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stepLINKS of the Day

I got fan mail…. U truly are a bottom feeder! You suck you whore No, I didn’t write it to myself…it was from some spic bitch who was mad I offended some no name celebrity who will remain nameless… FOLLOW ME Here are my stepLINKS…. Paris Hilton is Suring Over That Whole Her Being Racist […]




stepLINKS of the Day

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Hey Everybody – It’s the stepLINKS….Your favorite time of the fucking day…because you suck at life…but not as much as me… I’ve been running the site for 6 years, everyday….and I just got this email from someone offering to buy my site… Hey you were talking to my partner and were interested in buying your […]




RIP Motherfucker the Elizabeth Taylor Edition of the Day

What I coincidence. I feel like death and Elizabeth Taylor is death…not that that’s a surprise on any level, you know cuz she looked like she’s been dying hard the last 10 years, and now she can happily bond with all her friends who died before her, from Michael Jackson to Richard Burton and 45 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have nothing to say at this time and that is my right. I got Saki Bombed for Japan. I feel like a Yuppie easily won over by hot Chinese women pretending to be Japanese for the sake of selling soup….You know who you are. I’m classy – here are the stepLINKS! Paris Hilton Hates […]




JWoww is a Best Selling Author in a Bikini of the Day

Posted in:JWOWW

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Here is best selling Author, because America is fucked, lounging in her bikini on a school day, like she was Paris Hilton, because she can…. I am not bitter that trashy, no Italians pretending to be Italians on a TV show that I think is on its last legs, made trash like this a millionaire, […]




Morning Hangover Dump

Posted in:MHD

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I’m always hungover, so it is what is it is, you know just feelin’ normal, and if I didn’t get drunk last night, I’m sure I’d feel worse, so here’s my my morning hangover dump, to remind you hangover’s aren’t bad, cuz they mean you did good the night before, no matter how much blood […]




Pink Pregnant and Barefoot Monster of the Day

Posted in:Pink

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I still don’t believe that Pink’s got lady reproductive organs….and I’m not saying that to be funny, I’m saying that because of her broad muscular frame and her hard fucking face….but the rumor is that she is hiding an unwanted pregnancy for the baby that’s gonna come out of her wishing she had got an […]




Vanessa Hudgens Does Shape Magazine of the Day

I was involved in a recent Vanessa Hudgens scandal that I decided I wanted nothing to do with – so I just pretended it never happened….. You see cuz these bitches save face from being whores who release nude pictures they pretend are of her at 17 – in hopes of having her movie succeed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hate realizing how unfunny people are by reading their twitter….not that I ever found anyone really funny…I don’t remember the last time I laughed….oh right…it was about Japan….Because tragedy can be funny when it doesn’t happen to us, or at least people’s ignorance, insensitivity and clever disses that make uptight people upset….. People feel […]




Kim Kardashian’s Music is a Money Making Joke of the Day

I saw on Twitter that Kim Kardashian was sucking Perez Hilton’s dick like it was Ray J in her Sex Tape cuz she was releasing a new song and I guess wanted his stamp of approval…or at least as much press as she can get for her shit…knowing he caters to 14 year old girls, […]