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Alisa Ahmann for Vogue Ukraine of the Day


Alisa Ahmann’s mother agency is in Hamburg Germany, so it is is safe to say that she’s some Nazi created entity during Hitler’s Syphilis induced evil genius where he wanted to kill off all the people he found gross…but most interestingly was able to rally all the people to follow…we’re talking an entire fucking country, who just sort of went with it, because they are some pragmatic people who just do what they are told, even when it is fucking evil…Everyone focuses on the Nazi officers, but no one really cares about the millions of civilians doing the Nazi Salute…that could be Alisa Ahmann’s family, maybe her granny on Christmas prances around Heil-ing…but then again, maybe she’s not even from Germany, maybe she’s a Jew, maybe she’s not a product of “Lebensborn”, Hitler’s super human breeding program…but she could be – because she’s fucking perfect….I mean from the right angle, in some of her instagram pics she looks very horsey…which could be part of Hilter’s cross breeding programs…either way, she’s german.

These pics are by the master of photographer Ellen Von Unwerth…

Posted in:Alisa Ahmann|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Mall Photo Studio Inspired Picture of the Day

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My ongoing, boring, unfunny, but I keep saying it joke about Bella Thorne, the star of the Florida stage family with a dozen kids, of whom this is the only one who has any celebrity, is that she’s 40 and actually the stage mom, trying to show her ugly hipster kids how to make it, all you have to do is pretend to be 17…turn 18…and wear your bikini and no one will ask questions…you know frustrated at her daughter’s failing at getting dads to jerk off to them because they are forced to watch the shit tv, she took it upon herself to prove a point that even at 40, you can play a 17 year old people will love if you wear a push up bra…

Because of that push up bra and that pretending to be 17 turning 18, Bella Thorne is all the rage right now, at least that’s the way it seems if you accidentally read all these shitty blogs, but I don’t think she’s anything special, her social media is a 5 on 10 in excitement, her career is a 5 on 10 in excitement and the only reason anyone really even notices her is because the industry is putting money into her as they need a young reliable babe who guys like to carry shitty movies and TV shows…so why not make it this one…

They make her get to the events, they call the paparazzi, they tip her off on the type of content she needs to produce and they maximize the little celebrity they have and build off it…with their tits…

The reason I like this picture, or why I am posting this picture, is because it reminds me of an 80s mall shoot wives for their husbands, or young aspiring models do for their portfolio, something she had done when she was actually 18, 22 years ago, all cheesy in the cheesy studio…but when I looked closer…it wasn’t really that at all..i’ll post it anyway, since everyone loves this bitch…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Lottie Moss with Pomeranian dog for Some Campaign of the Day


Lottie Moss is Kate Moss’ sister who is FRESHLY 18, we’re talking 15 days since she’s turned 18, and she’s already in campaigns holding a dog, not riding her sister’s fame, fortune, success, or connections…you know not milking the Moss name, definitely not rocking the Moss aesthetic from the 90s, because these pictures are dark, rugged, or heroin chic, the shit that made us love Kate Moss like we were Johnny Depp and every guy in a band she had unprotected sex with…but instead it’s some Disney Channel quality wholesome that you don’t even see if you go to a college bar where these modern, feminst, young sluts are virtually doing vagina puppet shows for a cocktail they will later claim was drugged, after they black out and wake up with a dick in them….you know…youth of today…or some shit..

We can assume that in the next few days…or months..she’ll be naked, she’s 18, it’s allowed, and really what everyone is doing…unless her career takes the right direction, the one I actually tell girls I meet, which is “don’t get naked, everyone gets naked, if you don’t get naked, people will want to see you naked”….something people don’t seem to understand because they are trash and constantly put it out there to get noticed, even though they’ll pretend it’s for some higher purpose..

Either way, Kate Moss is one of my favorite, I love her long nipples, and even in her 40s I think she’s amazing…so anything that shares her DNA is already a win to me…even if this shoot is garbage…I believe in Charlotte Moss…she’s the future…and has everything lined up perfectly for her..

Posted in:Lottie Moss|SFW




Hailey Clauson in Elle Spain of the Day


The highlight of Hailey Clauson is not that she’s some very large Sports Illustrated model, you know the kind that you look at and know she’s 6 foot tall and broad enough to beat the shit out of you if you are ever at a party with her and you try to grab her ass…you know just fucking angry..

The highlight of Hailey Clauson is not that she’s done a ton of topless shoots over her career..

The highlight of Hailey Clauson is that at 15 she was cast for some Urban Outfitters shoot, and her dad was on set and agreed and signed off to all the slutty images they took of her, despite being 15, so she did what any 15 year old sex worker would do to a company hiring them to pose slutty in campaigns at 15, even when her dad signs off on it, because 15 is what Jared from Subway got locked away for, and 15 is illegal…she sued them for 28 million dollars and they “settled”…meaning she got 10 million dollars..which is a lot of fucking money…

For some reason, a reason I don’t understand, people still hire her, while I’d blacklist the bitch, there are 1000s of hotter girls who are just happy to get work, not suing brands for millions who hired her for a job….but then again, any photographer or company hiring 15 year old models to pose slutty…are fucking sexual predators and should be shot….I can’t imagine shooting girls over 18 is really that difficult for them…right…

Here she is for Elle Spain..

Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Kendall Jenner and the Hadid Brats Dance of the DAy

Kendall Jenner is into dancing, but that doesn’t mean she’s interesting, talented or cool…it just means her mom is conditioning her for Dancing with the Stars when the career takes a lull, hell, she’s probably got a plan for a whole Karashian season of Dancing with the Stars once their sheer media power to sell product fades when the world collectively unfollows every single one of them

The sad thing is that the general public is too fucking lazy to go in and figure out all their names to unfollow them, so it’s just easier to “like their pics”…because clearly they are doing something right and will do something interesting…even though they never did…

They peaked with the sex tape and the sex tape wasn’t even that good…

But I guess in their mind, while Vogue and Chanel is booking them for work or photoshoot campaigns, because if they promote it, it gets seen and if it gets seen they get their moneys worth, all while these three rich kids are virtually playing dress up like they did as little bratty tweens, only in real life…because the world is fucking set up for them to be this…

That’s why they are all doing their white girl twerk, hood dance, bullshit cultural appropriation, because this is what white girls are into and how white girls act, whether they’ve won at life or not…all done up for an elegant shoot…because they are so fun and I guess because this is a joke to them but this makes them current, relatable to other white girls who follow them..and the whole thing is so stupid..but here she is dancing on her instagram like the lame, cheesy bitch she is..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Danielle Lloyd’s Pussy Flash of the Day


Her name is Danielle Lloyd, she’s a busty UK model who has made a living showing her tits, and here she is showing what looks like her pussy…

Not that she’s an actual model, she’s one step away from a promo model working at a cheesy club handing out red bulls, or toilet paper samples at some outdoor event, but still a model because magazines ran pics of her and in doing that…she’s been able to fuck rich dudes at the right party who prefer their thirsty bitches to be published..it makes the fact that they are whores easier to deal with…


Posted in:Danielle Lloyd|SFW




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


I won a small battle last night, for someone who doesn’t bother trolling the internet because I’ve said all I need to say to people, and prefer just announcing it here for no one to read or care, rather than on facebook or twitter, and that small battle is that I posted a picture of a virginal school girl pussy pastry that bleeds strawberry when you finger it…and someone reported it…but the people who police dick pics at Facebook, probably located in India, approved it…

You have to understand that I started up on this shit in 2001 where I didn’t have a site and I’d just troll people on Friendster until Friendster deleted my 4 times and I moved to myspace where I got deleted 4 times and then tried to start my own social network before facebook where I got deleted 4 times…but this latest account…I’ve had for 6 years…then there’s instagram…where I’ve been deleted 4 times…and each of those times, there was no negotiations, just done – all your fake friends are no more…even when on Myspace I had thousands of people into it…

But last night…we won!


All this to say, never tell a girl you’re hanging out with that you’ll suck the period bloat out of her ass…if you want her to have sex with you…even with her on her period because you’re a feminist and celebrate periods. Girl power.


Hot Girls Tugging on their Slutty Clothes

Selena Gomez – Pudgy Chipmunk in a Bikini

Chemical Brother’s Have a New Video…WIth Hard Nipples and Panty Danes in It

Nicki Minaj Big Old Tits

Should Emma Watson Spend a Week at a Migrant Camp?

