I'll Make You Famous…




Frida Aasen Being Hot of the Day

Frida Aasen Sexy

Frida Aasen is a Norwegian model who turned her back on the life of a cross country skier (that’s Norwegian Hate and Norwegian Hate has increased 1000 times from 0 cases to 1 case in the past year since COVID started, because of TRUMP)….

Frida Aasen said fuck it to the Nordic Spa treatments she was used to, the Northern Lights, the snowdrifts and said “I look fucking good half naked and half naked in permafrost is not half naked at all”….so she linked up with Victoria’s Secret and now exists as one of those models, which is a good thing, because she’s fucking hot….

The world needs more hot models, because all this inclusivity shit is RUINING the boners of a generation who don’t know what HOT is, but instead think jerking off to hot girls is SEXIST or some patriarchy…while they cut off their white dicks in efforts to no longer be the predator white man that has RUINED society for the next generation….or some other insane shit…

THE WORLD is nuts, but at least there are still HOT bitches like this..


Posted in:Frida Aasen




Amber Rose Takes a Bath of the Day

Amber Rose Nude

The thing you have to apprciate about Amber Rose is that despite having been made fun of for having gay sex with Kanye West, she’s pretty true to her fucking self, because I’ve seen her getting naked on the internet for fun and probably money, despite having more than one kid with rappers who likely pay her 20k a month, but in this society 20k a month is dog shit, one Chanel Purse is 20k, you need more….and what btter way to do it than get naked….

But the difference with Amber Rose is that she was a hot stripper when she was first introduced to us as Kanye’s girlfriend before he went onto horrible things like the Kardashians….so she’s just doing what she’s always done with this getting naked for money shit…and you might as well get that money you can when it’s available because eventually everyone will be broke in their FEMA camps unable to pay monthly fees to girls who get naked, so do it while it lasts….

Whether you find her hot or not, never forget she publicly told the world Kanye likes his ass played with and if that isn’t an important legacy, maybe her massive titty reduced tits are…..besides the shitty tats, she’s still worth looking at naked so go show your support and give her your damn money fools…


Posted in:Amber Rose




Alexis Ren Wet of the Day

Alexis Ren Wet

Alexis Ren is the body that despite her decision to get unnecessary bolt ons, is still the body that gets half naked in in bathing suits, because based on all my research over the years, that’s the whole point of instagram….ALL these girls are just bitches in bikinis trying to get likes, which isn’t a bad thing, I am all for bitches in bikinis at all time, in fact wear the bikinis everyday…I don’t know how many times I see a woman walking in the park, or wherever and I think “she should be in a bikini”….just like I don’t know how many times I’ve been served food and drink, in a retail store, basically anywhere I’ve interacted with women where I’ve thought “she should be in a bikini”….it’s a thing….a thing Alexis Ren just calls LIVING…

I am not going give her more hype and influence than she deserves, but her going viral as a bikini babe with some adventure travel boyfriend inspired or convinced so many girls working shitty jobs to re-evaluate their lives and go for the gold…the instagram dream…so she is single-handedly responsible for so many bikini pics of followers biting her style…so whether you like her body or not…and what’s not to like…it’s a girl…half naked….know that at least one body you do like out there is only out there because they were ripping off her life….so if anything…Alexis Ren is an instagram hero….and this is her doing hero things…if posing in meaningless photoshoots for attention is a thing…which I think it is…even if not that important a thing.


Posted in:Alexis Ren




Milf Monday of the Day


Mondays are for moms in this overpopulated world that is turning on us by trying to kill us off with weak ass viruses you’re all pussies and scared of….so why not focus on moms of the world who get naked on the internet showing their pussies…to celebrate all you pussies….

It’s the rebirth before the vaccine makes everyone infertile so that they can birth….allowing the earth to be a more manageable place….where the environment thrives and brings back the oxygen to the survivors…

Mom pussy….a dying thing because all children will be made in a lab….so take it in….wrecked mom bodies will be something you tell your grand kids about in year 2043….but for now…it’s very real…and here are some moms doing things moms have always done because they are moms and thus have been cummed in at least once…x


Posted in:Milf




Salma Hayek Swimsuit of the Day

Salma Hayek Swimsuit

In really important news, the Lebanese Mexican who likely has a French Passport too, thanks to being married to a Billionaire’s billionaire son, because that’s what happens when you’re a successful celebrity woman who has been made into a fetish, you sugar baby better than the rest of them, not that they need to, but why the fuck not….since they don’t associate with broke fucks….it’s a higher level of human…

But in really important news, the actress who’s tits we loved in her early years of American movie making, still has huge tits in her 50s….and looks great showing them off from half a mile away, which works for me because she’s aging well, despite the menopause, which in some cases is a gift that keeps giving month after month for the birth control aspect of menopause and not the standard reminder that your bitch is expired like it is in most cases…we call this menopausal inclusivity.


