I'll Make You Famous…




Billie Eilish Got Them Tits On Of the Day

Billie Eilish is fat and with that comes fat tits….not that she cares about being fat, she’s been packaged and sold to the industry, or the people, harder than if she was Lana Del Rey, and they bought into it, even if she’s been exposed for being in an incestuous relationship with her brother who packaged and sold her, since he was the musician in the family who needed a front, even if she’s been exposed for making racist against Asian jokes, which is a fate worse than death you’d think, at least in this COVID era of anti-asian hate movements, but when you make enough money for a lot of powerful people, those kinds of scandals, career ruining scandals disappear so that we can focus on what is important, shitty music and the fat girl tits….that I’m not into because I find fat girls gross but that so many people have been into over the history of humanity because of the tits….or in our generation’s case…because 50 percent of girls are obese, so if you want to get fucked, the non-obese are with the quality dudes, and the fat ones are left for us to fight over, only to realize we can’t even get them because they’re stock has increased now that fat is normalized and quality dudes are into fucking them, taking us bottom feeder’s pussy life line – they have taken the sad fat chick who hates herself, has cats and ice-cream of the month club subscribtions, eager for dick but never getting dick so when your dick comes along she jumps for it, tries to marry it or at least impress it with her eating skills….away from us….THOSE JERKS>..


Posted in:Billie Eilish




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Just so you know, The Ratio is a scientific fact, not that scientific facts matter, but they’ve done studies, not that studies matter, that have proven, not that proof matters, that girls with a waistline and hips bigger than said waistline, are in fact hotter than square dude bodied bitches, or fat chicks who are all fucking belly and love handles hanging over their waists…it’s pretty obvious to those of us who haven’t been emasculated by the estrogen in the foods, or have been made into eunuchs from the vaccines they are making you take because of scientific fact, that may not be scientific fact, since all the scientific facts they tricked us with the last year and a half have proven to not be fact at all…..but we keep believing like I keep believing that the waist to hip ratio being hot is fact…but I know one day a fat as big belly bitch and her square bodied friends will protest this, call it sexist, or blame the patriarchy and misogyny for their LIES that make life for a HIP-LESS bodied girl….depressing…and they can’t have that…they have to be included in the RATIO post too because that’s EQUITY….

Here are those hips and waists…


Posted in:The Ratio




Jordyn Jones Still Slutty of the Day

Jordyn Jones is some child reality show dancer which always creeps me out when I write it out, but thanks to being sold to the industry instead of being sold to the farmer down the street from her family home back in Kalamazoo in one of her dad’s drunken dealings, she’s managed to get a following that she can cash the fuck in on….she does it in the form of “close friend feed” where she posts low level half naked smut, like stripping out of her silky nightgown in her bathroom, you know for the artistic merit….even though THAT AIN’T DANCE THOUGH…..

From reality star to sex worker on the lowest level, but at least she could afford to buy her mom a Land Rover and herself a Tesla from all the perverts supporting her down this dark and evil sex worker life….and at least she’s not turning tricks in the garden shed outside the meth lab….where she could have ended up….

I mean posing in her nightie showing some skin is very low level sex work, BUT the intention is the same and for that we must post it and stare because otherwise what is the point.


Posted in:Jordyn Jones




Julianne Hough Butthole of the Day

Julianne Hough is in Europe living her best travel life because she’s famous you know, from TV you know, probably rich as shit and not just because she’s a Mormon, since Mormons are rich, but because she’s a celebrity…who is no longer a mormon because she chose the glitz and glam of hollywood instead of the Church….a defector who knew that modest was not the hottest, the hottest was using her dance in private to get dance jobs in mainstream movies, and people like Ryan Seacrest were used along the way…

In this video series, the fit dancer displays her athleticism, her gymnast skills, but most importantly, her fat pussy from behind where you can kind of make-out asshole if you’re perverted enough, which I am…because maybe it’s one of those puffy assholes protruding from all the fun it has had in its life as a famous dancer bitch…or maybe it’s just my imagination….either way, flipping pussy in panty flashes are more subtle and harder to stare at than traditional pussy in panty flashes, but it gamifies it and we all love games….


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Kaili Thorne Goes All The Way of the Day

Kaili Thorne is Bella Thorne’s half sister, or adopted sister, or sister who took a totally different path than Bella, but not THAT different, just a little more hardcore since not everyone in the family can be a Disney Kid, some need to go straight to self produced porn for their fan site…and it’s probably not even about the money, maybe it’s just about the clout, or about being extreme and edgy…or an opportunity to show the world that she’s been either molested, or around sexual deviants for a long time, feeling that this shit is normal, which I guess it is, but as someone from the era of porn, I can say isn’t really normal to put it out there, but I’m a dinosaur from an era when nudes were harder to get, the arc of the covenant level of hard to get, it required real mastery, but here I am seeing a dildo in a bitch with a famous sister’s ass….that’s wild…and not necessarily in a good way, but in a good enough way, since I’d rather see a girl with a dildo in her ass than not…it’s just a weird approach to internet content that makes you question a few things…


Posted in:Kaili Thorne




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I have a hard time believing that girls are really insecure about anything anymore especially their tit size.

