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stepLINKS of the Day

There are more lesbians on the street than ever before. All these young girls with lesbian haircuts, in lesbian sweaters, wearing lesbian jeans halfway down their asses, or shorts over leggings like they don’t have enough body issues without the extra bulk….With all these lesbains, there’s no wonder I found a used condom next to […]




Some People at the Grammy Awards of the Day

The best thing about the Grammy Awards was not watching them. I admit that I used to find it entertaining to watch years ago. It was partially in hopes something crazy would happen, but that was because I had nothing better to do with myself, not that I do now, but I did have a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

OH MY GOD…NEW MOON PREMIERES TONIGHT…OH MY GOD. Just joking. The only thing good about this shit is that it makes girls horny as fuck and I am hoping that there is a sex scene that teaches girls the importance of giving blowjobs to completion, or something equally amazing because I figure if there is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My dog just at a chocolate bar my wife left laying around. Turns out chocolate is toxic for dogs and I had to call the vet, he may die and I guess this may be the end of a short lived friendship, because despite thinking I hate him, this brush with death has made me […]




Marisa Miller and her 3 Million Dollar Bra of the Day

The Vicotria’s Secret fashion show is coming soon, so these motherfucker are stepping up their game pushing their bullshit, because people seem to think half naked girls are news worthy or at least worth talking about, when really the whole thing bores me. Sure I like bitches who get naked as much as the next […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may be drunk most nights of the week and I may spend a lot of time with strippers but that doesn’t make me a degenerate. The fact that I live off my “disabled” wife, who is really just a lazy fucking pig who gets a government check makes me a degenerate. Tonight may not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I had a horrible night of drinking today. So if I am found hanging from the rafters by a rope, know that it is all your fault. You sick motherfucker. Look what you made me do. I partially blame the lack of reggae in my life, but I also blame the rash. Here are my […]




Star Trek Premiere Pussy of the Day

Star Trek is coming and I’m sure that means that you are too, because Star Trek was the only friend you had growing up. It was the one thing you really connected with and when the internet hit it allowed you to find like minded loser virgins who you could interact with and meet at […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So some girl was petting my dog and her tit fell out of her dress. She screamed and laughed about it with her friends and I missed the whole fucking thing. I have spent the last 5 years writing about nipple slips and tit slips because I am just that guy, and when it happens […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent my night on twitter. I don’t fucking know why or what I was saying, I was out drinking with friends/people I don’t give a fuck about, but instead of making awkward conversation, and jokes to each other, I just sat in the corner on my iphone, that I got for 30 dollars, just […]