Posted in:Salma Hayek




Scout Taylor Compton Bikini of the Day

Scout Taylor Compton Bikini

Who the fuck is Scout Taylor-Compton and which one is she in thiv VIDEO being a degenerate in what could be Miami Springbreak before the CURFEW they imposed under the FAKE COVID panic, that is really just racism directed at hood people going buck wild that they don’t want going buck wild….but since COVID is the excuse of the decade…blame COVID…even though we all know Florida doesn’t give a fuck about COVID…

THAT SAID…who the fuck is Scout….I checked her IMDB and despite being in a lot of things since the year 2000….shes’ basically been in nothing you’ve ever heard of…which I guess is a win in and of itself….the actress who is a working actress in every bootleg production but who still gets paid…all while remaining invisible….so she can go about her everyday life without people asking for autographs…probably not her dream of fame…but the only fame I would want if I was enough of a queer to want to play make-belief on camera like someone who wasn’t hugged enough as a child…despite not being hugged enough as a child….mom died, foster system, you know what the kids of today call TRAUMA while justifying putting large dildos in their ass for only fans…\

Scout Taylor Compton Bikini


Posted in:Scout Taylor Compton




Kate Hudson Ass of the Day

Kate Hudson Ass

I don’t know why I think Kate Hudson is a drunken piece of shit who is normalizing incest with her weird podcast about siblings, that I am surprised I know she does, but that I guess I’ve been exposed to despite avoiding all social media….at all times…that shit is the devil…

I do think it has to do with none of her movie roles being all that interesting, she was just a body to replace roles that would have been written for me mom, but her mom was too old to do….like when you see a young stripper with her 50 year old mom at shift change because the mom works days for the unemployed losers and her daughter has been passed the torch to carrying on the family legacy in the evening / night shift where the real money is…

Anyway, she’s not a good actor, she’s never impressed me, she was dating Owen Wilson when he tried to kill himself, and if you’ve known rich, entitled, weirdo women, you’ll know their lack of soul is enough to make a montherfucker kill themselves after being manipulated into their vaginas…or by their vaginas…

She’s a dot com billionaire with her Fabletics brand of fitness gear, even though her level of fitness is fucking dudes who knock her up, drinking hard, and starving herself out….but let her play the fitness influencer for 40 year old women to get paid…if they buy into it because they liked her in one of her RomComs and think her leggings are THE leggigns….they all deserve each other….

That said, I haven’t liked Kate Hudson this much since her 1998 Architecture Digest feature I jerked off to in 1998….when she first started out with her public persona/acting career…I was early to the Kate Hudson train…that was a literal train…running train….but it died out fast and is still dead….like she’s pretending to be in this pic…who’s the suicide victim now bitch…NOT OWEN WILSON…that’s who….


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Selena Gomez in some Titty Top of the Day

I guess when your tits miraculously grow after your boyfriend Bieber leaves you for a rich girl who has nothing to offer the world besides being a bootleg Kardashian, you have no choice but to show them off, especially when it’s to promote your beauty collection that you’ve launched because you team knows that direct to consumer beauty brands are the scammiest cash grab around….the world is now the Home Shopping Channel, but it seems like desperate because it’s instagram….

I have said some pretty horrible things about Selena Gomez over the years, I just don’t like puppets created by Disney and I don’t trust them or their influence over the kids, plus she’s rebuilt her face and body, to look more like some gutter sugar baby from Toronto or some other irrelevant and obscure city that isn’t NYC/LA or Miami..you know the second or third tier sugar babies….when she’s Selena Gomez and doesn’t need none of that….just take that LUPUS bloat and OWN it girl…if she even has Lupus, that could also just be an angle to get sympathy out of the fans and distract from being in and out of rehab….for being an unstable shell of a person who has a lot of money that came with a price….you can’t sell your soul without there being consequences…

I don’t actually give a fuck about Gomez on any level, even though she secretly produced and put together SPRINGBREAKERS….like it was Miami Spring Break this weekend, with more James Franco playing RiffRaff on his Birthday…

Point being…there is not point…to anything….but Selena’s funny in that she disappears UNLESS she is promoting shit, girl can’t just document her life and fake being a human, she’s just ALL marketing, ALL sales…cashing in…and this is some of that….her having a Spanish album for Mexico….to pander to that angle…becuase if there’s a will and by will I mean money there’s a way to manipulate it out of people…I mean what else is that point of being Selena Gomez…

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day


Let their BE LIFE…

Nothing says LIFE more than a set of milk filled tits with the sole design or purpose of FEEDING new life that was shat out of their cunts after a bad decision 9 months earlier, narcissistic fucks with no respect for the future of the over populated planet, too concerned with hopping on the child bearing trends, so that they can spend all their money buying bullshit things to fit in with other parents, while feeling inadequate about their parenting, all for some ungrateful fuck who doesn’t give a fuck about your sacrifices made to bring them into the world…they’re too busy mad at you for trauma caused by things you did wrong by their bullshit standards…

The good news is that with anything, especially TIT Based, we can give functional things like BREAST milk the much needed SEX APPEAL spin….because ultimately they are just nourishing TITS…which by default is BETTER than standard dried up tits that can’t give you calories….

So get to it.


Posted in:Lactating




Creepy Knees You’ll Be Into and Other Videos of the Day

News Host Attacked by Naked Woman…

Tall Man Marries

Dude Destroys Home with Science Experiment….Pushing Compressed Air into Gas to Create fire to Cook with….

Woman VS Tow Truck

Rio Subway Dance During Bullshit Rip “Mass Grave” Narrative

Burning Man!

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos