I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Caroline D’Amore Bikini Cameltoe of the Day


This is another one of Paris Hilton’s guests at her weekend beach party. Her name is Caroline D’Amore, her parents own a pizza restaurant and she is 23 years old. I did my research on her because she looks like she’s fucking 12 and even if that shit turns you on, I don’t want to go to jail for being a child pornographer because I hear they cut you in prison for that shit, and I don’t find that shit too sexy, I am more on the parents against pedophiles side of the argument you boylover.

Reality is that I always loved those teen models who were in their 20s but pretended they were teens to get people like you off. It reminded me of Peter Pan and this girl I used to bang who was 10 years older than me but looked 10 years younger than me. I guess she was the runt of the litter or someshit, and when she was in highschool and looked 7 no one wanted a piece, but when she was 27 and looked 17 the tables fucking turned proper. That’s the problem with over-developed teen girls, they all end up getting fat when the skinny awkward ones fill out the way they’re supposed to.

Either way, I used to look at their sites because I had nothing better to do and the alternative was looking at haggard sluts with their uterus’ hanging out of their cunts so innocent and fresh was more of a fantasy than old and washed up because you always want what you don’t have.

I guess what I am getting at is that when they are 23, they are fair game and when they have their boyfriend’s name tattooed next to their cunt, they are stupid enough to end up with a guy like you, so keep the faith motherfucker…

Related Posts:

Mena Suvari Bikini Pictures

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I am – Mena Suvari Joggin' in a Sports Bra of the Day


Here are some pictures of Mena Suvari and her lesbian haircut jogging in some kind of sportsbra showing off her little tits and a pair of tight pants showing off her ass, but you don’t need me to tell you that, you have eyes and can see the pictures yourself so fuck off.

The most interesting thing about these pictures are her gangster stance, with her one legged rolled up but I don’t even know if people dress like that anymore becuase I haven’t been to the suburbs in a long time. The suburbs give me anxiety, the only thing to find there are some twilight-zone style houses that all look the fucking same, happy on the outside families that have their dirty little secrets of the wife fucking the tennis coach or the husband fucking the neighbors wife or the babysitter in attempts to add some kind of excitement to their boring lives, and a bunch of punk kids dressed like 50 cent, mugging old ladies to be gangster and tagging up the schoolyard like they lived in some big city and were hip hop…these are the motherfuckers who get girls teenage pregnant, they do acid to kill the boredom and as interesting as that sounds, I don’t step foot in the place….so saying Mena Suvari is a lesbian gangsta may not be accurate but to say she’s got a lesbian haircut and is built like a fucking tank isn’t….

Related Posts:
Mena Suvari Showing Her Ass Off
Mena Suvari in a Bikini
Mena Suvari in a Bikini Again
Mena Suvari in a Bikini Top

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I am – Mena Suvari Joggin’ in a Sports Bra of the Day


Here are some pictures of Mena Suvari and her lesbian haircut jogging in some kind of sportsbra showing off her little tits and a pair of tight pants showing off her ass, but you don’t need me to tell you that, you have eyes and can see the pictures yourself so fuck off.

The most interesting thing about these pictures are her gangster stance, with her one legged rolled up but I don’t even know if people dress like that anymore becuase I haven’t been to the suburbs in a long time. The suburbs give me anxiety, the only thing to find there are some twilight-zone style houses that all look the fucking same, happy on the outside families that have their dirty little secrets of the wife fucking the tennis coach or the husband fucking the neighbors wife or the babysitter in attempts to add some kind of excitement to their boring lives, and a bunch of punk kids dressed like 50 cent, mugging old ladies to be gangster and tagging up the schoolyard like they lived in some big city and were hip hop…these are the motherfuckers who get girls teenage pregnant, they do acid to kill the boredom and as interesting as that sounds, I don’t step foot in the place….so saying Mena Suvari is a lesbian gangsta may not be accurate but to say she’s got a lesbian haircut and is built like a fucking tank isn’t….

Related Posts:
Mena Suvari Showing Her Ass Off
Mena Suvari in a Bikini
Mena Suvari in a Bikini Again
Mena Suvari in a Bikini Top

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I am – Tranny and Her Snake of the Day

I will never understand transexuals because it’s weird. I was reading about a dude who cut off his own cock in the UK because he thought he was a woman and not because he was fag. It’s all very strange to me and I am not a big fan of trannies, but when there are no women around they are a lot better than hairy men….especially this tranny because it had it’s very own set of tits that I didn’t get on video because I suck at life…

Either way, the only thing better than a tranny with her own set of tits is a tranny with her own set of tits and a snake. This post may suck but my wife is harassing me to go to some stupid get together with a group of fat whores with no husbands that she knows from the church who smell like cheese and crackers…

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I am – Throwback Topless Samantha Fox of the Day

Samantha Fox

Yesterday I got in a street fight with one of those college cunts that stand around trying to get you to sign some worthless petition for animal rights, greenpeace, whatever. They usually come in pairs, work 5 hours for $2/hr, which means they have to be trust-fund fuckers from Connecticut who just didn't feel like the office internship daddy setup. Instead, they decided to work on their tan while boosting their resume with "humanitarian" bullshit, and use that hard earned 10 dollars for a cab back to their parents' city penthouse getaway.

I was on my way to the bank to cash my hooker-relapse check, when this blonde petition bitch says something about "Do you want to help Gay Rights?" I ignore her because i got places to go. Behind my back petition bitch mutters "Fine, Ignore me." I went into fuck you mode.

I told her "That's your job, to be ignored. I support gay rights by not voting for Republicans. I don't have time to sign your useless petition because i got rent to pay. And that comment behind my back was pretty fucking tactless." I stormed away and petition bitch was stunned. Pussies like her never expect people to fight back.

I was still angry and called my guy friend who works down the street and vented about that little twat. An hour later, he calls me back and said he dragged petition bitch behind a dumpster and raped her. I don't like rape jokes, but I liked that one.

Here is Samantha Fox being blonde like that petition bitch. This Brit is an old playmate from 1993, who got her 'modeling' career started at 16 in 1983 when her mom sent pictures she took of Samantha posing in lingerie on her bed to some newspaper. Classy (at least my mom didn't introduce me to my pimp). She had some sort of music career with a hit called "Touch Me, I want your Body." Now go touch yourself because you want her body the way it was back then so you can ram each and every opening with your virgin prick.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)

Posted in:Samantha Fox|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Some Topless Model and Hating Life of the Day


So I spent the all of yesterday and pretty much all of the evening trying to get my computer fixed as at one point during the day, it just shut off. After taking it to a tech guy I was informed that not only did the hard drive die, but I lost everything on my computer. I spent the rest of the day trying sort out all the log in stuff for the site as well as borrowing a computer from a friend.
Some friends stopped by around midnight, and thankfully dragged me out for a booze and drug filled night until 6AM, which some say is irresponsible, but at this point I really don’t give a fuck. My life was on that computer and now it is gone. All this situation did was confirm to me what I have known all along. I hate this world and everything in it.

So here’s some topless pictures of some chick named Aida something-or-other. In the end her last name doesn’t matter because it bares no effect on your wanking fantasies and habits, and I am way to hungover and frustrated with this site to care.

Our photos can’t be hosted on our server right now, so bear with the bullshit ads on the side for today.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

Posted in:Topless|Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Technical Difficulties of the Day

I am having mega problems with my wireless internet and can’t seem to stay connected for longer then 2 mins or so. Things are getting done, just slowly. Go click some links and jerk off in the mean time, loser.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

Posted in:Uncategorized|Unsorted




I am – Paris Hilton’s Almost Upskirt of the Day

Paris Hilton

Yesterday, while I was on my 2 hour layover in Chicago, I sat at a “Beach” bar getting drunk. I was surrounded by other folks who found it perfectly acceptable to get wasted at 4pm in an airport. This consisted of hefty middle-aged men in khakis, a crew of fratboys, a lone tie-dye hippy, and a blonde girl my age who got stuck sitting next to a chatty grandpa. While I was sipping my Sam Adams and Strawberry Margarita (double fisting is for the booze, not the sack), the bigscreen tuned to Fox News taught me Paris is selling her house, and that parents somewhere are fighting back against a pedophile and his website. They showed the ped’s pic, and it could have been a younger version of anyone of the fags surrounding me (except the girl and the hippy).

I got home at 11pm and considered bar-crawling, but my five days in California stuffed me more than a thanksgiving turkey, that is if thanksgiving turkey’s were stuffed with cocks. I lost about five pounds from all the sex and traveling. What sucks is how sore my vagina and tits are, and the rugburn on my left ass cheek I don’t remember getting. I think I may close up shop for a while, keeping the play down to dry-humping, and the exchange of bodily fluids down to spit. But these resolutions always fall apart after 5 vodka-on-the-rocks, and by then I’m on my knees or back faster than you can shove the porn under your bed when your mom comes knock’n.

Here is Paris Hilton out on the town and attempting to close up shop. I guess being cut-off from her inheritance has inspired her to keep her clit from breathing free, in hopes of winning back grandpa’s approval. Come on Paris, it was the prison that pissed him off. We all know the quickest way into an old man’s heart is showing a little freshly shaved meat. Ew, I need a shower and you need some alone time with Ms. Hilton’s innermost thigh and invisible box.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


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I am – Paris Hilton’s Post Prison Nip Slip of the Day

I am – Paris Hilton is Full of Herself of the Day

I am – Paris Hilton’s Retarded Cleavage of the Day

Posted in:Paris Hilton|Slut|Uncategorized|Unsorted|Upskirt




I am – Paris Hilton's Almost Upskirt of the Day

Paris Hilton

Yesterday, while I was on my 2 hour layover in Chicago, I sat at a “Beach” bar getting drunk. I was surrounded by other folks who found it perfectly acceptable to get wasted at 4pm in an airport. This consisted of hefty middle-aged men in khakis, a crew of fratboys, a lone tie-dye hippy, and a blonde girl my age who got stuck sitting next to a chatty grandpa. While I was sipping my Sam Adams and Strawberry Margarita (double fisting is for the booze, not the sack), the bigscreen tuned to Fox News taught me Paris is selling her house, and that parents somewhere are fighting back against a pedophile and his website. They showed the ped’s pic, and it could have been a younger version of anyone of the fags surrounding me (except the girl and the hippy).

I got home at 11pm and considered bar-crawling, but my five days in California stuffed me more than a thanksgiving turkey, that is if thanksgiving turkey’s were stuffed with cocks. I lost about five pounds from all the sex and traveling. What sucks is how sore my vagina and tits are, and the rugburn on my left ass cheek I don’t remember getting. I think I may close up shop for a while, keeping the play down to dry-humping, and the exchange of bodily fluids down to spit. But these resolutions always fall apart after 5 vodka-on-the-rocks, and by then I’m on my knees or back faster than you can shove the porn under your bed when your mom comes knock’n.

Here is Paris Hilton out on the town and attempting to close up shop. I guess being cut-off from her inheritance has inspired her to keep her clit from breathing free, in hopes of winning back grandpa’s approval. Come on Paris, it was the prison that pissed him off. We all know the quickest way into an old man’s heart is showing a little freshly shaved meat. Ew, I need a shower and you need some alone time with Ms. Hilton’s innermost thigh and invisible box.

Obediently yours,
Sugar Nell (ex-hooker, friend of Jesus)


Related Posts

I am – Paris Hilton’s Post Prison Nip Slip of the Day

I am – Paris Hilton is Full of Herself of the Day

I am – Paris Hilton’s Retarded Cleavage of the Day

Posted in:Paris Hilton|Slut|Uncategorized|Unsorted|Upskirt




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

stepLINK July 27/07

I’d love to write something funny here and see you all off for the weekend, but I’ll be honest. My friend just showed up here with a case of beer and we are going to get shit faced.

Have a nice weekend, assholes.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

Elizabeth Mascucci Photoshoot video – Part 1

Elizabeth Mascucci Photoshoot video – Part 2

Who’s Boobs?

Some Blonde ditz and her husband think air guitar is cool

YES! Even YOU can get laid. NO! Hell hasn’t frozen over!

Rachel Zoe looks like a zombie

Britney Spears brings her drama all the way to Vegas

Underneth it all…

Photobucket thanks to Rogue Collector

Gymnastics is for fags, here’s proof

Soccer Holligans fuck some shit up

Some Hott Brazlian Chick

Lohan blames it all on the black kid

You stay classy….

Not so fast!

Llona Staller tit flash

Slut fucks herself with bottle

Lookin Good Sweetheart

Kim Kardishian hangs out on the street corner where she belongs

Taylor Kennedy has big tits

Penelope and Monica Cruz’s new Mango ads

The Simple Life goes to jail – Part 2

The voice behind Bart Simpson

Maggie Q Photoshoot

She is not amused

More photobucket thanks to Rogue Collector

Penny Cruz boinking Bono??

top 10 Video Tribute to Angelina Jolie

The Joker has an 800 Number

Aquafina is bullshit

Spanish hotel stress release

Best in British Boobs

Crazy card trick

Danielle Lloyd…in a Bikini…again…yawn.

Mochael Lohan – Morality expert

Vanessa Hudgens=Very Nice

Deep throat

Emily Rossum Little Black dress

How NOT to get your ass kicked by the cops

Honda Civic vs Ferrari.

Follow the signs

Asshole skinheads attck some innocent guy

Prince Frederic Robbed; chained naked to steering wheel

Hot or Not?

Sleeping Nudes

JLO is a pumpkin

Lookin Good Sweetheart(s)

Keely Hazell and her twin

Reality TV violence

This could kill your baby, if you don’t kill it first

A Tribute to Lohan

Sienna Miller forgets her helmut

Guy gets hit with a tazer

Horny chick farts while humping

Petra Nemcova lingerie shoot

Sock puppet porn, because you get off on things like that

Kids from Hanson are all grown up; Still look like homos

And MORE Photobucket thanks to Rogue Collector

Lion eats some poor bastard

How to: Pick up chicks like Kristen Bell

Info on LOST for next season

Audience laughing at “I know who killed me”

Stephanie Ly and Jessica Burciaga

And even MORE photobucket from Rogue Collector

Jessica Simpson is a stalker

Angelina jealous over Gwenyth Paltrow…sure

Jodie Marsh half naked

Jessica turned down role of porn star, you know cause shes a great actress

Get laid tonight, I know I’m going to!!

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