I think everyone hates themselves at their core and are looking for validation on social media, but since everything’s been sexualized and empowered, from amputations to port-wine-stains to other ailments like Herpes and who the fuck cares….they run with everything that could be seen as a negative…from Fatness to Skinniness…to foot fungus..everyone’s out trying to find a hook to monetize and build their personal brand so they don’t have to ever work cuz dudes will pay to see the nude…..and working with what they’ve got is a more impressive story than getting jacked up like all the other bitches…

But I have since the dawn of time known that breast implants were an attack on our freedoms that would confuse women into thinking they should kill their tits and inject sacks of chemicals in their body all to fill out their dresses better…and that was a totally misuse of marketing that made many tit doctors very rich….but made girls come across as insecure losers who hate themselves…

Which is why it is so important, especially now that everyone is more insecure than ever and more into the acceptance of plastic surgery than ever….to remind you that TINY TITS are hot, they come on tighter packages, they are statistically nicer to look at than big sloppy tits, and they deserve their place in the world….so support the tiny tits.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Maddie Ziegler Cleavage of the Day

Maddie Ziegler’s the reality TV child dancer that Sia Adopted like they were 18 year old black dudes, which if you google, is something that Sia adopted….true story…on a bit of a Woody Allen kick and something I’ve probably joked about on the site…you know adopting 18 year old Russian girls…not to parent but to fuck….basic science..

Anyway, Maddie Ziegler was a huge hit in the SIA videos, dancing around like some interpretive dance lesbian you’d find in either Art School, the park or working the old folks home cuz they are talentless hacks who don’t get embarrassed because they truly believe they are artists….

She’s turned 18 and all of a sudden looks like a 25 year old SUGAR baby trying to recruit rich old dudes to pay her rent…

I guess it’s not her fault, her whole generation are sugar babies looking bitches looking like they are marketing themselves for rent…

She’s in a cleavage top, looks hot, that’s all I got.


Posted in:Maddie Ziegler




Madelaine Petsch Titty Top of the Day

I don’t watch the bullshit that is Riverdale, but I have seen enough episodes to know that the first season was likely planned to be a 90 minute movie they dragged out into a season, only to have no plan going forward, so it just became a fucking mess, which didn’t effect ratings, since people are all a bunch of fucking idiots who don’t even pay attention to what is on TV, they’re too busy taking selfies, looking in the mirror or reading comments on their instagram where they build their personal brand and hope for internet fame…it’s pretty pathetic that a generation of people have no brains, but it may workout in the event you figure out how to captivate them enough to get them all buying what you’re selling….you see, I wouldn’t mind going viral with that generation, maybe I’d have readers…or at least people who look at the pictures….that aren’t you old pervert fucks from 20 years ago..

Anyway, the best thing Riverdale has to offer is the American made South African rich kid with a Banker dad who launched his own successful pool outfitting business, and that could afford to send his redheaded daughter to LA to live out her dreams of stardom….

She’s got the hottest body and is the only thing good about the show, so seeing her in this titty top is a good reminder to not watch Riverdale but to watch Maddy Petsch, just not from her closet, under her bed, or in the hole you drilled into her bathroom from her garage….you know cuz that’ll get you arrested….I’m just here to help.


Posted in:Madelaine Petsch




Hailey Clauson Pool Party of the Day

I’ve gone over this before, because same same but different is basically the fucking existence we live in, especially when you’ve been a celebrity titty blogger no one bothers with for around 18 years, which is a long and depressing time, considering the site makes zero fucking money and has zero fucking future and I am basically where I was when I started, a joke, which is why I started it, cuz it’s not about the money man, it’s about writing useless shit about useless people that may be construed as important, but the only thing important about them are their tits…

So get ready for a re-run, because Hailey Clauson, who I used to target for suing Urban Outfitters for using her in a sexualized way in one of their campaigns when she was 16 or 17, like the perverts they are….saying I couldn’t believe anyone would hire her after she sued her client…only to be reminded that fuck Urban Outfitters, those culture vulture corporate fucks who tried to exploit the hipster scene from profit, and who managed to do it in a successful way, using girls like Clauson sexually when she was underage, they should have been sued and Clauson deserved the nest egg from the settlement after being exploited by them….

She managed to go from hipster model to SI model, in part because she was hip in NYC, with rockin’ tits, but there was a time she was topless star of hipster photographer shoots but now she’s mainstream and luckily still has the tits….because they are fun to look at even if the close up of the bikini bottoms cutting off her circulation as her fat spills over it is not the best, at least it’s not photoshopped to shit like all the other trash of the internet who wish they were as hot as this one, who is from a time when you had to be naturally hot to get ahead…instead of fake it til you make it…


Posted in:Hailey Clauson




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I am pretty repetitive on this shit, in part because I post tight pant galleries every week that no one gives a fuck about and there’s really not that much to say about tight pants, except that they are fucking everywhere…

For example, I was in a grocery store yesterday and some cunty old bitch in her diaper mask was in a pair of leggings, she was seriously in her fucking 70s and rocking that cameltoe as hard as she could, probably to feel something…anything…after a few kids, menopause and basically being on the brink of death…

I also saw another old lady, probably in her 50s or 60s in a pair of bike shorts on a park bench, so I posted up to see when she’d stand up to see just how big her pussy was…they say that the ears, nose and feet keep growing after death…or is it fingernails and hair that keep growing after death…I haven’t housed a dead prostitute’s body yet, so I don’t know….but I was curious to see if the pussy still grows after the sex appeal is dead…

So basically, tight pants aren’t for young and hot, it’s for everyone, and that’ not necessarily a good thing, but at the same time, tight pants are…so here’s a few girls in tight pants showing off their tight pants…because what the fuck else are they to do.


Posted in:Tight Pants