I'll Make You Famous…

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Kelly Rohrbach in ELLE BULGARIA of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach is the New Pam Anderson in the new Baywatch Movie that should have never fucking happened and the fact that it did happen says something interesting about how desperate the industry is to make money…and all they know how to do or invest in is things that ride off nostalgia…whether it is comic book movies or old movies and tv shows…bring that shit back and monetize…

She got the job because she was tits Leo DiCaprio pretended to fuck, despite being gay, something that upsets every girl I tell, because they want to believe he’s this womanizer, that turns them on more than hearing he’s some man fucker, even though the idea of womanizing is what makes them hate 99 percent of men….

I’ve been told by numerous people that Leo isn’t officially a faggot, but he fucks dudes, because he’s bored of fucking girls, they all flock to him and there’s no excitement for him…and that he actually is rude to the models he surrounds himself with…

I’ve figured that the model girlfriend thing is a lie, because I know girls, and unless these well paid models are actually the hookers I say they are, they’d never want to be in a bikini or lingerie campaign with another girl who her ex is dating…

Some people rationalize it as he’s honest, straight up with them, so nice to them that they don’t care that their co-workers fuck him also..it’s a free loving, they’re just happy to be fucking him situation..

I call bullshit, ever girl I know would kill a bitch her ex fucks…if he’s really her ex…and for that reason alone…I call faggot..

But even when I tell girls I meet that he’s a faggot, they’re like “but he fucks women”..and I’m like “I don’t know about that, but he fucks men”…and they are like “yeah but he fucks women, that doens’t make him gay, that just makes him Hollywood”…to which I say, if you fuck men, even if you fuck women…you’re gay….


Here is bootleg model, hooker, Pam Anderon in a bootleg Elle for Bulgaria….

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Willa Holland and her Basketballs of the Day


Steven Spielberg’s goddaughter is Willa Holland…who is coming into her own being some nude model and photographer artist on her social media…because when you’re born into this industry…where you’re connected enough to have Steven Spielberg as a godfather…the whole acting thing is easy, jobs just come to you…not that she’s that famous, but she was on the OC and she is in Arrow, which is more famous than 1000s of more talented, hotter actors than her….but putting out the hipster nudes, being funny holding basketballs, makes for a good enough time for me…not as good enough of a time as running into the ocean…but she did that too..so we’re good here..

A video posted by Willa Holland (@willaaaahh) on

Posted in:SFW|Willa Holland




Britney Spears Makes Art of the Day

Britney Spears is a fucking crazy person and watching her painting in her medicated state reminds me of being an orderly at a mental institution, only in her case, her mental institution is some mansion where she has everything she needs, rather than being institutionalized, the institution comes to her…while her parents keep pushing her into her song and dance…cashing the fuck in…

I am just sad that this crazy person painting video is not Britney Spears painting with her period blood like a feminist…or with her feces like a real fucking crazy person her parents claim she is because it gives them power of attorney to run her shit…

Here she is Dancing…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Mariah Carey Pregnant and Engaged of the Day


People are talking about how Mariah Carey is engaged to Australian James Packer, who is a Casino owner who finances 95 percent of Hollywood films….

You may remember him as one of the billionaires who got in a fist fight over that Australian hooker Miranda Kerr, when she was recently single after being fired from Victoria’s Secret, and getting into the whole being a hooker to billionaires, because she was a Victoria’s Secret model and I guess felt she deserved it…it was a step up…and these billionaires bit….she’s still with a fucking billionaire…she’s got her hustle down…

Well…I think it’s safe to say he figured he’d go for someone with their own money, to give him the illusion that she’s not really using him for his money, and I guess all these rich and crazy people…are just that..rich and fucking crazy..

I know what you’re thinking, you don’t care about Mariah Carey being rich, being engaged to a really rich guy…and either do I, but I am posting it because I saw these bikini pics last week, posted them saying she’s probably pregnant..and now that she’s engaged, we can assume she is pregnant, because of GOD and the whole baby out of wedlock with a billionaire, you gotta lock that down and trap it, even when you are rich…

So get engaged, make it legit, and remember I called her pregnancy out first…


Posted in:Mariah Carey|SFW




Josephine Skriver in Bikinis of the Day


Josephine Skriver….has an amazing body…that’s probably why she is very hyped up, people are talking about her, and she’s rolling with all the instagram whores, kardashians and Taylor Swift, giving the illusion that she matters…to herself and people who use instagram….

We can assume that it is Victoria’s Secret, just trying to make their money back on her, because the most interesting thing about her, isn’t the body…it is that she was a test tube, genetically modified, child of a gay biologist, in a lab we can assume was funded by Victoria’s Secret, to create a system to breed models..using DNA modifications…and she worked…and is now working…

Up on some futuristic, DR Moreau, making women obsolete if we can breed them in a lab to be as hot as we want, allowing the Patriarchy to finally rise again..

Here is some bikini pics..


Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Drunk Girl Gets in the Wrong Uber of the Day

I don’t know the story behind this, but apparently this drunk girl gets in the wrong Uber and refuses to get out….she also drops the “you don’t know who you’re messing with right now”….which is standard spoiled brat talk for “my dad’s rich and/or a lawyer”….

The dude eventually throws her down…and obviously that makes her mad, so she gets into his car and goes into full tantrum mode…

I don’t even know if the guy is an Uber driver, but I am terrified for the headache her boyfriend has to go through with this girl….she’s not hot enough for this kind of attitude…

I do like how feisty she is and the “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want”…as she screams at him to get into the car…I think this is a sign of the times….bottle service…coddled brats who aren’t bullied or failed in school and the only thing that would make this video better is if she got her period in her white shorts…but I say that whenever I see white shorts but it’s pretty good as is…

I think I’m in love.

UPDATE: This is what the YouTube Uploader had to Say:

This Uber driver deserves a bonus from the company (and a medal for having self-restraint while dealing with this animal). I know everyone has their bad days, or drunk moments, but this was over the top (i thought I knew what psycho was until i experienced this).

[Sunday night in Miami, Fl (Mary Brickell Village)]
We were on the phone with this uber driver while he pulled up to our location. Out of nowhere the girl in the video gets in the backseat of his car and won’t get out. We told the driver it was ok, to just cancel our ride, but he did not want to take her anywhere so he kept telling her to get out.

Eventually the driver gets out and says he’s calling the cops to get her out of the car. After a couple of minutes of the driver pretending to talk to the cops (im assuming he was pretending because they never showed up at first), the girl decides to reach into the front seat, grab his keys, and start walking away with his keys in her hands…. That’s where the video starts…

The police finally showed up after this video ends. The girl was in a taxi cab about to leave when the showed up and they had to stand in front of the taxi and tell him to stop. The girl eventually got up from the area the cops had told her to sit and wait, and tried to walk away from the scene.

Once in handcuffs, she then tried kicking some of the police officers on the scene. It was only when they put her in the police car that she started crying, apologizing, and claiming that she would lose her medical license (she claimed to be a neurologist) if she got arrested.

The Uber driver was too good of a person and decided to take a cash settlement instead of pressing charges. In his words, “…she was crying (and) said (she) was sorry for everything.” I don’t want to disclose the amount the driver was paid, but can say he could only use the money to pay his cellphone bill and maybeee his cable bill.

It’s safe to safe this girl got off easy.


This took place in Miami on Sunday night.

The woman, if you can call her that is Anjali Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident employed by Jackson Health System.

Jackson Health System said she has been placed on administrative leave, effective immediately, and removed from all clinical duties. They will determine if any disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination.

The video was uploaded to YouTube by Juan Cinco who said he had called for an Uber driver but when the driver arrived, “out of nowhere the girl in the video gets in the backseat of his car and won’t get out. We told the driver it was ok, to just cancel our ride, but he did not want to take her anywhere so he kept telling her to get out.”

Miami Police say they responded to a call of a disturbance, but did not arrest her. Juan Cinco wrote online that the driver did not want to press charges, and that Ramkissoon gave him a small amount of money as an apology.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Emily Ratajkowski’s Big Tits in a Dress of the Day


I blame Emily Ratajkowski for being one of the first instagram models to make it in the world, she books Hollywood movies, and all she ever really do was pose naked in LA for some of the right rich perverts…

I don’t think she needs to be punished for this, I mean she’s got to live with herself and knowing that without her tits she’s nothing for the rest of her life. She’ll have to know that her accomplishments are no better than the accomplishments of pornstars, but instead maybe she needs a thank you, because like Kim Kardashian before her, she gives hope to average looking girls that they can make it too. That if they get naked and have one marketable feature…they can make it too…and thanks to her being first to market, she gets the jobs, while these other girls scramble…and as they scramble I get to watch all their cries for help through nudity…and even EMRATA, when feeling insecure or ugly, puts out slutty pics…it’s all she knows…

Long live the sluts..

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Jennifer Lopez Shakes her Booty of the Day

I saw this video of Jennifer Lopez shaking her ass…I don’t know where it’s from, I pulled it from WWTDD , but I know she’s too old for this kid of behavior…you know there comes a time in every mom’s life, even stripper and hooker moms, where they hang up the thong and work realize the money train is over, so they either marry an old rich guy, live off their savings, or get a job doing anything but shaking their fucking asses in their underwear…

J.Lo, being the ego cunt that got famous because of her go cunt behavior, she just can’t give up, she’s got a shitty TV show, she’s got fans, she’s got a pile of fucking money, but still fucking does booty shaking….It’s so weird…

Here she is before the event…titties out….because she’s a vegas showgirl now..

Posted in:Jennifer Lopez|SFW




Madison Reed in a Bikini of the DAy



I don’t know who Madison Reed is…

But thanks to google apparently she’s PROFESSIONAL GRADE HAIR COLORING

Or maybe she’s Ashley Madison’s sister…

But most likely some stage name for a porn chick…who fucking knows..she’s in a bikini…and looks like a new generation vine star, which is unfortunately, the new generation celebrity, since no one watches TV or cares about some producer or exec’s stamp of approval…it’s the internet DIY generation you know…

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Andrea Corr Hard Nipple of the Day

Andrea Corr - The Corrs' UK Reunion Tour in Birmingham - 20012016_009

Remember The Corrs? Not the beer, the band….

They were an Irish girl band that made some really fucking shitty music and I guess they are on a comeback tour, as these people do…because why else would Andrea Corr, one of the leads, who was born in 1974, be on stage with hard nipples…

I don’t remember them…but this is their most popular song….

Hilariously bad video…but I like nipples…


Posted in:Andrea Corr|SFW