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stepLINKS of the Day

The economic crisis has finally hit close to home, sure I am broker than shit and was happy to hear about the fall of the rich and powerful because I figured finally I’d have common ground with people who aren’t homeless, but it’s finally affected the site. Today I got notice that the one person […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just dropped my last cigar in a shit filled toilet and I really was in the mood to smoke it and that pretty much sucks. I tried fishing it out with a toothbrush and realized that even I am not that desperate. What doesn’t suck are my links…. Some Sluts Chasing the Fame Flame…. […]




Kim Kardashian and Friends Like Milkshakes of the Day

The guy from Hollywood.tv who provides me with the videos I use daily comes from the UK and his background was high end/trendy ice cream shops. I guess his business strategy was to hold off on opening an LA ice cream shop and instead integrate himself into the celebrity scene to later use to promote […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just went to see Notorious because a girl I know wanted to see it and was willing to pay. It’s cold as fuck her so I figure why not support Diddy milking Big’s success a little harder even long after his death. You know there’s going to to be merch and a soundtrack and […]




Anna Faris and her Period Bloat in Some Shitty Photoshoot of the Day

Who the fuck is Anna Faris, oh right, she did a movie that would have been straight to DVD if the US population had any level of intelligence, but instead eat this kind of shit up like it was Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 – The Search For My Castrated Testicles in Paris Hilton’s Panty Drawer […]




Lady Gaga is a Rich Kid Performing on GMTV of the Day

If you’re wondering why Lady Gaga wears this outrageous hipster lookin’ outfits you’d expect to see at some electro party in a warehouse, it is because she’s not a natural beauty, in fact, she’s not even an artificial beauty, her weak chin and asymmetrical face means you need to take a whole other approach to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I found a 4 dollar trip to Orlando and thought about going, then realized despite it being as cold as fuck here, it’s fucking Orlando and the only way I’d ever go to Orlando is if I got a personal invitation from Mickey Mouse himself, offering me a few hours with Minnie’s cunt as an […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Maybe I am still depressed, probably thanks to a couple of days of hard drinking, maybe boredom from doing the same thing everyday from my dirty fucking couch we got for 40 dollars at the Salvation Army, that I am convinced someone has died on, at least once in its lifetime, that I call command […]




Kim Kardashian’s Got a Work Out DVD of the Day

I am hoping that this video, despite being direct from the paparazzi, is a fucking joke. You know, like the kind of thing you’d expect to find on Funny or Die or some shit, because in it, Kim Kardashian announces that she’s releasing a work-out DVD. Now, I’ve come to terms with LA being filled […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I tried getting into a club last night when I was wasted and the guy working the door told me to lose 30 pounds and get 20 years younger and to maybe take a shower and then he pushed me, so I went to emotionally eat some of the greasiest pizza and I am not […]