I'll Make You Famous…




Lucy Boynton Lesbian Kiss of the Day

Lucy Boynton and Julia Schlaepfer star together in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix show called The Politician. They have a threesome and make out…this is from that.

Lucy Boynton is dating the guy who played Queen in the movie, not Adam Lambert, but the other guy’s girlfriend, who was also in that movie “We are the Champions’ or whatever song it was named after. You know because you like to watch everything that has to do with gay guys dying of aids. It’s your porn. While Julia Shlaepfer, is nothing but a stupid name.

I don’t know about you, but Ryan Murphy, TVs unsung hero responsible for everything and anything trending, even though he makes some pretty shit TV shows that just ride off his hype.

This one specifically, The Politician has two storylines involving “THROUPLES” because it’s a modern era, and I have a feeling that it is based on fact…that Ryan Murphy and his partner who is Married to Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad Felcher or some shit…all fuck each other…like the old lady (Angela from Who’s the Boss) does in the show.

Either way, it’s all nonsense, but girls kissing girls for attention while pretending to be gay – never gets old.


Posted in:Lucy Boynton




Hailey Baldwin Ass at the Doctors of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Ass at the Doctors

Here’s some Hailey Bieber at the doctor, probably getting her anti-depressants, since these people are all fucked in the head….I’ve seen the way Bieber speaks to her on IG Lives and it is always like shit, which makes me laugh because girl sold her soul to the Bieber…and now he owns her low level Baldwin ass, an ass you can see here in leggings.

I guess she could also be going to the doctor to get some face injections, hence the mask…these fabricated lies of women who get naked or half naked on the internet are consistently jacking up their faces to maintain their sex doll look…

Or maybe she’s getting some herpes treatment for the herpes she got when she lost her virginity to Justin as his groupie, before he groomed her into being his wife, like Selena Gomez did to him, or like what he didn’t do to the girl crying rape from him, because if he made that one his wife, instead of blocking and deleting, she would not be crying rape…as girls do…but I’ll stick with anti depressants…their rich brat lives just too much to handle…

Good enough ass in leggings though, even if you can see that cottage cheese be cheesing.

Hailey Baldwin Ass at the Doctors



Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Madison Beer Slutty Nightgown of the Day

Madison Beer Slutty Nightgown

Madison Beer who may or may not be one of Bieber’s conquests, I just remember that he was her mom’s business mentor in the sense that her mom wanted to create a huge celebrity from youtube, but unlike Bieber, she used Madison Beer’s appearance to get in those views, you know the stage parent way that is absolutely fucking irresponsible, but still a solid cash grab if you have no morals, value, or appreciation for protecting your kid.

If Madison Beer is one of Bieber’s conquests, it’s safe to say she won’t be calling him out for being a rapist like that girl in Austin Texas that Bieber is working on discrediting, because this one got what she want out of Bieber, I mean a career that is solid enough to give her the celeb life, where she mooches for the paparazzi, in crop tops and now lingerie as outerwear…all while having never released an actual song. I don’t know this popstar, yet she’s got more publicity than any actual popstar…it’s weird.

They pretend she’s a youtuber, it’s all just manufactured, and it’s safe to assume she’s more about being passed around than about songs and dances…either way, solid whore outfit. I dig it.



Posted in:Madison Beer




That Ain’t Phoebe Price Though… of the Day

The unfortunate thing in this situation is that we’ve got this hipster model on Hollywood BLVD in a bikini and weird fuck me boots…doing EXACTLY what PHOEBE PRICE has been doing the last 20 years….only this bitch probably has no idea who Phoebe Price is, she probably has no idea that Phoebe Price has paved the way for low levels everywhere to mock the celebrity life, and getting coverage for that behavior in the tabloids…

So this is the younger, new Phoebe who probably takes herself way more seriously than Phoebe…who’s catch phrase for those who don’t know is:


I am not into the blatant plagerism without any credit to the queen, but more importantly, where’s Henry, Phoebe’s sidekick dog….cuz that ain’t Henry either…

COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT….let’s Phoebe have her time to shine, maybe get her lawyers on this one, trying so hard to be Phoebe…but probably not affiliated with Phoebe…unless this is Phoebe after a week at the spa…who knows.

Posted in:Phoebe Price




Ella Hunt Bra of the Day

Ella Hunt Sexy

Ella Hunt is not Helen Hunt’s daughter. She’s from the UK and has been in movies like Les Mis where Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman sang in the worst possible casting since neither can sing….she was also in some Apple TV+ thing, because Apple produces their own bullshit in a series called Dickinson with Hailee Steinfeld and that’s basically all I got on her.

This is some perverted photoshoot of her in a bikini top all oiled up looking like a rotisserie chicken, the way you like your women, you sick fuck….

She’s not all that hot or amazing, but I guess when the team at apple is figuring out what the fuck their next move is to get idiots to sign up to their failed streaming platform, they make her as hot as they can to get the perverts out there fan-boying her.

She only has 50k followers – so she’s not famous yet – but at 22 she’s got all the time in the world to break through and this is a good start…strip down…get seen…make fans…exist.

I guess this is the new way to fame now that Weinstein’s method has been thwarted with his prison sentence!


Posted in:Ella Hunt




Sarah Silverman Hard Nipples for Black Lives of the Day

Sarah Silverman Nipples BLM

Sarah Silverman’s been leaning up in Quarantine because I guess at 45 years old she’s gotta start taking care of herself to maintain any level of sex appeal she may have.

The comedy industry had a few takedowns this past week with people like Chris D’Elia who I find lame and unfunny as shit despite his popularity, doing some #MeToo shit with underage girls….then they tried to take on Jeff Ross got hit…Rogan for laughing at a comic talking about how girls like Sarah Silverman and probably Whitney Cumdumpster would suck his dick to get slots in the coveted Mitzi Shore Belly room, the room for girls, because girls will do anything for a chance at the stardom they feel they deserve.

Then Whitney Cumdumpster, who was buds with Chris D’Elia and who OBVIOUSLY knew he behavior is playing that she had no idea what dude was up to, despite being on a show together because bitch is also rich as shit for barely being funny…and likely doesn’t give a fuck what her co-stars or friends put their dick in…and rightfully so…they tell us not to judge dudes for fucking dudes because it’s not our business….but instead of just saying “it’s not our business” she wrote some shit about empowering women…then Amy Schumber who I guess identifies as a woman despite being a barnyard animal gave out her phone number to sexually assault victims, something she can’t relate to, cuz no one would rape her, she’s the one doing the raping, using that celebrity and money to rook in that husband who knocked her up…in a “that was gross, but maybe I only need to do it a day a month in exchange for ALL THIS HOUSE”….

Point being, you’re all a bunch of idiots, celebs are idiots, comics are idiots…anyone who practices jokes in front of a mirror until they get the perfect cadence and punchline is some try hard loser no matter how much money they make…so FUCK EM ALL…

I have had at least one friend who thought Sarah Silverman was hot in the last 20 years, I never understood it, I mean sure she’s got a sloppy tit but the rest of her is typically sloppy…

She’s in a Jewish for Black Lives Matter shirt, to remind you that she’s not white, she’s Jewish, and as a persecuted religion, she should get some leeway in her behavior, since her whole career was based on being crass, raunchy and offensive (like Whitney Cumdumpster and Amy Schumber)….

I just find this backpedaling shit cuz they are too scared of being cancelled lame. If you’re a comic stand by your fucking jokes or persona that got where you got…being apologetic and woke is some dumb shit and insincere shit because all the famous comics are the fucking losers who all found. each other in LA and bonded on being “innovative” or whatever while being lame as shit…cashing the fuck in like the soulless piles of shit they are.

Their jobs as comics is to be unapologetic and now they are all apologizing…get the fuck out of here…now someone make me a compilation of all this BLACK LIVES MATTER supporter’s racist jokes…or look at her hard nipple she wants you to see.


Posted in:Sarah Silverman




Jojo Back in Her Bra and Panties of the Day

Jojo Lingerie Bra Panties

I think it’s important to cross reference these pics of JOJO with her tribute to her dad:

to those who didn’t have a father figure in their life, and to those of us who’s dads are no longer in physical form- I’m sending you a little extra love. these parental holidays can bring up a lot of feelings… if I’m being honest with myself, there has been a little pit in my stomach today. i wish I had more pictures with my dad. Toward the end of his life, he wasn’t in the best condition and we didn’t take many together, nor did we get to see much of each other.

NICE! Dead dad means DADDY issues!

He apparently died at 60 of drug related causes, or at least because of drug use that destroyed his heart.

DOUBLE NICE! Drug Addict Dad means DADDY issues!

I figure it’s safe to assume that any child star is fucked up on all levels, from having moms that are supposed to protect them, throwing them into a TERRIBLE perverted industry, putting them on stage at a young age for a massive amount of people, all in the name of GETTING fucking PAID. Do it for the money, the family, live that American dream built on INSANITY that isn’t really a fucking dream, but you think it is because the MEDIA rapes your mind like it was DANNY MASTERSON….

You get what I am saying here, if COVID quarantine has taught us anything, it’s that everything you’ve ever thought to be true is not true, and moving out on land like a Wild West Gold Prospector of the 1800s after the civil war, you know some real deal Homesteading that any Red Dead Redemption players will agree with, is the fucking answer…..grow your food, hunt your food, rely on your damn self to survive…simple…but confusing how a post about Jojo in her underwear for Rihanna like she was Rihanna’s idol growing up, so Rihanna’s giving her some shine on her comeback seeing as no one really gives a fuck about Jojo even with her big tits….so look at the pics!


Posted in:Jojo Levesque




Christina Milian Lingerie of the Day

Christina Milian Bra Jeans

The veins on Christina Milian’s tits are from lactation. They call these titty veins “Engorged Breasts” and it’s a fetish to some fucking weirdos who weren’t breast fed as children, you know the kind of motherfucker who sucks his wife tits nightly to keep her lactating far longer than she should, because dude’s a fucking freak who likes being nursed….and probably likes being changed…you diaper soiling fucks…

I don’t give a fuck about Christina Milian or her life of Disney Kid luxury, that turned racy when she released Dip it Low, a video where she basically fucked mud in her underwear at least that’s what I remember happening, I’m not about to google it. She was a one hit wonder 20 years ago, but now that she’s 40, she’s still bringing out the slutty, to make up for all those years she was married and getting song writing credit on pop songs that her husband at the time produced, you know to get the family paid, in what was smart thinking by the husband, because if bitch gets royalties from all his songs, and he still gets his royalties, it’s a fucking double dip win…the record companies…like Beiber’s song BABY pay his alimony…a true hustle.

I don’t mind her massive tits, but in this era of facetune and photoshop I would have recommended erasing the veins…but then it wouldn’t speak to you perverts with your mom fetish…so I guess that wouldn’t workout for you…so be grateful of whatever this big titty in a bra weirdness for a 40 year old is.


Posted in:Christina Milian




Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

I was over the whole slutty nurse thing, it got boring fast, but I was trying to stay topical.

Most of the nurses weren’t hot, the fact they were running or trying to run Only Fans on the side was offensive to the Health Care profession, you know it cheapened their position as heroes to me, even if most of the time, I consider any girl getting naked on the internet a hero, when it’s in the health care system, or the nudes are from the hospital where people are dying, it’s gross….but a ho is a ho is a ho or whatever the expression….

Since the USA is going through the first wave on crack, not quite the second wave, at least according to the Data, which may or may not be scary to any of you because you just assume that the virus is a myth, or that the government is hyping it up to fuck with you or justify the lockdown they did….but it’s happening, which means nurses still have to work to keep their health insurance, despite moonlighting as whores on the internet, because they have the personality of whores to being with…getting paid to nurture and care for motherfuckers…which I guess is the definition of a whore.

Point being, here are those slutty nurses for the uptake in COVID cases in America for the Summer.

Ultimately, I love sluts, no matter the slut, where she sluts, how she sluts…so long as she’s slutting.

Posted in:NURSES




Potentially the Actress Cast as Lady Diana Nude Selfie of the Day

I don’t know where this picture is from or really who this is a picture of.

It is circulating the internet as the actress hired to play Lady Diana in an upcoming biopic that may or may not be for Lifetime, but could be higher profile. Who knows, or cares…

It could just as easily be a picture of a crack whore who just had a rough night of crackwhoring after 4 months off crack whoring because the regular clients are too busy being locked inside with their family to grab that 20 dollar blowjob….despite the crack dens still being open because crackheads don’t like to follow social distancing rules…they need the fuckign crack….crack is recession proof….

No matter who this is, or how hard they are pushing their OnlyFans, they’re looking rough…but that could just be me being judgemental as I try to figure out a hip to waist ratio of 0….does that make her a man? I don’t know.

Posted in:Nude