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stepLINKS of the Day

I’m still drinking. As far as Im concerned – everyday is Easter. I don’t know what that means but I am laying egg farts and my underwear is covered if what looks like red chocolate…Thanks ULCER. Wow. That was disgusting. I should stick to sticking eggs in my wife’s fat folds and forcing her to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I assume no one is on the internet because you are all re-living Christ’s last walk before getting crucified and coming to life….but I figure that shouldn’t stop me from posting my stepLINKS, cuz it a lot of way they are the mesiah, I just haven’t quite figured out those ways…Enjoy.. Happy Easter you Christian […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think I got confused for another Jesus Martinez today…from a teen girl or a sex offender trap: Her: when is our meeting Me: what meeting Her: YC Me: what is that Her: youth council….. Me: what is that Her: are you being seroius Me: yes Her: jesus? Me: are you flirting with me again […]




Kim Kardashian’s Dumpy Ass Pretends to Workout of the Day

Anyone who knows me, knows that I watch Kim Kardashian’s porno clips every morning to hype me up, annoy, disgust, anger, frustrate but most importantly remind me of what the rest of the world has forgotten…she’s a fucking pornstar…sure she only had one movie, but it wasall she needed with her strong PR team to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I rocked out pretty hard all day….I still haven’t stopped….I’m just taking a break to post my stepLINKS…cuz the world doesn’t stop cuz it is my birthday but my heart might…I blame my recent male model career…I’m just absorbing the lifestyle…eating, puking, drinking, snorting, posing, shit no wait…I blame alcoholism… Happy birthday is over….things go […]




Kim Kadashian’s Thick Hips, Skinny Ankles of the DAy

Kim Kardashian is clearly showing off the only skinny part of her body…her ankles…as long as they are in ridiculous high heels…otherwise they cankle… I prefer when she Shows Off The Rest of Her Whore Body Sucking Back Dick and Sticking it in her Unprotected like a gutter pornstar and human toilet that she was […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You wanna know something real fucking basic. I posted so much today and I’m only one person. I don’t think you need to read more of my smut than you already have, not that you actually read the site FOLLOW ME Chr GO Kim Catrell Got Drunk and Flipped Out on a Reporter GO More […]




Vanessa Hudgens Boring Non-Nude Update of the Day

Since being threatened by Vanessa Hudgens to get sued, I’ve decided to start an unofficial fansite for her. That’s just what I like doing to fiesty bitches who like to fuck with me but don’t actually fuck me. I had the serious misfortune of being one of the idiots who saw Suckerpunch this weekend. I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Every once in a while I have nothing to say, I am not sure if today is one of those days, but I do know that I don’t want you to follow me on twitter cuz I just humilate myself there, when really all I want is bitches to send me nudes, companies to send […]




Fergie’s Ass Cares about Japan of the Day

Posted in:Fergie


Here’s my attempt to cleanse the world and by world I mean the readers of this amazing life changing website, and by readers I mean one reader that makes me feel like I’m not talking to myself, even if I am cuz he’s from some weird country and likes tits, from the cancer that is […]