I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte McKinney Bikini of the Day

Charlotte McKinney may be the forgotten titties from Instagram, but I guess she’s bringing us a labor day reminder that she’s still around, getting paid time and a half, pulling her shorts down, so you know that there’s more to her than just tits, and I think this is a wonderful way to end the day since I am not doing links today…

There’s something magical about huge sloppy tits on a skinny girl…real magical….a reminder that life is worth living, even if everything is fucking crazy!! TITS are grounding. The only therapy you need.


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I think the whole medical system is fucked and I think that’s pretty obvious now more than ever. I never trusted doctors for a handful of reasons…the main one being that Doctors are greedy money hungry god complex assholes and even in Canada where the Health Care system is government controlled…doctors are money grubbing pieces of shit who think they know everything, have a level of psychopath ingrained in their minds, because they don’t care if they kill people off, it’s part of the job. They don’t care if they give bad medicine or advice, it’s part of the job…

I have always hated medicine, whether it saves lives or not, I’m more into street drugs….but I have gone to the doctor and they have never once recommended natural rememdies…not even diet or exercise, minerals or vitamins, lifestyle changes…they’ve just been heavy fucking handed on the prescription pad.

This was before I realized that the GERM THEORY is a THEORY and that there is not real evidence that you can catch viruses from GERMS…and that there is another theory based on viruses and “germs” being the clean-up crew in your body eating up the dying cells…hard to wrap your head around it, but when you realize who standardized health care and medical schools, BIG PHARMA, and how that worked out for them…it’s pretty fucking obvious…

So these drug pushers are making you sick, because healing you means one less customer, there’s a meme going around about that and it’s fucking true..

And when the health care industry is censoring doctors, has gag orders on doctors, are claiming FDA approved medicine for humans is for HORSES, when it has saved people in India and other places from COVID….it becomes a pile of bullshit…Then the media runs with it, that dyke from MSNBC jumped on it….when it’s found in nature, not patentable, because it is found in nature, UNLIKE THE VIRUSES THEY ARE THREATENING US WITH…WHICH ARE ALL PATENTED.

Then when you see them get all the medical workers on board by celebrating them, making dance videos, as they suffer through the pandemic…only to make them second rate citizens who are forced to quit their work, some of these people have 30 year careers, all because they don’t trust the fucked up medicine they are trying to mandate on them…because they don’t give a fuck about these people. They just needed them on board to push this shit…

You know, I have less anger about their turning to producing nudes to get paid….even if I find it gross….and inappropriate….since they are supposed to be professionals…instead I encourage you to find these people and help them out now that they are being kicked out of the fucking industry, out of work, and not even cuz they moonlight as sex workers….but because they don’t want a shot….

It’s fucking crazy out there…do your research…support the right people out there….and remember above all…choose freedom!


Posted in:NURSES




Vanessa Hudgens Bolt Ons On The Runway of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens

I don’t know why Vanessa Hudgens looks like a fake titty Indian prostitute trying to make you eat her curry for a discounted price, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like it…I have come across DESI porn over the years and it’s always a cultural experience that leaves me craving TANDOORI and Bollywood movies…

This is for the Rihanna lingerie show, because Rihanna has lingerie to sell in order to make even more billions of dollars, and I guess all these people work together to help each other like they are part of the same club….I WONDER WHAT THAT CLUB IS…..right?

Either way, Vanessa Hudgens, DISNEY TRAINED, so definitely not one of their puppets to push whatever she’s told…obviously a FREE THINKER…with a hot set of what are probably bolt on tits, unless they finally took her off her period suppressing medication they use to keep them young, so that they can stretch out those teen roles until they reach 90210 levels of “he’s a little too old for High School Luke Perry”…

Vanessa Hudgens


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Bebe Rexha Ass of the Day

Big girl popstar who finally sold her soul after years of being in the industry, trying to be famous, only getting song writing credits because they don’t like the fatties, has decided to celebrate her big girl ass, which for whatever reason looks fucking great from this angle, I guess she’s got it all figured out, or at least like all the fat girls on the dating apps, knows her angles, and I am falling for it, despite being a NO FAT CHICKS allowed kind of guy….I guess not all fat fucks are created equally….some are the waddle necked pigs of WALMART or most HEALTHY YOUNG GIRL WITH COVID stories….some are the kind you want to have sit on your face and smother you until you die because this life and new world is a struggle to want to live in….and that’d be a luxurious way to end all the suffering!!


Posted in:Bebe Rexha




Maria Menounos Bikini of the Day

I have facial recognition blindness, maybe Big Tech should develop something for that, you know so that I can track and follow everyone, because my naked eye has some fucking autism or some other brain injury that just doesn’t let me recognize faces….

I don’t know if it’s been a lifelong ailment, but I did realize it about a decade ago when I found out it was a real thing, and it makes being a “celeb blogger” if that’s really what I am….if that’s even still a thing….I don’t know….but I do know I don’t recognize people…

Which is why Maria Menounos doesn’t look at all like what I remember her looking like, maybe cuz she’s old, face injected, under a bullshit beauty filter, it could even be the blonde hair to lighten against the white hair you know she has at her age….but you’re probably looking at her tits as you should…

The Tabloid reporter turned podcast network owner, still has that greek body, which is hotter knowing that her pussy is barely used, a rarity in her industry, but thanks to her Greek roots, her asshole is her pussy….that may not be a fact, but I think it’s worthy of being put on her resume.


Posted in:Maria Menounos




Whitney Cummings Tits of the Day

I don’t know if Whitney Cummings serious face in her titty attention seeking pic, cuz she’s “Edgy” is because she’s dead on the inside, or if it’s because she’s trying to look less like a 45 year old, or maybe it’s just the filter she’s got on turning her into some Augmented Reality Bullshit…I’ve seen the Morgan Freeman filter demo, where some white motherfucker controls what he says, without it ever being Morgan Freeman…I mean Morgan Freeman can die tomorrow…and they can forever cast his AR FILTER for future movies until the end of fucking time…it’s creepy….

So seeing Cummings, without CUM on her Face, while not actually cumming, which sounds like false marketing to me….showing off her old ass tits in her bush up bikini for attention, because money doesn’t give these people the sense of accomplishment they should feel as they fuck right off, instead they need to clickbait with self produced smut like a low level influence, all to get some likes…not cuz she needs them to survive…but because she’s so fucking empty and needs them for other inadequacies in her bullshit female comic soul….

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does buy arrogance, I guess…


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky tits are a fetish. Nutritious and possibly delicious thanks to the package it comes in….not really a fetish of mine, I find it all so weird…but a fetish to some, or at least a skill they want to show off when they have the chance, before they dry up…and while prepping and planning for the impending apocalypse I know that I want as many milk filled tits as possible in my bunker…IT IS FEEDING TIME!

Here are some moms who I will assume didn’t get an abortion after reaching lactation titty level of pregnant…I figure there’s a moment in pregnancy where the tits start fucking squirting…

So this is probably not pornographic to any of the left wing people out there fighting for the right to kill their babies…

Did you see that one woman with the “I’ve Had 21 Abortions” like that’s a good thing and not representative of her being totally irresponsible with her body….”CUM IN ME, I’ll just abort”…and clearly she did….I’d repost the picture here, but I’m too lazy to find it since no one reads this site. I am sure you know girls like that in your everyday life…they exist.

I wasn’t always anti-abortion, but when I realize that Bill Gates’ dad ran planned parenthood, and that planned parenthood literally sells baby organs once they reach a certain age of development, which is far older than the 6 weeks people are mad about in Texas….I realized that abortion is pretty fucking vile and should be the last option available for a woman’s family planning…

I love that they play the whole “you’re a man, you have no opinion on this”….well if that’s the case…why do I have tits, a clit sized penis and most importantly, gender is just a construct of society that is not real..

We are all allowed to have whatever fucking opinion we want about any fucking thing…it’s called being fucking human…

Also, the whole “My Body My Choice” by a bunch of idiots crying at people to get a vaccine that isn’t a vaccine, can suck my clit sized dick, it’ll be like a wad of bubblegum and hardly and vulgar or aggressive as it sounds, you know the kind of thing that gets the feminists crying….”he said suck my dick, that was so threatening, I blame the patriarchy”….

So these tits, lactating in all their glory, is a fight against the satanists trying to sacrifice your babies, even if the women doing this are feminists defending their right to show their tits for you to jack off to their tits in exchange for money…

Lactating tits remind me of childbirth, childbirth reminds me of more retards filling our streets, which is really the only reason I loved abortion in the first place, too many shitty people making shitty kids, who learn in shitty schools, and who have shitty idols, to create a world where they try to police and control my shitty life…when I just want to be left the fuck alone…

So I guess this is worse than watching girls fighting for the right to kill their babies because it means more babies…even though we’ve got enough of those ruining our fucking lives right now…but I still think seeing women protesting the right to kill babies is a perfect fucking representation of our society…no one should be proud they killed a baby, no matter how unwanted the pregnancy is….the only people who love abortion more than these woke women, are literally satanists who do it as a religious sacrifice to their lord…so I guess those progressives are in good company….fucking idiots.


Posted in:Lactating




Milf Monday of the Day

As you probably know, I am not really about the COVID lockdowns, masking, social distancing, vaccine, vaccine passport protocols. They make no sense to me

There are a lot of reasons for this, including that it’s all based of fear mongering, if you google this shit you can see the data and no one is asking the people making these decisions any tough questions based on that data, or information out there….no one fucking asks any of the fucking questions!

I was listening to the government funded radio in Canada yesterday, to see what propaganda they were pushing on people, because I actually read the information available to us, and I heard some Doctor named Dr Wong from Regina Saskatchewan whining about how they don’t have mask mandates, or high vaccine rates and how they are a hot bed of covid, without mentioning that the pcr tests don’t work, so it is impossible to determine a person actually has covid, so I googled the Icu numbers to see the deal, and as it turns out there were under 20 people province wide in the icu….if the public health care doesn’t have the resources to support 20 people…that’s ridiculous.

People, what a scam, where is the tax money going, scammers….and the journalist didn’t ask or challenge the dude he just supported it to help the fear mongering. These people have no brains.

What does this have to do with MILFS, well, one of the callers was a kid who called into say she doesn’t like wearing masks, where the host pushed her with things like “but you know why you do right”….and she’s like “My mask gets wet and it’s gross to breathe” and the host is like “bring more masks”….without saying….KIDS ARE NOT AT RISK FOR COVID…

Then some other woman called in angry that they don’t have vaccines in the kids or that the teachers can’t be force vaccinated because of ASYMPTOMATIC spread in the kids…which hasn’t been proven to be a thing, like masks not working, and the host doesn’t mention any of that…he didn’t say “by asymptomatic” do you mean “HEALTHY”….

THEN THERE WERE PARENTS CALLING in angry that they can’t vaccinate their kids yet, and that they can’t wait to….INJECT THEIR KIDS with a fucking shot that could hurt them, that has hurt other young people, while COVID itself didn’t…

SO fucking brainwashed, based on zero logic, zero thought, because they are either braindead from the vaccine breaking through the brain barrier, or maybe…they’ve been conditioned all these years…

EVEN WORSE…a friend of mine has a kid who had his first day of school, and the indoctrinators forced him to watch a video about how good vaccines are…when that’s not true…VACCINES have never been good…vaccines are full of gross and bad shit and are the root of a lot of the viruses they are supposed to end those viruses…

It’s a fucking cult and these MILFs are to blame for not protecting their babies from the state….THEY need to protect their kids from the state….how can a parent not protect their kid from the state….

It’s horrible, not that I care about kids or even moms, I actually fear the whole birthing process, but I’ll get down to them being sluts….

I’m not a stepfather because of a fetish, I am a stepfather for free rent.

Posted in:Milf




Fat Fuck on a Jet Ski Eats Shit and Other Videos of the Day

You Know You’re Gay When…

In the Ride Wrong

Sandwich Artist is Hard at Work

Drunk Girl Smashes Her Head

Shoplifter gets Fucked by Friend

Fat Fuck vs the Simulation

Drive Thru Freakout

Idiot Takes a Seat

Life on a Tree

What the Fuck is Wrong with People

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




It’s Labor Day of the Day

I don’t know how many years I’ve posted these birthing videos on Youtube for Labor Day, but I am not about to stop now.

The world may be imploding, where evil is hard at work trying to collapse our society nd kill us all off….


I have always hated youtube for being hypocritical pieces of shit, with their fetish content they run their google ads against, while discriminating against the likes of ME….

So gaping pussy with a baby coming out of it, you know the worst fetish ever, even for the people at Google since you’d assume they are more into child sacrifice, is my way of saying….WOMEN IN LABOR FOR LABOR DAY….and GOOGLE / YOUTUBE are publicly traded pornographers…

So end of the world or not….here’s out top 10 Birthing videos of the year….you know since Labor Day is about new beginnings, or the end of summer, or not wearing white, that’s racist.

Posted in:Videos