I'll Make You Famous…




Brooke Hogan in a Bikini of the Day

Brooke Hogan is showing off her big fake tits in her bikini and I guess despite hating Brooke Hogan’s masculinity and her broad shoulders and trashy rich north Florida upbringing, I have to say she doesn’t look as bad as she has in the past, proving that all it takes to make your dressing like a chick more believable isn’t about how proper you tuck your cock in, but how big your fake tits are, because the bigger the tits, the less broad your shoulders look, making the only real complicated thing about being a woman in a man’s body is explaining to your mother why all of her lingerie is stretched out and to the random men you bring home, why you have a penis…..cuz from what I’ve been told, that kind of deception gets trannies killed. True story.

Posted in:Bikini|Brooke Hogan




Hayden Panettiere Kissing a Co-Star of the Day

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Here are some pictures of Hayden kissing some gimpy dude with a big nose who has to be Jewish on set of something she’s filming. Shit reminds me of a t gay experience that happened a couple of days ago. I was on the bus, exhausted and past the fuck out. I woke up leaning on the shoulder of some brown dude who was sitting next to me, I looked at him, he smiled, I apologized and he stroked my hair with his hand and said “anytime”. It was a little awkward and I got off at the next stop, even though it wasn’t my stop and I am hoping that’s the last time I see that dude, like I am hoping this is the gateway to seeing Hayden shoving her dick in a gay dude, not because I am into Gay porn, but because I want proof that this bitch doesn’t own a pussy.

* Access to material has been disabled in compliance with DMCA *

Posted in:Hayden Panettiere|Kissing




Brad Garrett on Fox & Friends After the Show of the Day

Here’s a video I am posting because it defends the kind of comedy I like to think I do. I make fun of everything and everyone gets all uptight about the shit and it’s annoying because it is just jokes and all those people don’t have a sense of humor. I am not saying that I am actually funny, but I am saying that I don’t mean to hurt all your little sensitive feelings when I am an asshole.

The other reason I am posting this is because the whole sitcom world takes seemingly talented or at least funny comedians, who at one time were innovative or at least interesting to listen to because they didn’t give a fuck, but sell out for lots of money, making them look like pussies to the rest of the world annoying us via our televisions without ever knowing what they did before they got the gig as Ray’s brother and even after seeing him in action, won’t go back to his old stuff, but I do know that dude ruined himself by not selling out in a way to retain his street cred. I guess he’s got the last laugh because of his huge bank account and shit, but I still think that kind of oppression on someone’s creativity is depressing and another reason why Hollywood ruins lives. Enjoy.

Posted in:Brad Garret|Comedy|Fox & Friends




Serial Killer Love Song of the Day

You know the world doesn’t have enough Serial Killer Love songs. Here’s a little Charles Manson song to pick up your spirits, just try not to think about the pregnant woman he brutally murdered when you slow dance to this shit with your pillow, pretending it was a woman to hold because you know one day, it just might be one. There are a lot of horny desperate older ladies out there lookin’ for a guy just like you, you just have to put yourself out there. I believe in you.

Posted in:Charles Manson|Love Song.




Kim Kardashians’ Funny Facebook Ad of the Day

So this Laura’s Weight Loss site is using Kim Kardashian’s image on their site to promote some weight loss program. Now I don’t know much about marketing and advertising and shit, but I do know that she’s better suited for a chocolate bar company, because let’s face it, if you want a Kim Kardashian body, all you have to do is sit on your couch and start eating.

Having her promoting a diet, is like hiring Magic Johnson to promote condoms, Lindsay Lohan to promote Abstinence, Amy Winehouse to promote sobriety, Jennier Lopez to promote music school, you get what I am saying…..

Posted in:Ad|Kim Kardashian




Some Tommy Lee Lame Drum Solo from the 80s of the Day

I am going to admit that I am not feeling up to the job today, the thought of lookin at pictures of celebrity chicks and writing my stories to them seems fuckin’ boring as shit, but I’ll shape up in the next few minutes, but in the meantime, how about watching this Tommy Lee solo because despite all the cheesy, fake tit, groupie pussy he gets he’s still a fuckin’ loser attention craving drummer in the back of the stage trying to get a little of the glory the rest of the band was getting and that insecurity and really lame execution of a desperate cry makes me feel better than I did about 6 minutes and 41 seconds ago. Enjoy.

Posted in:Uncategorized




stepLINKS of the Day

Yeah, Yeah…here are my links. Stop emailing me about them. Some of us have important things to do away from our computers on weekends, like find the source of all the bugs crawling around my apartment and following big scary black guys with pot leaves on the back of their jackets into the back alley by my house out of curiosity to see what they are up to back there and not being met with the warm welcome I expected….I kinda slacked this past week, I think I’ll try a little harder this upcoming week, like actually read my emails. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Love.

Dear Pete WEntz: Die.

Star Hour Takes Two Negatives and Makes a Positive

Danielle Llyod, You Big Ball of Class

Elizabeth Hurley Tits

The Best Porn You’ll Watch All Day

The Hottest Political Pundits , and By Pundits, I Mean Sluts

Bikini Bagpipes

Kim Smith is Lazing About

Here’s the Video of Kanya West Throwing a Tempur Tantrum

Honestly I Miss the Crazy, Panty and Vagina Flashing Britney, So Here’s a Throwback

Jessica Simpson Doesn’t Look Completelt Disgusting at Some Event or Another

Sex or Yoga

Ahhhh Gymnastic Mishaps

Your Friday Night Entertainment

Who Says Romance is Dead?

Amy Winehouse is Getting it Together

Second Trailer for the Quantum of Solace

Fat Man Breaks the Xerox

Here’s Some More About That Girl Who is Auctioning Off Her Virginity

The Ten Hottest Sets of Twins Ever

Who’s That in a Purple Dress

Nothing Like a Good Old Baseball Fight

Group Showers Are Where It’s At

Why Hello Chloe Jones

The Lovely Asgrid is Hotter Then Her Name Lets On

Trailer for Changeling

Because We All Know You’re a Virgin Anyways

Fuck You Jack in the Box

More Proof You Don’t Need Brains to Write a Book

More From Madonna’s Dry and Sour Tour

And MORE From Madonna’s Dry and Sour Tour – This Time With More Steroids

Kim Mardashian is a Model for Safety

Striptease of the Day

Whoaaa…Relax There, Road Rage

I Guess She Forgot to Lock the Door

Sophie Monk Wears Bikini Top; Can Ride Bike

Beer Goggles and You

Gabriela Vergara Can Make Me Coffee Anytime

Danny Lynn Birkhead = Not Dead Yet

Ron White Likes to Get High, Motherfucker!

Now That’s What I Call a Red Carpet Dreess.
PS: Is This a Tranny?

Post It Note Experiment

Red Head Rosalia

Pam Anderson is Just Plain Crazy

Posted in:stepLINKS




How About Some Winonna Ryder Legs of the Day

I figure these will be the last pictures I post this week, because like Winona Ryder, I am old, tired and have nothing to offer the world but am just happy that at one point in time people liked me enough to give me work to fill up my bank account enough to carry me through the rest of my life, except for the whole being happy that at one point in time people liked me enough to give me work to fill up my bank account enough to carry me through the rest of my life part, because I am poor.

I never found Winona hot. I didn’t care when she got arrested for shoplifting, I didn’t care when I realized she had bigger tits than I thought she did, and I don’t care now, but I will post her legs because I know at least one of you cares because you have a hard time moving on….

Posted in:Legs|Winonna Ryder




Shauna Sand is Keeping It Classy of the Day

Everyone hates on Shauna Sand for being a tacky bitch, but what I know is that despite dressing like a cheap hooker with the name Gary tattooed on her ass, she still manages to keep her composure. She just comes from a school of thought where fake hair, fake tits and skinny everything else is a good thing, and in her defense her career is solely based on the younger version of this look, so like a dog being rewarded a dog treat for doing a trick, Shauna Sand keeps bringing this back out because it is her trick and we’ve all rewarded her for it. The sad thing is that she keeps shit classy by not releasing sex tapes, by never being rude and by always taking the time to clean herself up and despite it not being something you’d want to see your mom wearing, it is something you’d want a slut you bring home to fuck to be wearing and you can’t forget that. Like I can’t forget the time I was forced to hang out with 2 trashy chicks from Michigan at some resort town’s public pool and they were cussin’ and spitting and scratching themselves in disgusting places I wanted to smell and one of them got so drunk she shit herself in the pool and laughed it off despite popular belief amongst trash, shitting in a public pool is not socially acceptable, it is not a value pack sized toilet that you buy at Costco and it is not considered keeping your composure and there is not a chapter is Emily Post’s Book of Etiquette sountil I see Shauna Sand covered in feces, I’m stickin’ to this whole classy angle.

Posted in:Bra|Classy|Shauna Sand




Michelle Trachtenberg is Worth Fucking of the Day

Some people say Jews are worthless people that are always out to make a dollar. I say Jews aren’t worthless at all because in their quest to make a dollar they run big businesses, they are doctors and they are lawyers and politicians helping people and run Hollywood and Fashion Industries entertaining people, but I will say that Jewish girls are generally not hot, so when I see a seemingly worthless girl, not because she is a Jew but because she doesn’t do anything worthwhile and who happens to be Jewish look as good as Michelle Trachtenberg does in these pics, I realize that she does have worth to whoever the fuck is fuckin’ her because I know I like what I am seeing.

Maybe it is just because compared to every Jewish girl I’ve met, she doesn’t look like a rat-faced monster and I am just excited that finally someone has broken down my preconceived notions, but in my preconceived notons defense, Jewish girls aren’t hot, it is just smoke and mirrors.

The same smoke and mirrors Michelle Trachtenberg is trying to use by hanging out with supermodels because despite being a hot Jewish girl she realizes that she can’t be a supermodel but does everything in her power to hang out with them, including going to their events, in hopes to be hotter by association, it’s that Jewish drive and ambition and keen business sense shining through in her marketing of herself and showing off them tits.

Here she is with Maria Sharapova at Fashion Week

Posted in:Michelle Trachtenberg|Tits