I'll Make You Famous…




Alexis Ren Pubic Bone of the Day

Alexis Ren Pubic Bone

This is the kind of thing I meant in my last WORKOUT WEDNESDAY ….the influencer who poses provocative pics to be a cocktease, or for attention, that lands followers they can sell garbage no one needs to line their already overly lined pockets because marketing goes directly to the source now and these AVON ladies of today’s generation move fucking product hard….the fact I haven’t done an instagram brand, or that you haven’t done an instagram brand is idiotic….that shit prints fucking money, especially for the girls you need to get promoted by….

But as high brow as they make it, or as non sexual as they make it, it’s still fucking sex work, just sex work that doesn’t show off their gaping assholes, because they’ve been too spoiled…but hopefully they eventually spend all their money so they can follow their true calling, which is why they do this sleazy PG-13 shit…they are sex workers they just don’t admit it…but they will!


Posted in:Alexis Ren




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workout Wednesday was originally supposed to be hot fit girls working out, you know posing with their fitness equipment, using fitness as a hook or excuse for the slutty pics, because if it’s about fitness, it’s not about being in a pair of bike shorts with your pussy sniffing your own asshole claiming it’s from the YOGA….it’s about the YOGA man.

For whatever reason, it’s turned into girls who think they have hot fit bodies from fitness, and their showing off of those bodies they think are hot and fit….

I guess like the generation of Only Fans, it’s easier to get straight to the goods rather than pussyfoot around it like those other bitches…

These girls are like “I workout, I feel hot, this is my musculature, if you want to see me fuck my husband, or this suction dildo, sign up here”…..instead of “Fitness is so important, that’s why my SKINNYTEA VIBRATING MASSAGER, comes in handy” set to a pic of her in activewear with a subtle cameltoe trying to see fucking massagers….you know the influencer way.

I’ll take the internet sex workers over the internet might as well are sex workers but pretend they are GOOP…anyday…

So that’s how Workout Wednesday become less about working out and more about pussy.


Posted in:Workout




Lily Collins Lace Dress of the Day

Lily Collins Lace

The highlight of Lily Collins is probably watching her dad try to get his ex wife out of one of his 40 million dollar Florida mansions, because his wife is a fucking trashbag, you’d think Phil Collins, the lord of the 80s love song would have better options when it comes to pussy. I mean his celebrity was enough for his daughter to exist or have a stab at a legit acting career, because despite being skinny and hot, I am sure without Phil Collins being her dad, she’d be working as a cam girl…a very fucking boring cam girl….because she just happens to be pretty fucking boring in the grand scheme of things….despite being skinny and hot…

As an activist for the de-fat-ification of America, you know the kind of guy who encourages girls not not eat for days at a time, who celebrates eating disorders and refuses to allow the media to convince me it is a mental issue, yes, I know Karen Carpenter died of Anorexia, but that’s the price to be skinny…

So yeah, I like Lily Collins because she’s a skinny girl, which is a dying art, as skinny girls are more into eating and getting fat now since it’s socially accepted and they’ve realized dudes will fuck anything, and being fat is actually an asset for when you try to get modelling jobs or really any job, because you can spin the FAT SHAMING angle, rather than just being shamed for being fat by your damn self as you suck the icing off your dozen donuts….you fat fuck…

Lily Collins Lace


Posted in:Lily Collins




Larsen Thompson Tight Shorts of the Day

Larsen Thompson

Larsen Thompson is some ginger freaky looking girl who went viral on youtube as a teen for some choreographed bullshit…but choreographed bullshit is what gets noticed, it’s where our mental capacity of out society….look at TikTok…

Well, since her lame choreographed river dance shit, this Micheal Flatley looking bitch has gone onto be a “model”….a pretty thick looking model….but with thickness sometimes comes monster tits and with monster tits comes the winning over of dudes everywhere because we are drawn to big titties….even if they are big titties that produce lame dance videos…..because at least we know that the dance abilities can help us visualize spastic sex when staring at the big tits…otherwise they’d just be big tits that can’t dance….and dancing without the big tits is just stupid….so at least she’s got something worth looking at…

Larsen Thompson


Posted in:Larsen Thompson




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed girls sometimess look far too much like girls who smoke weed all day, but thanks to smoking weed all day realize that in order to find work that involves smoking weed all day, they best be getting naked on the internet for that internet porn money. It’s more rewarding and fulfilling than making sandwiches at Subway, or whatever it is young girls used to do for work before the internet turned them all into perverts.

I assume weed will be legal in the USA as per your President Kamala Harris’ statements she made about weed, so you better get in and buy all those weed stocks…the burgeoning industry for people too dumb to grow their own…you know it’s a fucking plant that flowers and that flower is the bud in which you smoke to get fucked up…there is very little labor involved, this isn’t pressing pills in your bathroom, or cooking Ketamine you stole from the vet you worked at…..the fact anyone has gone to jail over the most basic buzz, that for the most part makes you fucking lazy and relaxed, is hilarious and ultimately really fucking shitty….cuz you know the weed they went down for was probably just shit weed to begin with.

Anyway, I’m not a Kim Kardashian prison reform activist, I’m just saying, what a dumb thing to be illegal…obviously it’s just the government controlling you and you accepting it, ass spread for their dick….I think the whole COVID thing has taught us one very important thing and that is that you all need your government to baby the fuck out of you…”Issue curfews”….rat on your friends….close down our businesses….scare us about some virus…instead of being fucking men about things and facing shit face on…

There have been deadly viruses forever, people fucking die…if you’re one who will die of COVID, then die already so the rest of the non-dyers can LIVE…

This has nothing to do with weed, it’s just to say, grow the fuck up…or don’t but if you don’t…do it like these weed girls are doing it….naked with weed because it’s a niche to build their empires…and I’m looking.


Posted in:Weed




Pam Anderson Booty of the Day

Pamela Anderson

Pam Anderson is a legend….from jerking off to her in Playboy, to jerking off to her on Baywatch, to jerking off to her in her Sex Tape, to all the variations of her titties that she mangled time and time again…it’s been a fun ride….she feels like an old friend, or like a slutty mom to some of you younger folk….and she still looks amazing…

I don’t know if it has anything to do with her HEP C being cleared up, or just more cosmetic work done, but it’s nice to know if you were to find her in a dark alley after you took your testosterone shot, you’d be more than happy to bury your face in that ass…fearlessly….even though Hep C is probably the least of the Tommy Lee STDs up in there….plus Tommy is only one of the many dicks she’s had…it’s a well travelled ass that has seen its fair share of things….an experienced ass…

She’s Canada’s own 90s Icon you still want to fuck, because it’d be a bucklist item, one of the coolest thing you could possibly fuck, even if it’s about 100 years old and rotting…it clearly still knows how to take a good pic.

Pamela Anderson


Posted in:Pam Anderson|Pamela Anderson




Sarah Hyland Bikini of the Day

Sarah Hyland Bikini

Sara Hyland and her ugly friends are living their perfectly average looking lives in a pool….in their bikinis….trying to be as sexy as they can…something average looking girls covet…

There’s a general increase in smutty pics from girls on the itnernet, huge influx of nudes and semi nudes, and that’s a great thing….but with that comes the middle of the road girl getting in on the hot girl’s game…trying to be the hot girl, and hell, they may even think they are the hot girl, because dudes are desperate, see tits and are down to compliment the bitch in hopes of more nudes or even a blowjob…

I always wondered about the average girl moving in on the hot girl territory, I didn’t think it would have ever really been as big of a thing as it is now, because I prefer looking at hot chicks to average chicks, I don’t need girl next door, that look like the literal girl next door, fat in her athleisure outfits, I like my girl next door to be the fantasy of a hot girl next door…I guess I’m aspirational in my nudes…I want something better than what you can probably scrape off a public bathroom floor after meeting on TINDER…you know what I mean..

So when a celeb like Sara Hyland puts out half naked shit, and it looks like a bunch of 30 year old customer service girls who are recently single and at an All Inclusive having a girl’s week, because girl power, you know all that girl shit they post up on their social meida…SQUADS…it’s so middle management it is painful…

It’s just that I expect more….if you’re going to get half naked while average looking, do something fun like eat each other’s assholes or something….posing like Charlie’s Angels is so deeply fucking lame I almost feel embarassment these delusional idiots don’t feel because they are so hyped on themselves.

What I am saying, is dudes….stop hyping up average girls cuz you think they’ll fuck you, keep average looking girls the middle of the road losers they are meant to be, otherwise the whole power dynamic gets thrown off…hot girl things are for hot girls…stop “black facing” it.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Kendall Jenner Tits of the Day

Kendall Jenner Tits

Kendall Jenner is the hottest of the Kardashian clan, which isn’t saying much since the entire family is fucking disgusting to look at, but also disgusting at their core, but I guess they are a reflection of this American Dream ya’ll have been brainwashed to want, to keep manufacturing up…if they get you at the emotional level and you base your entire self worth on money or things because they’ve got you at the emotional level…they’ll have you chasing this bullshit dream until the day you fucking die, or kill yourself, when the debt collectors take your house from you because you spent more than you made…

It’s a pretty dumb system, when really all you need is food, water, shelter and something to fuck…

Anyway, that important, coveted, American Dream has peaked as pandemics move in and the poor get poorer, shipped off to FEMA camps and the Middle Class struggle to get rich quick before they get slotted on the wrong side of the economic divide…..and with peaking, there’s one family that represents all that is wrong with that American consumer dream, and it’s these fucking demons..

But her tits look bloated, maybe her period, maybe some fat injections, who knows…she probably got it from her daddy, or at least his cosmetic surgery team…because along with being garbage people pushing garbage things on millions of garbage people…these people are fucked….but I guess so is the world. YAY…kill ourselves…or watch it all burn…I choose watch it all burn!


Posted in:Kendall Jenner




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

It’s Wetspot Wednesday….which is the worst fucking day of the week because wet spots are disgusting to me…but then again, maybe this is your most favorite post of the week because you are a single dude and see dirty panties as something you actually seek out at the laundromat, thrift store collection bins, your mom’s house…you know to give your jerking off some flavor…you are not a married man to an obese women who has experienced so many blown out panties pre-menopause, post menopause, with various infections….from Yeast to Bacterial, we’ve been through it all….even a possible miscarriage, but I don’t believe I can knock up women, even at my prime….dead balls over here….but that gelatinous frog shaped ball of flesh must have been a fetus….we named him CLETUS….and unlike Chrissy Teigen we didn’t pose in family photos with it, or write poetry books for Hilary Clinton to retweet…but I do still have him in a jar after scraping him out of the panties, I figure one day science will be able to make him into the man I want him to be….someone to drink with or at least make me money so I can drink…

All this to say, wet spot Wednesday is vile..

Posted in:WetSpot




Vr Man Gets his Dick Sucked and Other Videos of the Day

Car Wash Fail

Ostrich Running on the Streets of China

Chinese Crotch Training

Dude Spitting Fire

Getting her Hair Did

Napping at Subway

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos