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Kim Kardashian’s Tits in a Tight Dress of the Day

Looks like her belly button is trying to eat its way out of this dress…which I guess is why she’s dressed like Elvira, you know some “high” concept like Lady Gaga, being all literal and shit cuz she knows she’s like a horror movie, especially when in a tight dress..but what do I know….you don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I forget I have a blog….those times correspond with hard drining. Othertimes I forget I have a TWITTER, those times correspond with not hard drinking….funny how life works…and by funny I mean talking about the internet like it matters is almost depressing enough to be funny…Daytime drinking is the fucking devil…. On a sidenote, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Two exciting things happened today.. First, I posted that tranny’s are better than women cuz they don’t get their period so you can fuck them all month…not that a period ever made me not fuck……it was a failed joke that apparently my tranny audience appreciated cuz I’ve been sent 10 erect dick with tit pics…and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am 90 percent there is a midget conference going on in this city. I was out drinking and saw at least 10 midgets and shit blew my fucking mind, so I had to go up and ask a bitch midget if her pussy was big in her circle of midgets, or was it just […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The internet is dead….and by the internet I mean this site…. I just checked my traffic for the first time in 6 months. Holy Shit. I officially didn’t make it….6 years to realize it…. But I did make my stepLINKS… WTF Video of the Day GO Perky Emo Tits! GO Rosie Huntington Whitely Hot in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’m not famous, and either are my stepLINKS. IF anything we’re both annoying, however I think we’re good times, despite popular belief, but I’ve always been one of those people turned off by what’s expected, or what the general public things, so this is my rebellion….and This is my Twitter and here are my stepLINKS….ENJOY! […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Nothing exciting happens when I stay locked in my house all day without a TV or access to the outside world with no interest in interracting with other humans, not cuz I’m depressed, but because they are depressing and never quite show me their tits…I think my wife just farted…Yep, she did…avoiding the smell is […]




Leelee Sobieski Big Ears in Tight Pants of the Day

Leelee Sobieski is so obsolete that I don’t think anyone knew bitch was pregant, but here she is bringing out her big ears and big tits, awkward face and tall body, that you may or may not have wanted to fuck when she was in…shit I just ran an IMDB on this bitch and she […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here is an outrageous amount of links for you outrageous people….I have this serious plan of getting drunk and molesting….it’s kinda my thing I fail at but I’m persistant about, along with unhappiness, it’s the one constant…do you feel like my therapist? Don’t. Therapy is for rich people who never had love from their parents […]




Olivia Munn Does a Carl’s Jr Ad in a Bikini for PETA of the Day

Olivia Munn is one of the single worse humans out there. She’s a bottom feeding attention whore. She’s gone the “target the geeks, talk their talk, cuz they are unsuspecting and can’t get laid” route, and it worked, cuz she’s getting legit gigs for legit shows now….The whole thing almost pisses me off, but I […]