I'll Make You Famous…




Inka Williams Hot and Naked of the Day

I don’t know where this Inka Williams shoot is from, if you shot it, send it my way, I’ll LINK YOU because you have just made my night, or my week, or my day…I mean my life is hardly exciting….

I don’t actually get that excited about this kind of shit, or really anything, not even Christmas and I fucking love Christmas…but I do think Inka Williams, the 22 year old BALI native who was in Bali before there before SOCIAL media, is one of the hotter instagram models, or legit models, she’s repped by some big agency…

Well she’s done gone nude…as they do, for fashion, or art, or marketing, or who fucking cares, it happened.. why make a big deal, I mean…it’s just a skinny model’s naked body and it’s a win…and even with my deep fear of snakes…I’m down to stare at the TITTIES.


Posted in:Inka Williams




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

The flaw in the thong is also the win in the thong…so remember someone’s or something’s inadequacies can be appealing to a pervert who will fuck anything….but has nothing to fuck…so instead he just sexualizes it…which in this case is encouraged…since it is an asshole and assholes are the gateway to the soul and the orifice of the people…all people….except those who have stoma bags…but at one point had an asshole…and know what they’re about even if they are phantom asshole now….however there is probably at least one person out there who wasn’t born with an asshole…and they shit out of their mouth…their moms probably smoked when pregnant….OK.


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Elizabeth Hurley Ass in a Bikini of the Day


If you read the site and I hope you don’t because it’s drivel….I am not a professionally trained writer and I am not very funny…so there is really no point….


If you read this site, you’ll know two things….

1- that I have doubted that Liz Hurley in her old age is actually looking as good as she does in her pics, and I figured she either took a backlog before retiring and getting old and fat, or that her son, who I think is transgender and who takes all her pics for her is playing the part….so I never trusted any of her bikini action…

2- that I have been proven wrong because she was at an event a few weeks ago and still looks hot…which pains me to say, not because I don’t like hot chicks, but because it goes against my expiration date I’ve given women- I blame modern science….

So, this ass may be her son, may be old, but could just be a 55 year old model ass who has maintained and preserved herself accordingly…


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Charli XCX Bikini Tits of the Day

UK’s export Charli XCX who I always thought was just a bootleg performer with a dream. You know, a rich kid with parents who support her dream because they are lawyers or accountants or bankers….and used to the stuffy and shitty world of bureaucracy….excited to tell their friends how like Charli is doing in America chasing her dreams that they finance because it makes their lives more interesting…

Not that I have an issue with rich people getting ahead, I believe in equality for all, equal opportunity for all, but if your family got a generations head start and you get to benefit from it, fuck yeah…

So there’s nothing wrong with being a sponsored by your parents artist to keep their lives interesting amongst their boring friends…that’s not the issue here, the issue is that I thought that was her level of career….someone who tours malls and nightclubs that no one cares about….

As it turns out, I was wrong, she’s actually rich as shit, just bought a 30 million dollar house, probably has more hits than Rita Ora, who you’d think is richer and more important than Charli based on Rita’s incessant self promotion….but who cares about the backstory, or the rivalry I created between two UK popstars in America…which should be the name of my memoir….I am here for the front story…the TITTIES….and the good news is that both have big tits ..all those bangers and mash or some shit…I RECKON…


Posted in:Charli XCX




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Holy shit…..

Titty Drop!!!


Posted in:Titty Drop




Tanline Thursday of the Day

Tanline Thursdays is a nice day to remind yourself two things….

1 – Tanlines are hot – they highlight the good parts…

2 – Tanlines aren’t just for summer, so be happy that girls realize tanlines are hot – they highlight the good parts and have created a sideline anti-sun industry to give them the illusion of a tanline…without leaving the house and laying out half naked for hours trying to get those sun rays and fresh air….that’d be crazy….

So here are some tanlines for the tanline fetishists….which should be everyone!


Posted in:Tanlines




Vanessa Hudgens Wet Tits of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens, the Disney Musical Queen continues to live her best life thanks to her coming to terms with having to be an influencer on social media to be relevant or to properly monetize, which isn’t all that bad of a thing, since influencers produce smut to get noticed and I fucking love smut…

I saw someone posted something about how social media is really toxic for people because they are trying to look, act and be that influencer too, but not everyone has the chops or the support, the team, or the celebrity to pull it off, so they just live disappointed that their bikini pics don’t get as much attention as the other girls, leading to severe depression…YOU CAN NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH…while back in the day, we just generally accepted that we weren’t celebrities, that we could never be celebrities, that they were the other class in their own world…but now, we’re given the tools they are given, only to know with a follower count just how bad we suck….

I remember when I took a stab at instagram a few years ago, always deleted, definitely failed at it hard, while other people got millions of followers, forcing me to retreat here instead of being the guy telling you what protein drinks to buy after a fake topless workout for the gay dudes into topless dudes on instagram…..and I know digital marketing and know that I suck…so these girls trying to keep up or compete with the stars who don’t really get that they suck, probably get sad about it…TOO BAD SO SAD…keep it to your damn self, while I’m here staring at HUDGENS tits that are full, that are wonderful, that may or may not be fake…and I fully encourage more of this…and less of that High School Musical shit, that was gut wrenching and bad…while this is boner generating and good.


Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Elsa Hosk Underboob of the Day

Elsa Hosk is a basketball star from Sweden who is better known for putting her Basketballs into her bikini tops and bra tops and even fully exposed, all painted to look like breasts, because that’s the way female basketball was meant to be played…

Unless these are just her real tits, I remember many decades ago learning that the average bra size of a Swede was a C-Cup or maybe it was a D-Cup and thinking…that’s the kind of place I’d like to go…you know Volvos, Ikea Meatballs and BOBS….

I guess the point of the story is that Elsa Hosk, the VS Model of dreams, has really performed well with the fans, without even letting her pregnancy get in the way of being someone we can rely on to jerk off to…which is so rare these days.

I am a fan and think she’s one of the hottest around, so you should be too, since you are me and I am you.


Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Jojo works the Pole of the Day

The pole dance thing becoming a mainstream 15 years ago has always been hilarious to me….seeing suburban moms getting their stripper on is beyond fucking weird especially then since no suburban moms were running a side hustle on OnlYFans….you know it was the calm before the everyone is a self producing pornographer in this shady and horny internet world…

So you’d see these ladies in their late 30s or 40s heading out in booty shorts and high heels to stripper dance, the very dance you’d think they’d hate, because they’d see strippers at sluts, which turned out to be just catty, as they proved to the world that they could be sluts too…

Sure they pushed the athleticism, the gymnastics, the skill required, but ultimate, they were living out their private stripper dancer fantasy….

I guess pole dance is still a thing and funny enough, I saw some pink hair woke girls in the park with a stripper pole doing their routine earlier in the summer, and thought…wow…not even done in studios or gyms anymore….just right in the park…

Now, i never thought pole dancing was some hot thing that gives boners….if anything I’ve only been impressed by a pole dance for the athleticism in the stripper dance routine and I spent YEARS going to strippers doing research as to what my favorite aspect of it was…and I don’t even think pole tricks made the list….

But when the normies, or the celebs like Jojo who are now panty models, with surprisingly big boobs do it….it’s pretty entertaining to see them get their best striptease on….you know since they post it to social media…and aren’t trying to sell lap dances to me after awkward conversations they are only having with me to sell lap dances to me….

You know, cuz you don’t see these types doing this kind of thing on the regular….it makes it worthy of a stare…..did I mention Jojo’s got big bobs?


Posted in:JoJo




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday on a Thursday of the Day

I’ve been a day behind on some of these posts all week, you can blame me for being a degenerate who shouldn’t even update this site to get back to living on the streets and dumpster diving like a true human, not the socialized one they’ve turned us into, with all these societal rules, but rather just a find some donuts in the dumpster outside Dunkin, head to the mall to sit in the food court to stare at the upskirts as they ride the escalator, or I guess the pussy wedgies for those not in skirts, because pussy wedgies are fucking everywhere….all this to say…it’d be more fulfilling than scouring the internet for pics of pussy wedgies for 12 weird fucks or less….11 of which are spam bots….LIVING the DOT COM BUBBLE DREAM over here….


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie