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Halloween Round Up Part 2 of the Day

Halloween Round is still going on in Canada, at least in Montreal, because the Mayor decided the weather was bad….and that November 1st was a better day for Halloween, playing God or some shit…so I get to see moms in slutty outfits talking their babies out for candy, despite candy being sugar and thus the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I give thanks to girls who try to be dramatic, or showcase that they don’t give a fuck, so they post a pic of their pussy and asshole on social media with the caption “trying to get deleted off IG”….while trying to get noticed..and it worked. That is the hero we fucking need….more like her..low […]




The Tits at the Emmys of the Day

It was the EMMYs. I don’t watch that shit. Despite the headlines like “Emmy Shockers”….and “Emmys Say Britain’s Got Talent”….and other bullshit media puns used to put false importance on the Emmys and the industry as a whole to keep it thriving as it rots your brain…. This is a friendly reminder that we don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Anyone else pumped for some September 11th tributes that are just around the corner. We get to hear everyone’s first hand experience to where they were when it happened, unless you’re like me and stick to only reading comments and posts from girls who are born in the year 2000….Y2K motherfuckers…cuz those girls post all […]




All the Tits at the MTV VMA’s of the Day

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I am very out of touch, which is funny, since I post pop culture, social media based bullshit celebrities, most that I’ve never heard of…. I prefer the idea of being off in a remote cabin in the woods, with no screens, or phones to stare at the sky for the rest of time, than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tales from the ice cream shop….where two really fat girls with their tits hanging out cuz they know it’s there only asset, all fat chicks with tits use those tits… Anyway, one was in a sporty gym outfit, because fat chicks love those. The tighter the better, sausage casing that bitch and give her some […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The latest meme that all the idiots on instagram are posting is “I do not give Facebook consent to own my images”….like this is a new thing. I remember Friendster and Myspace back in 2003-4 used to have the non-exclusive rights to your image for any and all purposes…to cover their asses….and with the rights […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Seeing people get mad on the internet about things that could be a “trigger” is hilarious to me, because 10 years ago, which wasn’t that long ago, triggers weren’t even a thing and if they were a thing we didn’t give a fuck, because that was your problem that you had to deal with….people left […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just saw a woman pull out her frontal wedgie so aggressively it looked like she fisted herself and she walked off limping….seriously….it was like a vaginitis kind of itch you had to dig your hand up there to kill the itch…I get it..but it’s terrifying to do in front of an audience sick fuck…. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Everyone is a pervert fuck from everyday girls buying vibrators and suction cup dildos at the local Pharmacy, not that I’ve ever seen that go down, but I know from comments on sex toy company’s social media accounts that girls are really into masturbating…. to the girls throat fucking cucumbers at parties…to the girls posting […]