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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Fourth of July motherfuckers which I guess means today is a celebration of the Tom Cruise Movie, because I am not an American and besides seeing the border light up like it was the revolutionary war, only with fire works, the smell of fast food, trailer park outhouses and cheap face injections of people trying […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s a long weekend, so what better way to spend it than to adopt a 16 year old asian girl to groom into becoming your child bride…when she turns 18 obviously, otherwise it’s just creepy….we call it doing the Woody Allen… Or you could watch fireworks in a Walmart Parking lot, trying to get the […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I think we should take a little lead from the dude I saw at the bar who couldn’t pay his tab because he had no money on his Credit Card… Motherfucker refused to accept that his car was declined and instead of offering to do the dishes…he pushed the waitress against the wall and took […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If a girl gets mad at you for asking her for pics of her in her bikini…because she thinks you’re being a creepy pervert who is sexualizing her…even if that is exactly what you are…copy and paste this message: “What was sexual? You in a bathing suit? That’s pretty presumptuous. Maybe sexual for a 12 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I enjoy telling girls that periods are unnatural….and despite what science tells us, it’s unnatural…because they get so mad. Seriously, try it tonight….tell a random girl in a bar that you think periods are vile, disgusting and that you can smell them on women and it makes you want to puke…because…they get so mad. It’s […]




Jennifer Lopez Slutty Dress of the Day

Jennifer Lopez is on the she fucks a pro athlete who is known for having herpes – that Jessica Alba, I thought Paris Hilton, but she sticks to whites, the whole WASP racist thing, you know…but Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, Madonna and so many more of these woman…that J.LO might as well just put her […]




J.Lo Ass in Leggings of the Day

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW

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J.Lo’s made a lot of money from her ass. She’s the first ridiculous large ass that I remember the mainstream picking up on and thinking was great. It was the Latin Fever or Puerto Rico Fever, or Some kInd of fever, that she likely has from the herpes A Rod has, as the touring Athlete […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls are such whiners… I was walking through the park in the rain, because I have a dog and hate my wife and prefer being pissed on by the heavens than being subject to her stench… And I told a girl jogging she should do it in a white t-shirt next time…you know for obvious […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

It’s still my birthday, send nudes…of you or of every vagina you have ever known or that you come accross.. Thanks….for the well wishes. I’ll be at the strippers because I got drunk and passed out last night before getting to the strippers and birthday without strippers is like Pam Anderson without Hepatitis, or Lohan […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s my Birthday tomorrow…I am not one of those people who gets depressed about birthdays, there are way worse things in my life than my age, or me getting older. Sure it’s just a reminder that I am another year older with nothing to show for it, but on the flip side, I am amazed […]