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Archive for the Fat Category




Kim Kardashian’s Fat Tits for Pepsi of the Day

I don’t really understand the message that Pepsi is tring to send out to the kids. Not because they have her dressed in PVC with her tits hanging out of the shit, but because they sponsoring an amateur porn whore. Her major claim to fame was having a sex tape released starring her, her big tits, her fat ass and her bald pussy all getting ravaged by a black man.

That’s pretty much telling white girls everywhere that if they want a career, they just need to videotape themselves fucking a black man and next thing you know, they’ll be on TV, they’ll make lots of money, they’ll get corporate sponsors and it’s a hell of a lot easier than having actual talent.

I guess in their defense, it’s only fitting for a junk food company to sponsor and girl who has a junk food addiction and a body that has been affected in a good way from a junk food diet, instead of sponsoring my wife on her sleep apnea oxygen tank, with her insulin needle in arm, sweating while clumps of her hair constantly fall out as she struggles to the bathroom to take a disgusting shit I’ll be forced to clean off the fucking walls….

Posted in:Fat|Kim Kardashian|Tits




Paris Hilton’s BFF Fuckin’ With her Fat of the Day

Here’s some unfortunate suggestive pics of that pig who won Paris Hilton’s BFF contest trying to stay relevant. She’s getting some fat stomach treatment because she is fat, but it looks like she’s got a belly full of cum, something she’s probably used to, because no one is dumb enough to cum inside her and get stuck having to deal with her for the rest of their lives, because she would keep the baby especially if the daddy was someone who would be able to keep her in the spotlight.

Cum on the belly is a move the pregnant street kid I was talking to the other day should have probably learned , I mean maybe it’s a little too late for her now, but maybe this can be passed on to other couples who we don’t want to see procreate like the Pratts.

That said, this Paris BFF, should take the plunge and get real life liposuction, none of this imitation shit, or maybe she should just develop an eating disorder, because she’s too sloppy for real Hollywood success.

Posted in:Fat|Paris Hilton BFF|Pig




Kim Kardashian on TV Gets Called Fat of the Day

Kim Kardashian was on some LA morning talk show to promote her bullshit workout DVD because she is fat and has no business telling girls how to maintain their bodies, unless of course this is all some corporate scam that McDonald’s in behind where they try to get people even more obese that they already are, but I doubt that is the case.

The highlight of the video is not seeing Kardashian doing her stupid commonly used exercises, but when the newscaster says that she doesn’t have an anorexic body and you see the pain in her eyes from the gentle dis.

Either way, watch it.

Posted in:Fat|Kim Kardashian




Rachel Hunter Shouldn’t Be Eating of the Day

I am not a dietician but I will go as far as to say that eating chicken wings is probably the last thing Rachel Hunter should be shoving into her fat mouth. She used to be a fuckin’ model and not any fucking model, a bikini and lingerie model. That is the body most young girls look up to and want to have but what they don’t know is that eventually everything dies including sex appeal. The good news is that now that this Swine Flu has hit, bitch can get some work as the poster girl for it…Get it….cuz she’s a pig…good one, right???Right? Come on guys..work with me here.

Posted in:Fat|Food|Pig|Rachel Hunter




Mariah Carey’s Fat Tits and Double Chin for her Wedding Anniversary of the Day

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon celebrated their one year anniversary and by looking at the pics I gotta wonder what this is a one year anniversary for, I’m thinking since they decided to train to be professional eaters, but then again it could be for going on an all chocolate diet and I don’t mean that in some clever way cuz Nick Cannon is black, I mean it in the obesity kind of way….

Posted in:Fat|Mariah Carey|Tits




Katy Perry Needs to Wear Looser Clothes of the Day

What the fuck is this costume that Katy Perry is wearing and why is it so tight. I made it pretty fucking clear to Katy Perry that her dumpy ass body has no business being half naked or in spandex. Catsuits are not made for dogs, if you know what I mean….

I get it. She thinks that being popular or having a popular song means people want to fuck her, I know she doesn’t realize there’s nothing remotely attractive about her, but what I don’t understand is why she’s not performing in a Snuggie like she should be.

Speaking of fat girls ruining good things, I was walking down the street the other day and saw a group of fat fucking girls in their school girl outfits. I thought to myself, why are they allowed to wear those, shouldn’t they have a size limit, the girls who don’t make the cut get the sweatpants. Don’t they know that it’s a cliche fantasy for a fucking reason, it’s sacred, it doesn’t need their fucking french fry and cake eating ass to fucking ruin it for us.

That is why I applying for a job as a consultant for private school uniform policies….

Posted in:Fat|Katy Perry|Tight Clothes




Princess Eugenie in Her Bikini with Her Tit Grabbin’ Friend of the Day

Princess Eugenie is in Thailand and there’s only one reason for that and that’s to fuck little boys who dress like little girls.

You know how the Royal Family is, they are all inbred and weird and have strange sexual fetishes.

If you don’t know who this is, she is not Perez Hilton’s sister, she is the Queen of England’s granddaughter, Prince Charles’ Neice, Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson’s daughter and she’s fat.

Seriously, she’s got no business wearing a bikini, even if she’s supportin’ your troops, or trying to justify her obesity in an American Flag…

Posted in:Bikini|Fat|Lesbian|Princess Eugenie




Kim Kardashian and Her Fat Friend Show Off Their Tits at the Basketball Game of the Day

Kim Kadashian brought her fat friend to the basketball game to find black dudes because black dude like big titty fat chicks and big titty fat chicks apparently like black dudes, as long as they are pro athletes, it doesn’t matter what sport they are pro in, just as long as they are pro. Groupie whores. Do I really need to write about this on a daily fucking basis, couldn’t I be at a fucking basketball game, or in the fucking gutter with rich chicks with big tits, and not on a computer writing nonsense about nonsense. Unfortunately, I am too fucking lazy. Somebody. Save Me….

Posted in:Brittany Gastineau|Fat|Kim Kardashian|Tits




Kim Kardashian Wishes She Had Photoshop in Everyday Life of the Day

Rumor has it that Kim Kardashian is investing her porn slut money into trying to create some hollogram screen that you wear and shit makes you look photoshooped when you walk around giving off the optical illusion that she’s as tight as her magazine published pictures, you know so that her gut, thighs, ass and other fat that stems from her being a lazy fucking big, gets airbrushed out so that the public doesn’t have to be reminded of the lie she is living…..I mean I made that rumor up, but it’s something she may want to consider, because if this is what she looks like in everyday life, her line of workout DVDs are obviously a fuckin’ joke, and designed for girls fatter than her to feel like they’re doing their part at getting fit, but never giving up their pint a day ice cream addiction.

I guess who really cares, I know I don’t, but I just wrote a bad post about it, so maybe I do….

Here’s the photoshoot video….

Posted in:Fat|Kim Kardashian|Thick




Beyonce Tests The Strength of Cable with No Pants On of the Day

There was a time when my wife and I did various activities. You know in the Honeymoon phase where I was going along with the whole marriage thing because I had accepted that I just sold my soul to the fucking devil and that the rest of my life was going to be hell, so I might as well rock out before I am too bitter and resentful to enjoy. So we’d do stupid things, like one afternoon we went to a little bar that had this trapeze set set-up outside, and my wife insisted we try the shit. I wasn’t into it, but she had been a gymnast when she was 150 pounds lighter and I guess thought she still had it in her. I remember the look on the staff’s face when they were trying to help her up the ladder to the top, before she fell into the strained safety net because she couldn’t support her own weight. It was a lot like the look on the horses face the time we decided to go horseback riding. Which is probably the look on whoever the fuck is responsible for rigging up Beyonce and her dumpy, fat, pantless ass, because you know if she goes down, some motherfucker is going to get executed….

Which brings me to my point. Why the fuck do rockstars/musicians/singers/performers insist on flying around the fuckin stage like some kind of fucking bird. Do the fans really find it that exciting to see an idiot strapped up and floating around the stage? Don’t they realize if the audience is there, 55% of them are fans and want to see them sing, 40% are asshole dudes dragged along for the ride by a girl they hope to fuck, 3% are media or got free tickets and 2% are there hoping all that fried chicken takes her out and she has a massive heart attack on stage. You know, to witness a historical event. But none of them want to see a fat slut do silly stunts that aren’t even impressive.

Step it the fuck up, I mean, if you can manage lifting your own legs, you fat pig.

Posted in:Beyonce|Fat|No Pants