I'll Make You Famous…




Victoria Justice Bikini of the Day

Oh, Hi….aren’t you lively like Blake…

As I sit here looking at some child star who got her career started with a known creeper at Nickelodeon, I am forced to assume that she has seen some shit, that she paid a steep and creepy price for her fame, but since she hasn’t worked in about a decade, it probably paid off nicely for her…I mean people have bad sex for free basically all the time and we don’t even know how bad the sex was or if there was even any sex as the dude was too busy knocking up Britney’s little sister…..I guess I don’t even know if the human trafficking, satanic, Hollywood shit is actually true…maybe they are all good hearted people trying to create art that inspires and uplifts the people…and kids in the industry love it, they’re not forced to go to normal person school, they get to be more important than their peers, people praise them and acting is barely work….it’s a duty to help make grown men richer.

I know I go into the conspiracies all the time, but I’m still the same old pervert because when I look at former child stars as slaves to the industry and victims of abuse, I can also think about their vaginas now, and whether they can get tans like the rest of the body, if the bikini was pulled to the side a little more….STILL PINK ON THE INSIDE….you know, same old pervert shit…


Posted in:Victoria Justice




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workouts are important to jerk off to, because it encourages them girls to produce smut around fitness, rather than feeder porn or other fat and lazy shit the fat and lazy people of the world who just sit on their couches, living behind a screen, self diagnosed with any and all mental health issues to use as an excuse to mooch off society, or their parents, rather than actually do something with their lives….those people, the woke type, are the biggest voices on the internet misleading normal people into thinking they are not normal, because they’ve collectively gone fucking nuts…

So when the government and their minion monsters push experimental medication on you, instead of known therapeutics, like VITAMIN D, diet and exercise, trying to fill you with more poisons an reward you with donuts and other shitty foods, reminding you they want you fat and useless….it’s part of their system, it’s the big part of their global takeover equation….

Then there’s the whole lockdown of the gyms, so people can’t get fit, forcing healthy people to be creative to stay healthy….because the health authorities are fucking monsters…LITERALLY..

Anyone with a brain knows a fit healthy bitch is better than the alternative, pandemic or not….and I support girls doing fitness for masturbation material because I am too lazy to workout, I also don’t really care about unhealthy life choices, it’s basically been my lifestyle choice…but I’m not here locking people inside over a rebranded flu to get them on some vaccine passport system that is straight up TYRANNICAL…

Choose health and wellness for your masturbation….it’s really the only choice.


Posted in:Workout




Julianne Hough Got Them Tits On of the Day

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Julianne Hough is one of those MORMONS GONE WILD…

A little turn her back on the church because she didn’t like the morals and values that came with the church, basically like a generation of heathens, who prefer selling pics of their pussy, then wearing their SUNDAY best to meet with family and community to talk about things that don’t involve squirting…A CRAZY concept.

Now I am not saying that any CULT is a good thing, I don’t know enough about the MORMONS or their oppressive rules and regulations, I just like the Mormon Memes I used to look at on instagram…and the porn girls of reddit who were once Mormons and now deep dicked on the internet….

I’m just saying on a general level that we are in a GODLESS society and that is where it has all gone wrong…and HOUGH who was raised int he church clearly chose SATAN…and not because she probably has sex with her GAY brother…or RYAN SEACREST…while drinking her sorrows away….with her very own wine company…but because to be a dancer on TV that has got rich and famous is to be someone who has sold her soul…

Which brings up an important point, if she’s now a heathen, why does her mesh top turn it’s back on showing us her NIPPLES…I mean we all know what she’s about…she might as well just go full throttle….it would make this weirdness better.


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Since all the girls I know are catty, cock-teasing bitches, I will assume the trend to wear pants jacked up their cunts is their subtle way of saying “fuck you, you can’t fuck me, but you can jerk off to my pussy, because it makes me feel hot”…at least that’s what I hear in my head every time I see a gnarly or hot as fuck cameltoe…it’s the socially acceptable slutty behavior no one really notices or makes a big deal out of even though I stare at all the cameltoe I fucking can…I love to see the fatness of a pussy lip…

UNLESS it is an attack on the TRANS people out there who don’t have a real vagina to eat a pair of pants, so as they get the shine for being the best women around, if you don’t believe me, watch Jeopardy last week…and as the best women around…the actual women have to stand up and let everyone know they’re the real deal…

OR it could just be that pants in the pussy feels good, like if you were to walk around with a fleshlight on…MAYBE that’s the billion dollar idea..DRUNKENSTEPFATHER FLESHLIGHT PANTS…..THE PANTS YOU CAN FUCK….because otherwise CAMELTOE orgasms from pants are SEXIST pants..

All this to say, I love seeing pussy through clothing and you should too.


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Braless Suki Waterhouse of the Day

This is not a PRO BRAD COOPER post…..I just want to put out that disclaimer before I get into my very unimportant analysis…

The titty exposing “actress” who google just told me is dating Robert Pattinson from TWILIGHT and turning Kristen Stewart fame is one of those uneventful, not even very hot, fake low level models who may have trended once or twice, but was rich enough to get into the right parties, the right clubs, in front of the right people..

She decided, like so many whores before her, that she was worthy of an acting career of her own….so the natural way to do that was to fuck an A-Lister…USE THAT PUSSY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE….that is what you have the pussy for….

So even with her pussy getting rejected by an A-Lister that saw all her dreams come true when he was inside her, just not cumming inside her, at least not in a way to knock her up, maybe he was slipping birth control into her drinks, the date rape drug for the guys who can’t rape because everyone wants to fuck them…including Irina Shayk, who knew to MAKE THAT SPERM LAST….FOR 18 YEARS OR MORE…because that’s some fucking PAYOUT she may or may not need, but it definitely takes off some pressure….not bad for a small town Russian girl. INFILTRATING proper.

Anyway, last week, she “threw shade” at Brad Cooper, to make a tabloid story no one cares about because no one reads tabloids anymore, our world is UNDER ATTACK…you know…more important shit going on….

But yeah, despite having another A-List cock in her, she’s crying about the A-LIST cock that wronged her, because he’s a better headline….and it is ALL by design as she tries to be seen as her own person, a real person, not a cunt that celebs use like it is their Kitchen Trash Can…

The real question is why is it so hard for her to become famous or an A-List on her own, she’s a chick, she shows her nipples, acting requires no talent, she fucks the right people who know the right people….I guess she’s just that unimpressive.


Posted in:Suki Waterhouse




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Are you ready for me to give my Globalist Elite rant on the attack on HEMP as a industrial product far cheaper than chemicals that poison the fucking earth, that they’ll blame you for using too much of it, even though you’re just one person, as they all fly around on their private jets, sitting at the top floor boardroom for evil corporations figuring out how to get shit manufactured overseas, despite the polution, because places like China let toxic chemicals flow freely in their work camps, unlike all that red tape regulation in America…

What I am saying is that there is a small group of assholes, power hungry assholes, who play off the normal class of people as the idiots they likely are, as the system resource hogs they could be, but also as line items on their profit and loss sheets, knowing they need those people to buy their bullshit, to keep their decadent elite status..

Anyway, this isn’t some conspiracy, it’s corporate fact, it’s a giant fucking scam, and some power players in the 1900s decided HEMP was too hard to regulate, was too easy to cultivate, had too many health benefits, had too many industrial benefits, would have saved us from so much irreversible pollutants that make us sick….as they yell at you for using a plastic straw…and yell at you to wear your disposable mask….because they don’t care about you, or the earth, just profits because they are monsters..

So weed girls are like truckers being activists to legalize the shit, even though it will just be another government cash grab, to further use that money on shit that doesn’t benefit the common man, but instead lines their pockets…

Garbage people make garbage decisions on behalf of sleeping people….WAKE UP.

Weed is awesome.


Posted in:Weed




Lottie Moss Bikini of the Day

Here’s some CHARLOTTE MOSS rocking one of them instagram bodies and instagram faces that may or may remind you of your sex doll you keep in the closet, not because it is gay, even though you only do anal with it, thanks to the vagina wearing out on you from usage, too expensive to replace, so you moved onto a new fuck whole….ONLY your sex doll is probably more real….and you get to fuck it.

The whole Lottie Moss shit is only something i track because I am from a different era, where celebs and their siblings were our superiors, and their desperation was less obvious, and their milking of their last name fun to watch as no one cared about the sibling, leading to drug use, premature deaths and feelings of failure that their narcissism couldn’t outshine….the whole self hatred for not being the star, even after their desperate attempts to be the star, still thinking they are better than you for genetically being related to the star, but being better than middle of the road labourers is hardly relevant to their life…

But they do live good lives…bikini clad…as COVID doesn’t get in the way of their good times….access to rich fucks with private jets and villas and shit…all hoping her plus 1 is the actual star of the family, not the sugar baby they have to bang out….


Posted in:Lottie Moss




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

Wetspots are a touchy subject to some people…mainly me…because pictures of wetspots don’t tell me the cause of the wetspot and with a living organism like a vagina…a petri dish of fun and adventure that I’ll lick under any and all circumstances…I just like to know what I am licking or why it smells the way it does…was it something she ate, a PH balance issue, maybe some inflammation….did she live her wet bikini on too long…or is her body like a self cleaning oven…SELF CLEANING and my face is the rag….the panty, or as I call it, the pussy roast drip pan is a magical alien creature sent from heaven to make us babies…but with all that weird 3D printing equipment built into it…there are too many variables for me to just accept wetness as being SO turned on for the people of the internet that they have to show it off….but I guess better wet than dry…



Posted in:WetSpot




Solid Stretch and Other Videos of the Day

TikTok Ass

Maui Contortionist

Just in her Pyjamas

Dumb Dancer


Daily Dose of Narcissism

Girl in her Skimpy Outfit

Booty Show

TikTok Tits


Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Abortion Girls Doing their Aborted Baby Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Canada’s CORRUPT Prime Minister’s Buds are all in Positions of Power

Crazy Counter Protestor Against Freedom

We have a population of 35 million…

These Demons are trying to REGULATE the Internet so that Sites Like This Don’t Exist


Finally some OPPOSITION in Canada….

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos