There was a time when Nicki Minaj was just an acting student who auditioned for a record label to be the “black” Lady Gaga….where Lady Gaga was just the labels other casting for “something for the gay crowd”….these media companies are pretty simplistic in their thought process because they don’t need to be clever to make magic happen, they control the media and have the budgets to do whatever it takes…
Nicki Minaj was cast to be Nicki Minaj…it was not some girl in her basement trying to make her raps go viral, it was some entitled cunt who wanted to be famous…
So I remember when her bullshit was clown-like pop, only to go edgier along with everything else, you know there was a time Rihanna sang about Umbrellas before whips and chains excited her…
It’s all just predictive programming to push society in whatever direction they choose, terrifying, but who are the parents who let their kids listen to this pornographic smut, they should have their kids taken from them, and probably will when the reset happens, but for now, they are all just shit..
Anyway….Nicki Minaj, the fat pop creation, turned edgy and sexualized, dark and aggressive, bullshit rap star, is in some half twerk, half squat, like she’s taking a shit behind the dumpster at walmart cuz she ate bad chicken wings for lunch….
Posted in:Nicki Minaj