I'll Make You Famous…




Fishnet Friday of the Day

All you hunter and gatherers out there…you preppers prepping for the impending recession the likes of which you’ve never seen….with inflation the likes of which you’ve never seen….and an economic collapse of currency that isn’t backed by gold, but rather just debt, so they keep printing and printing more and more of it, making it more and more worthless…..a collapse that will totally destroy your way of life, everything you’ve ever known about life…

Be sure to stock up on FISHNETS, to hunt and trap and FISH for food, or pussy…or to make yourself pretty when you have no internet porn after they turn off the internet…because they will….and you’ll have to make the slut out of yourself, things get weird in the bunker….and you’re already weird…so…there.


Posted in:Fishnets




Eugenie Bouchard Bikini of the Day

We’ve all got our hometown hotties, this happens to be mine…besides Celine Dion, Elisha Cuthbert and that’s about all the hometown hotties that have come out of here, not so impressive for a city known for their sluts, but whatever.

The tennis star, who I don’t think plays tennis anymore, but she may….using her fitness tennis body for good and not evil….assuming you don’t think bikini pics are evil…which I don’t, but I am sure a bunch of people probably do because it turns them on so hard and you don’t get to see the anal sex clips to close it all out…

The bikini content is the foreplay, the first 30 seconds of the throat fucking clip….but we have to end with this because she’s a legit athlete with million dollar sponsors….


Posted in:Eugenie Bouchard




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

When you’re an online panty vendor, or the kind of girl who has been indoctrinated into sexualizing herself for validation, money, entertainment purposes, I’m sure there are reasons a girl becomes a whore or a variation of a whore besides being molested as a child…it could just be as simple as the indoctrination methods of social media giving slutty behavior more views becasue we’re all perverts, could be the normalization of throat fucking porn, when watching porn used to be more secretive…

I’m not a fucking scientist, there’s just so many loosed moral exhibitionists out there that some are bound to post their full back panties as their panty of the day, to switch things up, to give the girlfriend experience,

I don’t fucking. know……but here’s a bunch of panty girls in their period granny panties…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




The Will Smith “Don’t IG LIVE ME TRICK” Video of the Day

Will Smith recently got a 10 year ban from the Oscars, which will be really devastating considering it’s the end of the world and we just witnessed the last OSCARS…

More interestingly, there’s a video going around supporting the Will Smith conversation, or at least keeping that boring ass rich person drama going, because they staged that slap stunt, gotta fucking milk it, in what I guess is some Will Smith rebranding himself from America’s Sweetheart to dude with a spine….even if he’s a closet case and Jada’s just his beard….

It’s basically him bitching at her for livestreaming him with some relationship bullshit, because she hasn’t mooched off him enough over the years, to only exist because of him, otherwise she’d be some forgotten whore.

I think this is clearly a viral stunt, he even says in the video his “bread and butter is his social media presence”….but even if he is being a little snappy with the bitch, it’s totally reasonable for anyone to be “don’t fucking film me for your bullshit, keep it to your damn self”….especially when you are famous…

I would be mad at anyone streaming me without me wanting to be streamed…it’s totally reasonable, especially when you support the bitch and have carried her all these years, while other dudes were also carrying her, on their dick…

I am not pro Willy, I think he’s likely a demonic fuck, blame Scientology, but I definitely don’t like Jada and her manipulating bullshit, some witchcraft handler, has dude under a spell like Kim K has on Kanye, because behind every dude who sold his soul to the devil is a bitch making sure he never escapes..

The Chris Rock stunt over her shaved head, to defend her fake alopecia, when she’s supposed to confident in her shaved head life, and the area where she’s missing hair is rumored to be a browlift, in an era where CHEMO people who are dying can still LAUGH about their baldness, but no some rich public high profile cunt who doesn’t want people knowing she’s 60 fucking years old…

Toxic women, doing toxic thing, to powerful men….it’s the real tragedy…especially when they aren’t hot enough to ruin her life ovr…she wasn’t even the hot one on Diffrent World in her 20s, wasn’t even in top 3…doesn’t mean Bill Cosby didn’t diddle her…MAYBE that is where it all went wrong!

Don’t trust the internet, or Hollywood, they are puppets to distract you!

Posted in:Videos




Bella Hadid Bath of the Day


As it turns out Bella Hadid doesn’t turn into a Gremlin when she gets wet….

I know she looks like the Wicked Witch of the West, and you’d expect her to melt away squealing like a masturbating donkey….because she looks like a fucking jacked up monster with too much plastic surgery….but instead they pretend the rich troll of Reality TV is a TOP Model….which is some SERIOUS DISINFORMATION….

That’s the funny thing about being a titty blogger for 20 years, I can always spot the people with the marketing teams, gaming the general public into thinking they matter, and I’ve always wondered….WHY people fall for it, can’t they tell a bitch is boring, rich, has zero substance, has zero flavor, zero life experience, lives in a shitty boring bubble, that gets her to exclusive places, but those exclusive places suck because they are filled with rich idiots like her who find the occassional “artist” to bastardize, but for the most part those artists are also rich kids..

Things used to be interesting, this bitch even makes a BATH picture for her whore channel on social media….BORING..

As a pervert, you gotta wonder how a bath pic of a girl marketed as a top model be boring….because she’s a fucking lie…

Any pervert knows, that if a bitch has it, is hot, anything she does, even shitting, since ladies aren’t supposed to shit, becomes hot….while this one fails….nice rubber duckey though, maybe using it as a butt plug would be more on brand for a “poor little rich girl”….

Stop supporting NONSENSE trash like this.

Thanks in advance..


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Feminist Friday of the Day

By this point in modern feminism, we can probably do a pie chart, or a VENN DIAGRAM, or some other nerdy checklist to determine how feminism has improved the lives of women since the inception of feminism…..

I don’t know enough about feminist theory to really have an opinion, but think that in-theory and in-practice are pretty fucking different things.

I am all for equal rights for women and I am well aware that women can be and do anything they want to do outside of sucking dick and being hot….

I felt like they had equal rights when given the right to vote, you know since women have run businesses, been rich, have been matriarchs since the dawn of time…

All that other bullshit they fought for because they felt like they needed respect, was just an attack on the family, because what more respect could you ask for, if you’re held in high esteem at home, where the dad works to bring in the money, so mom can focus on what is important…RAISING THE DAMN KIDS….

The whole “get out into the work force” is the most empty thing a person can do to fulfill their lives…..making money and being independent when you’re just a fucking slave to a corporation instead of one for your family…seems like a dumb trade off…

Now feminism is even dumber, since they still push the same talking points to confuse women into thinking they are second rate, now they are officially trying to destroy women by throwing men dressed like women on women hormones into their established women leagues…and the whole thing is terrible…

But they did get one thing right…BURNING THEM BRAS!


Posted in:Feminist




Romantic Tattoo Appointment of the Day

The things that people do for love…..in these modern times…..of what the fuck is this about…

I don’t know who “M. Negro” is, but it looks like he’s found a lady who loves him….he also seems pretty hungry….

This must be a viral stunt, the clown looking sketch of a tattoo can’t be real…

But it does confirm the world is fucking NUTTY, but you already know that!

Posted in:Videos




Days at the Beach in Modern Times of the Day

If you’ve been wondering if there’s a fall of society happening, you’ll be glad to know that we’ve got the answer for you, and conclusively we’ve discovered that it is.

People are raised to be such trashcan pieces of shit, if they are even raised at all…there was a generation of kids raised by TV, which in the 70s, 80s and 90s wasn’t such a big fucking deal, but in the era of raised by the internet, trying to be something on the internet, porn on the internet, sluts monetizing their sex on the internet, rewarded for being gutter whores….you have a lot of narcissit, shameless, pieces of shit doing their booty content in the middle of a public place, like it ain’t a thing…

Maybe it isn’t a thing, but I liked when girls didn’t behave like this, so when they did, it’d be hot….when this is just a “Put your damn pants on”….

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a forever pervert….but I like my smut to be high brow…not bargain basement and flimsy…


No, this isn’t a racist post because the girl is black and racists anything you say about any color person is Racist, or they think twerking is traditionally black because they are racists….WE KNEW Daggering before Miley Cyrus and her WHITE PRIVILEGE” approprited it, white bitches have been twerking since the fucking 80s or 90s you pop culture raised idiots…when it hits pop of the charts and Disney Kids, it means it has been done….

This is a Humanity is Trash post….ALL RACES included.

Posted in:Videos




You’ve Heard of Snakes on a Plane? What About Fucks on the Train of the Day

I don’t know when this video is from, but I do have a school teacher friend who told me that kids are masturbating in class on the regular and it is being blamed on Autism…..to which I said…..WHAT THE FUCK, CALL THE POLICE…..to which they said “we’re not allowed to shame them, we have to just let them do it”….to which I said “my wife doesn’t even let me finish, is this a fucking joke”….to which they said “it’s part of the curriculum, and he’s got autism”….to which I said…”If I had autism, could I get out of robbing banks, grabbing stranger titty, and other fun stuff, because I know I can game an Autism test and get an officially reading for that get out of jail free card”….to which they said “parent’s don’t pay attention to their kids and they all are exposed to insane shit at such a young age, it’s almost impossible to NOT address sex because they all ask questions”….to which I say “Evil has pulled off what they set out to pull off”…..people need GOD…and schools need to teach…

Anyway, that rant was to say that with all the sex and porn out there, people are getting fucking crazy, losing their minds and in this case, getting fucked on the train, not caring that they are being filmed, because they have that scratch to itch!


I’m into watching people have sex, but like by climbing on their fire escape when they don’t know I’m watching…..dirty fucks on the train, that’s just fucking vile….


Posted in:Videos




Trolling the Disinformation Masters at the Disinformation Event of the Day

Apparently, there was some “Disinformation” conference that went down, and they had one of the CNN guys who is full of “disinformation”, so much so that he’s apparently getting fired now that the CABLE COWBOY has taken over Discovery/CNN.

Not that I care about CNN or the whole “disinformation” narrative, because all these fucks are liars, they just pretend that they aren’t.

“Disinformation” is pretty fucking dumb, but if you’re a liar you probably want to rebrand it and pretend the other guy is the one pushing it. It is the most ridiculous tools in mind control, because they call everything fake news, while pushing fake news….

But the “Powers that Shouldn’t Be”…are changing laws in places like Canada, where sites like this won’t be allowed to exist, because we don’t push the corporate talking points, and because they don’t like people to express themselves freely because it may saw people to the side that doesn’t keep them in power…

So “Disinformation” is a real issue, not just because it got people getting shots they didn’t need for no reason, which could have terrible side effects down the line, but that they took blindly, because the news told them….to basically having us all victims of abuse over the last 2 years because of their lies..but because it’s propaganda, marketing, not TRUTH…because they don’t care about you.

Anyway, a dude basically called out Fox News and CNN for being propagandists, which is disinformation….and it made me laugh..because they all skirt the questions, never answer the questions…..

Here’s Jen Psaki, the hottest pussy in Politics, about to be a TV host who makes MSNBC worth jerking off to again, spreading her own lies to appease her bullshit…

Here’s a funny video of Ukrainian Soccer fans at a Soccer Game doing what the Ukrainians do….LOVE SPORTS

This is some shopping in America….

So much crazy, never enough time.

Posted in:Uncategorized