn’t make sense, it’s not how society was built!

Remember, men are apologizing for being men, white people apologizing for being white, straight dudes are fucking men to de-stigmatize gay, or some insanity, or fucking trannies so that they aren’t transphobic, lots of weak people, just way to keen about being suffocated by a big bellied MUFF gut!


Posted in:Fatty