I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Hot Girl and Her Friends Stealing a Bike of the Day



So these girls were caught on the street stealing a bike at 3 in the morning and it was recorded for stepTV. I am really only posting this in hopes that the one in gold pants and plaid emails me begging to take it down, because I think she’s hot and will negotiate taking it down in exchange for nude pics of her, I am pretty easily manipulated when nude pics are involved.

Either way, I am pretty jealous of their fucking thieving ways. They pretend they don’t know what they are doing and act all innocent so when the cops drive by they believe their bullshit story. I am convinced the bike belonged to a guy one of them banged who ended up fucking them over some how, and they thought it would be a funny way to get back at him, because girls get crazy when you bang them. Either way, they didn’t get caught, and just sat there laughing about it while some jackass videotapes. them.

I get fucking cuffed by the cops when I am picking cans out of the garbage trying to pay my rent. My black friend, yes I have one black friend was stepping out the front door of his apartment at 2 in the afternoon and got jumped by the cops, gun to his head type jumped all because they thought he was robbing the fucking building at 2 in the afternoon one day when he was just going to ride to the store to get some beer and chicken. But these girls look all cute and shit, and cops just pass them by.

If you’re out there gold pants, feel free to email me…I am open for negotiations….

UPDATE: The Girl Sounds Like a Rich Jew Who’s Father is Probably a Lawyer and She Didn’t Seem to See the Humor in the Video because She Looked Like an Idiot and I said her Friend was Hotter than her. I decided to take it down, because she is a fucking headache nineteen year old who thinks she knows everything and tries to sound smart…unable to take a fucking joke, and blaming the joke on me hating women or something equally stupid, because the truth hurts, no one likes to admit that they have a lesbian haircut.

Here is the first email she sent me:

Dear Drunken Step Father,

We are the girls from the video: “I am – hot girl and her friends stealing a bike” the one that you so “delightfully” posted on your website. We hope to explain to you now that not only was your post of the video itself insulting but the comment paragraph under it along with the comments from the PIGS that view your website are ALSO extremely demeaning and offensive towards us. We ask you now to simply realize that fact and hopefully have more respect towards others in the future. Please remove the post from your website as soon as possible or else we will seek legal action against you.

🙂 Thank you

So I sent a nice response I thought I hipster would appreciate….

Lesbian Haircut,

I am pretty excited that you found my site. You may not be familiar with my site, and upon the first visit may think it is some kind of offensive site. But my site is not a smut site, despite what you may think.

It is a celebrity blog, that gets a decent amount of traffic and respect. I do my best to not take much seriously, make jokes out of almost everything and I do my best to not hurt people in the process.

I posted the video that was taken by one of my readers because I didn’t think it was offensive, I didn’t expect it to be hurtful and I know my readers don’t think it was a malicious intent to defame anyone.

In all honesty, the feedback that I have been getting from the video is that it’s pretty funny, possibly one of the best videos to date. It has been seen by people at Vice, thecobrasnake, American Apparel and some other major sites and I have heard nothing but good things about it. It is probably one of the hottest videos on the internet right now, and you are in it. In a way, you are now famous.

I am willing to shift out the content a little bit in a way that is less offensive to you, but to take it down would really be a shame. In all honesty, I’d like to do a follow-up video either interviewing you guys, or maybe even turning you guys into field reporters and sending you on random adventures. We could really turn this into a great opportunity for you. You owned the camera and have the look and personality I want in stepTV.

We can really sort all this out over a few drinks, or maybe I’ll get you tickets to the next show you guys want to go to. I am pretty reasonable person. I ask that you re-consider your stance, think about the potential opportunity and try to laugh it off, because it was meant to be funny and not hurtful.

With Love,
Jesus Martinez

Here is the second email she sent me:

Dear Jeezus,

Through your reply to us, I think you fail to realize that not every teenager is clamoring to become an internet celebrity. We are not dumb girls who are charmed by your name dropping of supposedly “hip” media outlets like Vice, american apparel, or thecobrasnake.

It’s not that we don’t have a sense of humor, and it’s not that we care that it seems like we are stealing a bike in the video (which we are not doing, but your charming commentary clearly ignores that fact). If we were to steal a bike, we certainly wouldn’t choose that shitbox of a ride, and we definitely wouldn’t stick around to be videotaped for upwards of five minutes while doing it.

