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Miley Cyrus Licks Black People of the Day

So it turns out that Miley Cyrus licks black people. As a member of the same church as Miley, it’s safe to say that she is completely out of control and has signed her soul over to the devil. Fuck the underage nude pictures, they are nothing compared to this picture. I guess she’s just […]




Miley Cyrus Does a Cheer About Her Little Hips of the Day

Here’s a 2 week old video of Miley doing some kind of cheerleading chant for her fans on set for the Hannah Montana Movie and I figured since this site has a huge 15 year old girl following and by 15 year old girl following, I mean perverted dudes who like 15 year old girls […]




Miley Cyrus is Out of Control on the Set of her New Video of the Day

Here are some pictures of Miley Cyrus on set for her new music video because despite being an annoying cunt, she apparently has some kind of successful music career. I like to think that she’s smashing these guitars making some kind of statement about how when you make over-produced garbage, you don’t need guitars, but […]




Miley Cyrus’ Slutty Personal Pics of the Day

I still get hate mail every couple of days for calling this product of Disney a little slut who is lying to us because she doesn’t want it to ruin her career. So while she’s tingling in the pants to show all the cute boys in her class or neighborhood all the really exciting things […]




Miley Cyrus Rocks The Mic Like a Slut of the Day

I know some of you sick fucks have have some kind of fantasy of slamming Miley Cyrus because she’s an underage slut on Disney who makes a ton of fuckin’ money and that gets you off because you always had a thing for all things Disney like the poor lonely woman down the hall from […]




Miley Cyrus is a Wholesome Disney Girl Who Hangs With Trannies of the Day

Androgyny makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I am old school and like the gays to be on the down low and not dressed like teenage girls with their hair done up and make-up on in heels, but I think the reason I hate the flamboyant flamers is because they aren’t legit, they are a complete […]




Miley Cyrus Spinning The Story of the Day

I was talking to some girls the other night over a few too many drinks about the Miley Cyrus topless in Vanity Fair and I was arguing that shit wasn’t even a big deal, she had a sheet on and it looked like she was wearing a tube top. The girls were pretty aggressive about […]




Miley Cyrus Topless in Vanity Fair Scandal of the Day

So Annie Leibovitz is a pedophile and takes sexually suggestive pictures of 15 year old girls for the sake of art, the same excuse every other pedophile uses, but the good news is that Annie Leibovitz is one of those pedophile’s society accepts and awards because their creative vision has nothing to do with their […]




Miley Cyrus’ Personal Pictures of the Day

I love how everyone calls me out for being a sick fuck for predicting that this bitch will grow up to be a slut. They think it’s so fucking twisted to think of a 15 year old being sexually active. I always tell them that it’s Oprah’s fault for getting the idea into my head […]




Miley Cyrus Lesbian Fantasy of the Day

I’ve seen other sites run a Lesbian Fantasy post where they throw up a picture of two hot chicks hanging out together at random events in some kind of photo op and I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Here are some pictures of Miley Cyrus grabbing onto some chick who has luxurious fuckin’ hair. […]