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Miley Cyrus in Some Ripped Pantyhose of the Day

Miley Cyrus is really taking this teenage slut thing seriously. Here she is wearing a pair of pantyhose you’d expect to find on a dead hooker found in an alley in the seedy part of town after she was raped and killed, or even in a field an hour out of town for the more […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I couldn’t bring myself to go online all weekend, I don’t know what it was, I just saw my computer staring at me and I wanted to fuck it and leave it in the ditch like I’ve done so many times before, so instead, I decided to read a book. My wife had Marley and […]




Best Tits of 2008 of the Day

Posted in:2008|Tits


My friend is obsessed with tits. All her talks about is tits, tits and more fucking tits. I can’t walk down the street with him because every girl we walk by, he turns to me and asks if I like her tits, or what I think her tits would look like naked, and if I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have a new New Year’s Resolution. That’s to always post my stepLINKS 4 days late to confuse you fuckers. Also on the list, cheat on my wife at least twice as much as I have this year, to make a bigger mockery of our marriage. I’d also like to spend a week eating nothing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t done a post in a couple of days, that’s pretty negligent of me. I know that I blame my wife for ruining my life, so I’ll just have to blame her for ruining my site, because I was carted to hell and back on the worst bus ride of my life, next to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was just stuck on a bus heading north for the last 25 hours in a snowstorm to visit my wife’s shitty family for the Holidays. They are trashier and live in deeper poverty than I do, which is almost impossible, but I figure when you move 12 hours into the wilderness of hell to […]




Samantha Ronson Makes 3 Million Dollars a Year of the Day

Everyone is freaking out about Samantha Ronson making 3,000,000 dollars a year as a DJ and claim that she’s only getting the 25,000 dollar a gig price because club promoters think she’s going to be carting Lohan around with her and is pretty much using Lohan to get the big payout, but bars and clubs […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I went Christmas shopping today it was fucking crazy. People everywhere and by people I mean girls in leggings. It was a good time and I got myself an amazing gift…2 cans of beans. I have a limited budget and she loves eating so I’m sure she’ll be disappointed like every year, even though […]




Ellen Degeneres and Carmen Electra Erotic Dance of the Day

Christmas came early for Hollywood’s favorite Lesbian when Carmen Electra showed up and did a little slutty stripper dance that we all know she’s very familiar with because she’s pretty much Hollywood’s version of a slutty stripper that ended with an ass slap that I think that it was a little too much for Lesbian […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I got my first official death threat today, well it may not be a death threat, but it was definitely a threat to inflict bodily harm on me and the person even outlined where he was going to do it. The reason, because he thinks I am a racist motherfucker, even though I’ve gone over […]