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stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been into adventures lately, you know going out there and meeting sluts, convincing them to take nudes with me, or take nudes on me….but I haven’t actually bothered going on any….I have facebook for that….I’m equally unsuccessful from the comfort of my own disgusting, miserable, hell I call home… Here are some stepLINKS…. Russell […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think I am misrepresented on the internet…cuz all girls think I’m creepy when all I really am is an internet comedian sent here to seduce them and make them horny…I got 2-10 complaints on facebook and twitter and instagram for liking a girl’s picture, or adding a random, all this amazing unwelcomed with open […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The paparazzi hate me…and all I want is to just be friends with them….It hurts my feelings….I think I’ll have to go cut myself, cry, drink heavy and fuck two hookers….and while I do that…Here are the stepLINKS…. Octomom in her Bikini GO Spice Girls Reunion Complete With Posh’s Cunt Face…Ughhhh GO Athletes and WAGS […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like hanging out with girls with breast implants….they are an amazing breed of human unlike any other.. Here are the stepLINKS….. Fat Jersey Shore on a Jet Pack is Hysterical GO More Fun With Bath Salts: A Portrait GO Watch This Slut Get Launched Into the Sky GO Stephanie Rice – AustraliaN Swimmer – […]




Sophie Monk Does NUTS of the Day

Sophie Monk may be a joke – or at least non-sense people don’t even remember because she’s never really done an actual movie…her real claim to fame is getting herpes from Paris Hilton via a Good Charlotte twin who imported her from Australia cuz she wanted to be Hollywood famous….I think she may have even […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It is Memorial Day in the USA….where you pretend to support your troops by having drunken BBQs on a Monday…in some heightened state of patriotism….So that means no one will be on the site today….luckily no one is ever on the site….I just do this for myself….like talking to my reflection in the mirror…only less […]




Mary Elizabeth Winstead Hot in Complex of the Day

I consider Complex family…mainly because they predicted me being someone to look out for back in 2006 and I haven’t proven them to be right…but plan to….and yet they haven’t blacklisted me for letting them down… I do not know who Mary Elizabeth Winstead is…..even after looking her up I feel like I haven’t seen […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been calling random girls from my facebook who post their numbers saying “I’ve been looking at your facebook pics for months, you look great in a bikini, I figured we should make things more personal”…..not one has agreed to meet…in fact not one has stayed on the phone for more than 15 seconds…our […]




Courtney Stodden’s Car Wash of the Day

Courtney Stodden is the busty implant clown who has no shame because she knows this faking being a teen to get her tacky, not even hot, fake tits, fake tan, fake hair noticed….is far easier than sucking dick in back alleys behind strip clubs, you know back where she met that barely famous dude who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some dude with a hot as fuck bitch I was fucking with my eyes and pelvis…gyrating he air while licking my lips while I stared at her as I waited in line at the ATM pulled the best asshole move ever on me….he left his receipt in behind, knowing he had a 24,000 dollar ballance […]