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Morning Dump of the Day

I’ve been getting a lot of complaints about me posting 50 links a day in one massive post. People find it too much work, so I decided to split the shit up into two posts, because I am addicted to posting links. Now this doesn’t make any fucking difference because you’re still getting all the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I added this girl who was causing ruckus Sam Ronson’s Facebook profile, to figure out what the drama was all about because it was in broken English and I really have nothing interesting going on… The profile looked legit, like a 18 year old young girl and I got to talking and she was defending […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I am not an actual d-list celebrity and people don’t care about me, so I have to go out of my way and add random whores to my facebook in efforts to get 5000 friends and pretend I am a d-list internet celebrity that 5000 people care about, while knowing I added them all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I accidentally got invited to some denim event…..see photo above…..because I guess someone put me on a list of relevant media people to invite to fashion events as some kind of joke….anyway some poor intern emailed me this: Hi! I apologize in advance if you are not located anywhere near New York, and receive […]




Katy Perry is a Media Whore of the Day

In my state of near death, I have been really trying to figure out how the world works and why people like Katy Perry have a career and make all kinds of money while having the world watch them like they are interesting. Her songs are obnoxious and rape me, but maybe I am the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This is the first time in 4 years that I wasn’t able to post because of sickness, I think that’s a pretty good track record considering I am unhealthy as fuck. I am hoping to bring the site back tomorrow, but after today, I should really find a back up person to have my back […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I got fan mail…. Jesus, I just felt the need to write a short e-mail to tell you how fabulous I think your website is. It is the perfect combination of useless information and perversion. I am a young mom of three children with a hell of alot of time on my hands when they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The economic crisis is hitting close to home. I just had to fire 50% of my staff which is pretty shitty considering the fucker won employee of the month for the last 48 months straight. It’s also too bad because I am the only person who works here, but times are tough and my couch […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know you are probably on the road, in a car, on a train, taking the bus, flying to visit your family on this glorious holiday, or you are sitting alone at home because your family didn’t invite you since they decided to go to the beach to avoid you and the disappointment you always […]




Benji Madden Leaves a Party With a Guy of the Day

Benji Madden was seen leaving a club with his new fuck toy, who is some guy he put in a silly had to make look like his one true love, his brother. I mean it was kind of expected, since he’s been circle jerking with another man since the womb, even if they are twins […]