The problem that we have with the entire ordeal is the disrespectful attitude that the men filming the video had towards us, in addition to the completely disgusting and demeaning comments that accompany the video on the website. Not only does the editing not convey the fact that we were being harassed by a large group of guys – not just a couple, but the lecherous and chauvinistic comments that were yelled at us are completely pathetic. If is not socially acceptable to convey racist attitudes, then it should certainly not be acceptable (or encouraged) to show such a lack of respect for women. For you to call the one of us who stood up for herself a “dyke” exemplifies the mistaken attitude that women embrace lecherous male attention, and those who don’t must be not like men at all. In fact, the sentiments expressed by the girl in the leopard-print pants were felt by all three girls, and it is incredibly offensive that the one who stood up for herself was berated and insulted.

For a site that is seemingly obsessed with females, you show a shocking ineptitude for dealing with those who exist in “real life.” The celebrities like Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton that are featured on your site make their living by compromising their dignity and selling themselves to the public. Asking us to do the same – and expecting us to be flattered by it – is not only presumptuous but absolutely insulting and simply reveals what an inept and rude bigot you truly are.

Our demand that the video be removed from the site stands, despite your (shallow, insulting) offers of more videos or concert tickets. There is no “deal” to be made here. The ultimatum is this: remove the video, in its entirety, or we will pursue legal action. For you to think that we would be easily wooed by offers of fame or employment is absolutely laughable.

Hopefully this email can also lead to a bit of self-reflection for you about your beloved website, and perhaps you should reevaluate the manner in which you are spending your time and energy, as well as your misguided (and self-damaging) attitude towards women, and people in general.

Thank you for your time.

P.S. The Facebook add was way out of line.

Here is our facebook war:

Lesbian Haircut
Today at 4:16am
Report Message
listen you tool, this is the girl with the cheetah pants and i am the last fucking person you want to mess with right now.

looking forward to meeting you on the street sometime soon,
hearts and stars and unicorns,

Lesbian Haircut

Jeezus Martinez
Today at 5:03am
does that mean you didn’t accept my friend request?

good thing I can’t afford a bike for you to steal.

ps – you won’t know who I am on the street, I don’t leave my house and the guy who shot the video is just one of my readers. But I will forward the message his way and I’ll be sure to tell him that you’ve been doing bicep curls and punching the wall to prepare for it like any self respecting lady would….

I am working on getting through your recent email, it was pretty wordy, you may want to learn how to cut things down and get to the point a little more effectively. Shit’s like grading a fucking gender studies term paper, a class you probably excel in since everything you wrote was fucking cliche and text book.

You definitely need to get a sense of humor, you need to grasp the concept of satire, you shouldn’t let drunk guys film you, you shouldn’t be so insecure with your sexuality to think you were called a dyke based on your actions and not on your stupid haircut. I am not a sexist, chauvenistic asshole, I write comedy and 60% of my readers are married women.

In closing, do you have any nudes?

With Love,

Jesus Martinez

Jeezus Martinez
Today at 5:11am
PPS – My god – reading your profile makes me think you are joking…not one of the thing you mentioned is original, it’s all standard fucking bullshit. You are the Gap, you just don’t realize it. I call this fucking textbook. No wonder you are so uptight when you come across a new thing, you need ever hipster and hipster poser to tell you it’s ok before pretending you were always into it.

I guess what it comes down to is that your video isn’t really the joke but you are.


Favorite Music:
pavement, the pixies, modest mouse, broken social scene, neutral milk hotel, the moldy peaches, girl talk, clap your hands say yeah, animal collective, sufjan stevens, the arcade fire, ladyhawk, the smiths, new order, bob dylan, david bowie, the velvet underground, and probably everything you like, too.

Favorite Movies:
the films of s. kubrick, w. anderson, s. coppola, m. gondry, t. twigoff, c. guest, k. smith, g. ritchie, m. july, m. dowse, j-m. vallée, t. gilliam, d. aronofsky, q. tarantino, c. kaufman, and d. fincher.

Favorite Books:
kerouac, chekhov, dostoevsky

Lesbian Haircut
Today at 5:15am
Report Message
oh my, isn’t it clever of you to call our attempt to defend ourselves “cliche” and “textbook” – pffft, women standing up for themselves, such a novel concept.

well guess what, fuckface – joke’s on you: what you said is just as fucking cliche and textbook of a response, if not even more stale and tired.

best of luck with your “satire” and “humour” website, i wish you nothing but the most delightful butterfly kisses from paris hilton herself.

i await your groundbreaking and enlightening email with bated breath. and good luck with that those married women – i bet your own wife is just thrilled with what she’s ended up with.

Jeezus Martinez
Today at 12:34pm
I am not trying to be clever – or witty, you are a defensive angry person and you don’t realize that you are the problem and not your gender.

It seems like you are trying to accuse me of being a woman hater because you didn’t like what was said about you and instead of just taking responsibility or taking the hit you had to justify what I said by making it a bigger issue.

It’s like they can’t just be saying that about me, there must be a bigger picture. He must have called me a dyke because I am a strong woman who stood up for herself, when in reality, i called you a dyke because of your stupid haircut.

It had nothing to do with you standing up for yourself. In fact there was no sign of you standing up for yourself in the video.

It’s always emotionally to blame the big picture than to look in t he mirror and question your actions and ask yourself why people would respond to your video they way did. It must because they are women haters.

What a fucking joke. That’s like a black dude getting busted for stealing bikes, blaming being black for getting arrested and not the crime he commited.

Always the fucking victim, attaching yourself to a bigger cause, creating problems out of nothing. Watch the video again, watch that tantrum..you are more of a 2 year old than a woman, so maybe you should be sending me slanderous emails on how I am an emotionally immature person hater….or a spoiled jewish kid hater. I don’t think it’s got shit to do with you having a vagina, or at least claiming you do, because it looks like you’re packin’ heat in those leopard print pants Steven Tyler.


Posted in:Brat|Hipster|stepFAME|stepTV|Unsorted




DrunkenStepfather Does Maxim of the Day

So I got an email saying that I was in Maxim Magazine on Page 32. I figured before the other 3 of you email me, I’d clear this shit up because it was written by a dude who got fired from CollegeHumor and CollegeHumor is a piece of shit for loser frat boys leading me to believe that someone not good enough to write for them is probably not good enough to write about me – and I was right. I would have obviously preferred to written about from someone who worked and got fired from a more reputable company, Fuck I would have rather been written about by the drunk dude I met at some bar who was writing what I though was a novel on napkins but when I got closer, turned out to be a a doodle of a dog taking a shit on some big breasted slut but that’s just because I appreciated his artistic vision.

Either way, Complex wrote that I was on of the most influential guys of 2008 and a week later Maxim emailed me. They wanted to do an article on the site and I am not an idiot and said yes because in the 90s, I read Maxim and the thought of getting featured in it seemed like a good thing to do even though no one I know has picked up the magazine in the last 5 years, including myself….

I told them that I don’t leave my house and that they’ll have to do the interview with me over the computer. They refused. So I had to find a way to either get to New York which wasn’t about to happen, or send someone in New York who I know to pretend to be me otherwise there’d be no Maxim article and I figured I had to make it happen…because people don’t offer to do articles on me ever.

Now, I am not very popular and don’t know many people so the only guy who could get there was a chubby white mexican dude I’ve known for a while who is 30. He did the interview. I did the follow up over email and they wrote that I don’t really exist but I do and you’re reading me.

The good news is that they legitimized me being a pervert – they made it out to be some new side of the media called Pervarazzi, like writing sleazy shit about sluts is something to be proud of and this justifies everyone I’ve ever sexually harassed or touched inappropriately over the years. If only I knew the name of that girl I who passed out at a party next to me and who made a big deal about it when she woke up with my hand down her pants telling her boyfriend who was in the other room that I was some sick pervert leading him to beat me up, so that I could show them this article and prove that they were just part of research. I feel smart, like a pervert who just figured out showing girls his camera and telling them it was for art, makes them them get naked for art and instead of slapping him in the face for being a pervert. So thanks to Maxim for making all those dark secrets I’ve regretted but still jerk off to mean something more substantial and like I am leading some kind of revolution…..