Miley Cyrus is WOrking with Woody Allen – Because She’s an Actor

Epic Wind Tube Performer

I want to Suck Georgia May’s Foote

Veteran Plows with Modified Wheelchair

Panther’s Fan Falls Out of Stands

Naked Enough Ann Kathrin Brommel – the Soccer Wife

Porn Chicks at Porn Conventions

Kristen Stewart’s a Racist!

Is Titanium Bulletproof

Posted in:SFW|stepLINKS




Kesha’s Amazing Grace Cover is LOLZ of the Day

Kesha, who I guess took the money sign out of her dumb fucking name, was created by a serious producer named Dr Luke, who basically has a lab where he puts out pop music hit after pop music hit, and in being in that business of creating hits, he’s took Katy Perry’s hipster party girl BFF under his wing and singed her into a management contract, and produced hit songs and made her a huge fucking star….

But as these things work out, and not just in creepy dude maximizing and making dreams come true for desperate girls, but in anything, people just refuse to admit someone made them and anything but their own talent and drive made them….

So Kesha released a song to remind you she exists, since she’s techinically not allowed to do any new music as she’s cutting ties with him, by saying he sexually assaulted and beat her…because that’s the easiest way to get out of contracts that ban her from producing music with anyone but him…fair pay off if you think about all he did for her from a rational perspective, but exploitation from the courts perspective, so this week…she will be set free and it will be another story of ungrateful girl using her vagina to trick a guy to help her get where she wants to go…and she did a cover of Amazing Grace to celebrate that..

The truth is, these are all a bunch of spoiled fucking brats who make average at best pop music because they know the formula and the general population is dumb as fuck…

What a joke…she’s not even hot…and In more interesting news, here’s a stripper and a snake…

Here are some memorable KESHA moments…

Posted in:Kesha|SFW




Elsa Hosk for Maxim of the Day


Elsa Hosk is a relatively old model, I mean she’s in her late 20s, and only just signed on as a Victoria’s Secret Angel this past year. Not that being a Victoria’s Secret Angel is that fucking cool, but I guess when you’re a Swedish model who before Victoria’s Secret did countless nude shoots for free, that million dollar contract is crucial to everything you’ve “worked towards”..even if it was just basically handed to the bitch..she still out modeled all the other model competition…

I know Victoria’s Secret, the sweatshop running mall brand that makes billions of dollars produces better content of Elsa Hosk than Maxim…because at least she’s half naked and posing slutty…you know a glimpse into who and what she is and where her socialist tits come from…

I don’t really understand these pictures, not that Maxim Cares about what I think, they actually send me lawyers letters all the fucking time for posting their pics, since they are pussy bitches, who clearly don’t get what hetero guys want to see.

There is no fucking way they’ve done any market research on this one, unless their rebrand is to target women, or gay men…this makes no fucking sense….

That’s not to say men can’t be classy and sophisticated, or that they can’t be educated, or into things that aren’t THROAT FUCKING PORN, but it is to say that this isn’t a shoot any dude will get excited about, mentally, comedically, unless the joke is that Maxim is doing fake high fashion, like they are Vogue or some shit…when we are basic, put a bitch half naked on a bed, it’s what everyone on instagram is doing and it’s better than this…

The world is so fucking disconnected…despite being more connected than ever…Give the people what we want!

I guess what I am saying is when a corporate brand the model works for produces more compelling content with the model than a Men’s magazine using her as their cover girl…there’s no excuse.

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Bella Thorne Figures it All Out of the Day

Bella Thorne has figured out the basics of social media, do as many slutty things as possible, but make sure they don’t come across slutty, and that people on the surface would have to question “is she trying to be slutty or is that just how the kids dress at the gym”…you know be as innocent in your presentation, but as whorey in your delivery or intentions, so dudes can jerk off to you, but when asked you can play it off as “I’m just at gym… working out…in a sports bra with my fat young tits hanging out…as I move is slow rhythmic motions similar to getting a slow fuck on…where I take all of the cock in me…bottom out on my pussy”….


Not that she’s actually “young tits”…I still want to do a carbon test to see how old she actually is…I’m convinced…it’s all lies…media is all lies…even these tits may be lies..but at least she gives us enough innocent material to disprove that lie..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW