I'll Make You Famous…




Margot Robbie in a Bikini of the Day

Funny enough, people go mental when I shit talk Margot Robbie because they are brainwashed and drink the fucking Koolaid, doing what they are told like good little citizens, you’ve seen it happen around you daily, people are fucking morons….

But yeah, I call her a shit brickhouse of a woman, a post menopausal boxy and big monster of a woman….and yes I saw Wolf of Wall Street, I saw the nudes and I didn’t not think it was worthy of he insane celebrity she’s scammed out of the industry….I mean the only question I have, with a body like this, is whether she swam here from Australia before taking over the Hollywood industry…

So I stand by what I’ve always said, Margot Robbie’s a shitty actor and a shitty Bikini Model….maybe hot enough to be one of the new Victoria’s Secret “Demons” since they killed the Angels….and she looks about 50 from that hard Australian Hard Living, or maybe the holes in the Ozone layer….or maybe it’s just trendy for Australians to lie about their age…I’m talking to you fat Amy.

To See the Rest of the Pics

Posted in:Margot Robbie




Courtney Stodden Nude of the Day

Courtney Stodden got her titties out and I figure that’s one of the greatest things a girl can do in this world…

In the event you don’t know, I think Courtney Stodden is fucking amazing. I think she represents a glorious time in our lives and despite having dragged by losers like Chrissy Teigen, who tried to drag me and I thought it was hilarious, and despite potentially dragging Courtney Stodden on this site over the years, I was invited to her LA Halloween Party years ago and I should have fucking gone, biggest regret, not that I would have met Stodden and recited my poetry to her, but I coulda snuch into her panty drawer…ASSUMING she wears panties…cuz she’s not right here…

Yes, I don’t like fake tits and Stodden was hot without any of the work she’s done…but because it’s Stodden, it’s ok…she’s wonderful…


Posted in:Courtney Stodden




Faith Schroder’s In a Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder, who’s dad has been made fun of by the cancel regime of lunatics with no brains because they are conditioned to think whatever insanity they’ve decided to think, and despite being woke and inclusive, are divisive and ignorant morons, who in protesting for freedom, will fucking KILL ANYONE WHO DOESN’T AGREE with them….ask a woke why they hate trump….’BECAUSE HE SAID GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY, WHAT A DEMON”….to which I say…he said “when you’re famous you can just grab them by the pussy, which is actually fact….”….have you ever been around famous dudes, I’ve been around locally famous people, bartenders, DJs, musicians…even artists despite thinking art is a lie..and they all pull so much pussy….

In Montreal, there is one sports team called the Canadiens….and people in Montreal fucking love their hockey team, it’s all so quaint and Canadian…but yeah….I’ve been in bars where the Canadiens would go after a game…and within 10 minutes there was an inch of wetness on the fucking floor…I’m here wading in the pussy excrement because a Hockey team showed up and these wallet fucking fame whores were PRIMED….my shoes, with holes in the soles, similar to the holes in these girls’ souls….soaked my socks and froze on the bus ride home…

Point being, Ricky Schroder is laughed at and hated, but not for the right reasons, hate him and laugh at him for being a failed actor Child Star nobody….but for being a TRUMPER or someone protesting Dave Grohl’s attack on personal autonomy doing vaccinated only shows…when dude claims he’s a DC Hardcore punk…which last I thought involved hating big corporations and big government…but instead he’s one of their advocates and spokespeople now…it’s a fucking disgrace and he should be ashamed of his sellout self….

Anyway…I feel like jerking off to Ricky Schroder’s daughter is good PR for that clown…but at least he’s not the other CLOWN….

Posted in:Faith Schroder




Dove Cameron Side Boob of the Day

Dove Cameron Side Boob

I don’t know who Dove Cameron is, I just know she doesn’t make the best case for debunking Hollywood conspiracies we’ve heard..

Dove Cameron creeps me the fuck out and not just because all of the work she’s had done to her face to look as close to a cartoon character as possible, you know, kids these days…all trying to be fucking muppets..

She creeps me out because I’ve done some reading on mind control of child stars in the evil entertainment industry, which has been blown off as conspiracy theories, but if you have a brain and have seen how the last year has unfolded, where the conspiracy theorists are the sane and researched ones, you have to assume there’s a master plan by a powerful industry to push whatever they want on the population with their army of “talent” that delivers it…

Her instagram is dark and mysterious and in an uncomfortable way, not a hot way….she’s had parents die, she’s changed her name, so she has her alter-ego, and she’s consistently puts out shit that you could misconstrue as symbolism….

Whether she’s mind controlled or not, she’s definitely handled by her team….and in pushing the latest agenda, she’s now queer and has always been queer, you know cuz if everyone is queer, just pussy eating perverts, they’ll be too busy fucking everyone to have meaningful relationships with any depth or collaboration…it’s a we’re in it alone and we fuck anything and everything cuz it feels good on our empty souls….

It’s a crazy world out there and here’s her side tits..


Posted in:Dove Cameron




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Fullback Panties are back motherfuckers, not that they really went anywhere, but there was a time, probably 10 or more years ago, where girls would be wearing their thongs everyday, despite how uncomfortable, and really how shitty they were at being panties, the whole dental floss pulling up inside their assholes all fucking day, all so that if someone was to see their panties sticking out of their pants, they’d know that those girls aren’t no prudes….

The granny panty was alienated, oppressed, and they should be teaching that to kids in school, you know the panty that was seen as a second rate citizen because of thong supremacy, which was the biggest threat on comfort for women, only for the brave ones to reclaim the granny panty as their own….choose comfort, dude’s don’t care, we were sold a load of bullshit by a corporation, we bought into it, but we’re taking that back, and buying the same corporations other products that aren’t thongs, cuz we believe in the power of the fullback…

The only weird thing about the fullback comeback is that the bathing suits girls wear now are thongs…so as the bikini gets smaller….the underwear gets bigger…it’s a little backwards but I guess you gotta be the whore in public so strangers know you don’t fuck around…while panties are still what you wear under your clothing…or I guess in these selfies…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Sara Sampaio Pussy Print of the Day

Sara Sampaio has got herself off the Portuguese Fishing boat in the Azores where she spends her days cleaning fish for sale to the local restaurants as Portuguese people do – THAT’S RACIST….

I actually love Portugal, it’s the cheap Europe and the people are great, until their peasants move state-side and annoy me….you see Portuguese in Portugal like Sara Sampaio are far better than Portuguese first generations who left Portugal for greener pastures….only to end up being cunts who make me good chicken…

Sampaio may be out of work now that VS is rebranding their woke shit, but I have a feeling the rebrand is so they can still use their hot chicks with less guilt and rage from the woke who they think are the reason the brand is dying…not because the brand is tired and having stores in every mall is fucking expensive…like I know fucking business…right…I can’t even make a dollar off this shit…

These are some one piece selfies cuz she’s likely been eating too many of those egg pastries they eat….and she’s looking pretty good even if I typically hate on her, there’s not much to hate on here..except maybe that ladder in the background of her bathroom…that shit is dumb.

To See Sara Sampaio’s Pussy in Leggings….. CLICK HERE


Posted in:Sara Sampaio




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Fishnet Friday because we celebrate Fishnets, in part because we like the girls who wear them, except I am still scarred by the 89 year old woman I saw in them last week, who I assumed thought she was still hooking in Paris in the 1920…then there’s the fat chicks in fishnets who look like they’re trying to strangle out their thighs like some cat burglar with dental floss on a security guard’s neck during a heist…but fishnets on average and better looking girls, not the outliers, who oftentimes are the norm, are still hot…

I would be suprised they aren’t cancelled because of the oppressive name, FISHNETS, imply that women are fish cuz they have rank pussies and that they need to be netted and controlled by a fishnet….a symbol of the patriarchy…netting women up like a tadpole in the pond amongst shitty children…or like a free swimming fish against the toxic masculinity capturing them….

But luckily, fishnets aren’t cancelled, cuz they can be monetized, they just complain and cancel everything else for the patriarchy…JUST NOT FISHNETS….CUZ THEY make average bitches look better.


Posted in:Fishnets




Sarah Hyland’s Shorts Go Shopping of the Day

Double Kidney Transplant because these child star celebrities get a lot of organ transplants considering they are rich and famous and organ transplants seem like a dramatic medical procedure…maybe it’s something in their craft services food on set…or some reaction to the hormone therapy they get put on young to stay young to get paid longer…I don’t know but it’s weird….

I have always been creeped out by Sarah Hyland and her weird underdeveloped body, her genetic disorder that led to her Kidney Transplants has been pretty obvious to me even before we knew she had some disease…

So her whole sexualizing herself, posting slutty workouts, bikini pics, and talking about sex that she’s done on social media has turned me off in ways I don’t understand, you know curdled stomach like I ate old pizza out of the trash when drunk, which is impossible cuz I always eat all the pizza, but you know there have been moments of diving in the trash when drunk and looking for that old food I forgot I had….and eating it…..cuz I am drunk….not that it matters….

What matters is that, when her primordial dwarfism face is out of the frame and we can focus solely on her ass in the skimpy shorts these girls wear…she’s far more interesting to stare at….hence this post which is more about Sarah Hyland’s shorts, than Sarah Hyland, cuz the shorts are the real star here…they make an otherwise creepy star alright.

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Vanessa Hudgen’s Hard Nipples on Instagram of the Day

I think we’ve established that Vanessa Hudgens had a comeback year in 2020, COVID did her good, and it was all because she figured out that people were on social media, didn’t care about movies and TV, and only cared about real life experiences with their celebrities, on some dude who pays hookers to be his girlfriend, which I never understood because the sex is the good part of the girlfriend, if you’re paying a bitch, go for that…not for her to give you girlfriend drama and experience to make you feel better about paying the bitch for sex…it’s fake…they are there for the money…take the sex…fool..

Anyway, she got Dumped, got fake tits, got producing content that her team decided was best for her relevance, it involved thirst trapping, letting people know why she’s famous…and here she is getting her hair done cuz she’s a working actress again thanks to that social media hype…adn she’s not wearing a bra…I mean why would you when you got fake tits…they are the built in bra yo….

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Ashley Benson Titty Dress of the Day

Ashley Benson is really not that eventful of a celebrity. She got cast on some major show at the time instagram was first happening and all of a sudden…she fucking mattered and will continue to matter as long as social media exists cuz she’s got the followers and no one unfollows for whatever reason….it’s a great scam and probably why she hasn’t worked as an actor since that show…unless she has and I don’t know about it cuz I don’t give a fuck….I mean her lesbian relationship with Cara Delevigne was a pretty funny “role” she took on….that actually helped her get hotter, becasue before Delevingne, she was about 40 pounds fatter, sloppy and lazy looking, but now she’s got fit, still has her big tits and gets done up the way I like to see celebrities present themselves….If I wanted to watch some slob on the couch looking like she’s on her period despite being too old for her period, I’d just look at my wife….these celebs have a responsibility to be hot..that’s why they get paid…fuckers..


Posted in:Ashley Benson