So this is the Maxim story. I guess it’s a big enough deal but I won’t consider my life a success until you see me in the mexican wrestling mask on The View trying to finger bang Elizabeth under the table, but that’s because I’m a housewife like that. That may just be fiction like Maxim claims I am, but dreams do come true. Cuddles.

Posted in:Maxim|Pervarazzi|stepCOVERAGE




I am – stepLINKS of the Day


Some chick, or at least someone I assume has a vagina wrote this email to me – her name is Cindy and it’s some Myspace celebrity scoop….

On Hailey Duffs Myspace she posted a blog bashing Kim
Kardashian, saying:

“Stuff like this REALLY PISSES ME OFF. I try to reach
out and be nice and instead it just gets shoved back
in my face. This is why you should never move to
Hollywood, the place is full of arrogant, immature,
and offensive bitches who can’t hold their liquor and
can’t keep their legs closed.”

She also put like two screenshots of messages between
Kimberly and Hailey and the messages are from
Kimberlys official MySpace.

Hailey Myspace link:

Kimberly Myspace link:

Blog bashing Kimberly link:

I can only assume you don’t care, but I figured I’d post it anyway…..

It’s the weekend and I can only assume that bitches in my city are going to be out in very little clothing….If you live in a city where the weather is nice, I suggest you go to the store, buy a 40 of whatever you like drinking and park yourself on a park bench and watch the hot bitches walk by. If you are one of those cool kids who actually hangs with the hot chicks in very little clothing, you don’t belong here, but before you go, send me pics.

Here are my links…

Paris Hilton is Going to Jail for 45 Days starting June 5th. Should be a Great Summer. I Love When Assholes Who Think The World Revolves Around them and Repeatedly Do Criminal Acts, finally Get Caught…See You in July…Whore

Kelly Clarkson is Fat

Fergie See Through Dress Exposing Thong

Burka babes Gone Wild…I wonder If They Got Stoned To Death For This…I Hope Not

Some Porn Chick Named Adriana Malkova Naked and Posing

Pictures of the Heidi Klum Family including Some Hot Ass Shots…

Some Crazy Tribal Dude Shoves Snakes Up His Nose and Through His Mouth Cuz He’s Gangsta

Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Minnillo Have Beef

Natalia Vodianova in Her Lingerie…She’s a Model…

Natalie Portman Showing Off Her Small TIts

Gisele’s Vuitton Ad Campaign Lookin’ Hot

Pam Anderson Wants Scarlett in Playboy….To Show Off Her Massive Tits

This Video May Include Anal Sex

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart

An Intense Way To Carry Your Lap Top Around That Will Get You Noticed…

Kate Bowsworth Getting Slush With Her Boyfriend

Picture of a Supermodel’s Box Forces a Magazine Off The Shelves

Hot Enough Nude Amateur in a Hat Posing

Abi Titmuss Bikini Video

Playboy Playmate of the Year

Some Topless News from a Familiar Lookin’ Girl…

Skyler Shaye is John Voight’s Next Angelina….

Emilie De Ravin Nude Pictures –

Rapper’s Bodyguard Knocks Someone Out

Virtual Rape May Be a Crime…Fuck.

Some Politcal Candidate Named Dennis Kucinich Has a Hot Red Headed Wife 30 Years Younger Than Her – Here’s Some Videos of Her

2 Ft Tall Woman Gets Married to Her 6 ft 4 Creepy Fiance…You Already Saw Her Pregnant, Now See Her in a Wedding Dress…As Mainstream Media Exploits these Sexual Deviants…

Lohan Isn’t a Lesbian Anymore – She’s Got a New Boyfriend/Conquest Lined Up….Named James Righton….

Trashy Fight Breaks Out In Front of Little Kids

Some Trashy Fat Black Chick Has 17 Paternity Test Because She is a Fucking Whore

Lookin’ Good Sweetheart

You Need to Get Sex – This Will Help You Get Sex

Posted in:stepLINKS|Unsorted




I am – Kristine Lefebvre Playboy Pictures of the Day


Here are the Kristine Lefebvre June Playboy pics. Bitch is an Apprentice chick who probably had the time of her life on the show, because people actually gave a shit about her for once in her life, and then it all ended when the she got kicked off. She’s probably been to auditions in attempt to get into the public eye again, but nothing worked out, so she went to Playboy, who will pretty much do a spread on anyone who has been on any TV show, including that fat slut from Wilson Philips. Either way, this cry for attention and attempt at fame may just be the kick in the ass this girl needs. It did work for Pamela Anderson….

Playboy always runs after me when I post their shit, so I am not really going to bother uploading them all only to have them all taken down, not to mention I am pretty slow on stories and you have probably already seen all of these, I am just posting them in case you haven’t. I am nice like that….and these pictures are pretty fucking boring. I have seen sexier shit go down and the Old Folks home I used to work at and based on her prison tattoos, I can only assume this isn’t the first time slut’s been topless on camera before…

Apprentice Contestant Kristine Lefebvre Playboy Pics

Posted in:Kristine Lefebvre|Naked|Playboy|Reality TV|Unsorted




I am – Shauna Sand’s Nipples Exposed in a See Through Dress of the Day


I was trying to decide whether I should bother posting these or not, because I know that I don’t give a fuck about this washed up Playboy playmate with big fake tits, but then I realized that I spent most of my day looking out the window and that it was less work for me to do this post than it was for me to actually sit down and try to edit a Day Dream no one watches, or try to come up with some amazing concept that will put me on the map and land me some kind of money….

I know that all the good looking girls who just finished University for the semester and who haven’t made their way back home are out on the patios around the city getting drunk in very little clothes and a huge part of me wants to go watch them in action, but bars don’t let you in with your own booze, because they are assholes….

Either way, the internet’s got some tits for me that may not be as exciting as a real chick, but being married, impotent, poor and unshowered kinda means even if I was out there, I wouldn’t be seeing any nipple by the end of the night…so this is all the action I’ll be getting. At least I am not alone…thanks for always making me feel better about myself. Virgin.

Shauna Sand Sex Tape Clips Exclusive

Posted in:Nipples|Playboy|Shauna Sand|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Shauna Sand's Nipples Exposed in a See Through Dress of the Day


I was trying to decide whether I should bother posting these or not, because I know that I don’t give a fuck about this washed up Playboy playmate with big fake tits, but then I realized that I spent most of my day looking out the window and that it was less work for me to do this post than it was for me to actually sit down and try to edit a Day Dream no one watches, or try to come up with some amazing concept that will put me on the map and land me some kind of money….

I know that all the good looking girls who just finished University for the semester and who haven’t made their way back home are out on the patios around the city getting drunk in very little clothes and a huge part of me wants to go watch them in action, but bars don’t let you in with your own booze, because they are assholes….

Either way, the internet’s got some tits for me that may not be as exciting as a real chick, but being married, impotent, poor and unshowered kinda means even if I was out there, I wouldn’t be seeing any nipple by the end of the night…so this is all the action I’ll be getting. At least I am not alone…thanks for always making me feel better about myself. Virgin.

Shauna Sand Sex Tape Clips Exclusive

Posted in:Nipples|Playboy|Shauna Sand|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Lohan Goes to See Britney’s Concert of the Day


I decided that I respect the socially awkward losers who make up the internet, because without them the internet wouldn’t exist. I know people who are actually good looking and successful are too busy being good looking and successful to actually read websites so it’s people like you that may be the stain on society but so important to the future of media, because as it turns out there are more socially awkward virgins than good looking people, and that is why we have the internet.

I was on some celebrity forum looking for pics of Britney’s concert in Anaheim last night and came across so many arguments as to whether a nipple slip was real or a fake. I don’t know if the people sitting at home on their computers, creating the nipple slip are creepier than the dude at home who is analyzing the nipple slip and contesting it’s legitimacy. Either way, you’re creepiness is okay by me, as long as you’re not luring teens from myspace to meet you in the park for sex, then it’s not very harmful, maybe just to your changes of becoming successful and less socially awkward.

Anyway, Britney performed at a House of Blues again and one of my loyal internet girlfriends went to the event. She got her tickets off craigslist for hundreds of dollars and when she got to the venue the security made her check her phone and camera so the only person leaking at the event was Britney’s rancid vagina.

