I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Beckinsale Loves Cake Farts of the Day

Kate Beckinsale may be some iconic young man fucking middle aged woman who still has a hot enough body and celebrity to lure in the young cock that can keep up with her insatiable sex appetite because she’s not a very busy rich person, so why not get fucked all day….she’s gone through a handful of under 25 year olds like a sugar daddy headed to Art Basel or St Barths or Cannes or wherever the trending instagram even is….

She recently made news for not seeing her daughter for a year and a half because they are fucking pussies scared of the “virus” that didn’t have a high enough death rate to be scared of…I mean even if you lived in an old folks home you probably shouldn’t bother being scared of it because you lived a good enough life and you gotta get taken out by something….

She’s the old fuck who managed to keep a hot body and this is her bikini pic from afar, I guess at a certain point even a hot old lady starts looking old and pics are better from 100 feet away….but her fans still love her..

She’s also showing her age with her CAKE FART balloons, for anyone who remembers 2008 when Cake Fart happened, back when Beckinsale was probably 45 and still hot cuz she’s a vampire like that…you may appreciate it.


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Josie Canseco Knows How to Fuck in The Car

Josie Canseco’s face is doing some weirdness in this picture, I wonder if this is what she actually looks like, you never know with the lies of social media, because these people can be as hot as they want to be, filters and photoshop, face injections and facials…the perverted kind preferably…

Lucky for her, she’s rich as shit thanks to her dad Jose, but more importantly, she’s inherited some of his CUBAN COMMUNIST athleticism, assuming she’s not hopped up on steroids, but like a crack baby, not knowing they are craving crack when they become adult, you never fucking know….

Anyway, the fit body, showing off her fit flexbility, in a position she’d be easy to fuck in, where she’d likely be eating a donut and making that same weird face, with her socks on, as you finish, because you’re not that fucking eventful….or even noticeable you creepy fuck.

Here she was at a party last night…


Posted in:Josie Canseco




Christina Aguilera Got Them Tits On of the Day

I am old, so you can’t post a Britney Titty content without posting an Aguilera titty content, because those were the glory days in shitty pop music, where these two stars were the biggest names….it’s the kind of celebrity distraction, rivalry, storyline that hasn’t happened since…everyone is now a fucking cuck into influencers or TikTok losers when not jerking off on webcam for their fans.

Point being, it was simpler times and in those times I always sided for Aguilera….even though her music was shitty, her singing annoying, but her content rolling around in the mud for DIRTY was on fucking point….

She got the fake tits, wasn’t fat yet, and the whole thing was glorious….I even made a bet with a friend that I would fuck her in my lifetime, a bet that is long dead, but a challenge that I still believe could be won, just as soon as she ends up in a nursing home I casually get a job at so that I can stick it in while changing her diapers….the only issue is I am a good 10-15 years older than her, broke, unhealthy, an alcoholic…and even thinking there’s a chance of fucking her, even at the old folks home level, is probably early onslaught dementia…sad by true.

I will likely never fuck Aguilera….but I can look at her tits and remember the good days when she was not fat.


Posted in:Christina Aguilera




Ashley Graham Got Fatter of the Day

Fat girl gets pregnant, no one notices, so fat girl needs to make a point of it, otherwise fat girl will know that people will just assume she got fatter, because that’s sort of the only reason she exists…she’s the equivalent of someone figuring out that people out there have a a feeder fetish and since they are fat and like to eat…can get paid…or even fucked….because there was a time fat chicks couldn’t really get laid unless it was a one night stand or secret….

Only instead of her feeder fetish being strictly a sexual thing, she realized that corporate America had a feeder fetish and needed fat pigs to sell their merchandise and made millions because of it….crazy…fatty got paid all for being fat…what a weird world..

Anyway, she’s disgustingly pregnant and like other pregnant girls she’s posting nudes, I don’t get why they do that shit, and since she’s pregnant, her obesity and terrible fat empowerment messaging AMERICA doesn’t need to hear because FAT FUCKING KILLS…stop glamorizing it you SICK PERVERTS….so it’s ok…


Posted in:Ashley Graham




Chanel West Coast Nipple of the Day

Chanel West Coast is some low level female rapper who not only mooches off “blackness” to get ahead…not that she’s really got ahead…but America as a whole is one giant suburban mind and in the suburbs the white kids speak like hip hop videos, it’s fake as fuck, but who cares. Even Drake tries to speak like a rapper, despite being a coddled rich kid from Canada….with no reason to speak like that except by pretending his Southern musician dad his mom Groupied in a night of being wild after a concert back in the early 80s….was a huge influence on him…but at least his dad is black…

Anyway, this Orange County girl, which is a county full of fucking racist rich white people pretends to be a hip hop star, when really she was just a bit character on an MTV show, and now she walks around with her ZOMBIE looking friend, like WHAT IS THAT THING….TITS OUT…BECAUSE THAT’S THE STYLE ….when you are CRYING for attention after 10 years of trying still haven’t paid off….instead of realizing you aint shit…they go the porno route….not that this is official porno…but it’s tits.

What a try hard loser…


Posted in:Chanel West Coast




Britney Spears Tits of the Day

I don’t think this is the first Britney Spears topless weirdness for her social media….I don’t really follow her Free Britney Story because I’m more selfish and don’t really give a fuck about the plight of the rich being exploited by family….I do think it’s unfortunate that her family and the system is so fucked….but when you’re a billionaire enterprise it’s hard to give a fuck…when shit like food shortages are potentially upon us, depending on what news sources you read…

I’ve been actively calling her a prisoner in plain site, no one really gave a fuck about until this past year, so hopefully Britney gets freed if she’s not, I am on that side…I don’t like hostage situations for anyone…

I did hear that her handlers control her social media and she doesn’t, so this topless weirdness could be her liberating herself in a message to the world that she likes having her tits out….a fun thing…

But I’m thinking it’s more on the lines of making her seem unhinged and crazy so that K-Fed gets custody of the kids, since he’s one of her dad’s puppets….they pay him.

Oh the things people will do for money….pretty disgusting society…

I do like seeing Britney’s Hand Bra….eager for it to be a hand up inside her which will soon be the only way to get noticed on social media. .


Posted in:Britney Spears




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are being reclaimed, empowered because women as a collective are on a mission to be slutty on the internet cuz they like it, while they cry about men objectifying them, while they objectify themselves…THANK GOD FOR THAT…because I like this type of activism.

I don’t like the other kind of activism that’s been going on, it’s been pretty fucking misguided and idiotic, unless it’s protesting the lockdown measures while people want to get FREEDOMS back…as they should…

Which reminds me of these clips I’ve been seeing by that weird ass Don Lemon puppet on CNN….I wonder what kind of dirt the powers that be have on him…it must be really fucking bad because the “journalist” isn’t spreading facts, he’s spreading these ideologies and big emotional concepts with things like BLAME THE UNVACCINATED….

He is encouraging people to blame other citizens for COVID, when it was created in a fucking lab by one of the 80s year olds who runs your country….

As a gay black man, you’d think he’d have a different approach on encroaching on people’s personal freedoms, or forcing them to do basically anything because the powers that be say so…

I wonder where the gay movement would be if the powers that be wanted to kill them off, with a virus like AIDS…that if you ask ANY gay dude, they’ll say was created in a lab, but luckily FAUCI came to save the day with that one…

So the VACCINATED are getting sick…but don’t blame the vaccine, you can’t sue the manufacturer anyway, blame the unvaccinated who are just minding their own business..

If you’re vaccinated and you get COVID and end up dying of COVID like the 15% of COVID deaths which are the vaccinated, it’s not because the VACCINE worked…fools.

So this idiot is trying to spin some fucking weirdness to divide the SLAVE class from his castle on a hill, as he demands rules for people to get vaccinated….calling people who don’t get vaccinated call are ignorant and selfish…when the vaccine isn’t FDA approved and has side effects and doesn’t protect you from COVID….he is wishing death on the unvaccinated, they should starve, not work, die….

THAT IS CRAZY TALK…AND IF YOU are vaccinated you should be pretty mad about the lies you’ve been told the last year and a half….instead of believing them….

All this to say, I bet they have videos of him doing Slave/Plantation owner style role play, or some other racist shit that would get him destroyed….because these people lying to us are obviously on the fucking hook and trying to protect themselves…

Otherwise, they’d be asking questions about the inconsistencies about the virus, the vaccine, the PCR tests….


The truth is that I never hated on the full back panty, I didn’t subscribe to “Granny Panties” and I didn’t shame girls for not being in THONGS…I’m a dude and dudes like girls in panties…

So just because it’s a popular ideology, or concept at the time, doesn’t mean you HAVE to subscribe to it…..

MAKE up your own decision, do what makes sense for you, it’s not us VS them or vice versa…



Posted in:Fullback Panty




Kelly Gale Pussy Print of the Day

This photographer CAMERON HAMMOND is one of the best of the bikini photographers out there, not that I scroll social media and really know what’s being produced, I realized a long time ago that that is not w a world I want to be a part of and prefer just doing my own thing on my own server that I control what gets deleted or said….it’s as free as I can get until a van comes and collects me, or if the internet gets turned off, which could happen if the people don’t wake the fuck up….but maybe turning off the internet is what they need to wake up and walk out of their screen addicted bubble…where they get to reconnect with being HUMAN again…instead of these AI weirdos..

Anyway, HAMMOND takes hot pics and today, he’s shot Swedish model Kelly Gale who has been in Sports Illustrate, Victoria’s Secret, Playboy, other hot shit cuz she’s hot…

Sine I’m on a COVID kick, because people seem to be misinformed idiots, I’d like to post some statistics on Sweden, Kelly Gale’s hometown that didn’t use masks or lockdowns on the healthy, they protected the vulnerable, and most of them are still alive….stop being a pussy.

That said, this is her bikini shoot….


Posted in:Kelly Gale




Nicola Peltz Panties of the Day

Nicola Peltz is a billionaire’s daughter who probably financed the one movie that she was cast in, but no one really seems to care about how corrupt and unfair the world is, no one seems to care that the elite billionaires can buy whatever the fuck they want, even careers for their daughters….or other things like vaccine programs with experimental medication the drones blindly get injected in their arm because they are the victims, just don’t realize they are the victims, because they are fucking lied to..

But yeah, the daughter of a billionaire from the Wall Street Hedge Fund, Private Equity, who the fuck knows, he owned Dr Pepper…and I guess some sugar baby who likes billionaires, is currently engaged to a Beckham, not David Beckham the Nanny Fucker, but his son….and for whatever reason she’s posting some lingerie panty shot, doing trailer parks the way we want them to look, instead of hairy retired divorced laborers walking around topless, only she’s likely not at the trailer park, but on set for a new movie cuz she’s an ACTOR….remember….NOT JUST A RICH KID who had her barely career bought.


Posted in:Nicola Peltz




UFC Ass and Titties of the Day

I don’t watch UFC so I don’t know what any of this is about, but I am glad that they introduced women to the mix, because prior to the girl fighters, who are generally not as hot as this one, she’s the best they had to offer, but prior to the girl fighters, it was just half naked dudes putting their dicks in each other’s faces…and maybe I’m the queer one for thinking “that shit is queer”….but I figure if I was queer, I’d be jerking off to it, like all the “straight” guys who love the sport.

This is a nice reminder that Female Athletes are sexualized, so they might as well sexualize themselves and cash the fuck in on it….

As gay as I find the UFC< I am not against the UFC, I am glad they are making moves and aren't COVID pussies, throwing events and NO ONE died...kind of thing...a nice reminder that all the restrictions you're going along with are just idiotic...so keep up the good work UFC...don't pander to these fucking freedom killing, fear mongering, power hungry, LIARS and criminals who CREATED the VIRUS to GET YOU VACCINATED WITH EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE THAT ISN'T WORKING.... Keep lying to yourself, it's not like people haven't ALWAYS lied to themselves...but eventually you'll realize you're FUCKED and it's not the UNVACCINATED's fault... Either way, if you buy the tits, you might as well use them... JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES!

Posted in:UFC