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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Memorial Day, but I am not American so I don’t need to send out a fake thank you to all the troops, who really joined the army due to not having other options, or living out an obligation they thought they had to live out, because of family pressure or whatever. That’s not to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is Memorial Day weekend, why the hell are you on the computer, even if you’re not in the USA, it is the weekend, why the hell are you on the computer. I get that you’re likely a loser, you likely don’t have a job and if you do it’s shit shift work, probably the […]




Blake Lively Nipples in NYC of the Day

Blake Lively has done a little homewrecking. She’s done a little aging. She’s done a few movies that don’t matter. All since being cast in Gossip Girl, the only reason she exists, which I guess is more of a reason that most people have to justify why the paparazzi is taking pics of them. I’m […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I unfortunately listened to Robot Creeper Evil Zuckerberg having his meeting with Congress about his selling people’s data for 40 billion dollars a year and it got me thinking to the fact that there seem to be two kinds of girls trying to get famous on the instagram internet… The Kardashian inspired fake fat tits, […]




Hailey Clauson’s Casual Outfit for the Paparazzi of the Day

Hailey Clauson is a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model, who was once a hipster model, and who has recently lost something like 30 pounds, while maintaining her tits, to attempt to get more modelling work as she nears 30 and knows it’s almost over… She was a young, underage model, who sued a fake Hipster leader, […]




Ana Braga Wants Your Attention of the Day

I like to think that Ana Braga’s biggest claim to fame was doing snapchat takeovers back when I put effort into growing my social media thinking it would help me get paid…not that Ana Braga had that engaged of an audience…but because I would rather promote and work with a 50 year old Brazilian sex […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Being a hermit, especially during the winter, makes being Sexually Inappropriate pretty fucking difficult….espcially when I only live with my wife…who is fat, disgusting and someone I don’t want to be sexually inappropriate with. If I do it on social media, messages or TINDER or other platforms that connect people…like LINKEDIN…I just get blocked…or ignored….because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to get excited when people would block me on social media, like I was doing something right…I remember I live tweeted the Michael Jackson funeral and lost what I think was 5000 followers on twitter, in what I felt was a success, without realizing then, or even now, you only matter if you […]




Lucy Aragon Does Yoga for the Paparazzi – Not for Attention – For Spiritual Cleansing of the Day

Lucy Aragon is doing some YOGA casually in Miami, you don’t know who she is, she’s barely an instagram model, but she was roomates with a few instagram models and latching the fuck on…and I guess she’s got the paparazzi of Miami’s card and knows she can PHOEBE PRICE the situation… This YOGA is contrived, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the holiday time of year, the stress levels are up, there are more heart attakcs this time of year, thanks to eggnog, cookies and trying to buy people you don’t actually like, but are forced to gift, because they are your kids….otherwise you can fuck them up more than you already have, and you […]