My loyal internet girlfriend told me that the experience was amazing, Britney lip synced the whole thing, performed for 15 minutes and gave Lohan a dirty look when she was singing “I See You Looking at Me” and pointed right at Lohan. Sounds kinds psycho to me but that’s all the inside scoop I can handle today….

These are pics of Lohan on her way into the event, looking as good as she gets….

Posted in:Concert|Lindsay Lohan|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Lohan Goes to See Britney's Concert of the Day


I decided that I respect the socially awkward losers who make up the internet, because without them the internet wouldn’t exist. I know people who are actually good looking and successful are too busy being good looking and successful to actually read websites so it’s people like you that may be the stain on society but so important to the future of media, because as it turns out there are more socially awkward virgins than good looking people, and that is why we have the internet.

I was on some celebrity forum looking for pics of Britney’s concert in Anaheim last night and came across so many arguments as to whether a nipple slip was real or a fake. I don’t know if the people sitting at home on their computers, creating the nipple slip are creepier than the dude at home who is analyzing the nipple slip and contesting it’s legitimacy. Either way, you’re creepiness is okay by me, as long as you’re not luring teens from myspace to meet you in the park for sex, then it’s not very harmful, maybe just to your changes of becoming successful and less socially awkward.

Anyway, Britney performed at a House of Blues again and one of my loyal internet girlfriends went to the event. She got her tickets off craigslist for hundreds of dollars and when she got to the venue the security made her check her phone and camera so the only person leaking at the event was Britney’s rancid vagina.

My loyal internet girlfriend told me that the experience was amazing, Britney lip synced the whole thing, performed for 15 minutes and gave Lohan a dirty look when she was singing “I See You Looking at Me” and pointed right at Lohan. Sounds kinds psycho to me but that’s all the inside scoop I can handle today….

These are pics of Lohan on her way into the event, looking as good as she gets….

Posted in:Concert|Lindsay Lohan|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Spice Girl Reunion of the Day


So I’ll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Really Want, and that’s for the Spice Girls to go back in time and look like they used to . I know that aging is all part of life, otherwise we’d never get old and life would be all Peter Pan pedophile shit, but looking at them now, all post pregnancy or currently pregnant brings back pretty vivid drunken memories of me trying to jerk off to their music videos. I guess what I am trying to say is that life ends for a chick after she gives birth, her body goes to shit and she should probably do whatever she can to stay out of the public eye as much as possible, because sometimes it’s nice for us to remember the good times, and not be forced to witness the demise…Sure, I can respect that having a family and creating life and all that shit is beautiful in theory, but no one ever said it makes you pretty and I have little interest is seeing a once tight bodied Scary Spice’s Eddy Murphey induced cellulite. That’s all I have to say about that.

On a side note, I have no idea what they are doing hanging out together, I can only assume they are going to try to cash in on being mom’s by launching some children’s album or some shit, but they are probably more like the moms who meet at my starbucks after doing mommy yoga together, to discuss how amazing life is and how having a baby changed their life forever, setting up a life of competing amongst friends about which kid is the best and laughing at their single friend who is still going out every night and fucking random men trying to fill that void…..At least they are doing it dressed like sluts….

Posted in:Emma Bunton|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Mel B|Melanie Brown|Reunion|Unsorted




I am – Stacy Keibler Playing Volleyball of the Day


Ok – So I haven’t quite got the fat slob strippers out of my system, I wish I wasn’t poisoned by what I saw, but I can’t really help it. I feel this is what kids feel like when they see their parents fuck. I never really knew my parents because my mother was a hooker in Mexico and my dad was one of her John’s, at the time of her death, we had narrowed it down to 10 potential clients of hers, but that doesn’t really matter, what does matter is that she always banged in front of me, but it was her job so I don’t think it was that traumatic, or as traumatic as it would be for you to think of your mom on all fours taking it from your dad….

Either way, these Stacy Keibler playing volleyball pics, remind me that not all girls are lazy slobs who don’t realize they are lazy slobs and decide to live the hot girl with insecurities and daddy issues life as a stripper. Let’s hope that that is all I really have to say about this….because it’s starting to get boring, I know. Just look at the pics…Cuddles…..

Posted in:Legs|Sports|Stacy Keibler|Unsorted|Volleyball